its type

its type

Dec 21, 2021
*moderadores, espero que entendam*
para quem está apreensivo com as reações do sn - o áudio do arquivo foi corrompido.
(não estou violando nenhum direito de imagens. Estes arquivos estão em domínio público)
*moderators, hope you understand*
for anyone who is apprehensive about SN reactions - the audio file is corrupted.
(I am not violating any image rights. These files are in the public domain)

translated by google translator

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everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
u got to be some diff type of fucked up to be able to facilitate such a video as a bystander. bro doesnt even cover his face
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from hell
Feb 27, 2023
u got to be some diff type of fucked up to be able to facilitate such a video as a bystander. bro doesnt even cover his face

I don't understand Spanish what's in the video? Is it some kind of virus ?


everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
I don't understand Spanish what's in the video? Is it some kind of virus ?
its a guy spectating a woman who took SN. uhhhh "research purposes" or some bullshit
  • Aww..
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Feb 7, 2023
its a guy spectating a woman who took SN. uhhhh "research purposes" or some bullshit
Can you please explain exactly why you are so bothered by what has transpired in these videos? Now I don't know if it's just my video player program exhibiting some kind of codec incompatibility problem, but I got no audio whatsoever in any of the video files linked via that Google drive - I assume the audio has been edited out? Without audio I can't be sure (and even if the audio were there, I'm guessing it would be in Portuguese, which I don't speak), but it appears to me that the guy who captured the woman's final exit on video was acting as a kind of death doula:

In my personal opinion, one of the most fucked-up aspects of today's system that criminalizes suicide (forced psych ward for those who seek to ctb and actual criminal prosecution for anyone who assists) is that those who ctb are forced to do it in secret, hiding from everyone as discovery would translate into intervention, and can't have a death doula by their side. Just imagine how much better the world would be if a suicidal person could freely discuss their exit plans with their family and loved ones, and when the pre-planned, agreed-upon time comes, take that N or SN or whatever it may be with your loved ones by your side, with them actually holding your hand until your pulse stops - wouldn't it be so much better than the fucked-up system we have today?

And while most of us can't have the ideal type of exit which I just fantasized about, what is wrong with people taking little steps toward that goal, whatever they manage to get away with? If someone is able to have a death doula present with them virtually over a video call as they take their SN, as opposed to being completely and utterly alone in it, why are you decrying it? I mean, that woman in the videos being discussed here obviously trusted the guy to just sit there on the video call with her and passively watch her make her final exit, as opposed to calling whatever is the Brazilian equivalent of 911 on her - and it looks he did not betray her trust, he did allow her to exit as she wished, and merely documented her final moments on video.
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Feb 28, 2023
I don't understand Spanish what's in the video? Is it some kind of virus ?
It's Portuguese. Idk what the hell this post is.
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Aren't we all monsters inside?
Jan 15, 2023
I don't understand Spanish what's in the video? Is it some kind of virus ?
A boy making a video call with a girl, in the video call the girl is taking sn, both were users here, she died using sn and the boy hanged himself a few days later.
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Aren't we all monsters inside?
Jan 15, 2023
i guess they were the OP the boy , and strawberrypanic the girl ?
Yup, the thread that the guy in the video created talking about the StrawberryPanic ctb was this one >here<

This happened on August 1, 2021.
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Jan 4, 2023
God she was beautiful. I'm sure she had her reasons but it's sad to see a such a beautiful young woman go through with it. Hope she found her peace.
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Feb 7, 2023
God she was beautiful. I'm sure she had her reasons but it's sad to see a such a beautiful young woman go through with it. Hope she found her peace.
I agree - as a Goddess priestess, I also grieve the loss of a beautiful young woman, but I likewise hope that she found her peace, that Goddess accepted our dear Strawberry into Her loving arms, and that she will have a better life experience next time, if she chooses to reincarnate.
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Mistake Fox

Mistake Fox

New Member
Feb 24, 2023
What is SN? heard a lot of people talking about it and i still don't know what it is


Mar 4, 2023
A boy making a video call with a girl, in the video call the girl is taking sn, both were users here, she died using sn and the boy hanged himself a few days later.
I can't play the videos . can anyone send me the video that is playable. thanks in advance


Apr 1, 2023
*moderadores, espero que entendam*
para quem está apreensivo com as reações do sn - o áudio do arquivo foi corrompido.
(não estou violando nenhum direito de imagens. Estes arquivos estão em domínio público)
*moderators, hope you understand*
for anyone who is apprehensive about SN reactions - the audio file is corrupted.
(I am not violating any image rights. These files are in the public domain)

translated by google translator

Why can't I play these videos?


Mar 14, 2023
Can you please explain exactly why you are so bothered by what has transpired in these videos? Now I don't know if it's just my video player program exhibiting some kind of codec incompatibility problem, but I got no audio whatsoever in any of the video files linked via that Google drive - I assume the audio has been edited out? Without audio I can't be sure (and even if the audio were there, I'm guessing it would be in Portuguese, which I don't speak), but it appears to me that the guy who captured the woman's final exit on video was acting as a kind of death doula:

In my personal opinion, one of the most fucked-up aspects of today's system that criminalizes suicide (forced psych ward for those who seek to ctb and actual criminal prosecution for anyone who assists) is that those who ctb are forced to do it in secret, hiding from everyone as discovery would translate into intervention, and can't have a death doula by their side. Just imagine how much better the world would be if a suicidal person could freely discuss their exit plans with their family and loved ones, and when the pre-planned, agreed-upon time comes, take that N or SN or whatever it may be with your loved ones by your side, with them actually holding your hand until your pulse stops - wouldn't it be so much better than the fucked-up system we have today?

And while most of us can't have the ideal type of exit which I just fantasized about, what is wrong with people taking little steps toward that goal, whatever they manage to get away with? If someone is able to have a death doula present with them virtually over a video call as they take their SN, as opposed to being completely and utterly alone in it, why are you decrying it? I mean, that woman in the videos being discussed here obviously trusted the guy to just sit there on the video call with her and passively watch her make her final exit, as opposed to calling whatever is the Brazilian equivalent of 911 on her - and it looks he did not betray her trust, he did allow her to exit as she wished, and merely documented her final moments on video.

Several things might be going on here.

First of all, everything you said was 9000% correct, but let's look at the person you are replying to:

- Maybe seeing suicide actually happening gave them a dose of reality. Maybe they are here just to vent but when confronted with actual suicide, now they have cognitive dissonance: "How can someone sit there and watch someone do what the website helps people to do if they choose!?". This is a person who thinks suicide is not the answer, but rather, that talking about it is cathartic.

- Some sort of morality issue: "How can someone watch someone choose their own fate like this?"

- Some sort of sex- or parasocial issue: "The poor defenceless woman must have felt pressured to die for the male onlooker. She is not able to consent to anything or have agency!"
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Mar 28, 2023
Well that was a horrible watch. And I'm strictly talking about the guy's reactions. Like he was watching some show and not a woman ending it. I hope she's at peace now


Leave blank
Feb 27, 2023
Translation of the post with the video taken from an earlier post that was linked.
Took 31 minutes to lose consciousness , "signs of apnea". Visually doesn't appear painful.

English Interpretation of the thread:

This thread is about the experience of @StrawberryPanic (21 years old) catching the bus by ingesting SN.
Her experience was recorded through a video call which took place the 1st of August from14:20 to 16:40.

The recording was sadly corrupted and the audio of the video was lost, so we can only learn from her physical expressions.

Link - ControlC
Link2 - Pastebin

Timeline included on the video is self explanatory.
Timeline from preparation of SN to loss of consciousness:

00:00 Getting SN ready
03:32 Ingesting SN
03:38 Feeling a little bit sleepy
10:38 Claiming to feel some sore throat
10:47 Visible signs of paleness (hands and face)
11:00 Indications of body malfunctioning (pain, nausea, weakness)
11:20 Signs of physical weakness
12:15 Signs of nausea
12:20 Moderated symptoms of apnea
12:58 Keeps on experiencing the symptoms described above
13:50 Keeps on experiencing the symptoms described above
14:20 Visible signs of paleness through her whole skin
16:15 Keeps on experiencing the symptoms described above
17:10 Signs of Apnea
17:40 Light signs of dizziness
20:00 Sleepiness, weakness, apathy; proceeds to lie down on bed
22:00 Pain in throat (tachycardia)
24:00 conscious but deep breathing
24:20 feels cold
27:00 Intense sleepiness
28:08 Much more intense sleepiness; starts the loss of consciouness
30:00 Trouble concentrating, coldness, sleepy
31:00 Apathy, sleepiness, apnea, light loss of consciouness
32:00 Slow deep breathing
35:00 Marked paleness
40:00 Slight faintings
40:00 Paleness, hands numb and cold, fingers bluish
After that, she falls asleep / loses consciouness and the video-call was interrupbted by the cellphone dropping
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Jun 16, 2024
Will a person to able to survive all this without choking out or calling out for help, I'm scared now, this was going to be my method.
I think this report is ok, this is the course of taking sn.
But there is no information whether she is taking antimetics, painkillers or benzos.


May 12, 2024
I think this report is ok, this is the course of taking sn.
But there is no information whether she is taking antimetics, painkillers or benzos.
Yes, agree, sry had to delete, thought no one gonna bother reply now, as its quite a old thread.


Jun 16, 2024
It does indeed seem to be the case that most people lose consciousness completely after 40 minutes. The time span of 40 minutes - 4 hours until death with the SN method is therefore probably correct.


May 12, 2024
Yes, 30-40 mins of knowing that you are dying will make me panic, and my anxiety, SI are a bitch...will see how it goes...glad got some info
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
She was very brave.

30 -40 minutes to unconscious maybe the SN wasn't pure enough or many years old, opened before degraded some to nitrate ?

Seems to me most people unconscious by 12-15 minutes
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When life is a nightmare...
May 18, 2024
She was very brave.

30 -40 minutes to unconscious maybe the SN wasn't pure enough or many years old, opened before degraded some to nitrate ?

Seems to me most people unconscious by 12-15 minutes
It depends from person, if the body is already weak due to illness or age it will hapen faster, for strong body it can take longer. She was very young...


Jun 17, 2024
After watching the videos I wondered if it actually worked. She seemed to be conscious and able to communicate for well over half an hour. Also no vomiting - which I thought was always part of the process since salty liquids usually do this to us.

Another thing I want to say here - it always kind of weirds me out when people say "Oh no, this person was so pretty/hot/sexy - what a shame they went." As if it's only tragic if beautiful people go. When someone ugly dies - it's okay because surely nobody loved them anyway because they were not pretty.
Like... what is behind this way of thinking? I truly don't get it. "She's pretty, so there's no reason for her to die" ? something like that?

It reminds me of case "Germanwings Flight 9525" (a pilot crashed a plane deliberately because he wanted to commit s. all 150 people on board passed.) After it hit the news, discussions errupted that it would be a good idea to always put a "really pretty stewardess" into the cockpit together with the pilot, so that he'd see her and think "oh no, what a shame if this beautiful woman dies, I better not do it"...
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
She takes 2 doses, maybe she vomited or it was a smaller dose, expired... who knows. But it's clear she takes SN because her nails turn blue. Maybe she took it with something in her stomach... it's a shame not to have the details, but little by little the members of SS will fill in the gaps as much as possible.
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Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
This method isn't great, so much can go wrong and even if you follow the protocol well, everyone's body is different.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
It depends from person, if the body is already weak due to illness or age it will hapen faster, for strong body it can take longer. She was very young...
I tested 200 mg of SN old SN opened SN but from an industrial company .it was in the heat and exposed to light too.

Less than 10 minutes my heart was beating very fast , felt it like a truck hitting me .200 mg . No way someone is not unconscious by 15 minutes if drink 25 grams SN of pure SN imo. And this follows a lot of goodbye threads and pph. 200 mg is 1/5 the of a gram so 25 grams is 125 times 200 mg .

And I'm a big fucking ape 70- 80 kg 🐵🦍🔜♾️
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Death please
Nov 12, 2022
This method isn't great, so much can go wrong and even if you follow the protocol well, everyone's body is different.
You are commenting this on a thread where the OP is on video calm through it.

There's other threads collecting all failures and successes.. what can go wrong is calling for help or being found. Beyond that just follow protocol, keep a second glass because everybody's body is different, and there's a stronger guarantee of success than failure.
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Nov 13, 2020
This method isn't great, so much can go wrong and even if you follow the protocol well, everyone's body is different.
Jump in front of a bus then, or a bridge. Maybe hanging seems better?
Everybody would want to go with N, but guess what, you have to travel half the world to get it.

So yeah, im sticking with SN.
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