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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
My heart is breaking for Rue and others here. I need to take a break, this is absolutely horrifying. As much as you all can, I am wishing you a peaceful day/night and maybe a break from so called "humanity" for a few.

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Jan 26, 2021
Sorry WHAT?
If I understand the situation right, this woman accuses the user Rue for supposedly helping her son take his own life.
Scapegoating. I understand it's hard to cope with the suicide of one's own son, but this revenge and triumph tells much about this mother. Had I been as malicious as she seems to be, I would probably say "oh I understand why your son caught the bus" - but I try not to be judging.
However, I think these posts on social media should be reported.
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May 3, 2021
It's a very strange kind of logic to say "when my son died it was a tragedy and suicide should be stopped" then in the next breath to say "good, I hope that person died horribly by suicide".

Very odd people. Perhaps that is the kind of erratic and abusive behaviour that encouraged her son to kill himself.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Screen shot this

absolutely vile behaviour from supposed grown adults. Why the FUCK would you hope someone those things is beyond me, and beyond cruel.
you disgust me.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
That is beyond disgusting.
They use their grieving as an excuse to be horrible garbage of human beings, but the truth is this is just who they are.
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May 27, 2019
Screenshot that shit and blast it all over. I didn't see anything on their Twitter feed. Let's make their nastiness viral. They are not just cruel, they are hypocrites. We don't revel in anyone's death -- they do. They are beyond sick. Instead of trying to blame other's that their kid ctb, they should own their own shit and ask WHY their kid felt they had to ctb.

I'm the same name on Twitter. If I see any screenshots on my feed there I'll retreat.
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Mar 28, 2021
I agree with @loopylou. I am compiling evidence and when I have all I need, I plan to anonymously send it to Richard Burgon MP, who has been endorsing this "campaign." Let's see if MPs change their tune when they see the sort of content these people promote. Content that bullies and targets other suicidal people at their most vulnerable, celebrates their deaths and plasters their posts all over the internet. This isn't a "campaign" that helps others, it is a "campaign" of hatred, incitement, intimidation and cruelty. It is a "campaign" that, if successful, will only serve to further isolate suicidal people who feel they have nowhere to turn.

If suicide prevention was adequate, if it truly helped and gave people a reason to live, then a forum like this would not even need to exist.

SS is needed because there is a clear gap in the provision of various services, (for example, mental and physical health services) and holistic initiatives that would enable people to rebuild their lives before they reached this point. SS is needed because suicide is treated like a dirty secret, those of us who dare to voice our pain are shunned and silenced. SS is needed because there needs to be an open dialogue about dignity in death. No-one deserves to live a life of suffering in secrecy, resorting to frightening, painful and unreliable methods to end their struggles. SS is needed because we need progression - not further regression - in the way we discuss death. Dignity in dying should not be reserved for those who are elderly, terminally ill and expect to die within a short period of time. SS is needed because we deserve to be heard, listened to and understood, not conveniently swept under the carpet.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Someone should screenshot all the horrible things they do and then expose them in a video or something, this is unacceptable for Twitter and Facebook to allow them on their platforms with all this bullying and harassment.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
They are psychopaths that just want to control other people.
Exactly - they are control freaks.
They cannot accept any responsibility for what their kids did, NO, couldn't possibly be them.
So they project that onto SS:
Projection: a defense mechanism that involves taking one's own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.
Just being a daughter or son of a control freak could be reason enough to want to ctb, IMHO.
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Nov 17, 2020
The absolute irony in her behavior she believes Rue had an impact on her child's death so intern makes it her mission to then impact her decision to end her life after months of wishing her dead an what's more why would anybody with an ounce of empathy wish the feeling she has as a grieving mother on to Rue's mother or family she may think it's 'karma' but the sad reality is two people lost their lives as life was too painful that is devastating. The women who talks about it being fake and an act it's very clear why nobody would reach out to her feeling suicidal, how can you stop suicide by spreading negativity and disgusting words about how will that ever make anything right loosing someone to suicide should open your eyes to be more kind and understanding it did with me. RIP Rue I hope you found peace x
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
Catherine is that type of person that makes everything all about themselves.

She couldn't take care of her son's depression? It's the fault of others, she is the victim.
Somebody else commited suicide? She deserves to be happy about it, because she is the victim.
She is acting like an asshole towards suicidal people? Not her fault, her son died which makes her a victim.

Honestly, Catherine leaves the impression that she didn't want to see her son's depression because having a depressed child is embarrassing. Perfect mothers have no mentally ill kids!
At least that's pretty much how my mother would react if she knew I was suicidal, and I see many similarities between her and Catherine.
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Oct 12, 2020
I had assumed how they were but these things only make them disgust me more

That crazy karen
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
To the person that has seemingly taken their pain and rage out at someone who simply posted to your son, and has subsequently DIED and not in a natural way, but willingly taken their own life because they, like your son, found life intolerable for whatever reason. I would say the following:

First of all, I am so sorry for your loss. So incredibly sorry - I know exactly how it feels to lose a child (I held a 3 day old beautiful soul in my arms after she died).

I would ask though that you rethink how you are dealing with that pain. Instead of attacking those who have found life so intolerable, as your son did (otherwise why would he have found this place?). How about fighting to make a change to help people. Empathy will get you much further in life than rage.

To those of you here who said that a place like this is needed? It has never become more evident to me after what I read today. Life events are hard, more hard than some can bear and unless a change is made, this will continue to happen - and that is heartbreaking.

Sighs.. I am still in shock.. and I don't know why really, I have dealt with this kind of behaviour more times than I can count in my life. But, I am still shocked.
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Apr 30, 2019
"RUe cOnFirmEd tHe meThoD"

For those that don't know, Catherine's referring to a Goodbye topic made by Rue last year whose method then was also SN, and because Joe saw the topic and may have gotten the idea from Rue she equates this to "confirming" to her son that the method works.

but what's telling is the lack of research on her part of her OWN son's postings. Just check Joe's profile - he actually got the idea for SN from another member who linked him the Resource Compilation, which was before Rue's topic, so assuming there wasn't correspondence off the open forum we don't know about, Rue didn't "confirm" shiet to Joe (and I use this word in quotes and with sarcasm aplenty because it infers some sort of culpability on one who "confirms". I can understand the indignity fireworks only when someone actually assists or encourages a suicide like Michelle Carter, but when someone confirms something will kill you, like does that mean the National Grid is responsible for all electrocution suicides now because they put hazard signs up)

I also can't help but notice Rue's Goodbye topic draws some parallels with Shawn Shatto's (age 25, May, SN, family at home :aw:). If this had been 2019 it could've been Shawn who "confirmed" the method to Joe and Kakabushi's final words of being terrified being the ones quoted in the above screenshot whilst a sneering Catherine Adenekan looks on and says, "Good xxx". I hope the Biebers see this post and logic just to make them reevaluate their involvement with this heinous individual from Leeds whom they're currently rubbing shoulders with

Either way, I'm glad Catherine's not getting away with saying this crap, and this topic pissed me off so much Im done w this now
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Mar 28, 2021
but what's telling is the lack of research on her part of her OWN son's postings.

Very true. Having checked, it is true that Joe discovered SN before his exchange with Rue. Rue was a scapegoat for his mother's rage, an innocent party who themselves were suffering immensely. Rue only "confirmed" their own method, they did not "encourage" her son.

Not only that, but Catherine repeatedly posts about how members wish others peace instead of discouraging them from taking their lives, cherry picking posts that support this narrative. Joe also wished Rue peace. In addition, there are threads suggesting that he shared his source of SN with another member, another practice Stop Sanctioned Suicide are vehemently against.

It's wrong if others do it, but it's okay if their loved one did?

Joe also said the following: "After loosing so many loved ones in the space of 2 years, getting stabbed, loosing the love of my life, and having no family love, I'm ready to CTB and be at peace with myself."

There is another side to this story - Joe's side - which we never fully heard and sadly never will. We will only ever hear the biased perspective of his family.

Catherine's grief is understandable, but her anger is massively misdirected. Rue did not deserve to be subjected to a targeted smear campaign and threats of being "hunted." No-one here deserves that. No-one here needs that. We have our own struggles as it is, without having to be subjected to abuse and vitriol on top of it. Rue felt more suicidal as a result. See their post admitting this:

The evidence is mounting that this was never about suicide prevention. It was never about helping anyone. It was about their own grief and misguided desire for revenge. "Revenge" against other people at their lowest point. "Revenge" against other people's sons, daughters and families.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
The evidence is mounting that this was never about suicide prevention. It was never about helping anyone. It was about their own grief and misguided desire for revenge. "Revenge" against other people at their lowest point. "Revenge" against other people's sons, daughters and families.

Look how they carelessly use their so called loved ones as ammunition. Putting them through further humiliation and shame even in death to get back at us. This was all about revenge and control for these narcissistic freaks. Since they no longer have their relative to boss around they are trying to boss us around. They are dumber than they appear if they think they can control strangers over the internet.
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May 27, 2019
Heya, that woman is tweeting some nasty stuff, and has "texts" (that look highly doctored) of Rue threatening to rape and kill people.

She's really out of control. I seriously think she could be a real life, physical danger to someone.

I'm furious and worried about others.
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
Prolifers are sadists? Imagine my shock.
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Mar 28, 2021
"texts" (that look highly doctored) of Rue threatening to rape and kill people.

I never knew Rue personally, but I have read their posts. Their writing style is completely different to what is portrayed in the alleged texts. The glimpse of the photo shown also doesn't match the description of what Rue looks like based on their own posts.

Furthermore, I thought Rue was a woman in her early twenties? A person on here who spoke with Rue claimed they were female. Rue also once said they would never get a boyfriend and would always be a virgin. I appreciate that isn't proof of any particular gender though and I don't want to assume anything.

I do know from reading Rue's posts that they were looking for a ctb partner for a while, changed their mind after encountering someone who seemed "off", but held onto hope they may meet someone. Rue seemed disappointed to have not met a partner, but not that upset. They acknowledged partners for this rarely work out. They certainly didn't seem to be upset enough to threaten to rape someone's sister.

Furthermore, Rue repeatedly wrote that they lived with their mother and brother and hardly ever had any privacy. So inviting someone to their house really doesn't add up. The whole dialogue sounds staged and unrealistic, but the "like I did that one kid" part especially, assuming that's meant to imply Joe.

Unless there is solid evidence that @Rue89 ever spoke to Joe - apart from one public comment in their goodbye thread - I am very skeptical about this.

Plus, why would someone sit on this information for more than a month and only post them when being held accountable for unacceptable behaviour? These are blatantly being used as justification for wishing death on Rue, repeatedly threatening to hunt them down and gloating when they eventually took their lives.

Here are the texts supposedly between Rue and a former member of SS:


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Oct 19, 2020
Talk about mentally ill. The woman should be hospitalized. I'm thinking that now we're starting to see what damaged her poor son to begin with.

Unfortunately, you can't choose your parents. I hate he had to be raised in it.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I hope anyone who saw Stop SS as "just grieving parents" knows how thoroughly stupid that excuse is. There's no justification for the actions taking place here. None at all.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
Furthermore, I thought Rue was a woman in her early twenties? A person on here who spoke with Rue claimed they were female.

Furthermore, Rue repeatedly wrote that they lived with their mother and brother and hardly ever had any privacy. So inviting someone to their house really doesn't add up. The whole dialogue sounds staged and unrealistic, but the "like I did that one kid" part especially, assuming that's meant to imply Joe.
I've heard that people refer to Rue as "she", too. So if Rue was female, how would she rape that person's sister??? I've never heard a woman threaten something like that.
Rue also waited for her mother to leave the house to ctb, inviting a stranger over to do it together just seems pointless.

You are right, the entire conversation seems utterly staged. Probably by those SSS people themselves to have "proof" which only proves even more how disgusting they are.


I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
The evidence is mounting that this was never about suicide prevention. It was never about helping anyone. It was about their own grief and misguided desire for revenge. "Revenge" against other people at their lowest point. "Revenge" against other people's sons, daughters and families.
This desire for revenge at any cost, however illogical, is something I've written about several times. Needless to say, I'm not surprised, yet appalled.


Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Heya, that woman is tweeting some nasty stuff, and has "texts" (that look highly doctored) of Rue threatening to rape and kill people.

She's really out of control. I seriously think she could be a real life, physical danger to someone.

I'm furious and worried about others.
Wait... WHAT?????
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Don't know where that text sequence came from, I don't know if it was manufactured (on the part of the grieving parent), and I don't know if Rue wrote that (I highly doubt it given the nature of this place and what I have read about Rue).

Without seeing the source I don't have a way to verify what was written and to see all the backed out parts (absolutely no offense meant to you @-Persephone-), but one thing that is very, very clear to me that I did not see mentioned.

Had I gotten a text like that, whether suicidal or not, I would have done everything in my power to take that person down, not to save me, but to save others from what clearly looks like predatory behaviour.

This is unbelievable, is this how Joe would have wanted his mother to behave? Doubtful.

No matter ones pain, there is absolutely no excuse to do something like this i a horrific and vain attempt to mitigate that pain. And it will not work. They will end up hurting more people just as Joe was hurt.

Do you think you have a corner on all things painful and this excuses your behaviour? Well you do not.

This is surreal.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Rue was female which she doesn't seem to realize, and never left her house due to anxiety.

I doubt that Rue would threaten to rape someone's sister.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I never knew Rue personally, but I have read their posts. Their writing style is completely different to what is portrayed in the alleged texts. The glimpse of the photo shown also doesn't match the description of what Rue looks like based on their own posts.

Furthermore, I thought Rue was a woman in her early twenties? A person on here who spoke with Rue claimed they were female. Rue also once said they would never get a boyfriend and would always be a virgin. I appreciate that isn't proof of any particular gender though and I don't want to assume anything.

I do know from reading Rue's posts that they were looking for a ctb partner for a while, changed their mind after encountering someone who seemed "off", but held onto hope they may meet someone. Rue seemed disappointed to have not met a partner, but not that upset. They acknowledged partners for this rarely work out. They certainly didn't seem to be upset enough to threaten to rape someone's sister.

Furthermore, Rue repeatedly wrote that they lived with their mother and brother and hardly ever had any privacy. So inviting someone to their house really doesn't add up. The whole dialogue sounds staged and unrealistic, but the "like I did that one kid" part especially, assuming that's meant to imply Joe.

Unless there is solid evidence that @Rue89 ever spoke to Joe - apart from one public comment in their goodbye thread - I am very skeptical about this.

Plus, why would someone sit on this information for more than a month and only post them when being held accountable for unacceptable behaviour? These are blatantly being used as justification for wishing death on Rue, repeatedly threatening to hunt them down and gloating when they eventually took their lives.

Here are the texts supposedly between Rue and a former member of SS:

View attachment 68772

View attachment 68773

I think this message is disgusting thanks for highlighting but if anything, it sounds very suspicious, there are 100's of messages and threads warning members of the dangers of SS, and to report any inappropriate or threatening messages, I think this is a case that needs to be investigated by @Marquis and the team.

Edit: Please can you confirm the identity of Rue as either Male or Female.


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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
*eats popcorn*

Screenshots can be faked. I imagine in a battle of he said/she said to politicians we'll loose. Not because we're wrong, but because there is a bias against this community.

If SS was to go down (rather unlikely but not impossible) the best solution would be a different type of platform, i wouldn't hold your breathe for a political solution.

I would recommend taking @Symbiotes advice and not engaging with these people.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Heya, that woman is tweeting some nasty stuff, and has "texts" (that look highly doctored) of Rue threatening to rape and kill people.

She's really out of control. I seriously think she could be a real life, physical danger to someone.

I'm furious and worried about others.

Thanks for your message, these messages are bollocks, come on if they were true with proof don't you think, Fixthe26 would have that message displayed on their front page with Rue's avatar with a big warning sign and tweeted daily, instead let's wait until she died and can't prove her innocence.

They could have based their whole campaign to shut SS down on that message. Rue is in the USA they are in the UK so there is no way Rue could intimidate them, so there was no reason for withholding this message. Plus if it was true, why wouldn't they warn other SS members to be careful with this member, as I thought that was their mission to save lives and stop vulnerable people from being manipulated.


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May 19, 2021
This is actually very worrying. Making false accusations and falsifying evidence is a crime. I don't know, from seeing the texts that were tweeted, whether they are genuine or not and I'm not claiming they are or are not. Personally, it looks very scripted to me. If this was genuine, this is something that should be dealt with in private with the relevant authorities, not blasted over Twitter. Also posting screenshots of others posts here like they do regularly on their fb page and twisting their words, making nasty and judgemental comments about them, could be really harmful to many of those here, that here have a safe space where we aren't judged and bullied like this. I didn't know Rue personally but you can see they were deeply suffering, and in their posts spoke of also feeling 'hunted' and the harassment from stop ss causing them much grief and anxiety.

Directly targeting someone, threatening, harassing and bullying them, making accusations and then revelling in their distress and suicide is not ok. They (stop ss) claim that this site encourages/drives people to suicide, targets vulnerable people, can anyone actually point to where this has happened? It's almost as if they are partaking in what they accuse others of?

The fact that they (stop ss) claim to be the voice of vulnerable people, running a campaign in support of them, yet are able to get away with behaviour like this is extremely concerning and should not be taken lightly. This is not normal and acceptable, and the people behind stop ss know that or they wouldn't have deleted some of their posts/comments, though we have records of them here, and social media providers can recover everything regardless.

If this site does go down, people will only find an alternative. It will achieve nothing. But this deliberate and dangerous conduct has to stop.
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