Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.
Maybe you should go back to facebook pal.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Maybe you should go back to facebook pal.
Laughing Hard GIF by memecandy
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Jan 17, 2021
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.
Interesting and valid post for sure. I think the value of life would be in experiences - love, friendship, laughter, enjoying nature, hobbies, etc. Unfortunately I don't particularly care about any of those things so life is pointless for me. Just a bag of biology waiting to die one way or another


Jan 26, 2021
Not everyone seeking information about suicide, has the same motives, the same mentality, the same thoughts or the same "cult" like doctrine of life is so bad.
Not everyone commits suicide because of the same reasons, though I could agree that the vast majority do suffer from mental disorders.
Even at this forum you could learn to respect the opinion that does not conform with the religion of "life is meaningless".
Life CAN sometimes be meaningful. Sometimes it can't. Depends on the circumstances. The intrinsic value of life has to do with the conditions, circumstances and the details of it.
This was not an answer to @Pookie 's question. They wanted to know what you were doing here. You generalized.

What kind of "cult" are you talking about? A cult is about money, power, sex and taking advantage of others. I don't think anyone here is indoctrinated to think life is so bad. I see many users who struggle to find meaning in their lives.

There is no such religion AFAIK. Many people feel and think this way, but religion is something other than that.

Your last sentences are generalizing and again, did not answer the original question.

I wonder what you are doing on this forum.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Even at this forum you could learn to respect the opinion that does not conform with the religion of "life is meaningless".
Life CAN sometimes be meaningful. Sometimes it can't. Depends on the circumstances. The intrinsic value of life has to do with the conditions, circumstances and the details of it.

I don't think anyone here said that life is completely meaningless but that it's mostly full of suffering and distractions from the former. Life can have personal meaning to everyone in the present moment for all kinds of reasons but it doesn't change the fact that people have to slave away just to exist, that everyone suffers, everyone deals with grief, and everyone dies.

There are people who have wonderful lives and they still believe in things like anti-natalism because their personal lives are not a accurate representation of reality..
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I think it's pretty obvious that DrWh033 is a ft26 infiltrator who's just trying to stir up drama for some good quotes they can plaster on their Twitter to make us all look like the bad guys. The fact he referred to the philosophy of many people here as a "cult" makes it pretty obvious, as that is ft26's current angle against us at the moment. Nice try Mr. Troll. 9_9
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I think it's pretty obvious that DrWh033 is a ft26 infiltrator who's just trying to stir up drama for some good quotes they can plaster on their Twitter to make us all look like the bad guys. The fact he referred to the philosophy of many people here as a "cult" makes it pretty obvious, as that is ft26's current angle against us at the moment. Nice try Mr. Troll. 9_9

I don't think he is, he sounds like he got dealt a bad hand later on in life from some kind of illness and had a "normal" life prior to it.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I don't think he is, he sounds like he got dealt a bad hand later on in life from some kind of illness and had a "normal" life prior to it.
Then why the condescension and bitterness towards other people who are suffering? They may not be suffering in the same way, but I know that I take offense to some of my personal struggles and experiences being boiled down to "14 year old edginess". These are human lives he's swatting down. If he wants respect and to not look like a troll he needs to show respect towards others first.
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Nov 9, 2020
Guys @DrWh033 is not an infiltrator. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a bad guy. And tbh, the way some of you have reacted just proves their point further.

I think their first comment is pretty ignorant and self-righteous, typical case of a person with no personal experience of mental health issues giving advice to those who do.

This forum is not just for people with mental health issues, though. Some people are here because they have purely physical issues. It's not just for people who think life sucks.

And honestly, just because a lot of us here are miserable doesn't mean everyone on this planet is. Just because we see life as pointless doesn't mean it actually is.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Then why the condescension and bitterness towards other people who are suffering? They may not be suffering in the same way, but I know that I take offense to some of my personal struggles and experiences being boiled down to "14 year old edginess". These are human lives he's swatting down. If he wants respect and to not look like a troll he needs to show respect towards others first.

I'd guess because he takes this thread as a personal attack on his beliefs and way of life prior to his illness. From his perspective our beliefs are extreme but that doesn't justify calling someone a edgy 14 year old or calling their beliefs cult like because it doesn't align with his personal experiences or circumstances.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I'd guess because he takes this thread as a personal attack on his beliefs and way of life prior to his illness. From his perspective our beliefs are extreme but that doesn't justify calling someone a edgy 14 year old or calling their beliefs cult like because it doesn't align with his personal experiences or circumstances.
That was my main issue. Perhaps I was a little too irritated by his words, it's very possible he too is suffering and not a troll. In any case I've calmed and I will just put anyone like that on ignore in the future rather than lashing out.
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Feb 5, 2021
Combining all that with this cruel game of chance every human being is forced to play, life just seems more needlessly vexatious and tragic. Bear in mind that what you described is often considered a privilege for some people, the ideal life, the dream life. Some people lose the genetic lottery and are afflicted with terrible pain and disability throughout their lives, barring them from accomplishing their goals or obtaining any contentment and satisfaction. Others are born in war-torn hellscapes and unable to meet even the lowest echelons of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or are born in abusive households forced to bear physical and psychological scars that will likely affect them for the rest of their lives. All of this pointless suffering, amounting to what, you wonder? Absolutely NOTHING. The only existence these people have ever known - a momentary blink from the void - is spent in so much tribulation and hardship, and to only perish in the end...
I wonder what would be if suicide and euthanasia were acceptable by society. would it be all better (majority of people happy?), all worse (majority unhappy), or tend to a balance as we have now. (some living the dream, some living the nightmare, and most living in neutrality).

The intuitive answer would be [all better], but Evolution/natural selection made suicide "wrong" for some reason...
Wonder if sometime in the future as evolve to higher levels of intelligence, if suicide/euthanasia ever becomes the norm, which would be basically the concept of a species auto-selecting themselves towards an happiness only society.
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Vereor Nox
Sep 7, 2020
I wonder what would be if suicide and euthanasia were acceptable by society. would it be all better (majority of people happy?), all worse (majority unhappy), or tend to a balance as we have now. (some living the dream, some living the nightmare, and most living in neutrality).

The intuitive answer would be [all better], but Evolution/natural selection made suicide "wrong" for some reason...
Wonder if sometime in the future as evolve to higher levels of intelligence, if suicide/euthanasia ever becomes the norm, which would be basically the concept of a species auto-selecting themselves towards an happiness only society.
It would certainly be liberating for all of society as a whole. Majority of the people would be happy as you said, as all those who are unhappy will have sought euthanasia. This of course comes at the price of our survival as a species, hence why it feels "wrong". All biotic processes and entities wish to perpetuate their existence and expand their population - it's a fundamental characteristic of life. It also doesn't help that committing suicide is an overwhelming challenge against the most powerful force dictating your life: your survival instinct. Couple this with religious indoctrination that "suicide is a sin" and/or social stigma that "suicide is for cowards/you're a lazy sack of shit/etc.", these feelings are often repressed and perpetuated across generations. I do wish that euthanasia becomes the norm in the future, and chances are it may be happening soon; the advent of automated jobs and increasing secularization/alienation from religion b/c of better education and shifting cultural norms promotes a society where self-actualization and individualization will become the primary basis of one's satisfaction with life. I may be stretching here, but if a post-scarcity world is brought about with the automation of jobs, there will be a lesser need for people to integrate themselves as "cogs in the machine", thereby eliminating certain stigmas (such as "suicide is for cowards who don't want to help society") and sanctioning suicide.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.

Perhaps it would be too radical to admit "depression" is an entirely normal reaction to a world in which one exists as a dehumanized, chronically hollowed-out wage slave whose life has been reduced to a series of empty, mindless labor and emptier consumption rituals, comforted only by addictive drugs pushed on them at every turn, and vacuous social ties of similarly hollowed out wageslaves who only know how to monologue and compete; who breathes, eats and shits microplastic, pollution and pesticides, and can't remember the last time they felt somebody actually cared if they lived or died. It'd be far too radical to admit we're living through the slow-motion collapse of the living super organism we call 'civilization' and every case of "depression" is like one little support column showing signs of giving out under the weight of a monstrosity that has become too bloated and labyrinthine for its own good. Then we'd be engaging in reality, giving the "illness" the scope it deserves, and psychology cares not for this.

That fight club quote is brilliant too, I haven't seen the movie, I feel like I need to watch it now xD

Most of animal suffering is caused by human actions though (not including the obvious food chain issue of dodging predators) and their negative impact on the planet could never match ours. It would be very unfortunate if Orangutan started farming, fighting wars and wearing Levi jeans and Iguanas started making nukes but I just don't see it happening. The rest of nature doesn't seem to be affected by the sickness of greed. They eat, they get full and they stop eating, even if a meal sits on their face they will leave it there until they need it, neither do they horde resources they don't need. I just feel like it would be nice to see what the planet would look like now if we had never touched it.

This is the main reason why I want to CTB and why any kind of "mental health awareness" or "therapy" or drugs or any other treatment people want to trot out is something I don't care for. The very nature of reality and human existence itself is one that I oppose. My mental health could be perfect, and I could have no neurological conditions which make my day to day existence hellish, and I would still wish to escape from this nightmare world because human nature itself is something I am at odds with.
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Oct 5, 2020
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.

It probably wasn't your intention but this post is hilarious


Jul 1, 2020
I always assumed that it was sharing that pointless consumption and temporary dopamine increasing moments with people who you can form a deeper connection with and then share deeper thoughts with, which might make give some purpose to the pointlessness of life as your doing it with people who aren't pointless to be around.

Though I've never, and very likely never will have that. I doubt people who can form friendships and relationships ever achieve it for long, so someone like me stands no chance in hell. Therefore life can never be anything but a waste at best and suffering the rest of the time.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Not everyone seeking information about suicide, has the same motives, the same mentality, the same thoughts or the same "cult" like doctrine of life is so bad.
Not everyone commits suicide because of the same reasons, though I could agree that the vast majority do suffer from mental disorders.
Even at this forum you could learn to respect the opinion that does not conform with the religion of "life is meaningless".
Life CAN sometimes be meaningful. Sometimes it can't. Depends on the circumstances. The intrinsic value of life has to do with the conditions, circumstances and the details of it.
Curious about you.
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