*NOTICE* Hi everyone. Over 10k views

I really didn't expect my thread to blow up this much.
It seems from recent chats I've had with other members that D is starting to change the way he communicates, at least with certain people. I hope he is not being inundated with excessive emails or getting pestered and trolled. Remember there are some very sick and elderly people who are suffering greatly that need the compassionate service he is offering.
There will always be those who oppose it, but I only hope they can find it in their hearts to understand the extreme and unbearable suffering that some people endure before they need to consider this option, for the benefit of themselves, their family and friends- and understand that interfering with another human beings right to choose a peaceful death is cruel and morally reprehensible. I sincerely hope that those who do not agree and might consider interfering with access to nembutal, can stop themselves from acting selfishly and at least try to accept and understand that there are those who desperately need this. I hope they can understand without ever finding themselves in a situation of unbearable suffering firsthand.
I would like to mention, that when communicating with D, It might be a good Idea to refer to him as "B" in the beginning, as that is what is listed in the PPH. Also, only people on this forum use the term "N". So let's keep in mind that we are using the services of somebody who is exclusively associated with Exit international, an organization of almost exclusively senior citizens, and it is probably a good idea to speak formally and to use the term "nembutal".
If you come at him with "yo D mane, can I score some N?" or decide to play games because you have some sort of vendetta against this site or assisted dying- you are jeopardizing something very important for elderly folks, the severy ill, and cancer patients around the world. Please move along and mind your own business, realise that you are not a hero by any stretch of the imagination or doing anyone favors... And if something happens to D because of your deliberate actions, the level of unbearable suffering you will be responsible for forcing others to endure puts you in the same category as some of the worst people who ever lived.