There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
I have around 1200mg 4 boxes with 4 transdermal patches each, one may have 3. 75 mg each and on top of that I have around 100ml of oramorph. Maybe some diazepam lying around too if I can find it.

If I apply all of this at once and go to sleep will I definitely not wake up? I weigh around 98kg bigger guy 6ft. I'm ready so please no nonsense. No history of use, no usage of any kind of drug in many years so hopefully low tolerance.

I'm scared of surviving this so I want to be absolutely sure. Minimal odds of survival right?
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Feb 15, 2020
So 16 transdermal patches of F, equalling to 1200mg? Yeah, I'd say there's minimal odds. 200ml plus of oramorph is considered fatal but, combined with your F, I'd say you're covered. There's no guarantee though, but I would say in all likelihood there's a chance you won't survive.
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There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
So 16 transdermal patches of F, equalling to 1200mg? Yeah, I'd say there's minimal odds. 200ml plus of oramorph is considered fatal but, combined with your F, I'd say you're covered. There's no guarantee though, but I would say in all likelihood there's a chance you won't survive.
I just checked, it's 75 micrograms/h and there's actually 5 in each pack so I think I'm good to go.
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There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
Just waiting for the house to go quiet so I can go and grab this stuff without being noticed, It's taking a while tonight. She should sleep through it and I'll be dead by morning. I'm honestly so excited for once I've taken the stuff and know that's it, no going back I'm at last going to die. I'm not sure if I should bother with a goodbye thread, I don't really know any of you / vice versa. Thank you for the support.
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Feb 15, 2020
Just waiting for the house to go quiet so I can go and grab this stuff without being noticed, It's taking a while tonight. She should sleep through it and I'll be dead by morning. I'm honestly so excited for once I've taken the stuff and know that's it, no going back I'm at last going to die. I'm not sure if I should bother with a goodbye thread, I don't really know any of you / vice versa. Thank you for the support.
Are you 100% you want to do this? We are here to support you in whatever choice you make. I wish there was another way for you.
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There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
Right sorry, I forgot you have no idea what's going on. I was given an ultimatum today and it amounts to either be homeless in a poverty stricken hostile area begging for money and wandering aimlessly in the hopes I land my first job ever working minimum wage and incur modern slavery for the next 5 or ten years of my life, go and depend on a psychopath who casually threatened to visit and murder me a few hours ago and might do anyway or simply die tonight and call it a day. I've been waiting to do this for more than ten years + I've already been through more than enough so I'll choose going to sleep in my warm bed and never waking up. I'm at peace with whatever death brings so long as it isn't here! I've read hundreds of NDEs and almost everyone says it's warm and peaceful, and then silent. Good enough for me! So yes I'm 100% sure.
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Feb 15, 2020
Sounds like a tough situation to find yourself in, and for that I'm sorry. I wish there was a better option for you. I know we don't know each other, but I know you deserved better than this.

I hope your journey to the other side is a peaceful one, and pain and suffering free. Sending you love and understanding for this stage of your life, and the next. ❤️
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There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
I'm scared. I haven't slept in nearly 48 hrs and now I'm worried about being a vegetable if I somehow survive this. I keep getting stuck in circular thinking and pacing around. If I don't go through with it I'll wake up to a madman kicking down the door and trying to attack me or forcing me onto the streets. If I hurt him I'll probably go to prison. The police will put me on the streets anyway and I'll be fucked with no access to the meds. There's no good ending. I'm trying to get over it and understand I'll almost definitely die and that death is my best option but something keeps coming over me and scaring me again. I don't know what's going on and I'm completely alone with nobody to turn to. Samaritans aren't even answering the phone. I managed to wait for 2 minutes and ten seconds this time. I've never felt so close to death in my life, it's like it's in the room with me.


Feb 15, 2020
Shit, this sounds tough. Sounds like you don't really want to go but feel you have no other choice. Why does somebody want to attack you? Did you do something?

I'm so sorry. Maybe there is another solution.

There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
Shit, this sounds tough. Sounds like you don't really want to go but feel you have no other choice. Why does somebody want to attack you? Did you do something?

I'm so sorry. Maybe there is another solution.
My sociopathic mother lied to him and told him I've been abusing her. I've deliberately not said a single word to her for months until she creeped around and started spying on me. My dad isn't involved in my life or hers and hasn't been for years because he's a mobster and clinically insane/unstable, he's killed people for less. Very dangerous and volatile person. I shouted at her and her back at me and that was one incident weeks ago regarding spying on me but she told him I've been treating her like dogshit and making her cry and feel miserable/depressed (when that's what she does to me, she twists anything I say to her about her actions into a tool she can use for herself), as if I'm standing over her giving her abuse when in reality it's the other way around. She starts throwing insults me and mocking me at every opportunity. She's an honest sociopath that twists narratives all day long and keeps getting away with it. She enjoys to see me in pain. She invented a story today that I've been freeloading off her and ignoring her, laughing in her face and living here for free. In reality we made an agreement last year that I'd sell my things, get some money together and leave by mid this year at the latest. I told her I felt abused and thought it best we just stop talking until I go, she rolled her eyes and laughed at me as usual but finally agreed. My idea was to move away on my own and kill myself, I lied to her and told her I know some people I have to go and live with. All was going according to plan until she started seeing me pay for my own food, this for some reason infuriated her and she would scowl at me in silence. Then next thing I know she's on the phone to my nutcase of a father and bawling her eyes out with a performance that could win an oscar, then she followed me around the house with him on loudspeaker screaming death threats at me and insulting me as if he has a say in what I do or don't do when I'm in my 20s.

She still sees me as a child and I've been battling her warped understanding of reality my entire life. I've been trapped in this house with her as a hermit and haven't left the house in years due to a myriad of undiagnosed problems. I have zero friends and no social network period. Nobody knows I still exist other than online screennames here, maybe two other sites at most and those two nutjobs. Nobody knows who I actually am beyond these words on a screen. I'm a forgotten member of society with no formal qualifications, no records, no anything. I have essentially nothing to live for. There's no one I get online and talk to everyday, I spend all of my time 100% alone. I would have had 300 GBP from selling an item but she realized this and did this whole "YOU NEED TO LEAVE TODAY" stunt out of nowhere because she wants me to be on the streets with nothing at all. It was due to be posted today but I have no cash to post it. I can't stay here with her, I can't go and live with the nutcase, I can't go on the streets, I can't do anything except choose where I get to die. Death is the way out and everything stops, all of this is over with death. I wanted more than anything to not have to die here and to fly to an undisclosed city, see the sights and quietly OD on a cruise. I swore I would not die in this house and swore again not this town but it's this or I leave right now and walk for a few miles until I end up under a bridge in the middle of the night.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
I have around 1200mg 4 boxes with 4 transdermal patches each, one may have 3. 75 mg each and on top of that I have around 100ml of oramorph. Maybe some diazepam lying around too if I can find it.

If I apply all of this at once and go to sleep will I definitely not wake up? I weigh around 98kg bigger guy 6ft. I'm ready so please no nonsense. No history of use, no usage of any kind of drug in many years so hopefully low tolerance.

I'm scared of surviving this so I want to be absolutely sure. Minimal odds of survival right?
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Feb 15, 2020
My sociopathic mother lied to him and told him I've been abusing her. I've deliberately not said a single word to her for months until she creeped around and started spying on me. My dad isn't involved in my life or hers and hasn't been for years because he's a mobster and clinically insane/unstable, he's killed people for less. Very dangerous and volatile person. I shouted at her and her back at me and that was one incident weeks ago regarding spying on me but she told him I've been treating her like dogshit and making her cry and feel miserable/depressed (when that's what she does to me, she twists anything I say to her about her actions into a tool she can use for herself), as if I'm standing over her giving her abuse when in reality it's the other way around. She starts throwing insults me and mocking me at every opportunity. She's an honest sociopath that twists narratives all day long and keeps getting away with it. She enjoys to see me in pain. She invented a story today that I've been freeloading off her and ignoring her, laughing in her face and living here for free. In reality we made an agreement last year that I'd sell my things, get some money together and leave by mid this year at the latest. I told her I felt abused and thought it best we just stop talking until I go, she rolled her eyes and laughed at me as usual but finally agreed. My idea was to move away on my own and kill myself, I lied to her and told her I know some people I have to go and live with. All was going according to plan until she started seeing me pay for my own food, this for some reason infuriated her and she would scowl at me in silence. Then next thing I know she's on the phone to my nutcase of a father and bawling her eyes out with a performance that could win an oscar, then she followed me around the house with him on loudspeaker screaming death threats at me and insulting me as if he has a say in what I do or don't do when I'm in my 20s.

She still sees me as a child and I've been battling her warped understanding of reality my entire life. I've been trapped in this house with her as a hermit and haven't left the house in years due to a myriad of undiagnosed problems. I have zero friends and no social network period. Nobody knows I still exist other than online screennames here, maybe two other sites at most and those two nutjobs. Nobody knows who I actually am beyond these words on a screen. I'm a forgotten member of society with no formal qualifications, no records, no anything. I have essentially nothing to live for. There's no one I get online and talk to everyday, I spend all of my time 100% alone. I would have had 300 GBP from selling an item but she realized this and did this whole "YOU NEED TO LEAVE TODAY" stunt out of nowhere because she wants me to be on the streets with nothing at all. It was due to be posted today but I have no cash to post it. I can't stay here with her, I can't go and live with the nutcase, I can't go on the streets, I can't do anything except choose where I get to die. Death is the way out and everything stops, all of this is over with death. I wanted more than anything to not have to die here and to fly to an undisclosed city, see the sights and quietly OD on a cruise. I swore I would not die in this house and swore again not this town but it's this or I leave right now and walk for a few miles until I end up under a bridge in the middle of the night.
Holy shit, I am so sorry seriously. What an absolute nightmare of a situation to be in. I can't believe your "mother" in this whole situation. Why she would put her child through this is completely beyond me. This is so messed up.

I'm clutching at straws here but is it possible to take yourself to a hospital and say you are in danger of harming yourself, so you can even have a safe place to stay for a night until you try to figure things out?
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There Look! Nothing

Sep 29, 2020
Holy shit, I am so sorry seriously. What an absolute nightmare of a situation to be in. I can't believe your "mother" in this whole situation. Why she would put her child through this is completely beyond me. This is so messed up.

I'm clutching at straws here but is it possible to take yourself to a hospital and say you are in danger of harming yourself, so you can even have a safe place to stay for a night until you try to figure things out?
I think I'd be committed if I went to any kind of hospital and told them even a third of what I've said here. People have said over and over again not to go down that route but I've never received help from people in my life, actual help I mean. So I'm distrusting of people that want to try and assume the worst. I've heard a lot of horror stories about going to hospitals and talking about suicide. I mean at best I get locked up, given pills, a pep talk and then sent back on my way after a while right? I get out and my dad and mother will be waiting to berate me the moment I get out of the doors. My dad will try to forcefully reinsert himself into my life. It's just all fucked. I'm alone. Fuck it maybe I should just do it, maybe I should run up to the post office this morning, send this fucking thing off, buy a passport, get a cheap hotel, stay there and then get on a plane somewhere with whatever I have left and hope for the best. Aim for a fresh start with nothing. If you asked me what I really want that's what I'd tell you, that's what I wanted to do in 2019. I really do feel I have nothing to lose, I know you can't say "do it" under any circumstances. I don't even know if I'd survive but I'd rather be anonymous and homeless somewhere other than this fucking island. As far away as possible. That's assuming I could even make the trip with COVID going on.
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Feb 15, 2020
Yeah, there's a chance they will commit you but there's also a chance you can bullshit your way out of it until you've figured out a decent plan of action. You don't really want to die, right? So don't. Don't let other people's bullshit take away your chance of things improving. Try absolutely anything and everything you can. Hell, I'm not a religious person by any means but in your position I'd even consider begging a church for some help. This is your life on the line. I don't think you want to go, not really. And despite not knowing you, I really don't want you to go either.

Don't let other people win. Get your money and even just a cheap hotel room for a night until you figure it out.


It is always darkest before the dawn
Mar 26, 2021
Time to onset of action for the patch is 12 hours.

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