brighter than the sun, that’s just me
- Sep 13, 2023
- 9,013
I'm just not interested in it. Why would I livestream my death? I don't see any reason to. What do I gain or achieve out of it? Nothing lol. No offense, but live-streaming your death seems pointless to me. I don't want to be used as an object for someone else's amusement.Apologies if I offend anyone with this message; this is just my observations and thoughts.
I also had mixed feelings about it and do not have a definitive opinion, but here is what I thought...
There seem to be multiple reasons for live streaming it: attention seeking, contributing to society, responding to someone/making a statement, and asking for help/empathy (as the last-ditch effort).
Attention seeking. This is self-explanatory. Individuals may livestream their suicides to garner attention, regardless of whether it's positive or negative. This behavior mirrors the attention-seeking tendencies often observed on social media platforms.
Contributing to society. This might seem strange to most people. Some suicidal individuals may document their experiences to provide insights into specific methods, potentially reducing fear and stigma associated with suicide
Responding to someone/making a statement. I think this is similar (but not quite) to how people leave suicide notes, the medium changes but the reasoning stays the same. A suicidal person might be thinking about easing/exacerbating the pain of others, etc. When considering why people choose to record a video or to live stream rather than to write a note, I believe it is the same as why some people prefer movies instead of books: videos can be more graphic and trigger more emotions.
Asking for help. In some cases, livestreaming may be a desperate plea for assistance, with the individual hoping for intervention or understanding from viewers. If such attempts fail, the individual may proceed with the act of suicide.
Now as to why a person might not do it: lack of apparent reason, fear/shyness/anticipatory shame (or shame anxiety).
Lack of apparent reason. The person can be indifferent between doing it or not doing it, so "why bother"? However, the opposite outcome is also possible in this case, so idk...
Fear, shyness, and anticipatory shame may arise when considering the act of posting content related to one's own suicide (or just the display of gore) online. For many individuals, these emotions could serve as deterrents, especially if they have a low threshold for acting upon them.
I am not asking you to do it; I am just trying to find an explanation for the phenomenon. I apologize if this comes off as rude.
Would you do it if you were not a private person, or are you just not interested in it? Would you post on social media if you were not a private person?
Of course, If you're comfortable sharing your thoughts.
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