I do agree with what others say on here, if your CTB attempt fails or you change your mind, then it is possible that you may end up with less financial security and stability once your job is gone. Additionally, it is possible that some people may even take a hint or become curious that you may be planning on something or feign concern if you suddenly give notice or quit your job depending on the context (e.g. if things are well at work and things seem normal, then all of a sudden, out of nowhere you just uprooted and decided to quit). It can set off a 'red flag' depending on the person and context too. While I can understand that wanting to quit and leave rather than having a sudden death shock, surprise your coworkers and workmates, there is risk involved in doing so too. Furthermore, if you do CTB, then the job would become irrelevant and you would become non-sentient and unable to experience regret or the aftermath.