Lul. You got a whole CN tower here. Time to add to it.
First, LD50's for animals are very much similar to humans. I know this because what usually happens is that a chemical is tested on animals, then a human accidentally or intentionally ingests it.
Yes. I agree. But this varies. Depending on the what the product is. Poison? Meds?
Many if not all.
toxicology reports.
Work place hazards, even drugs or Sars etc.
Have gotten information this way.
and lo and behold, the LD50 between an animal and human isn't significant to order another batch of the stuff.
if it works out this way. 100s 1000s of test can be done to end up with 1-3 safe products.
Yes they will order it if it to prevent something.
Not order more poison for people.
LD50's can be different, but it wouldn't be different enough that you would have to spend extra money to overdose on a higher batch.
Yes it can give you a little higher than rough estimate on how to poison your self.
Compared to a rat.
But with little.Yet very blunt information on what it would actually do to the human body.
Unless you find a study with that exact experience on purpose or by accident.
Eg - shuts down liver. Blue nails.
How much pain? Burning?Puke?Bleeding?
Convulsions? Etc.
What I'm saying is that you won't need to use a dump truck full of PN to overdose with the human LD50. It would be very similar to human LD50's. This is because as you get closer to the human genome the more recent you get in genomic history, the livers of animals closest to humans have similar enzyme activity to
I get the comparison aspect of it for the drug amount it self.
(in theory it should work)
But it leaves everything else out of the question.
(Complications,aftermath,during etc)
Especially when you're comparing it to SN. Which has tons of information to back it up.
On how the trips actually went. Good or bad.
The way you phrased the OP and said things was like.
with zero human experience. All theory.
You say that because chemicals are used in decomposing tree stumps, and in fire works, it is somehow less, and that I shouldn't be encouraging to tell people to "put a chemical up their ass" (even though boofing can be made less painful with various strategies) due to it's other uses.
This is poor logic.
Are you high? Poor logic? It's common sense.
Yah boofing can be less painful comparing it to frequent needle users with damaged arms and veins. Or damaged nose tissue.
That's with proven drugs. With millions of case studys. And even boofing long/short term has side effects/risk.
On top of that you missed the point.
Eg- What if someone went out and bought 94%PN. The same PN used for trees. And puts that in their ass. Wtf you think is gonna happen? This is why i raised the concern.
What purity %?
What exact PN ? Product? Compound only?
Other meds needed?
Availability? Etc.
How else does it effect the body? Other than just saying like SN. Because it's not proven.
Nitroglycerin can be used to kill innocent civilians, but it can also be used as heart medication.
You're really reaching now.
The amount. The use. The purity. The way its engineered. Administered. Etc. Completely different with known information.
PN can be used to cure meat, but also to help people peacefully go.
HOW DO YOU KNOW PN will be peaceful. Have you set up a IV for someone with it?
Yes, I admit, I could've improved with tips about needles. I accept that blame. I don't get how that's part of the argument though.
I didn't really say too much on this just that maybe not put it directly in your blood with out knowing for sure.
You then dug through my post history and used a comment I made about crack against me in this argument, and also claiming that I told the individual that coke and heroin are crack
I didn't dig at all. That post keeps popping up. Because people are asking wtf are you talking about. I said it in a nice way. And with please.
You told the dude that
Heroin/baking soda = crack.
And to fucking smoke it. Untill OD occurs.
And said to IV it as well.
You have zero right to be telling people to smoke Crack my guy. Especially when you don't know wtf is in it. And have probably never seen it in your life.
. I admit, while I remember making a comment about coke, I do not remember my "heroin+coke=crack" brain fart.
Not the point. If I miss typed something or didn't mention it correctly. It's still not the point. Baking soda Coke whatever it was. The whole post made zero sense.
Keep in mind that the individual I was talking to had coke as the only way to CTB.
No it was Heroin.
If your trying to say that I'm encouraging cocaine abuse, then that is off-topic and it is a poor attempt to discredit me.
You ok? It's not off topic.
I'm not trying to say anything, nor did I say that.
I clearly stated that it was the 3rd or 4th post I've seen of you giving out bad/not tested information/instructions. To people. That could cause failed attempts.
The user before you posted a very helpful post. In regards to Heroin use.
And this is a poor attempt to try and get people to be guinea pigs with PN via IV.
I admit, I didn't see Sodium Nitrite getting banned. Potassium Nitrate has way more less niche uses. If those get banned,
Well you mentioned it in the title and in the body. But that's besides the point.
then I or another fellow pharmacologist or chemist can come up with an alternative.
Ah I see. So you've personally tested PN on animals. Or humans with an IV ?
What other chemicals work like SN I'm curious. Why has NO ONE ever mentioned these in YEARS of studies. People that have hands on experience with CTB. and are smarter than both you and I.
when and where are you doing these studies.
Or are you just reading things on pubchem and coming up with your own conclusions.?
I apologize if that part of the title was "false"
No worries.
But someone with your high education and well versed instructions on Iv use, should know big daddy government can ban/restrict wtf ever they want.
but I can't edit it since I fear that you will use that as evidence that I'm "covering tracks."
I'm not sure what you're on.
But I want some.
( if you have some type of disability and you're paranoid all the time. I apologize.)
You claim that I purposely cherry-picked questions to debunk while ignoring your supposed other concerns.
You did. And are doing it again.
Most of these are answerable with a quick google search or simply re-reading the post.
Just because you throw out a couple well versed scientific paragraphs.
100mg this. IV that.
Doesn't really cover whats needed when talking about CTB. It is a portion of it. Yes.
But not everything. Especially with a unknown and unused substance.
The question about purity can be answered by getting it from a reputable chemical company or buying it from your local stores.
This was in relation to your OP. You're telling people to buy PN. Eat/IV/up ass
But you didn't say what purity the PN should be. Or what else needs to be combined etc.
Someone goes to the store:
Oh look this tree stuff has 94% PN in it.
Swallows it thinking it's like SN and their throat burns away.
Someone orders it online:
Oh look 99% PN. Does a IV drip not knowing that it needs to be diluted down to 60% and their arm starts burning. Blood clot. Etc.
Who knows????
The purity will be listed. If you need to calculate how much of a impure solution you must take, that is available with online calculators or searching up mathematical formula for it.
Shouldn't you be listing this if you're telling people to use it ?? Or atleast mention this.
Finally, the classic re-iteration of a point you made several sentences ago, which is the same boofing argument. Ah, the good 'ol internet argument.
It's not an argument.
Did you test this out? On an animal or human?
If not, don't tell people to do it.
Or atleast say in theory
and your not 100% sure.
Plain and simple.
You were wrong this and you're having a hard time realizing that.
As I have also said,
I cannot stress this enough, PN literally has the same mechanism as SN but with less oral bioavailability.
Yah on paper. It has some similarities. Doesn't mean it will react the EXACT same way. Not in reality.
Just because they both cause methemoglobinemia doesn't mean anything.
It could be in the right direction. And I even said thank you for that.
But untill someone in a controlled environment actually tests this out. You can't be certain.
You're acting as if you have already.
by pushing the information the way you did in your OP.
I am seriously not understanding the paranoia
about how PN is some dangerous boogeyman that will be worse than SN
paranoia ? You said your scared to change the post title.
Wtf are you talking about.
This is a chemical going into your body.
People are allowed to be concerned.
And ask questions.
because IFartWithMyBalls420
Are you 12? Or a creeper 40 year old cuck.?
can't process the fact that different chemical structures can have similar effects.
No one said they don't have similar effects. but that doesn't mean they will have with 100% certainty.
The same outcome during or afterwards.
Diphenhydramine and Fluoxetine have a similar structure, yet do entirely different things. One is used as a sleep and flu medication, and the other is use for mental issues.
Once again you might have some type of education in the field and are well versed. Or you could have just copy pasta this from pubchem either way it has nothing to do with putting PN into your body.