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Staring at the edge
Apr 28, 2021
There is one thing which the human species excels at, and that's tribalism. We with our ape-brains like to think of ourselves nowadays as "civilized" and morally advanced, when in reality every single one of us could and does turn into a warmongering, xenophobic piece of shit when exposed to the right ideas and environment. Dehumanizing other groups is our favorite past time activity, as evidenced by the rich tradition of warring, pillaging, raping, and subjugating we humans carried out for millennia. The empathy we feel for our fellow human beings is not a fixed constant in our psyche, rather it's an optional function that can be turned off at our convenience. Even today you will find plenty of people publicly cheering for the atrocities committed by their forefathers, because as long as a catastrophe only concerns those who are not in our respective in-group, no one gives a shit.
This behavior is inherent to our species, in so far as that the seed which leads to this way of thinking is present in all of us. We as a collective are a ticking time bomb. And contemplating the bleakness of this reality is some top notch suicide fuel, if you ask me.

I know it's a bad rant, just needed to vent a bit.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
You described the UK's mental health "service" to a T in your title.
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Dec 16, 2019
Yep fuck humans.
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not real.
Jun 18, 2021
i feel the same way. the corruption hurts. i feel it everywhere, not only humans and it chokes me inside. it's literally terror when i think about it. i really want everything to end. i am so sorry you are feeling that too
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
This planet is due to be recycled. When, I don't know. But the extra-terrestrial world that created this one does. The human plants don't own this garden. They have become the weeds.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
There is one thing which the human species excels at, and that's tribalism. We with our ape-brains like to think of ourselves nowadays as "civilized" and morally advanced, when in reality every single one of us could and does turn into a warmongering, xenophobic piece of shit when exposed to the right ideas and environment. Dehumanizing other groups is our favorite past time activity, as evidenced by the rich tradition of warring, pillaging, raping, and subjugating we humans carried out for millennia. The empathy we feel for our fellow human beings is not a fixed constant in our psyche, rather it's an optional function that can be turned off at our convenience. Even today you will find plenty of people publicly cheering for the atrocities committed by their forefathers, because as long as a catastrophe only concerns those who are not in our respective in-group, no one gives a shit.
This behavior is inherent to our species, in so far as that the seed which leads to this way of thinking is present in all of us. We as a collective are a ticking time bomb. And contemplating the bleakness of this reality is some top notch suicide fuel, if you ask me.

I know it's a bad rant, just needed to vent a bit.
It's as soon as they're in groups. Take now for instance, I could quite easily say yeah they're all shit and we're the exception but I'm not going to because it would simply be to make myself popular amongst the group.
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★☆★ ☠️★☆★
Jul 4, 2021
We are pretty much like a virus to the Earth.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Not a bad rant at all. Pretty damn on point.
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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
We excel at hyprocrisy as a species
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Nov 4, 2020
Extinction of the Human Race can't come soon enough!
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Time’s tide will smother you, and I will too
Feb 28, 2020
The species that considers itself the smartest thing that ever existed, yet is trashing its own habitat in record time.

Humans invented the mirror and still can't see themselves for shit.
All the while knowing about other species who destroy their habitats
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
Tribalism is merely the tip of the iceberg.
We are the only species that actively fucks over the entire biosphere with zero regrets.

We are the only species that takes pleasure in inflicting pain, whether it be on each other or other organisms.

While other species fight each other for various reasons (turf, food, etc), we are the only ones who would go out of our way to be as needlessly cruel as possible just to show dominance, from torture to extermination and enslavement.

Humanity is a terminal disease to the world. The good news is that it will eradicate itself, the bad news is that it will ruin the Earth as much as possible in the process.
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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
Tribalism is one thing. We are the only species that actively fucks over everyone by shitting on the entire biosphere and giving zero shits.
We are the only species that takes pleasure in inflicting pain, whether it be on each other or other organisms.
Yes humans are asswipes as a species...
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Just a non-believer
Jul 6, 2021
There is one thing which the human species excels at, and that's tribalism. We with our ape-brains like to think of ourselves nowadays as "civilized" and morally advanced, when in reality every single one of us could and does turn into a warmongering, xenophobic piece of shit when exposed to the right ideas and environment. Dehumanizing other groups is our favorite past time activity, as evidenced by the rich tradition of warring, pillaging, raping, and subjugating we humans carried out for millennia. The empathy we feel for our fellow human beings is not a fixed constant in our psyche, rather it's an optional function that can be turned off at our convenience. Even today you will find plenty of people publicly cheering for the atrocities committed by their forefathers, because as long as a catastrophe only concerns those who are not in our respective in-group, no one gives a shit.
This behavior is inherent to our species, in so far as that the seed which leads to this way of thinking is present in all of us. We as a collective are a ticking time bomb. And contemplating the bleakness of this reality is some top notch suicide fuel, if you ask me.

I know it's a bad rant, just needed to vent a bi

There are also cultures centered on individualism. There is also self compassion. I agree people in groups are normally very dumb. On one hand it's like effort is second to happiness when people convince one another that is their right and not the pursuit of it (how it feels sometimes as an American anyway) and on the other it's a lost cause trying to make everyone happy.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
We're just like everything else in nature - stupid, cruel & temporary
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May 28, 2021
Patiently awaiting for comets to obliterate this shithole.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
There is one thing which the human species excels at, and that's tribalism. We with our ape-brains like to think of ourselves nowadays as "civilized" and morally advanced, when in reality every single one of us could and does turn into a warmongering, xenophobic piece of shit when exposed to the right ideas and environment. Dehumanizing other groups is our favorite past time activity, as evidenced by the rich tradition of warring, pillaging, raping, and subjugating we humans carried out for millennia. The empathy we feel for our fellow human beings is not a fixed constant in our psyche, rather it's an optional function that can be turned off at our convenience. Even today you will find plenty of people publicly cheering for the atrocities committed by their forefathers, because as long as a catastrophe only concerns those who are not in our respective in-group, no one gives a shit.
This behavior is inherent to our species, in so far as that the seed which leads to this way of thinking is present in all of us. We as a collective are a ticking time bomb. And contemplating the bleakness of this reality is some top notch suicide fuel, if you ask me.

I know it's a bad rant, just needed to vent a bit.
I don't hold it against humanity. We are animals after all and that is our natural behaviour, it is what makes us human in a certain sense. Our technological advancements have made natural evolution basically impossible, so to expect that our brains change with technology is pointless.
We're just like everything else in nature - stupid, cruel & temporary
I wouldn't say that humanity is stupid, we are one of the smartest kinds of beings around, we are just bound by our nature like everything else. Is a lion cruel for killing an antilope? Is a tiger evil for abandoning her children after they can hunt for themselves?
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Oct 20, 2020
The worst part is not the negative traits inherent to any complex biological creature.
It's the failure to create a social structure that would effectively subdue the worst traits and enhance the best.

The structure globally implemented in most countries as of now, promotes greed and individualism (Which when combined with human nature, leads to infighting and hate on the basis of belonging to a different group.)
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I think that the powers that controls the world (media, politics, finance, politics, etc) consolidated in the ultra wealthy elites and their minions want the human species to hate itself. Sure our species is wrecking havoc on planet and even on ourselves since beginning of recorded history but I dont think we are intrinsically bad. I think part of our suicidality as a community is due to misanthropic programming that instilled in us the hate for ourselves and our brethren. I am not dismissing all the flaws that we currently have that lead to so much hopelessness about our kind. I think however that our species are destined to turn things around and become a force of good rather than destruction when we see for ourselves that we need divine intervention and call for it to guide us. That will only happen when humanity reaches to such a desperation and most members of it realize that we have to utterly transform our inner worlds into unprecedented form that takes into account the welfare of other members of the species and the planet as a whole. This optimistic future is what I see happen for us to be the rightful rulers of the planet and it is nothing that will emerge naturally from the current state of the world
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'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.
Jul 6, 2021
There is one thing which the human species excels at, and that's tribalism.
And greed/selfishness... and power-hungry-ness... and oppression... and, of course, hypocrisy!
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Jul 25, 2021
I like humans but all of our dynamics as we "advance" just converge into something hopeless. I don't think the human psyche can really handle the world we're creating.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I think that the powers that controls the world (media, politics, finance, politics, etc) consolidated in the ultra wealthy elites and their minions want the human species to hate itself. Sure our species is wrecking havoc on planet and even on ourselves since beginning of recorded history but I dont think we are intrinsically bad. I think part of our suicidality as a community is due to misanthropic programming that instilled in us the hate for ourselves and our brethren. I am not dismissing all the flaws that we currently have that lead to so much hopelessness about our kind. I think however that our species are destined to turn things around and become a force of good rather than destruction when we see for ourselves that we need divine intervention and call for it to guide us. That will only happen when humanity reaches to such a desperation and most members of it realize that we have to utterly transform our inner worlds into unprecedented form that takes into account the welfare of other members of the species and the planet as a whole. This optimistic future is what I see happen for us to be the rightful rulers of the planet and it is nothing that will emerge naturally from the current state of the world
I definetly agree. All of the anti-human sentiment in mainstream media, be it movies, books or games, should make one think. Humanity isn't evil for damaging our environment, just look at invasive species. If a species is outside of their environment they cause damage to their surroundings, humans do just the same thing. It is nature, not any morally bad trait that only we have.
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Feb 6, 2021
I agree.

We're programmed by nature to dominate and survive regardless of the cost.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, humans are so selfish naturally and have the potential to be really cruel. When I look at all that is wrong with this world, it just makes me want to leave it more. I hate being human.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
we are just bound by our nature like everything else. Is a lion cruel for killing an antilope?

Is a pedophile cruel for molesting a child? You can get all philosophical about it & say that lions & pedophiles are "just bound by their nature like everything else", but the terror & suffering the antelope & the molested child experience is still extremely real to those creatures. I'm just being a human being using human language when I call nature/life cruel. Of course it isn't really cruel - it's utterly indifferent to all living beings. But if a stone falls on your head during a hike in the beautiful Austrian Alps & you start having horrible headaches every day, you'll use human language & call life cruel. Maybe you won't say it out loud, but your silly human brain will think it.

Btw, I don't blame us for being what we are. I blame & hate nature/evolution/life/the universe for it. We're just stupid puppets whose strings are largely pulled by primitive unconscious impulses. You say that "we're one of the smartest kinds of beings around", but that still doesn't mean we're terribly intelligent/impressive. I mean, look at our competition.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
Is a pedophile cruel for molesting a child? You can get all philosophical about it & say that lions & pedophiles are "just bound by their nature like everything else", but the terror & suffering the antelope & the molested child experience is still extremely real to those creatures. I'm just being a human being using human language when I call nature/life cruel. Of course it isn't really cruel - it's utterly indifferent to all living beings. But if a stone falls on your head during a hike in the beautiful Austrian Alps & you start having horrible headaches every day, you'll use human language & call life cruel. Maybe you won't say it out loud, but your silly human brain will think it.

Btw, I don't blame us for being what we are. I blame & hate nature/evolution/life/the universe for it. We're just stupid puppets whose strings are largely pulled by primitive unconscious impulses. You say that "we're one of the smartest kinds of beings around", but that still doesn't mean we're terribly intelligent/impressive. I mean, look at our competition.
I still wouldn't say that life is cruel. It seems that just like me many people on here also sometimes forget that the majority of people live happy lives, even with hurdles. I think the words evil and cruel don't really apply to existance, since they seem to imply some sort of concious thought behind it. I'm also not trying to justify horrible shit done by people, we are still somewhat above animals in the sense that we are probably the best at resisting and not indulging primitive desires. I always say that us being animals is a reason for us acting the way we do, but not a justification. Just like everything in life humanity lives in eternal struggle. A struggle between our inner animal and a rebellious human spirit wanting to resist. Both are ambivalent forces that could not exist without eachother, both lead to good and terrible things.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I still wouldn't say that life is cruel. It seems that just like me many people on here also sometimes forget that the majority of people live happy lives, even with hurdles.

I think that it's very important to consider the experiences of people like us. We're not the exception that proves the rule that the majority of people live happy lives, far from it... Not everyone is suicidal, but significant suffering has always been widespread.

I'm not a Hindu or a Buddhist, but I agree that life/existence is fundamentally unsatisfactory/painful. I'm not a Christian, but I agree that this world is "a vale / valley of tears".
I may as well quote Schopenhauer for the umpteenth time: :))
"There is only one inborn error, and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy. For at every step, in things great and small, we are bound to experience that the world and life are certainly not arranged for the purpose of maintaining a happy existence."

There's a reason why optimism has never been held in high esteem by the wise (insert a million quotes by thinkers from any period of world history).
If you're interested in recovery, please embrace realism, not optimism.
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Jun 28, 2021
There is one thing which the human species excels at, and that's tribalism. We with our ape-brains like to think of ourselves nowadays as "civilized" and morally advanced, when in reality every single one of us could and does turn into a warmongering, xenophobic piece of shit when exposed to the right ideas and environment. Dehumanizing other groups is our favorite past time activity, as evidenced by the rich tradition of warring, pillaging, raping, and subjugating we humans carried out for millennia. The empathy we feel for our fellow human beings is not a fixed constant in our psyche, rather it's an optional function that can be turned off at our convenience. Even today you will find plenty of people publicly cheering for the atrocities committed by their forefathers, because as long as a catastrophe only concerns those who are not in our respective in-group, no one gives a shit.
This behavior is inherent to our species, in so far as that the seed which leads to this way of thinking is present in all of us. We as a collective are a ticking time bomb. And contemplating the bleakness of this reality is some top notch suicide fuel, if you ask me.

I know it's a bad rant, just needed to vent a bit.
What we're seeing is not human nature. Human beings are being programmed from the time of birth. Then at a very young age they are being forced into government indoctrination camps and led to believe it's an educational system, however it stunts/retards us, and ultimately robs us of our true, individual, original potential. And don't even get me started on the medical systems of the world, which do much more harm to us than no medical care at all. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. So, humans are brainwashed and are not functioning at normal healthy levels. The biggest flaw in this manipulated version of human nature is... obedience and trust in authority. War is not human nature, but trusting and following the orders of those in charge who are sinister is the flaw in the manipulated human condition.

I'm extremely empathetic when it comes to humans (even though it's very frustrating), because what we're seeing is not human nature... humans don't have a chance. In reference to the corrupt/sinister people of the world who are pulling the strings, I'll use the generic term "they".... but they want us to condemn ourselves and use terms like, look at what we're doing to ourselves. We, we, we. We are not responsible for this. And even if you believe "we" as a collective are... at the very least I know I'm not hurting/killing people among other things, so I'm not going to include myself in that discussion as being a part of the problems and if you think you're not a part of the problem than don't include yourself among the blamed... why take on the guilt if you're not a part of the problem.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
What we're seeing is not human nature. Human beings are being programmed from the time of birth. Then at a very young age they are being forced into government indoctrination camps and led to believe it's an educational system, however it stunts us, retards us, and ultimately robs us of our true potential.

But we're social animals - there are no human beings who don't live in some kind of "system"... Even hunter-gatherers educate/indoctrinate their children. Surely you're aware that they too believe all kinds of bullshit that stunts them


Jun 28, 2021
Sure, there's always going to be a natural indoctrination through family and what not, however it's the forced government indoctrination that is centered around the memorization and regurgitation of the mandated government curriculum that is problematic, given that they have completely different motivations and self interest. And as we know most of the format associated with gov education is memorizing and repeating... very little critical though is taught, which is intentional. This isn't education, it's programming.

You may disagree, but I believe that their are sinister motivations behind the forced gov edu... to program society to trust in authority and ultimately be obedient slaves. Whether that's fighting in other people's politically self interested wars or whatever. The programming model is much more extensive than just the gov educations of the world, but to me that's the biggest one. Gov edu has only been around for approx 150 years (in the US, was possibly around in other societies in earlier times as well)... it's difficult to know what is exactly true when it comes to history, but if we take it as it's been given to us, it would appear that people were obedient far before gov edu... however I theorize the obedience was much more fear based back in the day than voluntary. Either way I think the present goal is to get society as obedient as possible. There's production benefits when people are free range slaves, where they think they are free as opposed to slaves where they believe they aren't free. I realize if you don't see the world this way than this likely comes across as pretty pessimistic and possibly goofy, but anywho.

I guess either way, it's difficult to blame people for a life that they didn't ask for (as far as we know) and shaped from a series of experiences/biological predispositions that they were thrust into, whether there's potentially sinister components creating a greater degree of hardship beyond that or not.
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