Yes, they moved the documents to a different server.
You can find quite a few publications on SN on their new site.
"Fatal methemoglobinemia: A case series highlighting a new trend in intentional sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate ingestion as a method of suicide" (September 2021)
Ok. I found this article in the Journal of Emergency Medicine "Sodium Nitrite Ingestion: an Emerging Trend in Suicide Attempts Shared via Online Communities" March 2021, but it's behind a paywall and I can't successfully link to it.
However - they did publish a table with vital signs of 5 patients who came to the ER with SN poisoning:
Patient 1
17 yr old female, arrived at hospital without heartbeat (HB)/blood pressure at 0, Oxygen Saturation at 79%, Peak Methoglobin level 84, Meth Blue administered once, deceased.
Patient 2
35 yr old male, arrived with regular HB, low blood pressure, Oxygen Sat at 80%, Peak Methoglobin level 80, Meth Blue given 2x, deceased.
Patient 3
17 yr old female, ingested 21 g of SN, arrived with rapid HB, regular blood pressure, Oxygen Sat at 84%, Peak Methoglobin over 24, Meth Blue given once, survived.
Patient 4
24 yr old male, arrived with rapid HB, regular blood pressure, Oxygen Sat at 87%, Peak Methoglobin at 69, Meth Blue given 2x, survived.
Patient 5
22 yr old male, slightly elevated HB, very low blood pressure, Oxygen Sat at 80%, Peak Methoglobin (not measured until after Meth Blue was given). They administered meth blue 4 (!) times and he still passed away.
Found a few snippets (more details on each patient and how they presented to the ER) published here:
The people who survived received Methylene Blue early enough.
Those who passed away had cardiac arrests before Meth Blue could be administered (sometimes with significant delay).
July 2022:
Both cases reported here survived (one took about 10g, one less than 1 g), as they both presented to ER within a short timeframe:
"Suicide attempt using sodium nitrite ordered on the internet: Two case reports"
ated water and food has previously occurred, there has been a substantial upsurge in suicide intoxication in recent years. Patient concerns: We present case reports of 2 patients who attempted suicide by sodium nitrite after ordering a “suicide powder” on the internet market. They were brought...
June 2021:
One case reported, 37 yr old female, deceased. Unfortunately behind a paywall, but description says "found in bed with water bottle containing SN and a plastic bag with several medications and a suicide note"
"Another suicide by sodium nitrite and multiple drugs: an alarming trend for "exit"?"
This case report describes a fatal case of sodium nitrite and multiple drug consumption. A 37-year-old female was found in bed with a plastic bottle containing sodium nitrite and a bag containing multiple drugs and a suicide note. The results of the autopsy showed completely fixed grayish livor...