

Jun 14, 2021
Hello! I just had this idea! There are people that want to die,like me, and there are people that want to kill. why not match us up? but would the killers agree to be civil and kill me in an acceptable way? who would enforce the rules? idk maybe its only fit for a black mirror story...
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The Mute Viking

The Mute Viking

α †⊕r†⊕urεd p⊕ε†
Oct 10, 2018
There is legit no way to legalize such a thing.
If you want it, just go to the dark web and look, somewhere someone is looking for someone to kill.

I know I would if it were legal and what not. But I'd rather not spend the rest of my life in prison ex dee,

But if I did; I'd definitely listen to how my disciple wanted to die. I'd make their last night on Earth amazing.
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Jun 14, 2021
ye no, it wouldnt be legal. but who cares about the laws of men?
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The Mute Viking

The Mute Viking

α †⊕r†⊕urεd p⊕ε†
Oct 10, 2018
It's how modern society keeps intact and from collapsing.
So I'd say, a majority of people care.
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Jun 14, 2021
but you and me?
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Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
See this .. I mean ... I've been listening to podcasts and I've hoped to meet a dr or a person that just wants to kill. Give me a fatal dose of whatever you like 5o kill people with.. I'll be a volunteer, I'll help you make a story and everything on how it was an accident. I'm a weird ass person though !
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Future Dead Rodent
Jan 3, 2021
I mean if someone wants to be my killer, hit me up. Jeez jeez.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Give me a break
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Well if it's any indication, that you may have found your first match in the first two posts of this thread.

Also I thought serial killers get their kicks from killing people who want to live, they don't want a pushover.
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cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
Or lets naively hope that voluntary euthanasia is decriminalized and access to efficient chemical methods becomes easier.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
And to add to what's already been said above, just imagine all the gruesome ways in which murderers like to kill. Torture, rape, etc. Sure, they'd say they'll kill you nicely - taking catfishing to a whole new level.

I cannot imagine there are many people who'd like to die like this.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I cannot imagine there are many people who'd like to die like this.
Not to mention that serial killers like to do stand up monologues that are 10 mins long before they kill you....Or have you begging to die after they torture you with a blowtorch (Hostel movie, anyone?)
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Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
Also I thought serial killers get their kicks from killing people who want to live, they don't want a pushover.
I'm sure you're right! I've just been listening to a lot of murderer podcasts and my mind works wildly
The Mute Viking

The Mute Viking

α †⊕r†⊕urεd p⊕ε†
Oct 10, 2018
I mean; I cannot speak for anyone else but myself and how I would react; how I'd do it and why.
Just like how it would be a sweeping generalization to say that all "killers" would kill only the unwilling or torture them to death with a blow torch.
Sure there are probably are those catfishing "types" out there.
But if the person is really wanting to die and doesn't care, I think gruesomely dying wouldn't be to much of a bother.
Who knows.
However; most of you probably would want to know the person taking your life a bit before you know, actually going through with it.

But I've a had a few who even wanted the gritty, gorey death. So.

Personally for me; given the legal go ahead, I'd make damn sure I know the person a long while and had a hearty discussion on how, when, why, where, etc before proceeding.

Let's not make sweeping, irrational remarks.

We're not all out here to give you a dirty death.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
Sweet, sweet companionship. It's touching.
But the guy was also kind of creep, :(
This entire story is completely insane; there are interviews with him on youtube. The mere fact that a cannibal and a man who wanted to be cannibalised met on an internet forum named "The Cannibal Cafe" and actually went through with it is completely bonkers.
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Nov 17, 2020
I met this woman at a dungeon I worked at when I was 22.
She was a sadistic Dominatrix from Europe. She knew the man in the article who consented to being murdered and eaten. He gave a video consent and written one too. She said he even had made a will before meeting up with the guy.

She said he was either a co-worker of hers in a dungeon or a regular customer of the dungeon she worked in while in Europe at the time of his death. (At the time she told the story I was new and too intimidated by her to clarify that part her accent was thick. )He told everyone there he was going to be eaten and put at peace cause for years he wanted to die. She thought it was just a fantasy S/m relationship until his video was released by press years later.

The man who killed him got a prison sentence. And the young man just became a joke in death.
Anyway what I'm getting at is this idea has been done before by other's and end up with the living person going to prison.

And another case this woman in the u.s met a man online and he agreed to kill her cause she couldn't commit suicide.
He was also into canabolism. And he actually raped her after killing her after she asked me not to which I thought was the worse cause she specifically asked him not rape her body she was dead.
But eating her was cool.
That part is sick but kinda funny to me cause I'm crazy.
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Nov 17, 2020
I hope this is a typo and it's not actually your story
Yes typo. Lol. In class n texting. But everything thing else bout Russian Dominatrix is true conversation I had with old co-worker.
She pulled old pics from when she was there n the guy was in them with her.
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Sep 16, 2020
Murderers don't tend to want to kill people that don't care about life.
Only cowards do that for a cheap thrill, would you really want to be killed by a coward?
Either one would quite posiibly want to rape and then torture you in sadistic ways none of your spooky dooky horror films have shown you.
As if death is a bloody joke.
Playing with this stuff is not a joke. It goes on on the dark net, people recruiting vulnerable suicidal promising them a instant death only to make them a feature of a snuff film and have them begging for mercy into the camera saying they don't want to die.
Sick stuff goes on and it's wrong to joke about it leading the vulnerable down these paths to get vampirised, usually it's the people with an agenda?
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
When expressing to a killer the need to die, I assume they'll take satisfaction from keeping you alive while torturing you. I assume that one reason killers kill people and take satisfaction from it is because they know you wanted to live and they took that away from you. Imagine telling them the opposite. They're gonna keep you locked up in a filthy basement, rape you all day long, stab you, torture you and then maybe they're gonna let you "go". If you wanna die by someone else's hand, make sure to make them believe you want to live.
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The Mute Viking

The Mute Viking

α †⊕r†⊕urεd p⊕ε†
Oct 10, 2018
Murderers don't tend to want to kill people that don't care about life.
Only cowards do that for a cheap thrill, would you really want to be killed by a coward?
Either one would quite posiibly want to rape and then torture you in sadistic ways none of your spooky dooky horror films have shown you.
As if death is a bloody joke.
Playing with this stuff is not a joke. It goes on on the dark net, people recruiting vulnerable suicidal promising them a instant death only to make them a feature of a snuff film and have them begging for mercy into the camera saying they don't want to die.
Sick stuff goes on and it's wrong to joke about it leading the vulnerable down these paths to get vampirised, usually it's the people with an agenda?

When expressing to a killer the need to die, I assume they'll take satisfaction from keeping you alive while torturing you. I assume that one reason killers kill people and take satisfaction from it is because they know you wanted to live and they took that away from you. Imagine telling them the opposite. They're gonna keep you locked up in a filthy basement, rape you all day long, stab you, torture you and then maybe they're gonna let you "go". If you wanna die by someone else's hand, make sure to make them believe you want to live.

You guys speak like you have personal experience? No, then please stop generalizing, because it's not entirely accurate.
Like I explained before.

As to anyone seriously looking; Just be safe and sane about it.
Take your time with who you choose.
If you can take the time to put together a suicide method, you can put in the same time in this.

But this is all theoretical, ofc. ;)

You wouldn't call Dr. Jack Kevorkian a serial killer would you or any hospice/euthaniast doctor would you?


Be safe, much love to you all.
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
I used the word "assume". I straight up said I assume. Maybe read first before accusing me of generalizing.
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Sep 16, 2020
You guys speak like you have personal experience? No, then please stop generalizing, because it's not entirely accurate.
Like I explained before.

As to anyone seriously looking; Just be safe and sane about it.
Take your time with who you choose.
If you can take the time to put together a suicide method, you can put in the same time in this.

But this is all theoretical, ofc. ;)

You wouldn't call Dr. Jack Kevorkian a serial killer would you or any hospice/euthaniast doctor would you?


Be safe, much love to you all.
You are proving twisted twisting peoples words, shameful.


Feb 20, 2020
I'd be up for it, but yes, there's probably too much risk of them not killing you in the peaceful, painless way you want to die.
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Jun 24, 2021
brutalus, you seem quite suspicious, but by giving yourself the benefit of the doubt that you want to be the victim, you will surely suffer less in a duel to the death.
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Jun 14, 2021
Sweet, sweet companionship. It's touching.
But the guy was also kind of creep, :(
i wouldnt mind this! as long as i was dead first. and i heard meat tastes better if it isnt killed stressfully, so it may be in both sides interest to avoid suffering. so yes cannibals could be a great option! also its a great thing to be eaten, i would feel a million times more useful than what i am alive.
brutalus, you seem quite suspicious, but by giving yourself the benefit of the doubt that you want to be the victim, you will surely suffer less in a duel to the death.
what what? suspiciuos of being a killer that wants to kill suicidals? JAJAJA i wish man. i dont have the ballz or the intelligence. but i am very violent and a duel to the death sounds great!! also whats that number on un profile pic?
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Feb 27, 2021
These ppl are most likely deranged and will do something nasty to you before they off you. I mean who's gonna know.
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