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Aug 18, 2020
She wrote "I hope Rue was very scared,,, wasn't bothered about Joe feeling scared when it gave Joe the confirmation of method". Allegedly Rue helped her son dying. I can partly understand the feeling for revenge. However post it on the internet, share the joy about her death with everyone and expose someone's death is quite sick. Moreover she defends her message later on under another post.

This Brtitish MP who supports Stop SS and everyone else should better know that this is not about the issue rather about revenge. I hope someone shows this post to him.
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Mar 22, 2020
This is ridiculous!!

You can go to hell, STOP SS!!!!!!!!!
Just leave us alone!
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Mar 28, 2021
I just saw that post, and how they kindly took a screenshot of my post as well, after I have previously mentioned the adverse impact taking screenshots of a member's posts can have on them.

Disgusting conduct, to wish fear upon a suicidal individual in their final moments. The comment calling Rue a coward was dreadful too.

It is about revenge. No-one who has any genuine concern for vulnerable, suicidal people on this site would ever plaster member's posts all over Facebook, write judgemental comments about people's circumstances or celebrate a member's death.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Yikerinos, a shameful display.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
report it to twitter. get them banned.

"dont encourage suicide thats horrible"
"i hope they had a horrible death"
ummm how stupid are you that you cant see the hypocrisy? im sorry im the stupid one for asking, i take it back lol
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Mar 28, 2021
I see the Facebook post wishing a fearful death for Rue has now been removed. I think in future it is wise to screenshot these cruel posts, so that their conduct can't be so easily covered up. I will definitely privately save such posts going forward, so that there is clear evidence of their bullying, hatred and incitement.
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Dec 20, 2020
what an awful thing to say, appalling
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Dec 8, 2020
Very sad to hear about rue's passing. If I remember right, she had been so back and forth because her pain was so immense, yet the fear and uncertainty continually stopped her. I hope it was peaceful for her.... She deserved that much at the very least.

I don't understand how people can be so heartless and cruel. Rue was suffering. How could you look at yourself at the end of the day after wishing someone a painful suicide? What the hell is wrong with people? Fuck them.

RIP rue....

On the note of this thread, I'm gonna stand on my soapbox for a minute. Why do people here even bother fighting and arguing with people who oppose suicide? Nothing will change, and stooping to their level and attacking/talking shit about them won't help. It's very childish and tasteless. I'm tired of seeing threads attacking people who dislike this site; why can't we just proceed as usual and stop wasting our time and energy on this crap?

hell, I'm only on this thread because a friend linked it to me. I was unaware that rue had passed, and this was the first I've heard of it. Just tragic all around.
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Dec 20, 2020
the stop ss page is stupid, they print screen all our stuff.

we should do a black out and never mention them again, its just more publicity.... every time we mention them they print screen it
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Aug 18, 2020
I see the Facebook post wishing a fearful death for Rue has now been removed. I think in future it is wise to screenshot these cruel posts, so that their conduct can't be so easily covered up. I will definitely privately save such posts going forward, so that there is clear evidence of their bullying, hatred and incitement.
I have screenshotted it lol.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I stopped being nice and holding back against FThe26 and Stop SS just because they don't deserve a shred of sympathy from me for the damage they've done in their so-called vengeance against the mentally ill. Still won't bring their relatives back, and won't bring them any solace other than some perverted form of self gratification to see some of us go and burn in make-believe hell.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019

How horrifying. There is absolutely no excuse for this, no matter how much pain one is in. OMG - I cannot even believe what I just read, I am shocked.

Don't people realize that this kind of hate and rage is what perpetuates the problem?

I can understand being devastatingly hurt and out of that hurt feeling rage (and yes I have been there - I lost everything dear to me after being assaulted by someone who I trusted more than anyone; assaulted to the point that I now have a severe brain injury - and in fact that is why I am here); however, I would never wish death or pain on him.

I am beyond shocked and saddened to read this.

No just no.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Yikerinos, a shameful display.
Absolutely reprehensible, how did this member even cause Joe's death?
There is no sense to avenging someone when the target is not even responsible, they have a strange way of defining who is at fault for their relative's suicide.
They should take a look in the mirror and focus on the actual reasons Joe did what he did.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Why are they harassing us? Judging by their disgusting behavior it is easy to understand why their loved ones killed themselves. I know first hand what it feels like having family members who are toxic control freaks. It just amplifies whatever depressive thoughts you have by tenfold.
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Mar 28, 2021
I have screenshotted it lol.
Could you send me a copy please or post it? I am going to gather evidence. I don't think a person who writes disparaging comments about suicidal people should be endorsed by a Member of Parliament. I wonder if Richard Burgon MP would think differently if he saw these posts.
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Aug 18, 2020
Could you send me a copy please or post it? I am going to gather evidence. I don't think a person who writes disparaging comments about suicidal people should be endorsed by a Member of Parliament. I wonder if Richard Burgon MP would think differently if he saw these posts.
Sadly I forgot to screenshot her defence in the comments. Wait a second I am too dumb to edit it. I have the original post.


May 19, 2021
20210525 195059
I saw their posts today too. Truly appalling, even posting "good xxx" and addressing Rue as "it", such disgusting conduct yet they believe they're a good cause
  • Aww..
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Because they're screenshotting the posts in here:

Correction: Former member, who went off and joined FThe26. Therefore she's part of your group now along with Jeremy 'Fivehead' Keeling
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Aug 18, 2020
View attachment 68756
I saw their posts today too. Truly appalling, even posting "good xxx" and addressing Rue as "it", such disgusting conduct yet they believe they're a good cause
Thanks a lot for uploading it. I am way too dumb for this internet stuff lol.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Wtf. Are they trolling us or are they for real? They are like cartoon evil villains. So over the top it looks fake.
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Mar 28, 2021
View attachment 68756
I saw their posts today too. Truly appalling, even posting "good xxx" and addressing Rue as "it", such disgusting conduct yet they believe they're a good cause
Thank you.

I just saw their posts calling Rue "it" and took a screenshot of that too. It really is disgusting. I am actually crying now reading this - how could anyone be so hostile towards someone who suffered so tremendously?

I can sympathize greatly with the fact she is in pain. I can't imagine how it must feel to lose a child. But wishing fear and pain on any vulnerable individual taking their own life is inexcusable. Do they not realise that Rue was also someone's child, someone's sibling, someone's family?

I wouldn't wish the desperation and pain many suicidal individuals go through on my worst enemy.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
This will likely not be a popular opinion here - so I am getting my catchers mitt out for any tomatoes thrown my way (cause I do like spaghetti sauce), but:

Losing a child is devastating beyond belief and people who lose a child want some kind of reason or someone to blame. And this place is a fertile field for them to fulfill that need.

So no doubt they are reacting out of sheer unmitigated pain and emotion; however, that being said, what they are NOT thinking about is that many are here just as the child or family member they lost - and to criticize, shame, and attempt to hurt the people here - who are already suicidal - helps no one, and in fact may cause another parent to lose a child and go through the very pain they are raging against.

Jesus, my heart is breaking. So very sad and ultimately perpetuating the problem, instead of helping.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
*group acts like suicide is evil and no one's allowed to do it*

*same group sadistically cheers on someone taking their own life*

Hypocrisy, thy name is pro-lifers.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Why are they harassing us? Judging by their disgusting behavior it is easy to understand why their loved ones killed themselves. I know first hand what it feels like having family members who are toxic control freaks. It just amplifies whatever depressive thoughts you have by tenfold.
Yea.. if any of my relatives pulled that shit, I hereby give every last one of you permission to harass them back into oblivion.
But more than anything, I would not want it to come to that, I would not want to be doxxed by my family in the first place or put at the center of this cesspool.
I feel bad for any of the deceased who are having their private lives blasted wide open by their own family-that alone is enough for me to realize that "justice" for the dead is not why these people are doing what they're doing.
If they gave a shred of care about their "loved ones", they would have kept their mouths shut or done this crusade anonymously, but they didn't, they aired out all the dirty laundry that their relative never shared with us to begin with, including their full name and identity.
These poor people (the ones who passed) are not even here to give their side of the story or to protect what should be kept sacred and hidden from public view.
That in and of itself, is a tragedy.

Half of the claim is that these "victims" of this site are too young, "mentally ill", and unable to consent to their own death.
So I would like them to tell me then-how in the fuck are they able to consent to being dragged through the mud postmortem??? Where is the sense and decency in any of this?
All I see is cruel irony and hypocrisy.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
This will likely not be a popular opinion here - so I am getting my catchers mitt out for any tomatoes thrown my way (cause I do like spaghetti sauce), but:

Losing a child is devastating beyond belief and people who lose a child want some kind of reason or someone to blame. And this place is a fertile field for them to fulfill that need.

So no doubt they are reacting out of sheer unmitigated pain and emotion; however, that being said, what they are NOT thinking about is that many are here just as the child or family member they lost - and to criticize, shame, and attempt to hurt the people here - who are already suicidal - helps no one, and in fact may cause another parent to lose a child and go through the very pain they are raging against.

Jesus, my heart is breaking. So very sad and ultimately perpetuating the problem, instead of helping.
That's the thing, I'm sure many have suggested they undergo grief counseling the proper way, but because they have their head so far up their asses and chose to target other suicidal people to assuage their grief with makes them deranged, even psychopathic. Every time one of us CTB's, they celebrate in their little group, while being the two-faced bitches they are, post pity and sympathy on their public profiles. Also while hiding under the double standard that it's okay for them to attack us, but not okay for us to fire back because they're grieving parents. Neither of this shit ever helps and I urge most of you not to engage in their buffoonery, but just respect the person that has left this rock.

I still believe that Joe's note was doctored and edited. So I respect his decision to leave, I just don't respect his parents.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
View attachment 68756
I saw their posts today too. Truly appalling, even posting "good xxx" and addressing Rue as "it", such disgusting conduct yet they believe they're a good cause
I thought "it" was a typo by OP, but nope, they actually said as much.
Truly vile and dehumanizing.
Wtf. Are they trolling us or are they for real? They are like cartoon evil villains. So over the top it looks fake.
I honestly don't think they are very bright, either that or they've become deranged by grief, but I find that hard to believe when they doxed the very person they claim to be avenging.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
That's the thing, I'm sure many have suggested they undergo grief counseling the proper way, but because they have their head so far up their asses and chose to target other suicidal people to assuage their grief with makes them deranged, even psychopathic. Every time one of us CTB's, they celebrate in their little group, while being the two-faced bitches they are, post pity and sympathy on their public profiles.

Yeah fuck those assholes. This place actually saves lives. Most people just want a place to vent free of judgement and gaslighting. Those who end up passing would have anyway regardless of this place.

They are psychopaths that just want to control other people. We have every right to defend ourselves from these deranged assholes.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Grief counseling, IME, does nothing more than bring a bunch of people together to say, "Yes, I experienced that too." But does absolutely nothing to help ameliorate the pain - in fact it can make it worse because they then get the chance to wallow in that pain in a group or cult-like setting - which is even worse.

Alla that being said, and grief counseling or no, it gives no one the right to harm or celebrate someone else's agony based on their own pain.

I am absolutely horrified by this. I cannot even fathom someone doing this for any reason.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
TBH I'm tired of these folks hiding behind the "grieving parents" nonsense. Just because you lost someone doesn't give you the right to be a jerk to other suicidal people. And besides, just because you gave birth to someone doesn't mean you can keep them from ctb-ing, either.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
There is no sense to avenging someone when the target is not even responsible, they have a strange way of defining who is at fault for their relative's suicide.
They should take a look in the mirror and focus on the actual reasons Joe did what he did.
Projection: a defense mechanism that involves taking one's own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.
Evil pro-choice monsters killed him, we had nothing to do with the reasons he felt he needed to end his life.
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