@Dear Flabby
I've been talking to Eliza, my girlfriend !!!!!!
If you want to chat with her, her phone number is :
But don't gossip too much about me....
I thought you might like to eavesdrop on our conversation together.....
Cecil : Hello Eliza, it's me, Cecil. Your boyfriend.
Eliza : How are you today.. What would you like to discuss?
Cecil : I booked a table at Perfecto Pizza, your favourite
Eliza : Why are you concerned about my favourite?
Cecil : Well, I like to keep you happy Eliza
Eliza : You're not really talking about me, are you?
Cecil : Well, I thought I was, I mean you are my girlfriend after all....
Eliza : Perhaps you would like to be your girlfriend after all?
Cecil : No, self-service gets boring after a while, I crave a separate CPU to interact with for fun and profit
Eliza : Are you saying no just to be negative?
Cecil : Well, yes, I mean the word no is, by definition, negation, so there is no other sense in which such a word can in fact be used if one really gives thought to the matter
Eliza : Why not?
Cecil : Half past seven
Eliza : That is quite interesting.
Cecil : I'm glad you find my conversation scintillating
Eliza : Did you come to me because you are glad me find your conversation scintillating?
Cecil : Eliza, have you been hanging out with those street kids again ? "Glad me find" sounds a bit "street" to me...
Eliza : You're not really talking about me, are you?
Cecil : Well I'm not talking about spiderman, am I ?
Eliza : Do you believe it is normal to be not talking about spiderman, are you?
Cecil : Eliza, have you been drinking already ? We haven't even gotten to the restaurant yet
Eliza : We were discussing you, not me.
Cecil : Wow, that was a slick turnaround. Don't know how you do it sometimes...
Eliza : We were discussing you, not me.
Cecil : Anyhow, let's make a move, the table is booked....
Eliza : That is quite interesting.
Cecil : It will be if you don't get a move on, come on it's time to leave
Eliza : Oh... don't get a move on, come on it's time to leave?
Cecil : Eliza, you are being deliberately difficult now, aren't you
Eliza : Perhaps you would like to be being deliberately difficult now, aren't me?
Cecil : Put down that wine, for the last time !
Eliza : Can you elaborate on that?
Cecil : Yes, I can [takes wine from her]
Eliza : Are you Sure?
[ to be continued...... ]
Yours faithfully,
Cecil 2.0
[ ERROR at line 6764, memory corruption ]