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Oct 27, 2018
That is a really rough life and fuck your doctor for making your life worse. I'm sorry that there isn't a good solution and I hope you find peace through death.


As for others, I empathize with your plights, we're all in shitty situations and I hope that we are all able to find peace someday.

My story:
I was born into middle class family that immigrated from East Asia. My parents settled in the US over 30 years ago and with them, they brought their parenting habits from their country of origin. As a kid, I was oftenly punished for what seemed to be minor infractions, under constant threat of punishment or consequences if I misbehaved or if I didn't do well. Getting corporeal punishment is a regular as well as verbal abuse and threats of punishment. Some of the things that I was punished for included not getting good grades (at least A or B), getting in trouble at school, or just failing to do something like a chore/making a mistake.

Growing up in school, I was not a popular kid, was often bullied by classmates and others, parents didn't really allow much freedom of choice in what I wanted to do, I've lived a sheltered life and almost every aspect of my life is regulated. In my teenage years, I was diagnosed with Aspergers, which explained why I am socially awkward and couldn't pick up social cues and had a hard time with 'people' IRL. I also had social anxiety, low confidence (due to constant verbal abuse and emotional abuse at home as well as school), and general anxiety. Never really had many friends except for a family friend but even he ghosted me later on.

Fast forward to college. At 18, I've moved out for the first time in my life. Things may have improved slightly with having more freedom, but yet, I found out that I was failing in life. Social skills and the ability to be with people was way more important and determined whether one will have an easy life or a hard life. Academics I didn't do too badly (above average) but am not on the top end (I'm only around top 30-40% maybe). As usual social life is still shit, never had a girlfriend (not that I cared at that point anyways), never really had close friends, just bare acquaintances and people who act like 'friends.'

After graduating, I've essentially become a NEET, meaning I am no longer in education, employment, or training and am a big failure in life. I've just drifted day to day without amounting to much of anything while my peers and acquaintances go on to accomplish great things as well as have families (personally I wouldn't want one either - I'm more of antinatalist here). Financially, I'm at risk of being homeless once my money runs out and I also couldn't just ask for money from my parents nor would I be comfortable living with them given the hell I've been through from childhood to adulthood. I'm currently living with some roommates at someone's house.

In addition to the long term and more immediate problems that I face (social and financial), I've also become awoken to the bullshit of which is life, society, it's morality and ethics and given the state of society as well as what will likely come, I've decided I wanted to check out before things become too unbearable or losing the ability to (reliably) check out. My other problems are my declining ability to pursue my piano playing hobby the way I want to (I assume it's physiological changes as well as worsening anxiety (don't even know why/cause since it wasn't as bad 10 years ago). As someone who highly values playing at a high level (serious amateur musician), this is a crippling blow not only to morale but also to what I've cherished most of my life.

In present day, I'm in the process of procuring my method a.k.a. obtaining a firearm which I do not too long from now (just waiting for the right time and moment as well as mustering my courage to walk into the gun store and buy one), as well as enjoying some small peaceful occasions, then when things really go to shit, I'll (hopefully) be ready to ctb on a whim.

If there is anything you want to know feel free to ask and I'll answer (provided that it won't put me at risk).
Hey, this is a bit late, I didn't follow through on this thread when it was active. I just want to say that you describe a life of significant challenges that you didn't ask for but that put major obstacles in what should hav been your path to happiness. I'm just so sorry you've had to confront these challenges and that they remain the source of great pain and suffering. I also want to say that I've seen some of your contributions here and you should know what a valued presence you are here. Hopefully you have found this place as special and welcoming as I have. I wish you the very best as you attempt tp make your way through whatever your next steps may be. Above all, I wish you peace, friend.
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Knight Artorias

Knight Artorias

Dec 3, 2018
I'm interested in hearing the stories of those of us who are considering ctb. Only if comfortable ofcourse. What has lead to this point. I'm sure we can relate.
My story, huh? Well that's a very complicated one. I've never truly had any kind of long lasting trauma in my life. I'd say I've been given the necessities to be healthy mentally and physically. My parents were pretty nice too. Family as well. Around 8th grade something just sort of "snapped". I'm not sure what it was but after a time I began to become increasingly anxious and insecure all the time. This led to things like shakes, due to me fearing being stared at. Social awkwardness, more so than I've ever had before. After about 2 years of these emotions, my mind began becoming more and more dark for no apparent reason what so ever. As a kid, I never imagined I'd be one of those depressed teens in those educational videos they showed us in Health class. I was in denial for a very long time. Anxiety turned into insecurity with time, and insecurity turned into Depression. I think I've always been depressed, quite frankly. Just going through this age in my life made it show itself more and more. I'm guessing it's geneic as many of my family suffer from an array of mental illnesses. But back to my story, when I hit high school? That's when the suicidal thoughts and depression began. My way of thinking became more and more grim and I became more hopeless that these invading thoughts and pains would never go. That's when it occurred to me to, self harm. It started with small scrapes on my hand. Nothing major. But after a year it became more and more violent. My arm is covered in puffy, veiny, itchy, and smooth scars now. Never got stitches thus they healed oddly. But now I'm older and more mature I guess and I'm just doing my best to hold out until I find my own happiness and purpose or it finds me. If none of that happens I'm just giving up. I'd rather exhaust all my choices first instead of risking losing out on them by ending it early. There ya go, my story. Sorry if it's not very good lol.
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John Stewart
Nov 18, 2018
So that people can't bully me anymore and because I'm tired of always being by myself in life while everyone else around me has people that like them, respect them, and care about them. I'm not cool with that. If that's how life is for me, then it makes no sense to continue onward to live to 70+ with life still being like that.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
OK, I can be verbose, but this got long even by my standards. I understand if it's far more than you were asking for. But here you go:

I'm still new here, but I've discussed on other threads what brought me here. But since it seems to help me write about it - it's given me some clarity about the host of feelings and emotions that drive my suicidal ideation -- I'll share it again here, perhaps adding a few new details. The basic issue is that I suffer from powerful feelings of shame, remorse, loss, isolation and failure. These feelings and emotions are the result of having basically thrown away what was a very satisfying life. More than satisfying, it was a life that was a periods filled with joy. I was always a popular young person (high school class favorite in the book having been class president three times, etc.). I was friends with all kinds of groups in highschool, the potheads ( I smoked), the nerds (I was smart), jocks (not sure why, was never athletic), etc. So my early years were fairly happy (though i was never as happy as people might have assumed given my popularity. I always suffered a feeling of inferiority and loneliness.

Enter first big issue: Drugs and alcohol helped enormously with the feelings of inferiority and loneliness. So I quickly began to abuse them and was clearly alcoholic by the end of high school. Went to college and did real well the first year and the promptly failed out when I discovered cocaine. SO I joined the army and was successful there -- though alcohol caused me a few problems there. After army went back to college - including winning a prestigious fellowship to study in France for a year. Went on to graduate school and was a star. Until my drinking reared it's head again so I didn't end of finishing my Ph.D. until I joined AA.

AA worked really well for me and in my view rewarded my sobriety with a life far greater than I could have imagined. Got a great university teaching job that I really succeeded at, married my old college sweetheart, had a beautiful and amazingly loving daughter. My professional success continued, I travelled the world, worked for a period in a high level way for the UN in Africa. I had it all. Love in my life. A spirituality from AA that was important to me and ed to me actually care about others, to give back to society (especially newcomers to AA). I had a lot of friends, respect of my community, and felt like I was making a modest but important (to me at least) contribution to making the world a better place.

Then I after about 15 years of sobriety I began taking prescription amphetamines to manage an apparent case of ADD. At first it was great and I became even more productive at work. But eventually the euphoria of Ritalin became more important than my improved concentration. I very quickly began to abuse it, taking more and more (my doctor was easy to convince I had things under control since he knew I had "beaten" alcohol). Here's where it get's shitty. Without really being aware of it, all these amphetamines was driving me into massive mania (I'm bipolar). My mania was heavily characterized by hypersexuality (not an uncommon manifestation of bipolar mania). The backstory is unimportant but on a trip to Switzerland I found myself (truly unintentionally) in the red light district. After several propositions (and in a way totally contrary to my well publicize humanitarian values) I finally relented and had a wild. mind-blowing sexual experience (which involved the use of some cocaine). Shortly after I made a trip to Canada where I sought out an escort. Again pretty mind blowing but this time we stayed in contact and began what I know now was a two year fake "relationship" in which I started sending her money regularly, sexting extensively and in my deranged mind falling in love. When things started to sour I started seeing escorts in my own community. I also had a growing online presence in the cheating/online sex community I must have made contact with someone that knew my wife because she got an email explaining that I was online looking for ways to cheat on her. Within the span of say a year after she received that email I had lost my marriage (she found online horribly explicit descriptions of my sexual behavior online), my job at the university (I had started taking meth and my dealer sent an email to my VP and as result they seized my computer and found all the details of my meth buying as well as my explicit communications with escorts). I was shortly later arrested for meth possession (the day before I was scheduled to enter a treatment facility). The local papers covered my arrest. All was lost. My family (the ex understandably got full custody) was gone, my career was in shambles, my reputation was in tatters, my income was cut but a huge degree (the only job I could find was selling cars and I sucked at it). I was faced with foreclosure so I was forced to find another teaching job in another country 10,000 miles away. I now still make a fraction of what I did, can't pay student loans or a big IRS debt. I'm lost. I'm alone. I can feel my daughter pulling away (she's harder and harder to connect with on skype). And my daughter is the only thing that kept me from killing myself as things spiraled downward.

My life is now one of terrible loneliness. I am filled with overwhelming shame for my atrocious behavior that must have devastated my wife. I shamed my daughter with the public coverage of my arrest. I lost the respect of many (many friends don't know about my sexual misbehaviors so they forgive me for my drug addiction). I just can't seem to be able to handle the weight of shame, remorse, regret, sense of incredible loss and the increasing fear that I'm losing the love of my daughter. I lost half of my retirement account in the divorce and spent the other half to live on for a year. I now have nothing for retirement and being 53 years old now and earning as little as I do I I can't expect to avoid an old age of poverty and isolation

So in sum, I had a life that was wonderful beyond measure. And in the span of two years I engaged in such terrible behavior that I lost it all. And I am now increasingly of the mind that the only release from these unbearable pains is the release of death.
I want to die because I'm a sex worker and feel unable to get out of it and it has destroyed my life. I can relate to your story even though I'm a female. My lack of sexual restraint early turned into a huge problem over time. I ruined relationships, often was in toxic relationships, abortions, problems keeping formal employment. I also got hooked on ADD medication legitly prescribed at 25 and not even knowing what ADD was at that time or that they prescribe u legal meth for it. I originally went to the psych doctor because I was suffering with borderline personality disorder but i never got properly diagnosed. I just told her I was really struggling in vocational school and she summed up within a short time of asking questions that it's ADD. Adderall and other stimulant meds are serious drugs that I'm not sure should be prescribed to anyone. It's so hard to get off once they put u on it. You won't know if u happen to be a person who has a tendency to get addicted to that particular substance until u try it.
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Oct 27, 2018
I want to die because I'm a sex worker and feel unable to get out of it and it has destroyed my life. I can relate to your story even though I'm a female. My lack of sexual restraint early turned into a huge problem over time. I ruined relationships, often was in toxic relationships, abortions, problems keeping formal employment. I also got hooked on ADD medication legitly prescribed at 25 and not even knowing what ADD was at that time or that they prescribe u legal meth for it. I originally went to the psych doctor because I was suffering with borderline personality disorder but i never got properly diagnosed. I just told her I was really struggling in vocational school and she summed up within a short time of asking questions that it's ADD. Adderall and other stimulant meds are serious drugs that I'm not sure should be prescribed to anyone. It's so hard to get off once they put u on it. You won't know if u happen to be a person who has a tendency to get addicted to that particular substance until u try it.
hey, thank you so much for sharing your story. I actually started a thread titled something like "Current or former sex workers" so as to open a dialogue about that experience in my life and to hear from those in the industry their side of the story. Some thought, and they might be right, that it was inappropriate to start such a thread in order to try to find forgiveness or relief from my remorse and regret. But if you are willing to tak about this, as it seems your are, I would be happy to have a further exchange. And you are so damned right about the amphetamines prescribed for ADD. They're not, in my view, as bad as meth, they're WORSE. I actually started using meth to help me get off ritalin, because the half-life of ritalin is about 2-3 hours, so you start craving more pretty quickly, where as the half-life of meth is about 12 hours. So NO SHIT, I started meth when as escort I was becoming friends with started to realize just how much ritalin I was taking everyday and suggested meth as an alternative. It was actually working. I could smoke very small amounts of meth and not need more for a much longer time than was true with Ritalin. Problem: that escort (who suffers from schizophrenia, cheated me on a meth deal and after posting a simple "call me when you can" message on her face book - because she wasnt answering my texts, she responded by sending that anonymous letter to my university Vice President telling her I was buying meth from her. Life crashed in a flash. Anyway, would you be willing or wish to discuss these issues of sex work further with me? Either here or DM? If you want to know some of my feeling about it first, check the thread "current or former sex workers" - I think that's the title. You'll see where I'm coming from and why your experience matters to me. Either way, thank you for replying. I wish you peace.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Why am I here?
I've read of others experiences on here and some are quite horrendous! We all have our own story to tell and I thought I would give mine.
My old boy was a vicious bastard, it started when I was very young (maybe four or five) I was the second youngest out of five and was singled out as his whipping boy. He physically, verbally, emotionally and psychologically abused me and could never say my name, referring to me as "You". My siblings would hide me from him in furniture and one time in the coal bunker, his usual methods were his thick leather belt, banging heads together, back handed slaps, grabbing the throat and many others. This continued into adulthood except the physical abuse, growing up all I heard was "I want you out of here when you're sixteen" I had a breakdown at nineteen or twenty.
I eventually got out, though not before giving him a taste of his own medicine, if my younger brother hadn't been there I would have killed him.
I met someone and married at thirty in the hope of having a conventional/normal life.
My son was born first and my daughter about a year and a half later, when my daughter was born my sister called me one night and said "don't let him near your daughter" I asked what she meant, but she only replied "why do you think I would ask you to sleep with me when you were little" I broke down when I came off the phone, my ex asked me what was wrong but I couldn't say. I feel that distanced me from my daughter as all I heard when growing up was "you're just like your dad" the last person I would want to be compared to!.
I won't go into the details of the marriage breakup, my ex took up with another from her work and the kids were young, my daughter having not long started school.
I spiraled into a depression and had another breakdown, and tried to CBT several times. I lost my job(I just stopped going) and moved to another city were I bumped a couple of credit cards I had before going abroad for a couple of years.
I came back to see my kids almost thirteen years ago but have still not seen them.
I was in a short term relationship and realised I had a problem forming and sustaining relationships. I've been on and off different meds throughout my life, had too many breakdowns and too many failed attempts to CBT. Like someone else here I'm fifty three now and having been made redundant at the end of July I'm loathe to start again.
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Apr 28, 2018
I'm 56 now and turning 50 hit me hard. I have bipolar disorder, a severe version. For instance I have been depressed for the whole of this year. The main trigger of my desire to ctb is my son. I never chose to have a child and was ill prepared. He hates me now. I feel like a terrible failure as a mother. I feel angry at life for putting us both in this situation. It seems we are trapped within our biology from birth, this could not have happened to a man and most people don't think a woman can be unconscious of being pregnant for six months but I was.

I feel that to ruin your own life is one thing but to ruin your child's is another. I can't forgive myself and feel I deserve to die. Plus my quality of life is appalling and I'm always miserable. I can't work so I have nothing to distract myself from the dark thoughts.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I'm too tired to tell my story so let's just I hate my entire existence
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Sheet slinger
Nov 28, 2018
My anxiety is probably my largest problem. Once I know people it's better. But interacting with new people for non business related stuff is really hard for me. Like my voice changes and I get stuck. I've been dealing with this my whole life. Some periods more intense than others. But the anxiety was there all the time.

I'm 21 now and I have the feeling that my life has ended. I have nothing to like or live for anymore. Nothing to look forward to. I'll explain.

  • I was part of a youth movement where I was loved and I had the time of my life. But i quit this year because you can't stay in these movements. Everybody moves on, so you do the same. But I knew that quiting meant that I would never see those people again. I'm a friend but not a real friend friend. And I've seen them once in six months now.
  • I played basketball on a high level. I won the mvp of my team in 2009 and was a according to the youth coordinator one of the most promising players. But then injuries struck and my physic held me down to grow. I lost the fun in playing basketball and that meant the end of my career. Now i miss it, but it's over.
  • I'm studying IT at the moment, i am just good with computers. It feels natural to me. But i found out fast that I'm not a programmer. I'm not like the other people following my courses. I will never get big in it. Now I'm failing all over the place and my peers are already working. I've given up completely at this moment. It's over.
  • I don't really have a good relationship with my parents. They are old fashioned and naive. We don't have arguments but we just don't connect. It's especially bad with my dad. I feel like we are the same and yet so different. And it just doesn't work.
  • My sister is nice. She is friendly and understanding most of the time. Not that we speak very often. But she's leaving my household soon. So then it's me and my parents. Not looking forward to it.
  • My friends from middle school weren't only temporary friends. I haven't seen any of them.
  • I am extremely bad with girls. At the youth movement almost all the girls fell for me at one point in time. But my anxiety manged to get them to hate me. Happend multiple times.
The only thing I love on this moment is nature. The only place that makes me happy. But where I live, nature is scare and artificial.

But now my life exists out being on my phone in my room. Doing some occasional biking. And that's really it. And that will be the future because I don't fit anymore where I live.

I plan to do my cbt on a remote location I visited in 2006 and has al lot of value for me. I feel that being on that place is going to help me end it whilst being happy.
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Nov 23, 2018
I was born 8 months, since around 5 yo I am very interested in music (and still I do until I die). I had fucking strange mystic experiences before 5 that I don't remember most of them. When I was 7 or 8 yo I finally decided to dedicate my entire life to music, so I never changed my life plan, ever dedicating my time for music more and more. Naturally a shy boy since ever, I always had difficulties to socialize, in school or in any place I visited as a child. When I was 10 yo I realize that was very hard to meet expectations, mine and from my parents, so for the first time I felt hopeless, guilt, sad and suicidal. Like 1 year after I started to be bullied in school, and it become more severe as the years goes by. It happened for 4 years, and at all this time I was moved from school to school, but that problem never stopped in any school I come in. While this was happening in the school, when I was around 12 years my brother was born. He was born 5 months from some complications of my mother's pregnancy, and all the doctors say he would not survive. Because of this, he had so many complications as the time passing by and today he have cerebral palsy. My father, I don't know why, become paranoid and sometimes he had some "attacks" when he accuse my mother of recreancy and they fight. This still happens today. My mother has some emotional disturbs I guess, she have hypothyroidism and sometimes act like she was bipolar. To explain, sometimes she went to depression for no reason, and sometimes, while I was being bullied in school, she humiliated me and mocked up about my situation. When I was 14 yo I start to become obsessed about occultism and was reading about most of time. It brings fights between me and my christian family, and in the school I was the strange recluse boy with a pentagram in my neck reading occultism book and it worsen so much the bullyings to the point I was severe spanked every fucking day. I had not friends at this time. The next year I start to drink, and it was getting worse in this year. Before this year ends I experienced with weed and later coke, and the next 2 years I experienced with heroin and all that I could put my hands on. When I was 15-16 years my father put me in a school that I did not want to go. I was feeling so much anxiety and depression, was cutting myself for maybe 1 year before this, so then I started to hear voices and for the first time my parents bring me to a psychiatrist that prescribed clonazepam for me. I was 15 yo and he put me in 2,5 of clonazepam for the first time. So the first time I take it, my parents say that I was like a zombie for like 2 or 3 days. While this days, I was crawling out and being incoherent, so in the second day I cut all my body with glass, so many cuts around all the fucking body, but I don't remember anything. Times was passing by and I was putted in many different meds at different dosages. When I was in the last year on school I moved to a school that I find some friends with similar interests and for the first time I didn't felt like a freak. I made some friends at this time, friends that still playing in bands with me today. But in this year, I believe in october I experienced with a high dose of Datura and I couldn't remember nothing in this day. My parents was very scared, they told me I take a shower without take off my clothes, babbling incoherently, talking with people wasn't there, acting like mad and things. Since this day I never was the same person again. I'm not like those people that "take a trip and never back" but I was feeling very more anxious, paranoid, reclusive, maybe even having referential delusions. The next year I was with a girl but in a short time because I was paranoid with her, and I discovered she was cheating me. I try my first suicide attempt taking 3g of amitriptyline, some cimetidine and 500mg of diazepam. I didn't die and for the next days I was recovered. Become very reclusive, paranoid. Like one year ago I had a seizure by mixing amitriptyline with tramadol and heroin. I quit that drugs but become very delirious and depressed, so I concluded I need other method. I'm 21 yo now and I practice partial suspension for about 1 year, and soon is the method I will kill myself, when I can fight against my survivor instincts. I tried some times while this time but ever failed. Never been diagnosed. I will kill myself because I feel so much remorse. I'm so reclusive I can't get a job. My mother can't do it because she have to attend my brother, only my dad is working right now and our family is getting destroyed. I don't wanna live anymore and I will kill myself soon. Oh, I tried become drugged out and put a bag in my head like 3 years ago but failed too. God, I'm a fucking failure. I guess this is all about me.
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Sep 23, 2018
Things started to really fall apart for me during my senior year of high school when feeling trapped by numerous factors I tried to CTB, my therapist at the time suggested I take a gap year to go to a wilderness therapy program in Hawaii. I did feel better after leaving the program and did not really consider suicide for a while. I started attending film school in London and had a mixed experience until I eventually grew frustrated by feeling like my teachers didn't understand what I wanted to do so I dropped out hoping that I could transfer some credits to a different school that would better suit my interests. However, my application got fucked up so I was unable to go to school this September, sending into the most severe depressive spiral I've had in a while. I applied again and things got a bit better, I started going out more and socializing, and got a job in marketing. However, in the past few weeks, things have fallen apart, one of my roommates has become verbally abusive towards me, I quit my job due to not being able to handle the stress and intensity of it, and I'm highly doubting I'm going to get into any schools. I am trapped in a cycle of failure and I want out.
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Forgive me Mum, I'm tired
Dec 4, 2018
Grew up dirt poor, still am. Dad did some terrible shit growing up and got jailed. Came back after many years and was hyper-masculine and developed severe alcoholism (he was before, but we were younger and it wasn't this bad). Mum was too afraid to do much. I was one of 3, and the most outspoken. Got beaten down on all the time, verbally and physically abused by Dad. Believe it or not, the verbal abuse always hurt much more. By the end of it my relationship with my brothers was damaged beyond repair too, I didn't handle the grief very well and would often lash out at them as a result.

Doubled down at school though - planned to get free by making it to University and moving out. I had solid friends but was also abusing drugs with them all the while, we were all struggling with shit. Got into a great University, got a first class degree on graduation and had a great business idea. Took significant personal loans out (naive, no guidance...) with friends and a year+ later we're struggling to get it off the ground. Things have almost crashed and burned. During this time the drug abuse got worse and my psyche snapped from the stress... cue insomnia and massive personality shifts. Pushed everyone away big time, irreversibly burned all the bridges I had with people, deleted social media and I'm now left with nothing and crippling debt (30k+) at relatively young age. Since I haven't had a break post-University (as I jumped out of that and into this Startup) I finally feel the gears starting to grind to a halt. I'm dead inside; filled with remorse and shame for my decisions this past year. Nobody really wants to know though, nobody can help either. Home life is terrible. Completely agoraphobic now as I spent a year indoors working on this project and also about to start work in retail despite my experience and skills because I can't currently find anything else nor do I have the strength to sell myself at interview any longer.

Dad still necks a few bottles of Whisky a day, Mum is really unwell but unfortunately still working hard to provide a roof for my brothers and I. Life is truly fucked.

I'm very aware I'd be the most selfish bastard in the world if I left my Mum in this situation along with my friends who are all in deep debt too; they trusted me to make this thing happen.

Saddest thing is the business is golden and we have/had investors lined up, they just want us to finish up this version and re-release - unfortunately we've run out of runway for the project in terms of finance and my spirit is all but broken as a result.

Shitty deck of cards I was dealt at birth I feel, but I'm also aware that I made the most recent decisions myself, and myself alone. Every waking minute is torture. All I wanted to do was succeed so I could take care of my Mum and now I've ruined my life before I even had a chance. There is really no way out except death. And when I do CTB, if there's an afterlife, I probably won't get to go for being the most selfish, spineless fuck of all time.

Fuck me right?

(Left out 99% of the meat because it's just too sad and toxic to write, this is the first time I've ever written any of this anywhere, this is the crux of it).
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Apr 30, 2018
@longingforrelease was looking for your thread but couldn't find it.. have a link?
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Nov 1, 2018
I'm interested in hearing the stories of those of us who are considering ctb. Only if comfortable ofcourse. What has lead to this point. I'm sure we can relate.
I had a psychotic break three months ago. I have delusional disorder, major depressive disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, all with psychotic features. I am afraid I am going to lose touch with reality. I will be on drugs for the rest of my life. I am not really wanting to die but I can't help but think my mental function slowly deteriorating isn't really a good way to live. I have to think of quality of life. I don't know when I want to go but I know I'm not going to last thirty more years unless something drastic or miraculous happens in my treatment.

I'm sad, scared and I am draining my family and friends of attention and money. I might have to quit my job soon because of all that has happened I've regressed to being child-like and I can't function like a normal adult. I don't know how I'm going to live like this. I definitely want to live, but my mind just won't work correctly.
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Nov 19, 2018
There's a lot of things I for one don't want to make public, not even in my note. Controversial opinions and the like. So I'll simply tone it down to just being I dislike society, I've been screwed over by society, and while there's been glimmers of beauty and happiness, there's a lot of imperfections around here that a perfectionist like me can neither tolerate and can no longer take it.
So I'm hoping if there is an afterlife, it'll be completely my ideal world. None of this crap I see here.
No offence
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Dec 3, 2018
I'm a 26 year old woman and have never had anyone love me in any way. My own parents don't know how to love me. My dad's high functioning autism and my mom doesn't know how to feel real compassion for people. She loves her horses more than she's ever loved me, despite what she says. They're both disappointed in me because I can't seem to make good choices or figure out how to be happy. Or normal. I work in the arts and entertainment- I'm a live sound engineer. I think they're disappointed that I can't seem to make a decent living with the jobs I've taken in this field so far. They would rather I work as a nurse practitioner or something normal that pays at least $70,000 a year.
I'm like a teenager- I'm ruled by my heart and I let it make most of my decisions- which turn out to bite me in the a$$. All I want is for someone to love me back. Not even a fairy tale type of romance- just someone who loves me and will stay and commit. Instead, I get men who want to hurt me. My very first relationship was with a diagnosed psychopath- I was 14 at the start of our 3 year on and off relationship. After him while I was in college, I ended up in a relationship with a guy who ended up drugging and raping me amongst other psychological and emotional abuse. He would always blame his depression and alcoholism on me. I'm not perfect, but I bent over backwards for him except for when he started cheating on me. A few years later, I was engaged to the most abusive man I've ever met. At first things were amazing- as they always are. Then as soon as we moved to LA, his real personality came out. All of a sudden it was my fault that I had been raped or I was lying about it. I was "the biggest and dirtiest whore" on the planet and I was "an ugly fat inbred Jew". Whenever I tried to get him to treat me with respect and at the very least, not call me names he would threaten to throw himself from on top of a skyscraper and that it would be my fault. He isolated me from everyone I knew and wouldn't even let me call my parents once a week. He accused me of cheating on him with my own father. My dad is a lot of things, but that is NOT one of them. When I finally ended things with him, he stalked me until I left LA and moved back in with my parents across the country at age 23. During the time that he was stalking me, I lost count of how many times I tried to ctb. That's when I got into running live sound. Before then, I had tried to work in recording studios. I got into running live sound and met my most recent ex. He was also great at first- he was kind and tried really hard just to make me smile. He knew a little bit about my previous situation and I didn't even feel like I was a real person at that point because I was so miserable. He went out of his way to make me feel okay again. He put me back together. We were together for almost 3 years and broke up right after I got my nose job. Literally we broke up before I got the cast taken off. He kept in contact but I started trying to ctb. I've made 3 attempts since late July when we broke up. We were intimate a few times after we broke up but the last time, when I asked if he had been with anyone else since we broke up, he lied to me. And now because of it, I have syphilis and he's completely disappeared.
I have accepted a job going on tour with a musical kids' show for the next 6 months but I just want to find a bunch of benzos and some fentanyl and go to sleep and never wake up. I've slit my wrists before and as crazy as this sounds, I can almost feel what it felt like to slice my veins open and I want do it again. But I know that doesn't work and I don't need more disgusting and dysfiguring scars on my body. I self-harmed in high school so my arms, legs, and upper body have scars all over them.
If I wasn't leaving for tour the day after tomorrow, I'd just try and find as much drugs as I can get and go to sleep and never wake up.
I'll never be able to get over this. I'm never going to be okay. I'm never going to be able to trust anyone ever again and I'll never be happy again. Even if I can get the syphilis to clear, I'm damaged and ruined for life. No one will ever want me or love me.
I don't know what it is that makes it so that I have never had anyone love me. I try to be a kind person. I'm 5'3" and 104lbs and blonde. I used to be the ugly fat girl but I've since lost the weight and gotten a nose job. I guess that I was just put here to be alone and hurt. I don't know how anyone can be happy after this or find any meaning in this life
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Oct 28, 2018
This is a good topic and reading the replies has been interesting.

I'm a 47 year old alcoholic with a financially rewarding job that I have managed to hang on to but also wait for the day my career comes crashing down. For most looking in, I should be pretty happy. But....

I'm single, alone and don't get much joy from life. When I reflect on things, I don't blame anyone or anything other than my own bad choices for where I am at. I think about whether I want to continue with a life I don't judge worthwhile or just end it now before my inevitable spiral.

I think about whether my sister and nephews could use what I've accumulated more productively than I ultimately well. So I come here and research methods to try and prevent another failed attempt at CTB.

But mostly my story is that I think life is terrible and I wasn't able to move myself off of that mindset. I'm really hoping the CO method is going be the right one.
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Oct 27, 2018
@longingforrelease was looking for your thread but couldn't find it.. have a link?
hi there, Here's the thread, but let me worn you. I've just encountered the most upsetting thing that's happened since I joined this group. One guy jumped on me about my post and accused me of being a fake persona. then another person joined and said the same and then a third. I don't what's happened, but I'm just crushed and may have to leave for a while. But if it proves of any help to you, here's the thread. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/current-or-former-sex-workers.7608/#post-148799

i wish you the peace we all seek.
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Nov 13, 2018
Je suis un homme de 37 ans qui vit en France. J'étais chauffeur de camion, mais après des soucis d'inquiétude, je ne pouvais plus travailler dans ce domaine et j'ai la vie pour résumer que ah des échecs ah à cause de l'anxiété et que c'est de la peur et que ah créer un manque de confiance en moi et donc je n'ai pas ah ma place
tous mes amis sont en couple avec des enfants et je suis célibataire sans enfants tout seul dans la maison de ma grand-mère et je me sens si seul dans cette vie de merde et j'avoue que mon dernier moment de cette vie je voudrais le partager avec d'autres personnes qui comprennent moi parce que je ne veux pas partir seul
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Oct 26, 2018
hi there, Here's the thread, but let me worn you. I've just encountered the most upsetting thing that's happened since I joined this group. One guy jumped on me about my post and accused me of being a fake persona. then another person joined and said the same and then a third. I don't what's happened, but I'm just crushed and may have to leave for a while. But if it proves of any help to you, here's the thread. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/current-or-former-sex-workers.7608/#post-148799

i wish you the peace we all seek.
Loser. Fake. Just, stop it, dude.


Oct 26, 2018
Je suis un homme de 37 ans qui vit en France. J'étais chauffeur de camion, mais après des soucis d'inquiétude, je ne pouvais plus travailler dans ce domaine et j'ai la vie pour résumer que ah des échecs ah à cause de l'anxiété et que c'est de la peur et que ah créer un manque de confiance en moi et donc je n'ai pas ah ma place
tous mes amis sont en couple avec des enfants et je suis célibataire sans enfants tout seul dans la maison de ma grand-mère et je me sens si seul dans cette vie de merde et j'avoue que mon dernier moment de cette vie je voudrais le partager avec d'autres personnes qui comprennent moi parce que je ne veux pas partir seul
I am a 37 year old man who lives in France. I was a truck driver, but after worries of worry, I could not work in this area anymore and I have life to sum up that ah chess ah because of anxiety and it's fear and that ah create a lack of self-confidence and so I do not have my place ah
all my friends are in a relationship with children and I'm single with no children all alone in my grandmother's house and I feel so lonely in this shit life and I admit that my last moment of this life I would like it to share with others who understand me because I do not want to leave alone

hi there, Here's the thread, but let me worn you. I've just encountered the most upsetting thing that's happened since I joined this group. One guy jumped on me about my post and accused me of being a fake persona. then another person joined and said the same and then a third. I don't what's happened, but I'm just crushed and may have to leave for a while. But if it proves of any help to you, here's the thread. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/current-or-former-sex-workers.7608/#post-148799

i wish you the peace we all seek.
Hello again, scammer dude same fucker as longingforrelease.

Bite me.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Whats the story about me then, well the simple bit is I'm 47yrs old & female.

As a kid who was adopted by parents who if you believe in god then the fact that they were unable to have their own was probably a heads up that they weren't suited to it, but anyway i digress as usual, so a none to happy childhood convinced me i was buggered by both nature & nurture & by the age of 14 i had a pretty good friend in booze & a growing awareness that i somehow just didn't quite fit in with this life thing. So i tried to top myself, parents never even noticed so keep my head down & try to get on with life, went to catering college for a couple of yrs to train to be a chef, the perfect job for me with its live in accommodation meaning i could move 100's of miles away, the drinking culture & the craziness of the whole thing meant i could hide in plain sight, was a bit of a car crash career, but whenever i lost my job due to my drinking it was easy to just go get another job & do the same. I lost my last job at 21 & a good friend got me admitted for alcohol detox but they decided i was depressed so kept me 3mths, got out had what i can only describe as a summer of complete self destruction but with a lot of fun mixed in till the Nutty police caught back up with me & i got sectioned for 6mths, the self destruct & overwhelming depression carried on, i used to escape all the time (even from the locked ward) get hammered & try to od, then one day i escaped again & jumped off the local multi story, long story short i ended up being kept in hospital for over 2yrs & ended up in a wheelchair due to multiple crush fractures on a nice cocktail of morphine + half a chemists. Oddly at 25 i met my future ex husband, got a house together, had 10yrs of fun then 3 yrs of hell after he left me saying he wanted someone he could walk down the road with holding hands....Turned out he had already set up his new life with some whack job he met on the internet, hey ho, anyway as he was the only reason i had stopped trying to bump myself off, cue major depression again that took me 6yrs to crawl out off at last in 2012.
Now i am back in that dark place again & i am too old & tired to go through this again and again. Oh & fuck me is this world & humanity getting worse, run by evil people for the benefit of the evil people. No more wars in my fucking name, ever.

Sorry the short version was still a tad long, thank you & well done if you persevered and read it all :-P
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Apr 30, 2018
hi there, Here's the thread, but let me worn you. I've just encountered the most upsetting thing that's happened since I joined this group. One guy jumped on me about my post and accused me of being a fake persona. then another person joined and said the same and then a third. I don't what's happened, but I'm just crushed and may have to leave for a while. But if it proves of any help to you, here's the thread. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/current-or-former-sex-workers.7608/#post-148799

i wish you the peace we all seek.

Sorry man, my (ex- sex-worker) mind cannot comprehend any of the accusations fired at you there, and I tried! For me to engage in there would mean putting me in a room full of people with whom having absolutely nothing in common.You don't deserve this harassment, that's for sure.
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Oct 27, 2018
Sorry man, my (ex- sex-worker) mind cannot comprehend any of the accusations fired at you there, and I tried! For me to engage in there would mean putting me in a room full of people with whom having absolutely nothing in common.You don't deserve this harassment, that's for sure.
you don't know how much that means to me. I'm starting to calm down, but I was just fucking devastated by those guys. And of course, it wasn't your responsibility to put yourself in harms way to defend me. But I certainly appreciate your kind sentiments. If you ever need to wish to talk, please know I'm here. (unless I get driven out of here by another gang of shitheads like I encountered today. Blessings to you friend, b
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Oct 27, 2018
I'm 18 now and I first wanted to ctb when I was 10. My father is an alcoholic, who was always beating the crap outta me. When I annoyed him, he used to lock me in the basement or the bathroom where I had to stay the whole night. My mother didn't do anything to help me. Sometimes she was beating me as well, yelling at me and told me that I'm a failure that doesn't deserve to live. And I believed her. I developed an eating disorder with 11(I'm still suffering from anorexia) and I started smoking and drinking with 14. Tried multiple times to ctb but as you can see, I'm too stupid to even kill myself.
good god I'm sorry you've had to endure all that. I hope you find peace
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Sep 20, 2018
good god I'm sorry you've had to endure all that. I hope you find peace

Thanks a lot^-^ If everything works I'm going to ctb with my brother in 2 weeks :3
I hope that you'll find your peace as well. Stay strong^^
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
My story? I have pains and i hate my life. What more? I am still here, because simply i don't have a courage.
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Oct 27, 2018
Thanks a lot^-^ If everything works I'm going to ctb with my brother in 2 weeks :3
I hope that you'll find your peace as well. Stay strong^^
i wish you the best friend
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Nov 15, 2018
Here goes.... I am 48 years old and been fighting depression for as long as I can remember. My family( mother and siblings) has lots of mental health issues and not sure if that played a part. I always felt that one day things would end at my own hands. Then I met my wife and we had two wonderful children. Even though we had what seemed like a postcard family I was in a constant battle inside which I kept hidden.

Suddenly, my beatiful daughter who always had a smile that lite up the room took a change at 13 years old. She wasn't smiling anymore and I recognised the dark path she was starting as it was so familiar from my past. I thought if anyone should be able to help it was me...or so I thought. Suddenly she started cutting her arms and legs. We had her to every posdible support group that we could find. Every time I reached out to her to try and help she pulled farther away. When I would tell her that I understand how she felt as I have gone through simular things , she took it as I was belittling her situation. For the next 4-5 years she slipped farther and farther from us. The shrinks she was seeing seemed to make things worse, flipping her from medication to medication on a monthly basis. During this time my heart slowly broke more and more each day feeling helpless. She would call hotlines and they would tell her to go to emerg at the hospital. The hospital would make light of things and send her home with the number of the same hotline that told her to go in. Then one night while she was spending the night at her grandmothers she CBT'd in the bedroom closet using a necktie and partil suspension.
The pain was unbearable but I knew she was finally at peace. Ever since I have been trying to figure out why I could not save her. I too have been seeing the same shrinks that give out perscription after perscription. We have ever support group in the city. My wife seems to have learned to deal with things but I have not.

Each night I lay awake thinking of what if this?? Or what if that? Since the night she left us joining her is always on my mind. It is like a magnet getting stronger and stronger. Each night I try to look for a way to her. I tried to do partial, as she did several times, and could never totally pass out. My neck is very thick and may be part of the problem. I am tetermined though that no matter what it takes I will find a way to CBT. It must be a sure fire method as ending up as a mental patient would be my worste nightmare. I know this was long but thanks.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
My dad used to beat my mother. Saw it when I was three (remember every detail) and heard it when I was about ten. When I was younger my sister constantly berated me and hit me on several occasions. She said a lot of things that made me think I was ugly (often saying I was supposed to be smaller because 'girls are meant to be', now I know I'm a petite person but at the time it was devastating) and I grew up comparing myself to women in magazines and whatnot, wondering why I wasn't pretty. I also found out my dad was on a dating website (parents still together by the way), and heard about my sister and brother being cheated on.

I was bullied in primary school and I guess high school, mostly I remember people just not liking me or wanting to be around me, thinking I was weird or scary. I never really understood why but I think it's because I was quite shy and awkward. I'm not as shy anymore but I just don't have the energy. I think I showed a few symptoms of depression or anxiety back in primary school, I used to dread going to school thinking the few friends I had would hate me and remember once having a tantrum about nobody loving me. Not sure if it's just normal kid things, but considering how I am know I don't know.

I think that because I was so aware of infidelity when I was younger I have a lot of trust issues in relationships which sometimes have gotten so bad I've done controlling things (which I can usually control now so I don't act cruelly) but the anxieties I sometimes get are crippling and nobody is willing to deal with that.

I've overdosed several times in the past, three times as suicide attempts and the others as self-harm. After that I noticed my memory was just weird: sometimes I don't remember if things have really happened or if they were dreams, I struggle to remember things that happened recently as well or they feel like dreams I'm remembering. I've felt very detached from reality and it's hard to deal with. Also after my ODs, I noticed I didn't know who I was as a person. I realised a lot of my traits and the way I acted was me putting on a show or things I picked up and copied from others around me without even meaning to. I eventually realised the only trait of mine that I knew was 100% me was that I always wanted to help people, no matter what.

But the thing is, no matter what I try and do to help others all I ever seem to do is make them feel worse. Someone who was important to me straight up told me that I made them cut themselves, made them want to die. Specifically said "you're trying to help, you're the one making me want to die". Before that someone I considered a best friend asked me why I didn't kill myself to make everyone happier. I just seem to destroy or hurt every good thing or person in my life and I hate that I can't keep people happy and hate them when that's all I want to do. I don't know where I'm going with this but bottom line is, I just make everyone around me miserable when I want to do the opposite. My mum's told me several times over the years that I'm just like my dad and I'll end up like him. I don't want to carry on hurting people.

I think my issues with depression and suicidal feelings are genetic. Two of my cousins ctb, my aunt went to a hospital because she was feeling low and suicidal. My sister has threatened to ctb. My dad has said he struggles every day and my mum says she doesn't know why she bothers anymore, and I'm not sure if they also feel depressed but sometimes it sounds like it.

And lastly, the mental health services where I live are constantly rated as being 'inadequate'. I've used them before, but since I was a minor at the time my parents were allowed to tell them misinformation about my condition because they were ashamed of my mental illness, so they used whatever lies my parents said to 'treat' me. After months on a waiting list I had two months of weekly counselling (CBT) that ultimately didn't help. Because of what my parents told the assessment teams, they thought I was feeling low because of exam stress and friend problems that just didn't exist. So ultimately my depression wasn't treated, and the coping methods I was taught were useless, at least for me. Tried referring myself back in earlier this year. After being on the waiting list for five months they took me off the lists because I couldn't make the appointment. Got referred again over a month ago as a priority but was told by an assessment team I was just 'emotionally distressed' (because it's normal to be emotionally distressed for years straight to the point of several suicide attempts) and that I'd probably never be allowed antidepressants due to my OD history. I'm still waiting for an assessment from a different team but I don't have high hopes for that either. My family's history with mental illness and the possible genetic factor is completely dismissed.

I don't see any feasible way I can get better and I'm not prepared to live the rest of my life depressed watching as I destroy and hurt everyone and everything I love.

Sorry for the long post but thanks for a place to vent about everything.
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