Does JordT mentioned he Dutch? Because in the news clearly say they BOTH are Dutch. After announce their age 28 and 24, the police also said they BOTH are Dutch. The police must see it from their ID therefore find their age and their nationality.
Right here, quote from the Scotland news:
[[ Police sources told the Record
a 28-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman, understood to be Dutch, arranged to meet at Mergie holiday cottages in Rickarton, near Stonehaven in Aberdeenshire. ]]
And I not even sure if JordT tell the truth, because in his post, I just found it when I search his username JordT. He posted he wrote it himself that he 40 and from Scandinavia.
His post himself in the introduction and link below:
[[ Hi my name is Jord, from Scandinavia and in i am 40, want to die please. ]]
So yeah, which age is real of him, 28 or 40? And is he Dutch or Scandinavia?