2007> After a night out and a binge of alcohol, cocaine and mdma, Took all my meds (ssri, benzos, antipsychotics…) plus half a bottle of whisky. Self harmed by cutting until I lost consciousness. Woke up in the hospital having my stomach pumped. One of my flat mates found me and called the ambulance but didn't accompany me (he was a rapist and a narcissist anyway). After that, a doc from the MH team came to assess me to see if I needed inpatient care. They said I was safe cos I said I felt ashamed of my attempt (wth?) so I was discharged. I was on my PJs no phone keys or anything. Had to walk home alone in my pjs in full daylight with people going to work, with makeup smeared on my face, cuts on my arms and banged the door until a flatmate opened the door. Utterly humiliating