

Sep 11, 2024
CTB by nitro tank is much quicker to unconsciousness. ( basically one breath). Not that involved now that the small take home canisters are available - and can be delivered. I belong to Exit and have just read the latest (August 2024) update of the PPH recommending these. Not that expensive either. I know someone who successfully used this method…I didn't actually see them at the time but about a week before, knowing her intentions. She rang Exit the night she intended to do it and they informed police next morning to attend her home. It is important to make sure the canister is secured to something so that when you slump it doesn't fall over and will continue to deliver the gas for about 20 minutes, when death occurs. It's my preferred method over SN. Again, the details of how to get it right need to be read and are probably on this site already. It does involve quickly pulling a bag down over your face but avoids nausea, dizziness and uncertainty. Also over the head hoods are now available to buy to connect the tubing to for more gradual delivery of the gas - if the idea of a quick pull down of an oven bag is too gross. That may take a minute or two to unconsciousness as you breathe it in.
what are those canisters?