- Jun 16, 2023
- 20
So, I feel kind of confused on whether i should seek help or not. Here's my situation: This year I was supposed to move to another country and study there, however I got rejected from getting a visa and didn't get any answer on my appeal. I took it lightly understanding that it's okay I will just have a gap year and will go there next year. However, even though I was getting better and more hopeful the suicidal thoughts came back because I just don't want to keep on going, I don't want anything and I just want to die because I don't want to work hard to live. I am not planning on ctb in the mean time, but maybe in 2-3 months, so it'll be a more thoughtful decision if I will decide to do it. However, I thought maybe I should reach out to my friends and ask for help, because this feels like a depressive episode and maybe it'll go away in some time. But, I just don't know if I should share this with anyone because I think all of us understand that this topic is very hard to discuss, especially with people who (I believe) care about you. I feel confused. Also, if you think that I should share with someone close about this, maybe you have ideas on how to do that? Tbh I never asked anyone for help, which may be the reason why I feel so confused about how to explain my feelings and I'm also afraid of being kind of a burden because I don't think that someone can really help me
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