Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey

Jun 17, 2020
I am in possession of a quantity of amitriptyline twice the lower end of the recommended lethal dose.

My current plan is to take the majority of it in hopes of expediting the process and ensuring success, saving a few grams for the possibility of re-dosing in the event of emesis.

My concern is whether or not exceeding the maximum recommended lethal dose would be more likely to lead to vomiting (and perhaps failure vs. protracted death due to insufficient quantity of drug). I will have anti-emetics and meds to potentiate on board. I don't have quite the recommended quantity of benzos (and am uncomfortable requesting a refill because I don't want my prescriber to feel complicit), which is another reason I want to expedite this.

This cannot fail. Any thoughts on advisability of exceeding the maximum dosage?

(I live alone, but can't risk the possibility of still being salvageable when I fail to show up for work... I'm unsure how long it will take for someone to call in a welfare check. I also live in an apartment/condo thing, and worry about those above or below me potentially hearing vocalization or seizing and intervening. I'll most likely be leaving the unit unlocked because it is an older building, and if they had to break down a door to access me, the replacement would look very out of place. It may sound ridiculous under the circumstances, but I don't want to muck up the building or leave an obvious reminder of "what happened on the second floor" for the other tenants to have to deal with. This is important to me.)
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I took a pretty large number of amitriptiline and didn't vomit. But I do take Quetiapine which apparently acts as a antiemetic
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Apr 19, 2021
My concern is whether or not exceeding the maximum recommended lethal dose would be more likely to lead to vomiting (and perhaps failure vs. protracted death due to insufficient quantity of drug).
That is my concern. I have 14g, so more than enough. I also wondered whether a greater dose leads to a later peak, prolonging it, increasing chances of survival via intervention. I do not understand how these drugs work.

I'd strongly suggest waiting until you have benzos.

Also, what are your meds to potentiate?
I'm worried about swallowing so many pills. Are you going to make a drink, stir into food? PMs are welcome.
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Apr 19, 2021
Also, i'm trying to find stories of failed attempts to learn from them. One guy did everything right (he claims), 10g of ami, no vomiting and wasn't discovered for 12 hours, yet survived w. medical intervention after that many hours. I'm sceptical. If you search in the bar you can find the odd post buried in unrelated threads where people said they failed, but don't say why. One woman said she suffered a brain injury and had to learn how to walk, talk, eat again, etc. Nightmare.


Apr 19, 2021
"I'm doing SN next due to reliability, as I perceive it to be more reliable based on what I've seen. I have done a amitriptyline cocktail and it would have worked without a doubt had I been found 10 minutes later, I was found at 29 hours after ingestion. I did not do it the recommended way, simply because I didn't know better at the time. 5.5g amitriptyline (not crushed), 500mg quetiapine, 500mg diphenhydramine, probably 20-50mg of zoplidem (don't remember), 10mg lorazepam, 500mL bourbon. It was 100% peaceful, no headache, no nausea, no vomiting, no seizures while I was conscious."

Do you think she weighed a lot?

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