I think there are many cases (including mine) that don't have much to do with external influence or "society", but rather with internal issues and a brain that is a prison that will not allow for any progress or peace. My brain is an unrelenting bully with so many pathological thought patterns, urges and poor decision making skills, and genuinely works against me in any way possible. I'm trapped with no way out, I've tried everything and reviewed every single possible option and it all leads to me being stuck.
As much as I'd like to deny it, our mind creates our experiential reality. Now, I realize how my brain works with all the disorders I have, and the fallacy of constant regret and relentless self-blame that assumes I actually could have done something different (coping mechanism to believe there was something that would have "fixed" things, even though I can never realize it or trust it when I have it in the present). I've lost complete belief in free will and it wouldn't be a problem for me if my brain wasn't so fucked up and I was content, but considering my suffering has been predetermined by a myriad of factors that were outside my control, and that the decisions and behaviours I continue to do (even when I try so hard to make the right decision or healthy choice) are all made in the confines of my faulty, malfunctioning brain that works against me, im stuck realizing my ego is stuck as an observer of a trainwreck that I was never driving. No one else, even healthy people, are not "driving" their life, but since they have healthier genetic predispositions, and normally functioning brains, they're conscience is an observer of a much more peaceful, happier life, with normal ranges of experience. I'm genetically dysfunctional and have had the perfect concoction of circumstances to lead me here.
So ya, don't know why suicide is rising, I think external factors are part of it, but I really don't think we all actually had a 'choice' in the outcome nor an actual 'choice' to change it. I think it will either get worse or better, and things will happen that may influence it, but I don't think those things are in our control. Its depressing for me, I just can't believe in the illusion of free will anymore. And ofc, it's only depressing since I'm suffering and can't control it, and therefore have suffered my whole life and watched many others enjoy what I never could. For a subset of people, this just seems to be the reality. Its horrible when you realize it, and its hard to admit, but after getting beaten down and really seeing things objectively, you begin to lose the magic of the world, and all the illusions it conveys. I wish I could experience those illusions. I wish I could just be normal. There's so many insurmountable barriers that are made impossible to challenge, due to the rigid and unattainable nature of my brain's conditions for happiness.