I'm an immunocompromised Healthcare worker. Not frontlines of COVID kind worker but honestly it has trickled down to every facet of Healthcare. Some "non-essential" Healthcare was shut down for months and now my job is dealing with the shit of everyone in my field being backed up for months.
It pisses me off to no end that people are still traveling, and are still acting like they're the only ones exempt from wearing a mask, or missing half the point by only covering their nose.
I'm a VERY passive person but it is to a point where I roll my eyes at any person who decides they're immune and immortal and risking everyone's lives. I've seen people coughing and sneezing and spreading who knows what EVERYWHERE.
And a lot of times it's people who are super susceptible to getting it too!
I'm a disabled person on top of being immunocompromised and the fact that I have to move out of the way of people who also don't want to keep their distance and wear a mask is absolute horse shit. I shouldn't have to move because you decided the sun shines out of your ass. You should be keeping distance and being respectful to those who are choosing to be safe! At least do that much! Or don't go outside unless necessary, and not some coffee run. Make your own coffee at home, save lives.
And don't spout off the shit of no one dies from it or whatever. It is scary as hell for me because I work in Healthcare and am immunocompromised! If I get it, I work for bosses who are very old. With how small the company is, it would kill off the company as most of the people are at risk and yet we all have no real choice but to work.
It makes me fucking mental and lowkey violent that people aren't getting it together after 6 months. And then want to whine and complain that it is still a thing, well no shit Sherlock, you and everyone else decided they're better than everyone else and think that everything doesn't apply to them!
I've even seen people SERVE FOOD without a mask on. I've seen DOCTORS AND POLICE not wear masks! What kind of example are we setting here if those we are in theory supposed to be able to turn to are just letting people be exposed and potentially die senselessly all because of their own selfishness!
And then people are pressuring us to squeeze them in or want appointments that day, knowing full well everyone is booked out for months and we have to limit interactions with our office to essential appointments only. "But I need to use my insurance!!!" Well why did you and everyone else wait until the last second to use it??? Don't blame the Healthcare workers trying to help you in an extremely difficult time because you decided to not make an appointment or use your FSA money wherever.
Humanity can fuck off and every day I have to travel to work it makes me want to CTB more and more because at this point I feel like it is I erase myself or someone is going to contaminate me with COVID and then I'm screwed.
Apologies I cuss a lot but this more than 6 months of sheer hatred and anger at the lack of empathy, and selfishness that I see on full, shameless display day in and day out all while praying and hoping I don't wake up dead.
I want to go on my own terms but everyone around me seems to be content with being a murderer. Because that's what they are. They're murderers who can get away with it because there is no way to track for accountability. People who are out there thinking it is fine and spreading their filth to the rest of the world, especially those who KNOW they're sick and choose not to follow any protocols can just go away.
I would quit my job, and really want to for my own safety, but my husband quit his job on impulse so my income is the only one that is stopping us from being homeless right now. But my sanity has worn down so extremely thin with all the chaos so much so that I think about CTB every day I have to walk outside. I didn't want it to be this way and yet here I am. Stuck and trapped in a world that does not care if I die or live because despite my Healthcare job, just because I'm disabled I'm "expendable" and it "only affects those who are already sick or elderly" yeah and you know what? THOSE PEOPLE DESERVE A CHOICE TOO.
Sorry. That was long but I needed to get that out. Also apologies for my cursing. I can edit it out if someone takes issue with it, I know I swear a lot but wow this makes me so frustrated. I shouldn't have to be this mad at society failing everyone around them.