
Jul 14, 2020
In this thread, I think my father would then be told: You are focusing on the wrong thing. You are sublimating your identity. The real issue is the German parenting style you inherited, which had roots in a European economic power structure. We don't know who the powerful people are behind this power structure, but far better that parents and children should unite and fight the invisible people. Then the problem of white, Christian, midwestern child abuse will be solved, and lots of other problems, too. So don't feel bad, GPE's father, you're a victim, too. Don't ever let anyone tell you, and don't tell yourself, that your attitude needs to be checked. I can't believe someone is trying to make you feel bad about this and that you're buying into it.
I understand how your example applies, if it were the case that all white people were somehow inherently prejudiced or biased and consciously engaged in discriminatory behavior or unjustly benefitting, in all institutions and at all levels. But is there real evidence that that's the case?
I still don't see what white privilege does as a category, apart from create an atmosphere of guilt by racial association.
Maybe the right switch just hasn't gone off in my brain yet.

I see it as functioning a bit like a theory in psychoanalysis, it's almost symbolic and can be used to interpret any relevant situation, even apparently disconfirming evidence because this will just be reinterpreted as denial or repression or lack of relevant awareness. And although it may truthfully explain some situations and behaviors, the fact that it's not obviously falsifiable as a concept applying universally makes me a bit suspicious of it.

For example, I might say that the fact that there are government funded historically black colleges and universities is evidence that america doesn't function primarily on the premise of white privilege, but another may say that the fact the they even exist and need to be qualified as 'historically black' instead of just colleges or universities, shows that the socioeconomic backdrop is one of white privilege. At which point I guess it's easier just to concede and go along with it.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I understand how your example applies, if it were the case that all white people were somehow inherently prejudiced or biased and consciously engaged in discriminatory behavior or unjustly benefitting, in all institutions and at all levels. But is there real evidence that that's the case?
I still don't see what white privilege does as a category, apart from create an atmosphere of guilt by racial association.
Maybe the right switch just hasn't gone off in my brain yet.

I see it as functioning a bit like a theory in psychoanalysis, it's almost symbolic and can be used to interpret any relevant situation, even apparently disconfirming evidence because this will just be reinterpreted as denial or repression or lack of relevant awareness. And although it may truthfully explain some situations and behaviors, the fact that it's not obviously falsifiable as a concept applying universally makes me a bit suspicious of it.

For example, I might say that the fact that there are government funded historically black colleges and universities is evidence that america doesn't function primarily on the premise of white privilege, but another may say that the fact the they even exist and need to be qualified as 'historically black' instead of just colleges or universities, shows that the socioeconomic backdrop is one of white privilege. At which point I guess it's easier just to concede and go along with it.

Okay, so since you accepted my analogy as being applicable, I'll stick with it here.

Not all white Christian midwestern parents operate from systemic hierarchical entitlement, and not all white Christian midwestern children experience parental abuse.

Therefore, should the parents who don't operate that way not check in with themselves to make sure they're not operating from a position of dominance or entitlement? Should they not check in with themselves to make sure they don't have a blind spot they're not aware of? Should they not check in with themselves to make sure they're not doing harm nor prone to?


Jul 14, 2020
I would say that yes it would be preferable if they did do that, but they shouldn't be manipulated or emotionally coerced to as part of some familial engineering project or top-down restructuring of family power dynamics. I might agree with the ideas of communism in principle, but that doesn't mean that I would actually trust anyone to implement and control the levers of power of that system on my behalf. Bit of a double bind.

But in a way those who disseminated it into the public sphere, along with a whole range of other zeitgeisty terms, through a transition from academia in critical race studies or post-colonial theory (and don't get me wrong, I think people like edward said are very interesting thinkers), to later mainstream and social media, have already achieved their goal.
As a meme, once it enters the collective consciousness and people are primed to perceive everything through the prism of race or gender, it's very hard to unlearn it or to just see others as human beings and not members of criss-crossing x y z categories which function as codes to condition thoughts, speech and behavior. I'm just skeptical about the alleged benignity of it, or about its ultimate importance, that's all. But I recognize that I could be misguided, as I only have a limited perspective on things, and I ignore a lot of other things.
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Apr 2, 2020
So perhaps all this new intersectional discourse and identity politicking is a kind of revenge op, a way not to redress genuine unjust power imbalances where they occur, or to create real equality, but a way to cynically assert unidirectional power over a group or a class of people based on their gender and ethnicity, even if particular ones within it have done nothing wrong?
What if individuals who aren't racist or sexist get lumped in with the racist and sexist ones? Is it all about racial or gender categories? If a category is created like white privilege, then it's very easy to commit the ecological fallacy, by assuming that any random individual of that category must have a quality that has been ascribed to the group as an average. I don't see how this is much better than creating negative stereotypes about black people.

The point of it is to tear down the white male, who is a symbol of oppression and all of the evils world has ever encountered.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I would say that yes it would be preferable if they did do that, but they shouldn't be manipulated or emotionally coerced to as part of some familial engineering project or top-down restructuring of family power dynamics. I might agree with the ideas of communism in principle, but that doesn't mean that I would actually trust anyone to implement and control the levers of power of that system on my behalf. Bit of a double bind.


I'm just skeptical about the alleged benignity of it, or about its ultimate importance,

I agree.
Mistake of Nature

Mistake of Nature

A shadow suspended on dust
Mar 30, 2020
The hidden assumption here is that it does exist, which is the question at issue.

It's a game which is designed to produce only one outcome (white privilege exists and is systemic, implicitely condemning all white people, and turning whiteness into a problem in itself), because any claim to the contrary will be used as confirmation of its opposite. If you say it exists you get a pass and are not morally condemned, if you question its existence then you must be part of the problem and are banished from the sphere of moral consideration.

That's kind of my point. There is only one outcome because systemic racism, and the white privilege it creates, is an inescapable reality. And yes, given that brushing aside white privilege or suggesting that it's all just a made-up conspiracy perpetuates racism and dismisses/minimizes the oppression of POC (it's basically telling POC that they're imagining things or that the challenges they face aren't that big of a deal), those viewpoints are absolutely worth criticizing and condemning.

The concept of white privilege does not condemn all white people or turn whiteness itself into a problem. Believing that it does stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of what white privilege is. Being white and reaping the benefits of being white does not make anyone a bad person. That's not the issue. The racist system and the people who built it and continue to uphold it are the problem.
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Jul 14, 2020
There is only one outcome because systemic racism, and the white privilege it creates, is an inescapable reality. And yes, given that brushing aside white privilege or suggesting that it's all just a made-up conspiracy perpetuates racism and dismisses/minimizes the oppression of POC (it's basically telling POC that they're imagining things or that the challenges they face aren't that big of a deal), those viewpoints are absolutely worth criticizing and condemning.
So it has the status of a religion, something which cannot be questioned or thought about too deeply, and the denial of which is equivalent to a sin.

I don't think that questioning the legitimacy of a white privilege, which is the fruit of a tree of racism, and that is responsible for all social ills, perpetuates racism or dismisses what some people have to experience as a result of real racism or discrimination. I'm questioning the purpose of new terms like white privilege and others, because I am unsure of the reasons they were scattered into the society at large in the first place.

Political terms like this don't just randomly appear here and there haphazardly without some ulterior motive. What I question is this ulterior motive - is society and the public consciousness being engineered to fit in with the plans of bosses and elites in finance and at silicon valley, or is part of a genuine benign effort on the part of our overlords to create equality, better relations, more wellbeing? In my opinion there is not much evidence for the latter, and more for the former. But I could be the victim of confirmation bias and cynicism.

Anyway, I've written way too much in this thread.
I'll leave with a bit of david brent wisdom

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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
So it has the status of a religion, something which cannot be questioned or thought about too deeply, and the denial of which is equivalent to a sin.

I don't think that questioning the legitimacy of a white privilege, which is the fruit of a tree of racism, and that is responsible for all social ills, perpetuates racism or dismisses what some people have to experience as a result of real racism or discrimination. I'm questioning the purpose of new terms like white privilege and others, because I am skeptical of the reasons they were scattered into the society at large in the first place.

Political terms like this don't just randomly appear here and there haphazardly without some ulterior motive. What I question is this ulterior motive - is society and the public consciousness being engineered to fit in with the plans of bosses and elites in finance and at silicon valley, or is part of a genuine benign effort on the part of our overlords to create equality, better relations, more wellbeing? In my opinion there is not much evidence for the latter, and more for the former. But I could be the victim of confirmation bias and cynicism.

I am skeptical as well, but I'm not throwing out the baby with the bath water, nor am I jumping on a bandwagon. Just because I recognized I have white privilege in the US doesn't mean I've become a social justice warrior. I saw something in myself that needed to change, and I'm glad for it. I would stand next to a POC today and talk about the effects of racism just as I would have marched during the civil rights era had I been around.

The question is, what is really going on? Why are POCs finally getting attention from the media decades after the civil rights protest? What's up with the terminology? I left the country for a year and a half, and when i returned, "woke" was everywhere. I had to have someone explain it, because I assumed it was about spiritual awakening.

I am concerned when I see that the most prominent Black celebrities are flashing Illuminati signs and saying "Black is king." This is not the paradise of equality that MLK envisioned, where people of all colors hung out together and all received the same benefits. So yeah, there's some good awareness happening, and I believe there is filthy bathwater. I'm not going to throw out the baby.

I think of the social revolution of the Sixties, and I think that was engineered, too. What was really going on? There was a conflation of hating war (the baby) and questioning the legitimacy of the establishment (another baby), alongside a lowering of boundaries to experiment with drugs and sex; the bathwater? "Make love not war." Guess what war started? The drug war, and all that followed it, including more people imprisoned, and privately run prison facilities; widespread drug addiction, and therapy and facilities to cure it; a huge boost to women's liberation (another baby) and the breakdown of the family unit with no supporting "village" to make up for it, but instead privately run childcare facilities and preschools, and less stable children becoming the next adult generation (keeping in mind that was more of a white issue, as mothers of color were already having to work their asses off and be separate from their children).

Yes, there is a big ol' mind fuck going on. But I think part of the problem is evidenced on this thread, just as during the Sixties: the "look over there" mentality, it's just a different establishment that's being pointed at, and it's not going to lose power now any more than it did then.

None of this changes the fact that war is bad, women and POCs are marginalized and have less power and privelege than white men, and white privilege exists in the US and any imperialistic European country. The double bind is that the status quo is abusive to the weak and marginalized, entitling to the rest, and their very existense in those weak and marginalized roles is the glue that keeps everything from falling apart. Even Siddhartha Guatama the Buddha, "the perfectly enlightened one," believed that. He believed the status quo was the order of the universe, and the best one could do was suck it up and hope for a better rebirth when their shit life was over, and if they had a good life, not fuck up so that their next life was shit.


It. All. Sucks.
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Jul 14, 2020
"woke" was everywhere. I had to have someone explain it, because I assumed it was about spiritual awakening.
I had the same experience. It was like some alternate reality had descended.
I am concerned when I see that the most prominent Black celebrities are flashing Illuminati signs and saying "Black is king."
not just black, but lots of white popstars and celebs seem to do those signs and display coded messages. It's very strange
I'm not going to throw out the baby.
I understand that. I'm all for helping people and calling out injustice and oppression, I just refuse to be told what to say or how to say it, especially with newfangled language and neologisms. Maybe I'm unnecessarily skeptical, idk.
I think of the social revolution of the Sixties, and I think that was engineered, too
yes that's entirely possible.
There was a conflation of hating war (the baby) and questioning the legitimacy of the establishment (another baby), alongside a lowering of boundaries to experiment with drugs and sex; the bathwater? "Make love not war." Guess what war started? The drug war, and all that followed it, including more people imprisoned, and privately run prison facilities; widespread drug addiction, and therapy and facilities to cure it; a huge boost to women's liberation (another baby) and the breakdown of the family unit with no supporting "village" to make up for it, but instead privately run childcare facilities and preschools, and less stable children becoming the next adult generation (keeping in mind that was more of a white issue, as mothers of color were already having to work their asses off and be separate from their children).
It reminds me of the andrew breibart quote: "politics is downstream from culture". If you want to change politics, you first change people's thoughts, who in turn change the culture, and political changes inevitably follow. I think he missed out economics/finance. Culture is downstream from the economy. All changes originate in the economic sector of any type of society.
There were also massive government surveillance and spying programs in that era (COINTELPRO), and CIA mind-control programs with psychedelics (MKUltra).
None of this changes the fact that war is bad, women and POCs are marginalized and have less power and privelege than white men, and white privilege exists in the US and any imperialistic European country. The double bind is that the status quo is abusive to the weak and marginalized, entitling to the rest, and their very existense in those weak and marginalized roles is the glue that keeps everything from falling apart
Even Siddhartha Guatama the Buddha, "the perfectly enlightened one," believed that. He believed the status quo was the order of the universe, and the best one could do was suck it up and hope for a better rebirth when their shit life was over, and if they had a good life, not fuck up so that their next life was shit.
I find it to be an extraordinarily pessimistic and nihilistic religion.
But who are we to question the wisdom of the divine dear leader.
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
There were also massive government surveillance and spying programs in that era (COINTELPRO), and CIA mind-control programs with psychedelics (MKUltra).
These programs still exist.
I can vouch for COINTELPRO.
Definitely still alive these atrocities.

Edit: If your interested in the UK version of MK-Ultra I recommend you look into Porton Down.
Especially the case of Ronald Maddison.

If you are interested in modern versions of COINTELPRO I recommend looking into "Community policing".
There is an interesting book called "Community Policing - A European Perspective: Strategies, Best Practices and Guidelines"

Anmerkung 02
What they don't mention is that these "informal social controls" encourage people to commit suicide by using methods that had been conceived by the Stasi in former East-Germany. These methods are called "Zersetzung".

" The Stasi applied Zersetzung before, during, after, or instead of incarcerating the targeted individual. The implementation of Zersetzung — euphemistically called Operativer Vorgang ("operational procedure") – generally did not aim to gather evidence against the target in order to initiate criminal proceedings. Rather, the Stasi considered Zersetzung as a separate measure to be used when official judiciary procedures were undesirable for political reasons, such as the international image of the GDR.[29][30]

However, in certain cases, the Stasi did attempt to entrap individuals, as for example in the case of Wolf Biermann: The Stasi set him up with minors, hoping that they could then pursue criminal charges.[31]

The crimes targeted for such entrapment were non-political, such as drug possession, trafficking, theft, financial fraud, and rape.[32] "
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Death becomes her
Jul 22, 2020
Just gonna leave this here...
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Aug 21, 2019
If this thread is going to keep getting bumped then I'm going to say my peace.

Even as a sex worker, which is my career, I'm more "attractive" to a lot of people because I'm a cute, white, blonde. I make enough money to afford my own apartment, my drug habit, and have some spending money left over. Many black sex workers can't say the same because their time is literally worth less because our white supremacist culture has created standards of beauty that they can't meet.

Are you familiar with the term intersectionality?

Granted, yes, that is privilege but that's not systemic or institutional privilege, that's just natural. People are inherently drawn to bright, colorful, shiny and uncommon things e.g. gemstones, something beautiful but functionally worthless. Guess what a lot of white people have? If you were to do your work in the third world where there is not a single white person around in 100 miles, you'd be extraordinarily popular (or the opposite.) Why do you think blond christian women were the favorite of Ottoman slavers since a half-millenia ago well before the system we have in place today even existed? That's not because of "The Man", that's just simple supply-and-demand. Is it fair? No, not at all, nobody gets to choose their natural attributes but it is what it is. If you want to be fair you could dye your hair black and/or go the extra mile with wearing brown contact lenses. After all, you want to be fair and end "white privilege," right?

Speaking of privileges, why not talk about other ones like tall privilege? I'm very short for a western male. I won't give my exact metrics but I'm more than a just a couple inches away from having that magic '6' in front of my height. Women love tall men and are generally not just indifferent to but loathe short men. Perhaps the word 'hate' wouldn't be too strong in this instance. I can't do anything about that and it's unfair as fuck. Fortunately, I'm handsome otherwise but it is a big disadvantage socially speaking. I don't blame women for it though, just like I prefer women with curves and "assets" so to speak, that's just good ol' nature at work. It is what it is. Should I petition the government to change that? Should I walk around town with a clipboard and collect signatures and tell people to check their height privilege? Of course not. I've heard people say 'white privilege' and 'cis prvilege' and 'male privilege' and even 'thin privilege' but I've heard NO ONE say "Height Privilege." That's because nobody fucking cares about that for some reason (that was meant to be rhetorical, I know why.) Where's my scapegoat? I don't get one because apparently I'm too "privileged" in other ways.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I know something that white people are disadvantaged by: Being called racist for just existing. After all, it's now defined as having "prejudice + power" so only white people can be that apparently. Racism used to be about discrimination based on someone's race and that's that but now it means something different. The way 'racist' has been used in recent times, it's becoming its own racial slur which I find extremely ironic. I better conform or I won't be "woke" like all the cool kids at school. The truth is is that all this "woke" stuff is purely ideological and instead of building a bridge between people, it's tearing them apart. It's an ideology that was intended to be divisive from day 1. Can you imagine if we dropped the distractions and focused against the neoliberal elite and their cronyism? I can tell you they wouldn't like that! I'm just trying to be a straight-shooter here and I have to be real.
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Death becomes her
Jul 22, 2020
Now that I'm thinking about it, I know something that white people are disadvantaged by: Being called racist for just existing. After all, it's now defined as having "prejudice + power" so only white people can be that apparently. Racism used to be about discrimination based on someone's race and that's that but now it means something different. The way 'racist' has been used in recent times, it's becoming its own racial slur which I find extremely ironic. I better conform or I won't be "woke" like all the cool kids at school. The truth is is that all this "woke" stuff is purely ideological and instead of building a bridge between people, it's tearing them apart. It's an ideology that was intended to be divisive from day 1. Can you imagine if we dropped the distractions and focused against the neoliberal elite and their cronyism? I can tell you they wouldn't like that! I'm just trying to be a straight-shooter here and I have to be real.

Oh please. Have you not gotten a job because you're white? And I am not calling you racist for just existing. If you think that I am, then you're intentionally misreading me. Hell, read the damn meme I just posted!


Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
It seems that most people don't really understand what privilege is. White privilege is real, it doesn't mean all white people's life will be perfect, just that being white makes your life easier compared to others
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Aug 21, 2019
Oh please. Have you not gotten a job because you're white? And I am not calling you racist for just existing. If you think that I am, then you're intentionally misreading me. Hell, read the damn meme I just posted!

Personally no but I have a family member that has. As I said before, I grew up as a small minority.

It seems that most people don't really understand what privilege is. White privilege is real, it doesn't mean all white people's life will be perfect, just that being white makes your life easier compared to others

The majority group has it easier? That is the case everywhere on this planet. Even then in the US it is illegal to discriminate based on race or sex and there is affirmative action (which ironically is discriminatory.)
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Mar 2, 2020
Anti-white media narratives, like white privilege. The constant ritualistic humiliation of white people in media and Hollywood. How white people are the only ones not allowed to have their own tribe that has their back. Black power, cohesion, solidarity, and blacks working in the interest of other blacks solely = good. Mexican power, cohesion, solidarity and Mexicans working in the interest of other Mexicans solely = good. ALL non-whites collectivizing and working to uplift, empower and bring more prosperity SOLELY to all "POC", even at the cost of white wellbeing = good. White people saying that they like white people, that they're not ashamed to be white, or even that it's OK TO BE WHITE = Nazism, racism, evil. This is in large part why white people commit suicide at far higher rates than black people. This is cause for great psychological suffering amongst whites. White people are told to be "individuals", white people are atomized and they are the only racial group that has no people. All of this while white people are told that they are privileged, that white working class people are oppressing minorities and profiting off of their oppression.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
From my heart...

This thread doesn't go anywhere.

The title is a statement, and people either agree with it or disagree with it. Then they either agree with each other or disagree with each other.

If someone speaks from their heart, they're liable to get mud slung at them. It happened to me. They're liable to get appreciation. It happened to me. And both were taken off this thread and the appreciation and slinging directed at me were acted out on other threads and on my wall. It's such a contentious issue, such a toxic battle not even the thread can contain the frustration and other emotional reactions and action.

Respectfully, from my heart, fuck this fight -- not the OP, not those I've been in opposition to. There is no winning, it's all losing. There is no advancement or progress -- and no, that does not prove the OP's point, don't conflate that ish; it proves that this is how the thread is: polarizing, incendiary, and forever stuck, because whatever the issue is, it's not about the issue, it's about labels and symbols and taking sides Me mudslinging and hate and who's the biggest victim and who's the bad guy. That's why I asked early on about defining progress and meaningful progress, to see what the limits were, to see what the goal was, only it turned out that progress in this discussion means looking for another enemy and focusing on a different issue altogether than "white privilege," removing the privilege of the focus "white privilege" confers.

I and my heart disengage from the fight and step out of the mudpit (feels like a shitpit).

See y'all on the rest of the forum.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
Anti-white media narratives, like white privilege. The constant ritualistic humiliation of white people in media and Hollywood. How white people are the only ones not allowed to have their own tribe that has their back. Black power, cohesion, solidarity, and blacks working in the interest of other blacks solely = good. Mexican power, cohesion, solidarity and Mexicans working in the interest of other Mexicans solely = good. ALL non-whites collectivizing and working to uplift, empower and bring more prosperity SOLELY to all "POC", even at the cost of white wellbeing = good. White people saying that they like white people, that they're not ashamed to be white, or even that it's OK TO BE WHITE = Nazism, racism, evil. This is in large part why white people commit suicide at far higher rates than black people. This is cause for great psychological suffering amongst whites. White people are told to be "individuals", white people are atomized and they are the only racial group that has no people. All of this while white people are told that they are privileged, that white working class people are oppressing minorities and profiting off of their oppression.

This effing thread omg...

This thread is really distressing owing to the fact that so many white people have caught on to our master plan. I will definitely bring this up at the next communist deep state woke leftist meeting. Our plan to bring down white people via affirmative action, white guilt and our conscious decision to be a minority population has been exposed! They are the true victims in all this and I'm scared more people will realize this. We will have to find new avenues to win the oppression olympics. Back to the drawing board I guess. Maybe we can try to bring back slavery to really pull at the heartstrings for added sympathy points. I should just be thankful that they have allowed me to live in this virtuous society that they created.

But seriously, apologies for being needlessly antagonistic. It's just this thread makes me want to pull my hair out. I still have deep empathy for everyone who is a member on this site, regardless of their opinion on this subject. Be safe all, Later days.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
I'm stealing "Later days" and using it irl from now on.
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Sep 21, 2020
I don't believe the 'progress' that has resulted from the way white privilege is used by the thought leaders is any kind of solution and that reshaping social order through the acknowledgement of white privilege part of a bigger plan that doesn't care about most people, including whites.
Speaking of privileges, why not talk about other ones like tall privilege? I'm very short for a western male. I won't give my exact metrics but I'm more than a just a couple inches away from having that magic '6' in front of my height. Women love tall men and are generally not just indifferent to but loathe short men. Perhaps the word 'hate' wouldn't be too strong in this instance.

Hear, hear! Hallelujah! Total respect to you for bringing this up, my friend. I am also short and it is truly crazy how little that is acknowledged as form of severe social handicap. There was, a few years ago, one tv show I did come across about it but aside from that the only thing I've ever heard of - on occasion - is that several studies have concluded that tall men are more likely to succeed in their field and generally get paid more. But it goes way beyond that. Way beyond that.

People aren't capable of being fair and in their social decisions they're programmed by nature to want some people over others. There's no hope in trying to correct that. That's why I finally gravitated toward theocratic absolute (which doesn't mean no constitution) monarchy over 'democracy' and cooperation to create prosperity for all regions of the planet, rather than mass immigration.
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Oct 11, 2020
If I had money, I wouldn't be as unhappy. I could afford to live with no stress about my health and be happy. It has nothing to do with color.
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Apr 2, 2020
I don't believe the 'progress' that has resulted from the way white privilege is used by the thought leaders is any kind of solution and that reshaping social order through the acknowledgement of white privilege part of a bigger plan that doesn't care about most people, including whites.

Hear, hear! Hallelujah! Total respect to you for bringing this up, my friend. I am also short and it is truly crazy how little that is acknowledged as form of severe social handicap. There was, a few years ago, one tv show I did come across about it but aside from that the only thing I've ever heard of - on occasion - is that several studies have concluded that tall men are more likely to succeed in their field and generally get paid more. But it goes way beyond that. Way beyond that.

People aren't capable of being fair and in their social decisions they're programmed by nature to want some people over others. There's no hope in trying to correct that. That's why I finally gravitated toward theocratic absolute (which doesn't mean no constitution) monarchy over 'democracy' and cooperation to create prosperity for all regions of the planet, rather than mass immigration.

Are you into NRx?


Apr 2, 2020
No, I had to look it up just now but thanks, it sounds interesting!
If you are interested, I suggest reading Dark Enlightenment, it is rather short and easy to read.

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Sep 21, 2020
If you are interested, I suggest reading Dark Enlightenment, it is rather short and easy to read.

Wow...I'll have to do a lot of reading to really have an idea of what it's all about but it seems interesting. Might not be for me though, as I place the priority on a particular sect of agitators who the proponents of NRx all seem to want to ally with. I consider that group to be the primary cause of the problem so I'd probably be conflicted.
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Apr 2, 2020
Wow...I'll have to do a lot of reading to really have an idea of what it's all about but it seems interesting. Might not be for me though, as I place the priority on a particular sect of agitators who the proponents of NRx all seem to want to ally with. I consider that group to be the primary cause of the problem so I'd probably be conflicted.
Hahaha, very good. :happy: Yeah, I have heard that criticism directed at them before, I get it. :wink: I am really enjoying reading this thread, definitely one of the most interesting ones on the site currently.
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Oct 28, 2020
Yeah, it's basically a war of black and whites. But how about asians? I sometimes think Asians weren't even permitted to be in the war. There is a privilege that comes from the fact you're mother tongue is English.
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Mar 2, 2020

This effing thread omg...

This thread is really distressing owing to the fact that so many white people have caught on to our master plan. I will definitely bring this up at the next communist deep state woke leftist meeting. Our plan to bring down white people via affirmative action, white guilt and our conscious decision to be a minority population has been exposed! They are the true victims in all this and I'm scared more people will realize this. We will have to find new avenues to win the oppression olympics. Back to the drawing board I guess. Maybe we can try to bring back slavery to really pull at the heartstrings for added sympathy points. I should just be thankful that they have allowed me to live in this virtuous society that they created.

But seriously, apologies for being needlessly antagonistic. It's just this thread makes me want to pull my hair out. I still have deep empathy for everyone who is a member on this site, regardless of their opinion on this subject. Be safe all, Later days.

Nothing you said is relevant to anything I said. I did not say any of this was orchestrated by communists or the deep state, or that this is some masterplan, 100% strawman. This is really a result of capitalism. There was a study that showed that when subjects are primed with theories about "white privilege", their sympathy with the white working class is significantly diminished, and that's the point, weaken cohesion of the working class. It's also to make whites more willing to live in a multiracial society, which has been shown to lessen cohesion, again to weaken the cohesion of the working class. As evidence for this: whole foods calculates the risk of each store to unionize, it uses homogeneity as one of the factors that increase the risk of unionization, source: https://observer.com/2020/04/amazon-whole-foods-anti-union-technology-heat-map/ . Again, this is why the America-centralized neoliberal empire loves "diversity". And that is why they are pushing this anti-white shit. It's also to misdirect people, instead of impoverished non-whites directing their anger at the true system and the true elite, they become invested in smashing ordinary white people because of all of the media narratives. This is the systems neatest trick, to take true angst and anger against the system and dissatisfaction people have, and direct it in to either a pointless direction or one that reinforces the system. Fox-news type basic bitch boomer conservatives leading the dissatisfied white working class to focus their anger against communists (an almost non-existant threat) and to love Israel is a large part of this, and you seem to think that I'm of that ilk. And, another reason for this proliferation of anti-white BS, to a degree (though this is not my main argument) is also just malice toward the white working class that elites have.
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Jul 14, 2020
Again, this is why the America-centralized neoliberal empire loves "diversity". And that is why they are pushing this anti-white shit. It's also to misdirect people, instead of impoverished non-whites directing their anger at the true system and the true elite, they become invested in smashing ordinary white people because of all of the media narratives. This is the systems neatest trick, to take true angst and anger against the system and dissatisfaction people have, and direct it in to either a pointless direction or one that reinforces the system
this is exactly it.
All anger and resentment is subtly and manipulatively redirected towards identity groups instead of being correctly directed towards rapacious multinationals, elites and financial/big tech barons.
It's one huge gaslighting operation to play disenfranchised groups off against themselves so that an elitist globalist agenda can continue to play out unopposed.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
Nothing you said is relevant to anything I said. I did not say any of this was orchestrated by communists or the deep state, or that this is some masterplan, 100% strawman. This is really a result of capitalism. There was a study that showed that when subjects are primed with theories about "white privilege", their sympathy with the white working class is significantly diminished, and that's the point, weaken cohesion of the working class. It's also to make whites more willing to live in a multiracial society, which has been shown to lessen cohesion, again to weaken the cohesion of the working class. As evidence for this: whole foods calculates the risk of each store to unionize, it uses homogeneity as one of the factors that increase the risk of unionization, source: https://observer.com/2020/04/amazon-whole-foods-anti-union-technology-heat-map/ . Again, this is why the America-centralized neoliberal empire loves "diversity". And that is why they are pushing this anti-white shit. It's also to misdirect people, instead of impoverished non-whites directing their anger at the true system and the true elite, they become invested in smashing ordinary white people because of all of the media narratives. This is the systems neatest trick, to take true angst and anger against the system and dissatisfaction people have, and direct it in to either a pointless direction or one that reinforces the system. Fox-news type basic bitch boomer conservatives leading the dissatisfied white working class to focus their anger against communists (an almost non-existant threat) and to love Israel is a large part of this, and you seem to think that I'm of that ilk. And, another reason for this proliferation of anti-white BS, to a degree (though this is not my main argument) is also just malice toward the white working class that elites have.

Sorry friend, I should have been more clear, only the spoiler was directed at your post. The other part was directed at the thread as a whole.

My response was extremely glib. Tongue firmly in cheek. Feel free to continue to dismiss my opinions. I am after all just another SJW.

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