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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
They don't deserve death. They should be made to suffer unending cruelty. They aren't human.
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
If you mean someone who is sexually attracted to children, but hasn't abused a child, I don't see how this question makes sense. They probably should seek professional help.

If you mean someone who has committed a crime, then they should turn themselves in and pay for what they did (assuming they want some sort of absolution).
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Mar 26, 2024
Not inherently no.

Pedophilia is a mental illness, it can and is diagnosed as an illness.

Pedophiles do not always choose to act upon their desires, sadly most of them do, but not all people who experience sexual attraction towards children go on to sexually abuse them. That is why pedophillic disorder is in no way an excuse to hurt children, there is a difference between someone who has pedophillic thoughts and someone who chooses to act on them.

I don't think someone should be pressured to ctb because they experience those thoughts, it isn't justifiable and it is incredibly wrong and disgusting, but these people aren't inherently predators and most people with pedophillic disorder experience great guilt for their thoughts and actively seek therapy and medications to mitigate it.

Conditions such as ocd cause individuals to sometimes have intrusive thoughts about sexually abusing children, should they ctb because of that? No.

However for those who do choose to hurt children, the world would absolutely be a better place without them in it. There is a very distinct difference between someone who experiences those thoughts, and someone who is deranged enough to commit those acts.

People who experience those thoughts and are distressed and disgusted by it, should be welcomed with open arms and given support. Those who are content with those thoughts, act upon them, ect... Should be castrated imo.
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Apr 5, 2024
I think it's possible for most zoos/pedos to control their sexual tendencies with some help.

I'm even okay with drawings of child porn or AI generated stuff as nobody is harmed in the making or consumption of it and there's no proof that it makes pedos more likely to act on their desires.

Unfortunately most people treat them like freaks instead of asking them to seek help.

I don't think being a zoo/pedo is enough of a reason to commit suicide, although coming into existence is always a harm so you don't really need a reason to ctb.
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Nov 24, 2023
Not even going to argue about the bit about transitioning minors because I know neither of our minds will be changed, and I don't see how a medical evaluation is the same as an individual person's thoughts, regardless of your opinion. But wouldn't punishing the expression of pedophilic thoughts encourage secrecy, and not taking preventative measures until it's too late? The mindset of a criminal is obviously not "don't commit the crime", but rather "don't get caught".

We've outlawed drugs such as LSD, heroin and cocaine, and dealers only find better and better methods to keep their illegal activity secret. This is not to compare drug use to pedophilia in any way, but is brought up to acknowledge the mindset of a person doing something forbidden. Outlawing an imaginal activity is a whole nother can of worms. If a person recognizes that they have pedophilic thoughts, and recognizes that these thoughts alone are punishable by jail time or death, then they are completely discouraged from communicating these problems, as I'd assume a professional under this scenario would immediately report these thoughts to the authorities.

Take the core subject matter of this entire forum for example. If I had a nickel for every person, on this site and otherwise, who said they avoided seeking help for suicidal ideation because they don't want to end up in a psych ward, I'd be a millionaire. But it doesn't erase the thought -- it never does, and thousands of people have probably killed themselves inadvertently from this fear of the Baker Act alone, and this fear of communicating their problems. Again, this is not to compare these two completely different behaviors. But you see the problem that comes from persecuting a thought, no?

Outlawing pedophilic thoughts will never erase them, and would most likely work in the opposite direction and encourage secrecy. Some pedophiles would end up behind bars or on death row. But it'd also encourage these urges to fester inside the mind of a pedophile, or it'd encourage pedophiles to form their own echo chambers, and I'd imagine many children being harmed as an unfortunate result of this well-intentioned law. Your scenario sounds lovely and ideal on paper, but I only see it crumbling in on itself in reality.
You wrote a very educated reply.
Thinking about this really disturbs me but I wonder how many nonces may not act on it physically but access it through porn? it's probably a lot more common then we realize. What's also really disgusting is parents baiting their children online, they should have repercussions as well.

I don't know if I'm missing something or don't understand properly, I'm autistic sorry, but saying that pedos should be stopped before they do something, isn't that idealistic and not a solution? Like genuinely asking, I'm no human behavior expert but I imagine it is incredibly rare that someone that only has unwanted intrusive thoughts would come forward to get help let alone a person that has copious amounts of material or ones who have acted on it.

I think it is a really difficult subject to tackle, and because it understandably makes people uncomfortable and is a taboo people don't want to discuss it,.....but by more people talking about it, is it more likely something could be done? Could there be procedures in place? I dunno,.... It seems more likely, rightly or wrongly nonces will not feel safe or comfy or some even guilty or have a conscience for causing harm to children, so even if there was less stigma and more support I don't know if there would be more confessions or justice.

Saying that, and I really don't know why they told me, but this bothers me soooooooo much, but I have had two instances in my life where pedos have confessed to me what they've done. Is it showing off? Is it trying to enrage me? Is it thinking that I would be okay with it? Was it cause they thought if I told anyone they wouldn't believe me? Was it a cry for help? Maybe they saw me as a very understanding person and needed to be understood without judgment, however I have my limits and got very emotional each time, it is hard for me to have empathy for such vile acts, but maybe that is what is needed to break the chain, it'll take really strong therapists to hear their thoughts though. One of them went to prison the other tried to abuse and manipulate me(and did to an extent but I got away) but is free, but both wanted to ctb. I know this is just my experience and perhaps many nonces do want to Ctb but I reckon there's prolly just as many or more who don't see anything wrong with what they're doing.

Being homeless myself, I have unfortunately heard too many personal stories of mainly incest but some from schools. Some victims came forward but most didn't, it's tragic, feel so powerless, knowing that most likely way to stop nonces, is for them one of their victims to come forward but by then the damage is done and it is incredibly hard for the victim to do.

I have a fantasy that one day that AI will be good enough to delete all inappropriate child images (and other disturbing things), not just online but on any phone or computer with wifi access and when anyone tries to upload them automatically delete it and reports them to the police but also out all the nonces publicly so that we all know who they are and what they look like,..... Which might lead more to ctb.
Actually currently AI has been used to create more images and this then raises the question of whether or not it's still a crime because no one's actually harmed in the creation of the images.
Personally speaking... This depends.

Someone who wacks off to Loli or Shota Hentai:
A little weird, but no only they should decide if they CTB.... They just have a weird fetish, if they think it is a problem, they should get checked out.

Someone who wacks off to actual CP
They should seek help for this, no one is beyond redemption, only they should decide if they CTB.

Someone who is attracted to Minors but is non-offending.
They should seek help for this, no one is beyond redemption, only they should decide if they CTB.

Someone who is has offended against a minor.
They should seek help for this, but this is hard... They have hurt someone else, sometimes in unrepairable ways I am not sure, but personally I lean towards they should decided themselves.
Well this counters my argument pretty well, but as a guy above you said my solution is idealistic and not actually much of a solution. It's hard for me to see it cartoon character as a human being in a realistic way. There's many people I've known who've roleplayed as dominant women only to be submissive in real life, so the disconnect between fiction and reality when it comes to anime is really not something I can comment on as much as I would like to. Lol I don't want to be pretentious and say that my way is the only way or pretend like I know what I'm talking about outside of what I actually know what I'm talking about lol.

My point was although we shouldn't punish the thought it may be the only solution to actually protect people. Someone once told me that thinking about something is only two steps away from actually doing it
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
Actually currently AI has been used to create more images and this then raises the question of whether or not it's still a crime because no one's actually harmed in the creation of the images.
It won't even be a question of whether it's a crime; in the next few years it will be impossible to effectively control distribution of such material.

Last year if you went on /b/, it'd full of AI generated CP; it's probably even more realistic now. And when video models begin to become widespread (right now stuff like Sora is way beyond most people ability to use, and not available anyway), all you'll need is one beefy GPU and you get all the CP in the world.


Nov 24, 2023
Pedophilia is defined by an attraction (that is or was most likely outside an individual's control), not an offence. There is no evidence to suggest that all or even most pedophiles are offenders. It's fallacious to argue that allowing pedophiles to voice their issues in an attempt to address them is going to make the offence socially acceptable—some are aware that acting on their attractions would be immoral and refrain from doing so, and they should be helped. Obviously the issue is complicated by the fact that when most people conceptualise a pedophile it's an offending one, since those are the only ones we hear about. The offence being immoral in such a viscerally repulsive way also clouds judgement imo.

I mostly feel pity for non-offending pedophiles, which I'd hazard are in the majority.
I get your point of view however at the risk of offending many people... We can only compare similar systems. While the LGBTQ community has been wrongfully blamed for supporting pedophilia... We can only really compare possible outcomes to a time when homosexuality/etc was considered an abomination that was being peddled for us to accept.

I'm not homophobic whatsoever and I mean no disrespect to anyone who is a part of LGBTQ whatsoever, but I am arguing that we can compare modern social acceptance and past ostracization to the current situation with how pedophiles are received and potentially will be perceived in the future.

I totally get that they're different things.
However... I think it's arguable that pedophiles (if not protested and essentially driven to the edge of Extinction) will one day be accepted. We already have people saying that it's not their faults.

And people forget that in the 90s they were organizations that were even made fun of by South Park like NAMBLA that were actual organizations,
Which one can only assume still exist in some way shape or form.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I think the more interesting question is, if assisted suicide or euthanasia became mandatory and/or easily accessible for all pedophiles, how many members of SS or even suicidal people in general would choose to pretend to be one just to CTB peacefully? I'm not a pedophile myself but I won't lie, I'd be tempted to falsely claim I am one just to have access to a more peaceful death that I wouldn't even have to work as hard for.
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Nov 24, 2023
It won't even be a question of whether it's a crime; in the next few years it will be impossible to effectively control distribution of such material.

Last year if you went on /b/, it'd full of AI generated CP; it's probably even more realistic now. And when video models begin to become widespread (right now stuff like Sora is way beyond most people ability to use, and not available anyway), all you'll need is one beefy GPU and you get all the CP in the world.
I 100% agree and if anything it will lead to more acceptance of pedophilia. I'll have to find the article but a couple years ago The Who (World health organization) released an oracle that encouraged childhood masturbation and it caused such an outcry that they straight up pretended like it was an April fool's Day joke and never mentioned it again.

If we don't actively reject and protest pedophilia,
It very well might become socially acceptable.
And while I would love to say this isn't a realistic outcome... How many people thought the same thing about other sexualities in the early 1900s?
Homosexuality was still illegal in Europe in the 1980s. So we're not even 50 years from the dark ages of homophobia and yet we're already facing a dark future of pedophilia being accepted.

I wish I had something else to compare it to because I don't want anyone to fill like I'm intentionally comparing these two things to be offensive. They're way different however the social structure of acceptance is pretty much identical.


Jan 1, 2024
Only if they cant control themselves and keep hurting kids


Nov 24, 2023
If you mean someone who is sexually attracted to children, but hasn't abused a child, I don't see how this question makes sense. They probably should seek professional help.

If you mean someone who has committed a crime, then they should turn themselves in and pay for what they did (assuming they want some sort of absolution).
Unfortunately prison isn't the nightmare for pedophiles that you might think.

Having went to a high medium security prison in 2022,
I have to tell you that it's now becoming a breeding den for pedos. There are actually pedophiles who go around extorting people because if you beat one up you get a mandatory 5 years for a hate crime. 🤷‍♂️ As insane as it might sound they're called the Chomilita as in an army of chomos.

We're really facing dark times
I think it's possible for most zoos/pedos to control their sexual tendencies with some help.

I'm even okay with drawings of child porn or AI generated stuff as nobody is harmed in the making or consumption of it and there's no proof that it makes pedos more likely to act on their desires.

Unfortunately most people treat them like freaks instead of asking them to seek help.

I don't think being a zoo/pedo is enough of a reason to commit suicide, although coming into existence is always a harm so you don't really need a reason to ctb.
I get what you're saying however, there are many people who are sympathizers with pedophiles.

And as much as I would like to deny the actuality,
There are actually children who have felt like they haven't been violated. I remember reading an article about a girl who was pressured to press charges on David Bowie a decade after she slept with him, and she later redacted her statements because she was sexually active at like 13 or 14 and it was only from pressure that she ever felt that she was taking advantage of. And because of this one story alone, one could drastically alter statistics and probably even justify what they're doing because they're able to claim (at least to themselves) that their situation is "different".
Not inherently no.

Pedophilia is a mental illness, it can and is diagnosed as an illness.

Pedophiles do not always choose to act upon their desires, sadly most of them do, but not all people who experience sexual attraction towards children go on to sexually abuse them. That is why pedophillic disorder is in no way an excuse to hurt children, there is a difference between someone who has pedophillic thoughts and someone who chooses to act on them.

I don't think someone should be pressured to ctb because they experience those thoughts, it isn't justifiable and it is incredibly wrong and disgusting, but these people aren't inherently predators and most people with pedophillic disorder experience great guilt for their thoughts and actively seek therapy and medications to mitigate it.

Conditions such as ocd cause individuals to sometimes have intrusive thoughts about sexually abusing children, should they ctb because of that? No.

However for those who do choose to hurt children, the world would absolutely be a better place without them in it. There is a very distinct difference between someone who experiences those thoughts, and someone who is deranged enough to commit those acts.

People who experience those thoughts and are distressed and disgusted by it, should be welcomed with open arms and given support. Those who are content with those thoughts, act upon them, ect... Should be castrated imo.
Why aren't regular rapists castrated? And how long until physical and chemical castration are viewed as hate crimes or as archaic ways of control?

If they won't be erased...
Does that inherently mean that they will one day be accepted and maybe even allowed to abuse?

I'm not trying to scare anyone with these possibilities with this is why the topic is so interesting. You could never tell someone in the 1800s or the 1900s the reality we currently live in,
And not just because technology but because of how everything from minorities and homosexuality/etc is not only supported but actually encouraged.

The people that brought up AI are the people I think who actually understand the realisticness of pedophiles assimilating into society.
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There is no escaping the burden of existence
Jan 8, 2024
Each case has its specific circumstances, not all abuses culminate in the same psychological disorders. The semantics of this word carries a strong emotional bias that obstructs rationalization. In underdeveloped cultures this practice is considered "normal" and sociologically permissible. I cite the country "India" and "South Africa" as an example.

I feel sorry for those who suffered sexual assault and had their lives damaged (as some don't even realize they were abused). Clearly when our limits are not respected this causes immense resentment.

But to answer about pedophiles: you are the only one who can judge their actions. No one knows you the way you know yourself, guilt is subjective and personal. Committing suicide is something that is not for others to evaluate. Context is fundamental in character formation. It is common to hear news reports of children sexually abusing younger children.
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Jun 20, 2023
I'm even okay with drawings of child porn or AI generated stuff as nobody is harmed in the making or consumption of it and there's no proof that it makes pedos more likely to act on their desires.
Same. I actually think it might be good if drawings/AI images function as an outlet for them.

I'm not homophobic whatsoever and I mean no disrespect to anyone who is a part of LGBTQ whatsoever, but I am arguing that we can compare modern social acceptance and past ostracization to the current situation with how pedophiles are received and potentially will be perceived in the future.

I totally get that they're different things.
However... I think it's arguable that pedophiles (if not protested and essentially driven to the edge of Extinction) will one day be accepted. We already have people saying that it's not their faults.
I get the point you're making; a sexuality that was considered deviant and immoral in the past is now socially acceptable and, especially with the existence of groups who define themselves by their pedophilia and claim acting on it isn't immoral, there's a chance this will happen again. I understand the comparison.

My primary issue with this is that it sounds like the slippery slope fallacy. I don't think saying we should be more sympathetic towards non-offenders, essentially treating them as victims of mental illness, is going to lead to societal acceptance of the offence of pedophilia.

I think it may also be worth looking at the origins of these moral stances. As I see it, it was largely religion, particularly Abrahamic religion, that decreed homosexuality was immoral. But there seems to be a trend towards humanism in secular states, and while homosexuality is moral in the humanist sense since no one gets hurt, pedophilia just isn't. Aside from children being incapable of consent, which means all acts of pedophilia are rape, there's empirical evidence showing how acts of pedophilia hurt their victims. Incidentally, societies that practice child marriage (parts of MENA, some Mormon sects, etc.), also tend to be homophobic. That's because the moral codes that govern those societies are religious, not humanist. Pedophilia is immoral from the humanist point of view; homosexuality isn't, and I don't see pedophilia ever being widely accepted so long as the societies that now shun it stick to their largely humanist principles.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "protested and driven to the edge of extinction"; I don't think pedophilia is genetic and it also isn't within one's control, so it can't be weeded out altogether. The most we'd accomplish is driving non-offenders further into hiding.

A social stigma against the offence paired with a degree of compassion shown by MH institutions and society in general and the use of practices to help those with the condition overcome/resist acting on it (similar to how heroin users are treated, maybe? idk) seems like the best scenario to me.
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Nov 24, 2023
Same. I actually think it might be good if drawings/AI images function as an outlet for them.

I get the point you're making; a sexuality that was considered deviant and immoral in the past is now socially acceptable and, especially with the existence of groups who define themselves by their pedophilia and claim acting on it isn't immoral, there's a chance this will happen again. I understand the comparison.

My primary issue with this is that it sounds like the slippery slope fallacy. I don't think saying we should be more sympathetic towards non-offenders, essentially treating them as victims of mental illness, is going to lead to societal acceptance of the offence of pedophilia.

I think it may also be worth looking at the origins of these moral stances. As I see it, it was largely religion, particularly Abrahamic religion, that decreed homosexuality was immoral. But there seems to be a trend towards humanism in secular states, and while homosexuality is moral in the humanist sense since no one gets hurt, pedophilia just isn't. Aside from children being incapable of consent, which means all acts of pedophilia are rape, there's empirical evidence showing how acts of pedophilia hurt their victims. Incidentally, societies that practice child marriage (parts of MENA, some Mormon sects, etc.), also tend to be homophobic. That's because the moral codes that govern those societies are religious, not humanist. Pedophilia is immoral from the humanist point of view; homosexuality isn't, and I don't see pedophilia ever being widely accepted so long as the societies that now shun it stick to their largely humanist principles.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "protested and driven to the edge of extinction"; I don't think pedophilia is genetic and it also isn't within one's control, so it can't be weeded out altogether. The most we'd accomplish is driving non-offenders further into hiding.

A social stigma against the offence paired with a degree of compassion shown by MH institutions and society in general and the use of practices to help those with the condition overcome/resist acting on it (similar to how heroin users are treated, maybe? idk) seems like the best scenario to me.
Like labyrinth said, there have been lots of reports of children abusing children. There isn't some progenitor pedophile vampire that we have to take out to cure everybody. Just because a child molests another child doesn't mean they were molested. Sometimes it says simple as curiosity.

But even that can have detrimental effects on the victim.
I just found this as an interesting topic,
And while I do disagree with you on it not being eventually accepted. I very much would like to be able to agree with you.

Sometimes there is no solution.
But I deeply respect all the people who commented on the post and spoke up saying that defending kids is the number one priority even if it's not by the most noble of means.

At the very least it gives me hope that I won't wake up one day when I'm 70 to NAMBLA giving us a US president. 🤷‍♂️

We already have the child sniffer.


Jun 20, 2023
Like labyrinth said, there have been lots of reports of children abusing children. There isn't some progenitor pedophile vampire that we have to take out to cure everybody. Just because a child molests another child doesn't mean they were molested. Sometimes it says simple as curiosity.
Sure, I can agree with you here. Is this an objection/response to something I said?

We already have the child sniffer.
Sorry, not sure what you mean.


Nov 24, 2023
Sure, I can agree with you here. Is this an objection/response to something I said?

Sorry, not sure what you mean.
It wasn't an objection to what you said so much as me saying the argument for it being natural will never go away. I just didn't explain myself clearly.

And the US President Joe Biden sniffs children and there's videos of it online 😂
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May 24, 2024
Anyone can kill themselves for any reason.
For pedophiles, it's important to distinguish the ones that feel guilty because of their attraction and vow not to act on it (let's say A) and those who accept their attraction and may consider acting on it (let's say B).
I believe overly stigmatizing group A is counterproductive and they deserve help, not judgment.
Group B is unacceptable and I would be glad if they die.
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Sad Doggo
May 27, 2024
It's crazy that the first reply accused you of being a pedo, that's wild.

But yeah, I agree with most people on here. Its not a sexuality. People who have this mental illness should preferably get help for it or, if they can NOT stop their urges, CTB. Same with rapists, murderers, sadists, ect.
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Apr 17, 2024
You might say I fall into the mental illness school of thought. An illness, I'm sure people will point out, is socially defined by anything which puts you at conflict with yourself or with others. An ordinary orientation does not bear this problem, but with the condition you describe, you risk collateral damage. Those who are at risk should seek help. That said, this whole thing seems to be so untouchable it affects posts about it, and I've heard people assert the whole death (or torture) approach thousands of times over. To kill either one of the people involved goes against the whole "it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem", especially supposing you oppose self-caused death (sometimes I myself am not sure if I know if I do). People recover, I say that only because it's fact. If you need to do something to the suspect, just treat it like any crime. Not hard. Maybe give them the Hammurabi treatment too. Don't declare eternal war or anything, people are more than their crimes. I would not wish upon anyone the eternal war people have declared on me, with false accusations of what you describe being a cited reason for some. I do want out of my life due to this falsely justified targeting, and not only is it used as proxy leverage for the topic of suicide (as in I'm sure a lot of people think "I can accuse someone AND THEN tell them to die") but sometimes also LGBT-phobia even though it's definitely NOT in the LGBT. Because this hypocrisy is so widely accepted in society, I also don't flinch when someone tries to play the role of Hegesias and tear apart the norm of people saying they care for others' livelihood by suggesting maybe people don't actually care deep inside, even though I know at least some do. Humanity intrinsically infuriates and disheartens me.
Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
should sociopaths/psychopaths/sadists ctb themselves? essentially the same question


Jun 12, 2023
Don't go on hating anyone, I guess. If you hated gay people (like some do), would you instead ask "is it ok if gay people off themselves?"

Or if you hated black people or w/e.

Maybe try to see why you are asking this question in the first place.


death is sustainable
Oct 2, 2023
If they want to. I don't and can't hate anyone, people get the way they do because of their environment. I look past people's faults, I also can't imagine the turmoil that takes place inside of people who possess such an evil urge, especially when they know it's wrong.
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Jul 11, 2024
They don't deserve death. They should be made to suffer unending cruelty. They aren't human.
I get that pedophelia is a very dificult topic but to comdemn for thoughts they cant controle and have not acted on them is insane. There definitely shoud be a better support system to prevent as much crime as possible and offenders should be punished accordingly. But if you start to sentence people to death for thoughts/mental illness/not beeing your expactation of normal, where do you start and where do you stop? Eugenics all over again


Apr 30, 2024
pedophiles that are aware & have never hurt someone who actively is aware, open, in therapy, whatever, no. You can't help that. It's a sickness.

Pedophiles that have hurt children? Death is not the answer in my book <3 they deserve so much worse.


Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I get that pedophelia is a very dificult topic but to comdemn for thoughts they cant controle and have not acted on them is insane. There definitely shoud be a better support system to prevent as much crime as possible and offenders should be punished accordingly. But if you start to sentence people to death for thoughts/mental illness/not beeing your expactation of normal, where do you start and where do you stop? Eugenics all over again
I said they don't deserve death. I can't defend a child predator.


Nov 24, 2023
I get that pedophelia is a very dificult topic but to comdemn for thoughts they cant controle and have not acted on them is insane. There definitely shoud be a better support system to prevent as much crime as possible and offenders should be punished accordingly. But if you start to sentence people to death for thoughts/mental illness/not beeing your expactation of normal, where do you start and where do you stop? Eugenics all over again
This is one of the reasons why I asked the original question because I think we can all say that pedophilia is wrong and I think if any group of people deserve death that the vast majority of people are going to say it's pedophiles without any close races so to speak...

But then, where do we start and where do we stop with judgment?
And if we can say that by thoughts alone a person isn't terrible... Then why are so many people here on the site condemning themselves for their thoughts alone?
It's intriguing to say the least.


Just a wounded animal that should be put down
Jul 12, 2023
Yeah, I think they shouldn't be alive. Whether they CTB or get the Konetsco Protocol (shotgun to the chest by their victims or their parents).


Nov 24, 2023
pedophiles that are aware & have never hurt someone who actively is aware, open, in therapy, whatever, no. You can't help that. It's a sickness.

Pedophiles that have hurt children? Death is not the answer in my book <3 they deserve so much worse.
I get what you're saying but what about the chomos who were abused? I can't speak cuz I never been in that situation where I've ever been SA'd but from an outsider perspective I would assume they know better... And yet if you look at statistics most people who do molest other people were molested themselves.


Jan 23, 2024
Pedos should be put to death the moment it is proved to be true

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