
Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
As the title implies i'm in a psichiatric hospital rn. Been 3 days and it's been pure hell. Does anybody know long they are supposed to keep me in here? I'm loosing my shit. All day long in bed with absolutely no entertainment. I keep asking the doctor when they're goinf to release me but all i got as an answer was "atleast 10 days". Fucking hell. I miss my PC and comfy bed at home. can't get out even for a walk and they keep pumping me with neuroleptics. The doctor assigned to me is pretty old, so i believe her methods are quite outdated. I'm experiencing literal help. When i thought daily life cannot get more unbearable, here i am. Literally in hell.
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  • Aww..
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Reactions: kovkay, Ashley_1988, NeverSatisfied and 22 others


Dec 13, 2020
How did they find out you had SN etc?

I hope things get better for you.
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Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
How did they find out you had SN etc?

I hope things get better for you.
Not sure tbh. At some point i found out it's gone and started asking my mother if she found it. Next thing i know the cops are at my place.
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Feb 21, 2021
They let you have your phone while you are impatient interred? That doesn't happen in the USA because of privacy laws...
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Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
They let you have your phone while you are impatient interred? That doesn't happen in the USA because of privacy laws...
Both phone and computer are available.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Can you get some books or anything. Just something to distract your mind. Those places are more harmful when just left to rot doped up on meds. Sending hugs and strength, don't let the system destroy you, Stay Beautiful
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, I know you're going through hell but at least you can use your phone.
I've heard that you need to be at least 14 days there in order to be free again.

Just do whatever they tell you to do. The better you have, the sooner you'll leave!
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Reactions: Kodokushi, WhatDoesTheFoxSay?, Wheredidmysanitygo and 1 other person


Aug 12, 2018
Didn't you tell anyone about your plan ?

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
As the title implies i'm in a psichiatric hospital rn. Been 3 days and it's been pure hell. Does anybody know long they are supposed to keep me in here? I'm loosing my shit. All day long in bed with absolutely no entertainment. I keep asking the doctor when they're goinf to release me but all i got as an answer was "atleast 10 days". Fucking hell. I miss my PC and comfy bed at home. can't get out even for a walk and they keep pumping me with neuroleptics. The doctor assigned to me is pretty old, so i believe her methods are quite outdated. I'm experiencing literal help. When i thought daily life cannot get more unbearable, here i am. Literally in hell.
The looney bin lol! Only the sane pple go to the looney bin. Everything is inverted in society. Suicidal doesn't equal crazy.
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Feb 27, 2021
Christ my N was found and i wasn't even sectioned and that was AFTER trying to jump infront of a train and overdosing. Maybe they can see there's hope for you
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Reactions: WhatDoesTheFoxSay?, Regen and rs929


Feb 19, 2020
As the title implies i'm in a psichiatric hospital rn. Been 3 days and it's been pure hell. Does anybody know long they are supposed to keep me in here? I'm loosing my shit. All day long in bed with absolutely no entertainment. I keep asking the doctor when they're goinf to release me but all i got as an answer was "atleast 10 days". Fucking hell. I miss my PC and comfy bed at home. can't get out even for a walk and they keep pumping me with neuroleptics. The doctor assigned to me is pretty old, so i believe her methods are quite outdated. I'm experiencing literal help. When i thought daily life cannot get more unbearable, here i am. Literally in hell.
They let you have internet though?

And yeah, mental hospitals fucking suck. They will keep you as long as possible to milk your insurance.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Look on the bright side. You didn't get charged for possessing the said substance. Last thing you need is a criminal charge against you.


Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
Turns out they can't keep me here against my will so i'll be leaving on friday. Wanted to keep me for an entire month instead I'm far less suicidal tho. Might as well give life a chance.
Didn't you tell anyone about your plan ?
Actually i did mention it to my brother and aunt. Idk what went over my head at the time.
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Jan 31, 2021
If they can't keep you there against your will, is there something preventing you to pack your stuff and leave the place immediately? At least this is what I would do. I've been at such place and I'm not sure how it is in your country, but in this country is was a hell.

After I was released by a court order they tried to convince me to stay voluntarily. Fucking hell, I told them to open the door immediately with the court order in my hand and they couldn't do anything other than doing so.


Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
If they can't keep you there against your will, is there something preventing you to pack your stuff and leave the place immediately? At least this is what I would do. I've been at such place and I'm not sure how it is in your country, but in this country is was a hell.

After I was released by a court order they tried to convince me to stay voluntarily. Fucking hell, I told them to open the door immediately with the court order in my hand and they couldn't do anything other than doing so.
Waiting for a diagnosis. Got psychological tests done. Now i'm waiting for the psychiatrist to review them. I should be home by friday. I can't just leave. I need to sign the papers and she (the shrink) won't give them to me until she evaluates the tests, which might take until friday.
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"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
As the title implies i'm in a psichiatric hospital rn. Been 3 days and it's been pure hell. Does anybody know long they are supposed to keep me in here? I'm loosing my shit. All day long in bed with absolutely no entertainment. I keep asking the doctor when they're goinf to release me but all i got as an answer was "atleast 10 days". Fucking hell. I miss my PC and comfy bed at home. can't get out even for a walk and they keep pumping me with neuroleptics. The doctor assigned to me is pretty old, so i believe her methods are quite outdated. I'm experiencing literal help. When i thought daily life cannot get more unbearable, here i am. Literally in hell.
are you in the uk by any chance? if not can I ask where you're from?


Jun 15, 2020
They let you have your phone while you are impatient interred? That doesn't happen in the USA because of privacy laws...
Yea I was going to say- I've been there plenty of times in us and we aren't ever allowed a phone. That really sucks!
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Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
Yea I was going to say- I've been there plenty of times in us and we aren't ever allowed a phone. That really sucks!
If it hadn't had my phone i'd be truly crazy by now


Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
How are you holding up @Wheredidmysanitygo? All on track to get out tomorrow, are they putting any support in place for you after discharge? Hugs and strength
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Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
How are you holding up @Wheredidmysanitygo? All on track to get out tomorrow, are they putting any support in place for you after discharge? Hugs and strength
I suppose i'm better. Got out yesterday with a promise that i'd stop drinking. Shitty promise. I want a beer already. oh and the thought of suicide is still in the back of my head. I might just be hella bored tho. I'm on tiapride x3 times a day which makes everything i try to do boring and not rewarding. Got diagnosed with something along the lines of "emotionally unstable personality disorder" and treated for alcoholism (been drinking 2-3 litres of beer daily for the past 4 months). I'm all clean but awfuly bored. Can't seem to be able to change my lifestyle the way i wanted. It's only been one day so i'm not giving up on positive changes just yet.
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Reactions: kovkay, LittleBabyNothing and Fehler


Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Feb 4, 2021
Yea I was going to say- I've been there plenty of times in us and we aren't ever allowed a phone. That really sucks!
I guess the rules are different here in Lithuania. They also can only keep you against your will up to 3 days. They need a court order for further hospitalization in such cases. Lucky me i agreed to sign the papers so i could deny treatment at any time. Even when i asked to let me go(monday) they ended up keeping me until friday to run some tests and diagnose.


Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
I suppose i'm better. Got out yesterday with a promise that i'd stop drinking. Shitty promise. I want a beer already. oh and the thought of suicide is still in the back of my head. I might just be hella bored tho. I'm on tiapride x3 times a day which makes everything i try to do boring and not rewarding. Got diagnosed with something along the lines of "emotionally unstable personality disorder" and treated for alcoholism (been drinking 2-3 litres of beer daily for the past 4 months). I'm all clean but awfuly bored. Can't seem to be able to change my lifestyle the way i wanted. It's only been one day so i'm not giving up on positive changes just yet.
Glad you're doing okish. Sounds rough with staying off booze, hope you can manage it. i have EUPD, feel free to pm if you want to chat about it, or anything.
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Reactions: Wheredidmysanitygo

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