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f*ck bpd and you'll be free
Apr 12, 2020
Very interesting thread. I take meto since 6+ years on a regular basis (10mg daily) unless something had been changed in my sleep-medication. Then I abruptly stopped taking meto for 1-3 month and began again untill my amount of meds I take rised.
I had never any side effects, our bodys are strange is my conclusion on this and we definitly shouldn't underestimate meto as a drug.
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Mar 6, 2022
In your last post you said 30 years, now you're saying 25+ years..which is it? Sorry I'm not meaning to not be trusting but this is very serious. I really hope you are telling the truth. That being said, if it was so dangerous that you could develop dyskinesia after like 1 dose I just can't believe it would have past clinical trials and still be available all of these years. I feel like it's just fear mongering. Yes TD seems very frightening but I just can't imagine the likelihood of it being even LOW after ONE dose being on the market all these years. SURELY the FDA would pull it from the market right??! RIGHT!?!? Fuck.

In PPH, on the AE section he does say for meto 20-30mg. You could just do 20mg and combine with another AE. Thats what im going to do, combine 20mg meto with zofran. He specifically mentions meto for a reason I feel like for the gastric emptying..and he says that TD like symptoms are very rare. I think I feel like you're worried about something that has a likelihood of like .01%. You're only taking it ONE time, not for weeks or months. And you're also literally dying within hours of taking it that one time..

why are you worried about getting TD when you are dying within hours of taking it?? The video says its more likely over long periods of time and with the elderly. Take like 20mg and have a backup glass of SN and you'll be okay. If it was even remotely common to develop it would NOT be on the market today in 2022. I just can't believe that. PPH says it is very rare.
Really? You're going to get bent out of shape over what I said about my nursing experience? If you must know I've been a nurse for 31 years.( which is 25+) I was generalizing. Didn't know I had to be so specific!

And TD is a rare side effect. Period. When clinical trials are done on a medication, every freaking thing that happens to a patient has to be listed. Whether it is related to the medication or not. That's just how clinical trials are. Meaning that if you get a headache while taking a med during a trial, it will be listed as a side effect. Doesn't matter if you have a history of migraines. It gets listed. If you get diarrhea, it gets listed. Doesn't matter if you ate bad food. Do you see what I'm saying? One person could have developed TD during trials and this causes it to be listed no matter what the cause may have been. The FDA will not pull a drug over that.
Do you know what dosages were used without having issues? Were people regularly getting 30mg without getting tardive dyskinesia? This is the dosage in Stan's guide. Thanks for any thoughts on the dosage.
I routinely gave 10mg IV. My thoughts on 30 mg as a one time dose prior to ctb is why worry about it? You're ctb. It will not matter. And if for some reason you develop TD and don't ctb, it should be reversible with it being a single dose. Chronic TD happens when you continue taking the med that caused it in the first place, which would be possible with some antidepressants.
I believe you , but there is still other information out there like the following:

So how much is a large dose? I've read somewhere that 30mg caused symptoms from one dose, though I can't find the source right now, and this is the dose recommended by Stan's guide. Would it better better to just use 10mg?

I know TD has happened with single doses. I just personally have not experienced it. Even with working in large teaching hospitals, I've not come across it. And that would be something discussed among doctors, residents and nurses because it is rare. In my opinion a large dose would be 30mg or more. But with 10mg, I've controlled nausea. Hope that helps.
Last edited:


Oct 19, 2021
I routinely gave 10mg IV. My thoughts on 30 mg as a one time dose prior to ctb is why worry about it? You're ctb. It will not matter. And if for some reason you develop TD and don't ctb, it should be reversible with it being a single dose. Chronic TD happens when you continue taking the med that caused it in the first place, which would be possible with some antidepressants.
I appreciate your input. Sometimnes ctb doesn'yt work on the first try with sn- sometimes it tkaes two attempts, so I am trying to plan for that risk. Stan's guide recommends 30mg. WOuld you recommend 10 oir 20 or 30mg if someone is going to try this method? (Some people's lives really are better off left behind, so please don't worrry about this part of it.) Would you recoimmend trying 10mg on an earlier day to see if your body reacts?


Mar 6, 2022
I appreciate your input. Sometimnes ctb doesn'yt work on the first try with sn- sometimes it tkaes two attempts, so I am trying to plan for that risk. Stan's guide recommends 30mg. WOuld you recommend 10 oir 20 or 30mg if someone is going to try this method? (Some people's lives really are better off left behind, so please don't worrry about this part of it.) Would you recoimmend trying 10mg on an earlier day to see if your body reacts?
Oh wow. If it was me, I would go with 20mg because I have a strong gag reflex. I personally think 30 is overkill. But then again, I didn't come up with the SN protocol. So I guess it just comes down to what you are comfortable with. For me, that would be 20.
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Sep 13, 2022
Oh wow. If it was me, I would go with 20mg because I have a strong gag reflex. I personally think 30 is overkill. But then again, I didn't come up with the SN protocol. So I guess it just comes down to what you are comfortable with. For me, that would be 20.
I was not at all trying to offend you, I'm just super paranoid because this is a new drug I haven't taken and the side effects are scary. I was thinking 20mg too, along with 8mg zofran. Do you think that would be okay? Or just 20mg alone. I know in PPH for the 5 drug mix he recommends mixing 20mg meto with 8mg zofran, im just worried adding zofran could increase side affects from meto? I also feel 30mg is overkill.


Mar 6, 2022
I was not at all trying to offend you, I'm just super paranoid because this is a new drug I haven't taken and the side effects are scary. I was thinking 20mg too, along with 8mg zofran. Do you think that would be okay? Or just 20mg alone. I know in PPH for the 5 drug mix he recommends mixing 20mg meto with 8mg zofran, im just worried adding zofran could increase side affects from meto? I also feel 30mg is overkill.
I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I apologize. I'm having a bad day and it was my fault to react like an ass.. I think Meto 20mg and Zofran 8mg would be fine. Zofran won't have any effect on Meto. They don't interact with one another. Best wishes to you.šŸ’›
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Never Alive

Never Alive

Death is like the wind, always by my side
Nov 22, 2022
Yes indeed

SSRI (antidepressant) inserts states: withdrawal lasts 4-6 weeks.
People go trough hell for months and years on end.

I'm 17 months severe disabled from an SSRI. I can't find that either in the insert. So better get your info from the 'users' instead of manipulated pharma studies imo.


Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
Has there been any update/consensus within the community on this in recent years? I'm planning on getting a prescription for meto tomorrow but this is scaring me..


May 4, 2024
I have both, meto and domperidone, i think i take domperidone.
ThereĀ“s no garanty by meto thatĀ“s prevented vomiting.
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homesick ā­’
Apr 14, 2023
I think I have permanent issues due to taking SSRIs for 3 years (apparently all of them have black box warning lol), so I can believe that this is true šŸ¤”

Does anyone have any recommendations on what to take instead of metoclopramide as an anti-emetic? Also what about lying on your back, so that even if you throw up and are unconscious, you'll just choke on your own vomit? šŸ‘€

I'm seriously starting to think that hanging is the most reliable way to ctb


Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
I think I have permanent issues due to taking SSRIs for 3 years (apparently all of them have black box warning lol), so I can believe that this is true šŸ¤”

Does anyone have any recommendations on what to take instead of metoclopramide as an anti-emetic? Also what about lying on your back, so that even if you throw up and are unconscious, you'll just choke on your own vomit? šŸ‘€

I'm seriously starting to think that hanging is the most reliable way to ctb
I'm starting to look into ginger. Data is shaky but there is some evidence to indicate that it's as effective as meto:
Results from limited published high-quality studies are equivocal. Ginger appears to be more efficacious than placebo in reducing nausea, but equal or less than metoclopramide and vitamin B6
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homesick ā­’
Apr 14, 2023
I'm starting to look into ginger. Data is shaky but there is some evidence to indicate that it's as effective as meto:
Thanks, I'll look into it!
I think it will help with mild nausea, but is it really helpful when you're trying to put a huge amount of poison into your body that will definitely kill you?
If I can get meto or other anti-emetics I'll take a few at once(+ginger) just in case šŸ™ƒ And going to order a rope to hang myself if that doesn't work
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Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
Thanks, I'll look into it!
I think it will help with mild nausea, but is it really helpful when you're trying to put a huge amount of poison into your body that will definitely kill you?
If I can get meto or other anti-emetics I'll take a few at once(+ginger) just in case šŸ™ƒ And going to order a rope to hang myself if that doesn't work
Yeah I think you're probably right about that. I'll be testing the ginger out soon though and will hopefully update with the results.
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May 8, 2024
Hello SS,

I hesitated to start this tread because i guess some people will bash it because it's suggested in the PPeh. But after again seeing someone going very bad on Meto yesterday here on SS i decided to start a tread about the dangers and sometimes life long consequences of Metocloperamide.

Meto is a very dangerous anti emetic drug that can cripple people for life after short term use or single dose. use. A lot of people don't know this, and talking here about 'take some Meto' to test, but they're totally unaware of the dangers they expose themselves to with an unnecessary test. They think it's the same like taking a innocent tylenol for a headache, it's not! They don't know what they're talking about and what they ingest. (I can't blame them even doctors don't tell you this)

Meto is well known for it's dystonic reactions that cripple people for life and Akathesia. There are a lot of lawsuits against the Pharmaceutical companies that produce this drug.

In my opinion Meto is more dangerous than N itself.
From N people die, but from meto people get tortured for months/years on end with Dystonia and/or Akathesia and after that they take their life because they can't handle the extreme suffering of the long lasting or permanent side effects.

"Metoclopramide has an average rating of 4.0 out of 10 from a total of 468 ratings on Drugs.com. 30% of reviewers reported a positive effect, while 62% reported a negative effect."
source (the reviews speak for itself):

View attachment 90597
Source: https://www.drugwatch.com/reglan/lawsuits/

This unfortunate person has a dystonic reaction after taking Metocloperamide and is battling the side effects for years! (i'm sorry for him). Just read the comment section and see there are enough people hurt by this drug.

Maybe i will get bashed that i scare monger, that i'm only pushing horror stories, that it's 0,00001% But it's not true it's pretty common. Just do your own research.

I'm interested in side effects of meds, because i'm completely crippled by an 'innocent' pharmaceutical med myself. That's why i'm here in the first place. And i wish someone informed me before so that it could be prevented (doctors will not). Unfortunately for me it's too late.
If i can provide only 1 person from this pharma-sufferhell then i've reached my goal.

Do with the info what you want, i'm not here to scare monger you. And i'm sorry if it scares you. I'm only here to inform you and to tell you it's better not to do unnecessary tests with it on forehand.
Of course not everybody will get such adverse reaction, everyone is different, but people need to be informed at least of certain possibilities.
Some people can take the Meto and decide to giving up on CTB, but may have their life ruined because of Meto, so weigh up the decision yourself.

I'm curious to the discussion,

Take care!

Thanks for posting this. I am iatrogenically harmed also. Twice. And I have had aka before as well. This is all why I need to end it. Sorry for your suffering. Do you think domperin... would be better?


Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
You threw up the SN with the ginger? How much SN did you take?
I detailed everything on my profile page but I used a different poison, not SN. It is unclear whether these results would be replicated with SN but I think it's likely; personally I would not risk it and I'm going to try to get domperidone instead.