After years of self improvement I have also realised that it is a scam. For context I am a man and have always been rejected by the women I wanted my whole life and sought to improve my situation in this area.
For years I got brainwashed by self improvement books, Jordan Peterson, Hamza videos, 1stman videos etc. After years of self improvement, I have an amazing physique, improved my career situation massively by getting maths degree from a top university in my country, and worked hard to socialise and meet women.
All of this has done absolutely nothing to make me more attractive to women, and I now realise the black pill was right all along. My face is simply too ugly, and autism causes my personality to be too unattractive no matter how much I talk to women to try to improve my social skills. This whole life is just a genetic lottery, hard work and your personality (outside of neurotypicality which is genetic like the face) doesn't matter at all, at least when it comes to dating.