This is as brave as I know how to be...
- Apr 18, 2018
- 80
LOL. I hope you didn't end up with any weird name hijinks. My mom got screwed over with that one. Her dad already had a made-up hillbilly name, and her parents' female version of it was no improvement.
The universe almost course corrected with me when I was around 3 or 4 when I got into some rat poison. Unfortunately, the hospital pumped my stomach before it could kill me. Missed opportunity there!
I was going to be McKayla. When I came out with a penis they just let my 7 year old brother name me. Surprisingly that turned out quite fine and I have a standard name. It was also pretty fitting, cuz my brother ended up being my father figure while my real dad slaved away to keep our finances covered. (Not a complaint, he tried and that's more than allot of people can say of their father)