Just to clarify...
1) I said there is a fear-mongering and pro-lifey wave on the forum. I said that your post contained fear-mongering and disinformation. I made a point to not specifically accuse you of pro-life, but to place your post in the context of what is currently happening on the forum, which is cause for irritation, and is compounded by more of the same -- fear-mongering founded in disinformation. I have edited the post where I discussed this to make clear that I ain't sayin' you're a pro-lifer (but you ain't messin' with no...crap, I can't come up with a rhyme).
2) I said that my angry react was to encourage readers to doubt the veracity of your statements, which @DyingAlf and I both pointed out were in error.
3) Just to be pedantic, you actually asked two questions: will double the dose make you vomit, and is it a bad idea. There is always a chance SN will make one vomit, it's been reported in over 50% of anecdotes. Taking double is a bad idea, but you can do the research for yourself, there are plenty of reference tools on the forum and you'll find them in the pinned Suicide Resource Compilation.
Maxi pad.