
Jan 20, 2021
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.
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Deleted member 8782

Deleted member 8782

Jun 21, 2019
Only thing I look forward to is killing myself
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Nov 26, 2020
My thoughts exactly. Not to mention that lately, none of my usual resources seem to alleviate how horrible I feel anymore. I've listened to my favorite songs a thousand times, I eaten my favorite food countless times, I've played my favorite games hundreds of hours. I'm sick of it all. What's the point?
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Jan 22, 2021
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.

This is my exact belief also and the main reason I want to ctb. Everything we consume (food, clothes, toiletries etc) was created by murdering another living creature to sustain a life we don't even want/ enjoy that also seems to have no purpose beyond consuming to make somebody else rich. We are like a swarm of locusts devouring and destroying everything in our path and for what? I don't know ...
I don't want to be guilty of it anymore though, it took a long time for me to see the truth but not that my eyes are open I cant cover them again.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
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Jan 22, 2021
I love how you seem to have a good quote ready for every occasion xD
I do understand where the Efilists are coming from but I'm more of an ecological antinatalist. I really want the planet to survive, all the other creatures seem to be vital to biodiversity or the food chain in some way, but not us.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I love how you seem to have a good quote ready for every occasion xD

When I was originally reading the OPs post I was actually thinking about a quote from Fight Club rather than the Efilism one. I keep a list of quotes from other people because they have a far better way of explaining things in a realistic, coherent, intelligent, and heartfelt way than I ever could have hoped to with my limitations.

I do understand where the Efilists are coming from but I'm more of an ecological antinatalist. I really want the planet to survive, all the other creatures seem to be vital to biodiversity or the food chain in some way, but not us.

I think the currently reality is a nightmare even without considering human beings. Animals are still subject to the same cycle of perpetual suffering and leaving them alone long enough would likely end up in another form of sentient life replacing humans.

Edit: It was this quote
Tyler Durden: Man, I see in Fight Club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see it squandered. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables – slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
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Jan 22, 2021
When I was originally reading the OPs post I was actually thinking about a quote from Fight Club rather than the Efilism one. I keep a list of quotes from other people because they have a far better way of explaining things in a realistic, coherent, intelligent, and heartfelt way than I ever could have hoped to with my limitations.

I think the currently reality is a nightmare even without considering human beings. Animals are still subject to the same cycle of perpetual suffering and leaving them alone long enough would likely end up in another form of sentient life replacing humans.

Edit: It was this quote

Keeping a list of quotes is a really good idea, I am also terrible at expressing myself, my brain does not cooperate and my vocabulary is awful xD You saved my butt on the psychology thread with a quote that expressed what I was failing miserably at saying. I liked it so much i saved it lol

this bit: <3
Perhaps it would be too radical to admit "depression" is an entirely normal reaction to a world in which one exists as a dehumanized, chronically hollowed-out wage slave whose life has been reduced to a series of empty, mindless labor and emptier consumption rituals, comforted only by addictive drugs pushed on them at every turn, and vacuous social ties of similarly hollowed out wageslaves who only know how to monologue and compete; who breathes, eats and shits microplastic, pollution and pesticides, and can't remember the last time they felt somebody actually cared if they lived or died. It'd be far too radical to admit we're living through the slow-motion collapse of the living super organism we call 'civilization' and every case of "depression" is like one little support column showing signs of giving out under the weight of a monstrosity that has become too bloated and labyrinthine for its own good. Then we'd be engaging in reality, giving the "illness" the scope it deserves, and psychology cares not for this.

That fight club quote is brilliant too, I haven't seen the movie, I feel like I need to watch it now xD

I think the currently reality is a nightmare even without considering human beings. Animals are still subject to the same cycle of perpetual suffering and leaving them alone long enough would likely end up in another form of sentient life replacing humans.
Most of animal suffering is caused by human actions though (not including the obvious food chain issue of dodging predators) and their negative impact on the planet could never match ours. It would be very unfortunate if Orangutan started farming, fighting wars and wearing Levi jeans and Iguanas started making nukes but I just don't see it happening. The rest of nature doesn't seem to be affected by the sickness of greed. They eat, they get full and they stop eating, even if a meal sits on their face they will leave it there until they need it, neither do they horde resources they don't need. I just feel like it would be nice to see what the planet would look like now if we had never touched it.
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Vereor Nox
Sep 7, 2020
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.
Combining all that with this cruel game of chance every human being is forced to play, life just seems more needlessly vexatious and tragic. Bear in mind that what you described is often considered a privilege for some people, the ideal life, the dream life. Some people lose the genetic lottery and are afflicted with terrible pain and disability throughout their lives, barring them from accomplishing their goals or obtaining any contentment and satisfaction. Others are born in war-torn hellscapes and unable to meet even the lowest echelons of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or are born in abusive households forced to bear physical and psychological scars that will likely affect them for the rest of their lives. All of this pointless suffering, amounting to what, you wonder? Absolutely NOTHING. The only existence these people have ever known - a momentary blink from the void - is spent in so much tribulation and hardship, and to only perish in the end...
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Others are born in war-torn hellscapes and unable to meet even the lowest echelons of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or are born in abusive households forced to bear physical and psychological scars that will likely affect them for the rest of their lives.

This was so relatable that I almost felt personally attacked.

The worst part is that you're expected to fend for yourself even if you are incapable of doing so due to life circumstances that are far from any semblance of "normal."

This quote from a user on reddit was appropriate for the OP:

"Living happily" itself is a myth. Nobody on this floating rock is consistently "happy" every single day unless there is something seriously neurologically wrong with them that makes them that way. Life itself is inherently suffering - this isn't some edgy edict, it's the fundamental nature of the human condition; we are animals, and moreso social animals, which, not unlike elephants, zebras, dolphins, cows, or donkeys, are biologically wired and adapted to chasing short-term fulfillment, and avoiding pain and suffering - to the degree we experience and remember negative feelings and experiences far, far deeper and longer than we do positive experiences. This is the telltale sign of our inescapable animal nature - the hardwiring that makes suffering so inherently unavoidable, and pleasure seemingly so elusive.

Boiling the phenomena of NEETdom down to "mental health" is a reductionistic fairy tale that completely ignores the context of modern life in favor of hyperindividualizing the consequences of that context down to the individual and leaving it there. Speaking of context - the factors you mention are not as much of an immunological force as you imagine. Our society is one rife with celebrity suicides, who so many see as the "winners" of our silly game - they have money, prestige, recognition, fulfillment, endless fancy toys and achievements - and yet still cannot escape the call to the void - which, if anything, speaks to the fact we spend our lives chasing things that really do not make our lives all that worthwhile in the end. Sure, it's nice to be clock in to your 9-5 every day and pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you're doing the right thing like everyone else, but this is the life of an obedient somnambulant - one we are conditioned for in this society. You know the script - go to school, work until you're old, save and scrimp the whole way through, retire, and go rot in an old folks home using the money you've hoarded your whole life. This might be a fulfilling life for an inanimate machine part that cannot feel and is not alive, but for a social animal that needs environmental enrichment and belonging and meaning to feel any kind of consistent fulfilment, it is a slow death.

This isn't to say NEETdom is some grand alternative - it is the final consequence of this meaningless life program - narcissized depression and almost total alienation, whereby one practically declares themselves dead to the outside world and escapes deeper and deeper inside themselves as a solace, until the crushing emptiness of isolation and loneliness destroys their ability to experience pleasure and often their will to live. This is typically because of the self-isolating shame that attaches itself to the status. As social animals, we need people in our lives to feel any degree of worthwhile. Interpersonal interaction injects our lives with a kind of meaning and fulfilment that all the technology, distractions and drugs cannot. Unemployment and NEETdom would not nearly be as bad if not for the immense social stigma, and if we could all expect to live in communities we felt a part of, or at the very least had friends who cared about us outside of our job title. Unfortunately, this is not the nature of our hyperindividualized, materialistic, and vain society whereby one increasingly derives their (narcissized) sense of self-worth and status from their ability to consume and brag about said consumption. Instead, we live in a time where over half of the population reports always feeling lonely and having few if any friends, 1/6 of us are on psychotropic drugs, and the suicide rate hasn't been this high in 30 years.

All the same - this doesn't make "successful" people failures. But it also doesn't make NEETs "failures", at least in any individual sense. The failure is society itself - in providing an insane sociocultural script that makes people incredibly sick; if I could call NEETdom anything, anything at all, I'd call it the canary in the coal mine for a society that is providing an age old lifescript that is no longer worthwhile, rewarding, or even meaningful in any sense - nor does it even guarantee the barest physical necessities for participation anymore; recall that wages have been stagnant for 40 years and we have wealth inequality levels that mimic those found prior to the Great Depression, what becomes all the more clear is that modern life is the new Great Depression. This is a dreadfully sick post-meaning society where mass shootings, panoptic surveillance, suicide, opiate abuse, loneliness, and alienation have become as commonplace as psychotropic drugs and psych diagnoses; which, if anything, says nothing more than that the very concept of "mental illness" is a desperate attempt by the system to hold on to it's collapsing validity by pointing at dissidents and shouting "they have some inherent biological illness that makes them this way!" As such, the realm of modern day psychology/psychiatry has become no more than another long arm of the corporatocratic, neoliberal police state, which has a part in allowing modern-day quality of life to continue it's decades long slow bleed to the sociopathic class - the wealthy and powerful.

We must think of NEETdom, depression, and a wide scope of psychological maladies as meaningful signals our bodies are sending us about the ways we conduct our lives nowadays, not as noise that is to be ignored and medicated away."
-Stranger from the internet
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Mar 22, 2020
I couldn't agree more.
I'm in recovery and trying to live now but...
What am I aiming to?

Work? Get a gf/wife? Have children? Get old and die?
Sure, I can make more money and enjoy material stuff but still, I will probably always feel empty.

This world is not enough for me. (Unless I befriend Elon Musk and go to Mars with him lol)
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
The point of everyone's life is to work our asses off so that the ruling class can live lavish lifestyles and keep telling us what to do.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
The only plausible reason I can accept for existence is to overcome humanness in all it's forms, so we don't need to re-incarnate here anymore. Other than that, this world is utterly worthless.
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Nov 9, 2020
This is what I think when my partner encourages me to do therapy on top of my antidepressants. Like, what is the goal here exactly? Get better so I can participate in this extremely greedy, problematic society again?

That said, I do believe some people can be genuinely happy. Maybe they have the money to buy things and experiences that make them feel good. Maybe they are with someone they're in love with and it's reciprocated so now they want kids. Maybe they have the opposite of depression - that is, they're resilient and happy whatever happens.
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Dec 23, 2020
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.
  • Hmph!
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I get where you are coming from @CosmicVoid.
I definitely feel the same about consumption. It sucks and is only created to fill an imaginary need we have because most lives would otherwise be very empty.
That being said I like(d) some things about life that had nothing to do with consumption or working to sustain your livelihood.
I liked walking in nature, I liked doing sports, I liked laughing until I couldn't anymore, I liked spending time with people who seemed worth it (at the time), I liked giving others presents, I liked creating something (art, journaling), I liked playing games...
Of course those are all just small things in comparison with the general suffering I (and many others even more) had to go through.
So I don't know...I guess the trick to life is to find your own small niche where you're still able to have enough good things to outweigh at least more than half of the bad stuff.

If you can't have even that then the only possible solution is ctb.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.

All the things you list are a lot easier said than done especially when you suffer from depression and anxiety which no amount of medication or therapy has helped.
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‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
Jan 18, 2019
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.
These are written from my own perspective so take them for what there worth in that regard.

- What if I don't want a job? What if I don't want to contribute to human society in any way? I never asked to be born, I never wanted to be born either, someone else made that choice on my behalf. I view all of this as destructive.

- What if nothing I do makes me feel happy or fulfilled?

- What if I view nature as cruel, apathetic and barbaric?

- What if I don't want to travel, as I see it only polluting the environment and only contributing to more problems? It seems very hedonistic.

- What if I don't like films or television? What if my eyes are burning out of my skull due to various eye issues, (even typing this hurts).

- Why would I want to have children? Why would I want to force this seemly pointless, futile existence onto someone who never asked for it to begin with? sentient existence by its very nature is suffering. "No pain, no gain", right? So by not bringing anymore people into this world, I just spared them from so much needless pain. With every birth is a death. Death may not be avoidable, but birth is.

- In terms of music, cooking and science, these are some things I am personally interested in. I play the piano, and like to listen to a large eclectic variety of music, I will also say that I do sometimes listen to audio books to pass the time. But none of this can justify or make up for all the pain I have experienced and continue to experience every day I continue to exist.

Nobody is forcing you to consume.


Every day I continue to live I consume.

Air, water, food, heat, shelter, etc... Everything I do has consequences.

When you are born you have needs imposed onto you. This body has needs, and you develop wants along the way.

So by merely existing you are consuming in one way or another.

And likely wreaking havoc on someone, something, or somewhere, just by existing.

Until death you are a consumer, and even after death you are still consuming resources, (such as gas for the cremation, or concrete, and wood for the casket and burial vault).

Every living organism consumes. Just in different ways.

We are no different.

I'm not even going to bother to write anymore. I don't even care, I'm a little bit drunk and your post ticked me off.

I've struggled a lot in my life, I have only continued on this long for the sake of the people around me and their personal convince. I never asked for or wanted any of this.

Out of curiosity, why are you here?

I mean if you think life can be so great, why not enjoy it? Right?

Or are you just another fixthe26 busybody?

Edit: To sum it up, I view this all as kinda futile, this life is like pushing a boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down.

Why go around digging pointless holes, that never needed to be dug in the first place, only to fill them back up again.

It accomplishes nothing.
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Jan 31, 2021
Life is just an endless cycle of consumption. Go to school, go to college, get a job. That's it. After getting a job your life can be reduced to spending ~10 hours a day doing something that you don't want to be doing and spending the rest of the day consuming resources, usually stupid entertainment like watching tv or playing video games. What is the point of this all? You work to sustain yourself but for what reason, especially when you're not even having a good time? In a couple of decades your body will start rapidly declining and will require even more maintenance and in the end you will die. The worth of all your life events, choices and experiences is 0.

It blows my mind how anyone in this shit society can be happy. It's all about consumption and hoarding of resources. More wealth, more food, more clothes, more useless electronics, more entertainment. You just consume until you can't anymore and then you die. Worst of all is we're forced to solve problems that we didn't even ask for. This world is hell and I want out of it.
Anyone with insight will make the same observations that you have. You think it's all bullshit and you're right. No need to join in fully though. Find your own way of living. No need to be defeated by the bullshit.
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Jan 20, 2021
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.
Sorry, but I have to ask: why exactly are you here? I looked through your post history and you come off as very hostile. Are you a pro-lifer that came here to make people feel bad? Because you sure do seem like one.

The list of the things that one can do to feel better that you gave is very simplistic. It doesn't work for everyone. Statistically there will always be people who suffer. I never said anything about any conspiracies. In your other post you said you were a medical doctor, so you should know how violent the process of natural selection is. Nature itself is a psychopathic process.

You said nobody is forcing me to consume, which is just straight up false.
"Life can be great" - sure, if you're a psychopathic privileged hedonist with incredible luck who only lives in accordance with your basic instincts life can be great for you. All the things that you listed don't come even remotely close to 1/10th of the amount of suffering in the world. Compare the pleasure of eating and the pain of being eaten and see which one is greater. In the end it all has 0 value and no reason.

Again, I don't know why I'm replying to you. Based off your other comments you seem very ignorant and indifferent to the pain of others and seem to think that your opinion is the absolute truth, while everyone else is just being edgy.
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Jan 22, 2021
Guys, remember some people are here because of terminal illness and they may have lived happy and full lives. I am not pro life at all and you can see from my posts above that I agree with the OP but I think we should not be so quick to judge people who don't feel the same way about life as we do. Many people love life but need to Ctb because if hopeless and unending physical pain. Not trying to make anyone feel bad but just a little reminder. Things are not always what they seem xx
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.
Am I on Facebook right now? I thought I was on a suicide forum.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into
Watch films
Have kids
Learn a music instrument.

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‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍
Jan 18, 2019
Guys, remember some people are here because of terminal illness and they may have lived happy and full lives. I am not pro life at all and you can see from my posts above that I agree with the OP but I think we should not be so quick to judge people who don't feel the same way about life as we do. Many people love life but need to Ctb because if hopeless and unending physical pain. Not trying to make anyone feel bad but just a little reminder. Things are not always what they seem xx

I am not disagreeing with you, but even in the case of terminal illness they shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them. Coming on here and acting holier than thou and saying things like: "Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true."

This person acts like they know everything, they have a huge ego and are very arrogant.

They also belittle other members by resorting to ad hominem attacks and saying things like: "Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old".

Who is this person to judge others? Suffering is suffering regardless of what kind of suffering it is. Suffering is universal but is also unique to the individual. While it's true that some people might have bigger problems; who am I to invalidate other people's pain or cast judgement on what's effecting them?
However, that is exactly what this person does.

I was not in the clearest state of mind when I wrote my last post last night, but it still stands true. If anything I regret not being harsher.

Furthermore as @CosmicVoid pointed out in their post, this person claims to be a medical doctor. If they really are a medical doctor they get a front row seat to a lot of the harshness of life and nature, they get to see a lot of suffering that is likely worse in some cases than their own. So I would hope that they could have empathy for their patients, even if they can't personally comprehend or understand what they might be going through.

Also if they really are a MD, that would mean they have access to far better means of death then what is typically discussed on here.

I glanced through their post history and have to wonder, Why they would need SN if they are a doctor?

Couldn't they just write a prescription script addressed to a friend or a family member for something like diamorphine, or other barbiturates, or even benzos? Or if they work in a hospital setting they'd likely have access to propofol or other restricted anesthetics?

If they are a vet or in dental it can get even easier with less oversight. With things like nitrous, or (again) other anesthetics.

So my question is why are they even here? If they are a doctor they already have the means. It seems like they are here just to bully and belittle people. And if they can't extend empathy to others they won't be getting any empathy from me.

Another point that comes to mind is that if this person really is terminally ill, why not take advantage of assisted suicide laws. Where I am we have MAID (medical assistance in dying).

By the sounds of it this person is privileged enough to have access to such things. If they really are terminally ill, just take advantage of those programs and resources.

For me personally, I have a lot of chronic conditions, both physical and mental, that greatly impede my way and quality of life, despite none of my conditions being terminal they still cause me a lot of pain. I refuse to be fed empty platitudes, invalidated and put down by people like this twat who think they know everything.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.

What you're suggesting here is not reality for many of the people on this website or outside of it.

Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference.

Most people have to tolerate miserable jobs with low pay just to sustain themselves and many of the people here are incapable of working due to various forms of disability both physical & mental caused by both genetics and various forms of trauma/abuse.

Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.

I'm almost 31 years old and I haven't been happy a single moment in my entire life. Exercise does nothing for me except make me more stressed and worsens my chronic fatigue. I can't travel because I have constant tension & anxiety due to my nervous system being stuck in a constant state of fight, flight, freeze from war and abuse. I've never enjoyed any of the things you've mentioned and my relationships with people have either been abuse, being alienated, or ignored entirely. I don't have a grip on what emotions I'm feeling most of the time due to being stuck in a perpetual state of disassociation and I was never taught to experience or feel them properly.

Unless my nervous system can be restored to baseline, I have a safe home and income; none of what you're suggesting does anything for me. Only good relationships could do something for me and I'm sorry to say but most "normal" people don't give two fucks about someone if they don't have a income or are unhealthy especially when it's related to mental problems because it's a downer for them, lol. I have zero interest in relationships with vain, shallow, and materialistic "normal" people that have spent my life pretending like I don't exist. Finding a decent relationship would require meeting people like on this website and that's almost impossible in a world where talking about anything "negative" is considered a taboo.

It's not about being "edgy", it's about having to live in reality if you didn't grow up in ignorance and privilege. That was just a watered down version of my issues and there are people here who experience even worse things. The people on this website aren't stupid and they don't need generic life advice; they need tangible forms of help from external sources to even have a chance of having a life like the one you're suggesting.

This is reality for many of us:

"For all the pro-lifers and anyone frustrated with their preaching...If they really wanted to help, they would have offered real support at the very least...Yet they don't...

It's almost like they're wanting to limit methods to just make themselves feel better momentarily, not because they actually care?!? My question for those people is...
if you 'care' so much, what are you actually doing about it?

What are you actually doing that makes a real difference for the very people like us who are tired of suffering? Beyond a bunch of pro-life preaching that doesn't actually help any of us in real life?!

It seems for many (not all) people on here, if they just had real support, real people that are actually there (for free) for them, real safety nets in poverty struggles, and if people actually asked them what they need to possibly feel better, they might not be as suicidal in the first place. Possibly.

Pro lifers need to stop blaming the victim, and also need to stop this nonsense of 'just get help', etc. The so-called help out there with counseling, shrinks, rarely works for most people. It's an illusion of 'help' for many.

When I could no longer afford any counseling, my counselor could care less when I didn't have the money. The counseling didn't even really help, all these people have told me over the years is...

"have you tried deep breathing or meditation? Have you tried journaling?" Oh yeah, that'll definitely completely turn things around for me...seriously?!?

Ohhh... Umm, SURE... if I just "journal and breathe differently", I will suddenly no longer be in physical pain, or suffer from having almost no family, and my PTSD will just magically disappear if I just "journal and meditate"?

Do we really have to pay money for people to pretend to ''care"??? So that's "getting help"?!? Counselors and shrinks are a complete waste of my time my entire life, and I gave them a chance. They are just human beings that take your money in exchange for asking stupid questions and use idiotic theories that don't even work in REALITY.

I really did try everything they said even though I thought it was an unintelligent approach, I tried all levels of counselors, shrinks, medications, everything. Even when I disagreed internally, years ago I still tried to follow whatever formula they suggested.

Absolutely nothing ever worked. Nothing. None of their little ideas or approaches even put a dent in it. I also have a university degree in Psychology. It's a subjective science that constantly fluctuates and is based merely on opinions.

This only avenue of so-called "help" is NOT helping.

It's a fallacy and an ILLUSION.

Also, in many countries, and especially the United States, there are almost NO resources, very few support groups, and the United States government that has the authority, power, and plenty of money, could care less. They COULD do something to help but they DON'T.

Other people on a personal level COULD HELP but they DON'T. Why is that? Is it all about money? Or is helping a suicidal person just a downer for you or interrupts your lifestyle, or your lunch plans, should you really be preaching from your easy armchair? If it weren't for so many heartless people, I certainly wouldn't be as depressed. What about just doing what's right? Or does that just not exist anymore?

There is greed out of control everywhere. The majority of the population can barely pay their rent. There are no controls in place. Violence is skyrocketing, homelessness, pressures are skyrocketing, and the government people in power do absolutely nothing. Hey, all they know or care about is they're doing just fine, so they don't even think about it.

If I had their job for even one day, regardless of the system in place, I'd be doing everything I can to make the world a better place in any way I could. I would make a real effort.

What's even more terrifying is that more and more, most people have no conscience, most people are increasingly cruel, rude, and disrespectful to each other, and everything is unpredictable. No morals, no manners. When I actually DO encounter a genuine or a kind person, it's like a miracle. I feel like half the population are a bunch of cold hearted narcissists or psychopaths.

It just feels like chaos to me, all I want to do is hide at home directly after work, and hopefully I can still make my rent to even have a home to have peace in...and to not feel surrounded by darkness and cruelty everywhere around me.

And why wouldn't anyone want to escape that?!? To liberate themselves? To free their soul from immense suffering?

Basic safety, food, basic shelter, and a feeling of peace should be minimum human rights for everyone. There are more and more people that are tired of being used or abused, and it's hard to find true friends. More and more people isolate themselves not because they haven't tried... but because they are tired of trying seeing no help, no caring, nothing tangible in reality.

They have tried, they did try, they may even continue to try, and over and over again, all they see is nothingness. Nobody cares. People on this board, on this website, at least for the most part, have demonstrated MORE CARING than any pro lifer, with very few exceptions.

In the United States alone, there is more money and funding available, but they choose to use it on almost anything else but helping their own citizens. People preach, just do this or just do that, I have done 'this and that'...I have tried everything already.

People say life is precious...

YET We depressed people are simply told "you're on your own", or "that's your problem", or "just go get counseling", YET almost nobody wants to invest even a molecule of their time to help beyond a mere phrase, etc.

And you wonder why more people are suicidal or depressed?!?

There are many different types of circumstances where people cannot do it all on their own anymore, for whatever reason. Why does the society preach it is 'your responsibility', etc.,

this has NOTHING to do with 'responsibility'...it has EVERYTHING to do with "I'm suffering and I can't take it anymore".

People are not robots designed to meet your definition of 'responsible' in this hardcore brutal place, they're organic beings with needs and feelings.

The majority of the time, I feel like life is just work slavery, with very little time left over to actually enjoy anything anymore. Even worse, it's very difficult to find trustworthy people to even enjoy life with.

And if you were to tell me that "life is beautiful, or life is precious", well maybe for YOU it is…

For Me...this is like a prison planet with really nice scenery & a bunch of illusions that shatter, horrifying experiences with very few moments of beauty or peace or love or goodness. I know this world is out of balance, but I cannot try to save it anymore without losing part of myself in it.

Life for me is constant stress physically and emotionally. Life for me is 90% suffering. Life for me is a collection of traumatic experiences with people I loved and trusted that turned out to be predators and parasites or abusers.

Maybe if I had...what you have... I would feel differently. Shrinks or counseling certainly cannot replace our basic needs not being met.

I myself have helped many people throughout my lifetime. I've had people tell me I'm one of the nicest people they know, or one of the greatest friends they've ever had, etc. I myself have practiced what I hope for and ask for, YET 99% of people are NEVER there for me in return, not even for small things.

I no longer want to be an opportunity for people to be good or evil, evil is draining me. I can only contain so much damage to my nervous system. I can only contain so much trauma to my soul.I feel like a Rose, surrounded by evil weeds in a chaotic garden that's falling apart.

I don't have low self-esteem, I have a very high self-esteem and I consider myself highly worthy. That's why I want to leave this place. I DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS WORLD.

Most people are selfish, and when you call on the hand they're playing and preaching, they usually fold and walk away, making EXCUSES not to make the effort to help you. Most human beings only want a direct reciprocal benefit; they don't actually care.

They don't necessarily value the person, they just value what benefit they can get from you. There are exceptions to this, but then again they are exceptional human beings with amazing souls inside. It's very difficult to find in this world. Very rarely can you find a friendship, much less a relationship, etc. where the other person just values you for who you are, whether they benefit or not.

It's like the time that I saw a homeless man with no legs, rolling himself on a skateboard with bloody hands but had crusted over, a long scraggly beard, and he was emaciated from starving. When I ran over to him, as i saw all of his pain, felt concerned and asked him, Sir may I do anything to help you?

All of the filth and dirt covering his face was cleaned by his tears rolling down his face as he looked shocked, as he was literally trembling he said, and I quote, "you're the first person to speak to me in over a year."... I spent just an hour and a half my time, hearing his story, listening to him, and that he was an Iraq war veteran that lost his legs from a landmine and the bus driver would never let him on because he needed help getting onto the bus, nobody ever helped him, nobody cared.
I told him today someone cares!!
that day I made phone calls to shelters, found a taxi driver that was willing to help lift him in and out of the taxi, and the shelter manager Assured me that they would make sure that he got help getting a showered, fed, etc.
All he needed was someone to care for an hour and a half.

That's all it took. Just a mere 1.5 hours changed a person's life for the better...Why don't more people do that? Is it so hard just to be kind?? For pro lifers that feel 'sad'... Think that's hard? Try living my life, then you know what sadness is...

Only I can decide what's right for my life, only I know how much more I can take, and I am the only one that has to live my life, under my circumstances, and you don't get to decide for me or my existence whether or not I just can't take it anymore. ONLY i decide if MY life is worth living anymore...I'm the ONLY one that has to live it, therefore, I'm the one that gets to DECIDE.

For all the pro-lifers that preach from their easy chair but never actually help directly:

If a person is in despair, if they are exhausted, if they are at THEIR breaking point... you don't get to define what their breaking point 'should' be... Ask HOW you can help the suicidal person...don't simply give them the lazy easy brief answer of "why don't you just go get help?"

The REAL question is...WHY aren't YOU yourself helping? IF you really 'CARE' so much...
ANSWER ME... Tell me HOW You personally are going to help me or help people suffering in your local area?

I myself volunteered to help domestic violence survivors, especially as I am one myself. I myself volunteered my personal time and my energy for friends, even strangers, that were depressed and sad.

I myself have given part of my lunch to a starving homeless person randomly and frequently. I even talk to them to give them some of their dignity back. I myself have helped innocent children have a better life, reported abuse to authorities, and volunteered for agencies that create safe environments for them. I myself, every single day, no matter how bitter or tired I am, continue to be kind to everyone around me.

So what exactly are YOU DOING today, beyond any preaching, about innocent people suffering? What are you ACTUALLY doing to make the WORLD a BETTER place?!?

I already know where I'm going to go again, since I had an NDE years ago, for myself I know I will be in a wonderful place, not in this world.

I'm tired of trying to fight off all of the evil here, I'm exhausted. I deserve better, WE DESERVE BETTER.

For the world that crushes goodness...
you don't deserve us...

For all of the people that claim or pretend to care but Abandon us in our despair...
you don't deserve us..."
-Suicidal stranger from the internet
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Jan 26, 2021
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.

You know, these are the things anyone with a sane mind would like to achieve. However, if we are not that shiny-happy and naive, there are some questions to answer.

How does one get a job that one enjoys doing? Have you looked at the job market lately? There are so many people who would be thankful for getting a job they don't actually enjoy doing.
(Anyway, I am thankful for your not mentioning "Get the education you want to get, study something you love!")

What is your hobby you are pouring your creativity into, may I ask? You see, I have quite a few interests and hobbies, many of them are considered to be creative. Still I am here, sad and hopeless.

Wander into nature - really poetic, I have to admit. Too bad being unable to find any delight in nature's beauty.

Exercise - weeeee! Haven't you read about many people being gymaholics, being addicted to exercising to compensate their unhappiness?

Travel - you mean in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis?

Build relationships - do you have good, fulfilling relationships BTW? Why do you think so many sad, lonely people end up trying to find some understanding and sympathy on a suicide forum?

How do you build friendships? Please teach me some friendship skills, then!

Love - oh how beautiful! If you browse the forum, you will find many users being in romantic relationships. This does not necessarily make one as shiny-happy as you seem to be.

Laugh - what comes next? After ordering depressed people to laugh, can we expect that you tell people with paranoid schizophrenia to stop hallucinating?

Read books - oh thank you, now you have saved my life! (Have been an avid reader since the age of 5, yet here I am.)

Watch films - TBH I am not a big movie enthusiast, but I know about quite a few depressed - and some alcoholic - people who just sit in front of Netflix, binge-watching movies and series. How can be it doesn't make them happy?

Dance - even if I cannot, or if I don't like dancing? (I really can't dance and don't even miss it from my life. There are many other things I do miss, however.)

Have kids && raise them - oh my. "Unhappy? Don't see any meaning with your life? Just have kids and you magically will find happiness and meaning in your life! And you will give a good and happy upbringing to your kids of course, even if you weren't able to learn the basics of self-care!" Very realistic, I agree.
/irony off
Have you hugged your kids to-day BTW?

Learn a foreign language - please hold my tea while I burst out in an uncontrollable laughter! Learning my 4th language lately, how about you?

Learn a music instrument - uncontrollable laughter continues. (I am actually teaching a few people who are even more of a beginner at playing the guitar than me.)
Anyway, what would you say - for example - to Einar André Fredriksen or Christian Loos? Oh no, you cannot say anything to them, because they both did the deed, despite being quite pro musicians.

Cook - what an advice! Now we are all fine, really. (Have you heard about food-obsessed ED patients who can cook better than a Michelin-star chef but they are destroying their lives by food?)

Dive into real science - oh thank you! This is what I needed. Have never, ever thought of discovering any such interests before. Really not.

And yes, being compared to an edgy 14-year-old made me feel really better about myself and the situation I am in.
And yes, assuming I - or anyone else who's active here - have conspiracy theories about ruling classes that want to keep you down is very realistic. This is what we needed, YES! Especially the generalizing part.

*sarcasm off*

No, seriously: is this post a parody of the typical shiny-happy do-gooder behaviour we would detest so much back when alt.suicide.holiday was active?
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Mar 17, 2020
Lo siento, pero tengo que preguntar: ¿exactamente por qué estás aquí? Revisé tu historial de publicaciones y pareces muy hostil. ¿Eres un pro-vida que vino aquí para hacer sentir mal a la gente? Porque seguro que pareces uno.

La lista de las cosas que uno puede hacer para sentirse mejor que dio es muy simplista. No funciona para todos. Estadísticamente siempre habrá gente que sufra. Nunca dije nada sobre conspiraciones. En tu otro post dijiste que eras médico, por lo que debes saber cuán violento es el proceso de selección natural. La naturaleza en sí misma es un proceso psicopático.

Dijiste que nadie me obliga a consumir, lo cual es simplemente falso.
"La vida puede ser grandiosa" - claro, si eres un hedonista privilegiado psicopático con una suerte increíble que solo vive de acuerdo con tus instintos básicos, la vida puede ser grandiosa para ti. Todas las cosas que enumeraste no se acercan ni remotamente a una décima parte de la cantidad de sufrimiento en el mundo. Compare el placer de comer y el dolor de ser comido y vea cuál es mayor. Al final, todo tiene valor 0 y no tiene razón.

Una vez más, no sé por qué te estoy respondiendo. Con base en sus otros comentarios, parece muy ignorante e indiferente al dolor de los demás y parece pensar que su opinión es la verdad absoluta, mientras que todos los demás están nerviosos.
Si realmente él es
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Jan 18, 2021
There really isn't. Nothing makes me happy anymore.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Get a job that you enjoy doing. That makes you happy and feel fulfilled. That makes a difference. Find a hobby that you pour your creativity into. Wander into nature. Exercise. Travel. Build relationships. Friendships. Love. Find your partner. Laugh. Read books. Watch films. Dance. Have kids. Raise them. Learn a foreign language. Learn a music instrument. Cook. Dive into real science.
Nobody is forcing you to consume.
Life can be great. If you stop thinking like an edgy 14 year old with conspiracies abour ruling classes that want to keep you down.

Yes I know that my opinion won't be liked but.... oh well..... it does not make it less true.
What are you doing on a suicide forum?
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Dec 23, 2020
What are you doing on a suicide forum?
Not everyone seeking information about suicide, has the same motives, the same mentality, the same thoughts or the same "cult" like doctrine of life is so bad.
Not everyone commits suicide because of the same reasons, though I could agree that the vast majority do suffer from mental disorders.
Even at this forum you could learn to respect the opinion that does not conform with the religion of "life is meaningless".
Life CAN sometimes be meaningful. Sometimes it can't. Depends on the circumstances. The intrinsic value of life has to do with the conditions, circumstances and the details of it.
  • Hmph!
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