Plenty of people in this world off themselves every day, the vast majority of which were never on this site. This site just happens to attract a few of them before they actually carry out CTB, which they would do anyway, even if they had never discovered this site. Is it any surprise that so many people on this site actually go through with CTB? I know it's still the minority of SaSu users who actually go through with it, but this is a relatively small amount of collective suicide people, so it may seem like many people leave here on a continual basis. This world sucks so much, and so many people have great hardships to deal with, it's actually a wonder to me that more people don't get off the life train. Nothing is ever going to get better in this shit-hole world, so I actually expect that suicide rates will drastically increase in the coming years and decade,s as this world becomes shittier and shittier.