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Mar 23, 2018
@thishappened thought you were leaving SS? See ya, hopefully your self hatred doesn't continue to cause you to lash out at others. Personally won't miss such blatant toxicity. Will personally vouch for your ban so you dont have to return here
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
discussing actual severe mental issues, being able to relate with actual suicidal people
the ones who have CTB-ed barely posted, they just come here for information about a method

Thats true, not everyone here wants to die, atleast not right now.
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Apr 3, 2019
@thishappened thought you were leaving SS? See ya, hopefully your self hatred doesn't continue to cause you to lash out at others. Personally won't miss such blatant toxicity

what makes you better if you act toxic back

and i am not toxic. i just have an unpopular opinion.
you can see in my post history the support I've given people
I checked your history and you did not even have supported 1 single person
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
But why do you consider us normies?


existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
wow someones got a whole bucket of lets be a c**t this morning didn't they!!!
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
"I think it is more of an asshole thing to tell someone that you understand that they want to CTB even if you think their problems aren't so severe and they can get better easily if they stop feeling so sorry for themselves."

May we please see your list of problems so we can determine your worthiness for this forum? For all we know you are just feeling sorry for yourself and you can get better easily. Just make your bed every day and everything else will work itself out ;)
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Jun 1, 2019
f you consider yourself to be normal, and able to fit in society- why not just focus on recovery? its clear you wont ctb
and why have you children if you are suicidal and mentally ill

If you read the full reply instead of just the selective parts that suit your narrative, you will see my "little one" is a grandchild. I have no control over bringing her into the world.

I still am trying to understand what this fixation with normal is. I can be ill and be normal. If I broke my arm, would you then say I was not normal because I was different to you? Not arguing, just trying my best to understand. I have tried and am still trying "recovery" but you know nothing about me so I would not expect you to know that.
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Mar 23, 2018
what makes you better if you act toxic back

and i am not toxic. i just have an unpopular opinion
Not really unpopular I agree the site was better for my needs before as well(methods, experiences etc.) But since when does stuff go to your personal needs? Also belittling others that are literally in similar positions is not just toxic but the very unempathitic shit I hate about humanity in general. As for my toxicity, I think you're an asshole. Done arguing now
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May 27, 2019
Guyz guyz many of the rules changes had to be done because of the prolifers (media drama).

About the part that people is not posting more of methods that's difficult to say without statistics though
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We are already in hell
Jul 11, 2019
no it is not alarming as they won't go through with it, it is just attention craving
the actual severe side of the spectrum is NOT represented here at all and of a CTB forum I'd expect the otherwise
if people want to talk about skincare etc just go on reddit and let this website be how it is supposed to be used
I missed the skincare posts. Can someone point me in the right direction?

BTW just because someone can make lighthearted conversation it does not mean they are not suicidal. My BF was making constant jokes until the day he blew his brains out. Sorry I don't have a video to show you.
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Exactly, this is not so a tiny internet forum anymore. If we would post really dark stuff, it would be shutdown.


Jun 15, 2019
no it is not alarming as they won't go through with it
How is not going through with it a criteria? The very fact that people feel like that is serious enough in my opinion.

And attention craving - don't we all need attention? Don't you? I suppose you wouldn't ask for it by the means of talking about suicide, probably you wouldn't ask for attention at all. But everyone here needs it, attention is not a mere spotlight, attention means support. If it's not support, then that attention is in fact not attention but evaluation or superficial labeling.

if people want to talk about skincare etc just go on reddit and let this website be how it is supposed to be used
That is your personal interpretation of how it is supposed to be used...
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Apr 3, 2019



Mar 17, 2019
discussing actual severe mental issues, being able to relate with actual suicidal people
the ones who have CTB-ed barely posted, they just come here for information about a method
I have been here four a while. I think if I get a really good partner with a good method I can CTB. Since you are very sucidal, can you help. We can make this happen anytime the sooner the better.


Apr 3, 2019
I have been here four a while. I think if I get a really good partner with a good method I can CTB. Since you are very sucidal, can you help. We can make this happen anytime the sooner the better.

DM me


Jun 1, 2019
the actual severe side of the spectrum is NOT represented here at all and of a CTB forum I'd expect the otherwise
if people want to talk about skincare etc just go on reddit and let this website be how it is supposed to be used

The whole point of this site is to be Pro Choice, not pro life or pro death, its about choice. That is how it supposed to be used and that is what got many of us here in the first place. I now know more about suicide methodology than I ever did. I have discussed with others, read their debates and discussions, sometimes chipped in myself. So I think I have used this place how it was meant to be used. I have my method, have what I need and now can make a very informed choice about when and how I leave this life. Is that not how this place should be used?

I have my reasons for still being alive. They dont need explanation to anyone here. You have been here longer than I, you have been instrumental in opening the Partners thread again [I thank you for that] and yet, for all your posturing and pontificating, you are still a member here. Yet you judge others, openly, because they are also still members here. Nough said!

So there ya have it. This is not a pro CTB forum at all, far from it. Everyone here is here for a reason, you included. All opinions and points of view are expressed here and usually accepted. I find a lot of empathy and compassion here that I rarely find in the real world and I am thankful for that. Dying is not a race or something to be done on a whim. Its a very final act. Your opinion about who will and who wont CTB here is moot.

Hussah for the good old days :wink:
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
normies can't be suicidal

And you know this because??

Also, just because someone had over 1000 posts here doesn't mean anything. A friend of mine was suicidal for years and he was a pretty normal person. He held a job, was married, made good money... But somewhere in that mind of his, always lingered the thought of suicide. So not all "normal" people are not as normal as you might think.

People who know me know that it's not a question of IF I do it, it's a question of WHEN am I going to do it.
You got the attention you needed, good for you
If he considered that a success, maybe he should cry to the government for better treatment of us not so normals.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
Oh great, another one of those gatekeeping posts where the poster thinks Sanctioned Suicide is Pro-Suicide and that everyone should be killing themselves or they shouldn't be on here.
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I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
Just nostalgia really, but I wouldn't mind if the forum went back in time to Jan-Apr time this year. I just miss it being smaller and also some of the members :wink:
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Just nostalgia really, but I wouldn't mind if the forum went back in time to Jan-Apr time this year. I just miss it being smaller and also some of the members :wink:

Suicidal people get often accused of being selfish, but isnt it more selfish to want someone keep living for you?


I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
Everything you do is actually selfish, i dont think real selflessness exists.
I agree so much, that's why I just sit back and laugh, and try not to hurt anyone too much.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sorry that you are really upset and feel having to leave SS. I know things aren't the same anymore, but I don't agree with it being overtaken by normies. The mods and admins are still regulating the forums and making sure that things are still kept in order and stuff. Yes, it sucks that partners megathread is gone, but in order to protect the small community here, it is a important sacrifice to ensure that this place remains a sanctuary for the rest of the people around here. It is true that there are also a lot of new faces around here (I'm one of the older members who joined back from almost a year ago), but I'm sure they will also bring new activity to the existing forums.
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Jul 6, 2019
This post just reminds me of how people are IRL belittling other's issues if it doesn't fit their way. What exactly is "normal" because that's different for every person. If you just wanted the partner thread back, which seems to have been your intent, then why didn't you just petition for that. The one thing I saw about this forum was that all were welcomed but perhaps that's just not true. I'm not arguing but stating my truth. This whole post saddens me.

PS..you don't know how it feels to be me to quote Tom Petty.
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After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
I don't know about where you guys are from but here for every person who kills themselves we get about thirty to fifty attempts. Many of which are not actually suicide attempts, but are listed as suicide attempts regardless. There are some perverse incentives involved there, but the bottom line is for every genuinely suicidal person there are dozens of people who are either self-harming or staging attempts as a cry for help. It's a legitimately bad thing that this is so heavily stigmatised that people can't be honest about it. If someone is in such a bad place that they're prepared to injure themselves or even flirt with death in a desperate attempt to impress the severity of their circumstances on others that's not something to be dismissed lightly. Yet at the same time their sheer numbers mean there is so much perverse incentive for those treating suicide to cater not to the genuinely suicidal, but to those using suicide as a cry for help. The two things do overlap to some extent in that people who attempt suicide, even if they have no intention of going through with it, may end up killing themselves, but in the end there is a huge difference between someone who is crying out for help and someone who just wants to die. However anyone offering any kind of service for suicidal people though can increase their customer base tenfold by refusing to make this vital distinction.

This doesn't just happen with suicide. It's the case with every mental health issue. The chronic sufferers are the minority. Every normal channel for help - be it for suicide or mental health - caters to the majority because that's what's profitable or self-sustaining. The system literally has no idea what to do with people who are genuinely fucked. It alienates the people who are most in need of help from the very system that should be helping them. It would be genuinely fucking tragic if that same dynamic were to prevail here. I can understand why people might feel the urge to gatekeep as a result.

For the record I am not planning to commit suicide in the near future. I don't pretend otherwise. I think about it. I consider it an option. I have (and would) like to have the means to do so on-hand. I'm also fucked enough that one of the few things that gives me any sense of purpose is helping other people who are fucked. So a community like this is of interest to me. That's why I'm here. I don't care if that's not good enough for some people, but I do wonder if it's normal for people to admit why they're really here. I do see a kind of 'pro-death chic,' that seems highly affected. I can see why some would find it alienating.
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
i dont think i will attempt suicide in the next few years either. Only if my life becomes even worse. Im only 19, so i cant really know how my future looks. If my lvie doent improve when im 30 or older, then maybe i will consider suicide. But probably not. Its nearly impossible to overcome the will to live.
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Dec 17, 2018
This is an upsetting thread to read. I always knew @thishappened was a nice person since we chatted through PM's for a bit, so I didn't expect her to say anything like this. I hope she's doing a bit better now...
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Apr 30, 2019
The whole point of this site is to be Pro Choice, not pro life or pro death, its about choice.

That doesn't mean we need a Recovery board. If many users of a LGQT+ forum happen to find that they're also Liberal Democrat voters, said LGBT+ forum doesn't need to incorporate a sub-forum in support of the UK remaining within the European Union. Just because a forum has a certain political leaning, doesn't mean it's contractually bound to represent every view on that side of the spectrum. For that reason, I can see why people would say Recovery has nothing to do with a forum literally titled 'Sanctioned Suicide'.

I'm in favour of Recovery staying if people benefit from it, I use it too, but I can't say I don't understand why some are against.
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