• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Jun 21, 2018
Regardless of what "they" say/think. I feel it's not stressed enough, maybe at all, and really important to erase trails to this site before making an attempt.
All this attention is compromising the chance's of future people to find a peaceful way out.
With more media attention and law enforcement's from different areas knowing about these methods (SN, N) it's likely to become harder to get it. Not talking about today or tomorrow, but making legal stuff become regulated, forcing companies to ask more questions and limit who can get it.

Simply erase history, think of others.
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Jun 30, 2018
I have lived long enough to believe in nothing. And there are less and less things I care about, as the time goes by.

Pretty much the best advice out there is, almost everything and everyone around you is trying to fill your head with illusions. Either because they have no fucking choice or because they benefit in some way...

Only reason they increased our life expectancy is so we can be slaves for a longer period of time filling the pockets of the 1%. This world is such garbage lol.

That and also there is a lot of money to be made from people who fear death... A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. Just look at all the money people pay to fight cancer... And then make it a treatment instead of a cure and you'll be able to buy 10000000 Yachts...
Regardless of what "they" say/think. I feel it's not stressed enough, maybe at all, and really important to erase trails to this site before making an attempt.
All this attention is compromising the chance's of future people to find a peaceful way out.
With more media attention and law enforcement's from different areas knowing about these methods (SN, N) it's likely to become harder to get it. Not talking about today or tomorrow, but making legal stuff become regulated, forcing companies to ask more questions and limit who can get it.

Simply erase history, think of others.

People need to stop fucking CTBing after visiting this site and then letting law enforcement simply look at their smartphone or PC and find out, where you received assistance... Holy fucking shit. It's not that hard to get rid of your Smartphone or PC before you CTB. Donate it to some motherfucker on Craigslist or something. Sell it etc... Give your smartphone or laptop to a homeless person. You will make his day. And obviously, before you do so, get rid of everything related to this website... What happened to just leaving a suicide note... "Dear world, go fuck yourself. The End." After I CTB, they will just find my skeleton and the only other thing they will find is tattered clothing and a letter saying "Whoever reads this will have a horrible cursed placed on their family for a thousand generations." LOL Like how those Pharoahs trolled people after they died. Because seriously, spare the benevolent owners of this website from a lifetime of bullshit they will have to deal with...
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Jun 8, 2019
Pretty much the best advice out there is, almost everything and everyone around you is trying to fill your head with illusions.

Things have evolved, so much of everything goes on in a plain sight. How about the banks who have laundered money for the last ten years, then suddenly get caught by a mistake, and as punishment they get a "warning". And people sweat blood paying 40% interest for the laundered drug money they were loaned.
This is how you do business, well... live and learn.
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Jun 1, 2019
Pretty much the best advice out there is, almost everything and everyone around you is trying to fill your head with illusions. Either because they have no fucking choice or because they benefit in some way...

That and also there is a lot of money to be made from people who fear death... A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. Just look at all the money people pay to fight cancer... And then make it a treatment instead of a cure and you'll be able to buy 10000000 Yachts...

People need to stop fucking CTBing after visiting this site and then letting law enforcement simply look at their smartphone or PC and find out, where you received assistance... Holy fucking shit. It's not that hard to get rid of your Smartphone or PC before you CTB. Donate it to some motherfucker on Craigslist or something. Sell it etc... Give your smartphone or laptop to a homeless person. You will make his day. And obviously, before you do so, get rid of everything related to this website... What happened to just leaving a suicide note... "Dear world, go fuck yourself. The End." After I CTB, they will just find my skeleton and the only other thing they will find is tattered clothing and a letter saying "Whoever reads this will have a horrible cursed placed on their family for a thousand generations." LOL Like how those Pharoahs trolled people after they died.
Yep. Cancer industry is a money maker, and the Elites who run this world are fucking sick. It's just fucking pathetic how money>human life to them. Another reason to CTB, and its the only wave to break the shackles of this system which enslaves us. I laugh at people who say they have 'freedom'. Freedom is simply a fucking illusion.
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Jun 30, 2018
Things have evolved, so much of everything goes on in a plain sight. How about the banks who have laundered money for the last ten years, then suddenly get caught by a mistake, and as punishment they get a "warning". And people sweat blood paying 40% interest for the laundered drug money they were loaned.
This is how you do business, well... live and learn.
Yeah, so many people in high positions committing horrible crimes on a daily basis but nobody bats a fucking eye. Some average Joe commits a horrible crime, people want him to roast in an electric chair after being ass raped 100000 times by Tyrone.
Yep. Cancer industry is a money maker, and the Elites who run this world are fucking sick. It's just fucking pathetic how money>human life to them. Another reason to CTB, and its the only wave to break the shackles of this system which enslaves us. I laugh at people who say they have 'freedom'. Freedom is simply a fucking illusion.
Reminds me of the tragic tale of Zhanna Friske. A young beautiful Russian singer and actress who had it all, then she had brain cancer, went to New York City to get it cured or treated. Then even after spending millions and millions of dollars, she died a slow horrible undignified death.
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Jun 12, 2018
The same shit is happening today, FYI. You just can't see it. You think all that stuff is behind us, because some people are making a stand against it? People were making a stand against that shit in the "good old days" as well. Germans were making a stand against Hitler. But it doesn't fucking matter because in the end, those with the most power will win. And these Christian Neo Nazis are taking over the U.S. government and taking over most of the world. And they have been in power for so long, most people are already one of them and they lack the introspection to see the ugly truth. Probably half the nonsense in your brain, originates from Christianity. Humanity also have weapons soooooo fucking powerful today, you can't even imagine what they can do to this planet... Read about the Tsar Bomba. Oh and wait until they mastered weaponizing nanotechnology and/or genetic engineering, that is going to be fun... NOT. Most societies have also entirely collapsed as well.

First of all, before I respond to your post: we probably have a different viewpoint on this because I live in Europe and I assume you live in the US, right? So things are different over here in Europe, just to let you know. I heard bad stuff about the Christian community in the US but we don't have the same kind of batshit crazy religiosity over here in Europe. Things are more moderate and calm over here, you know what I mean?
Now to your point... no, of course there are Christian people. And Christian leaders and they try to influence society, the values and lawmaking with their religion. Look at the abortion laws that came into place just recently. That's definitely the result of a Christian ideology. I don't disagree with that. But things changed a lot. Again, we probably have a different viewpoint because you live in the US and I think it's a different experience over there but generally speaking, more people become atheist over time - even in the US. There are polls and studies that confirm this.

Again, it's a slow process because Christianity is rooted deeply into western society but change is happening. There are more atheists with every new generation. You can see this in the study I've just linked. The younger the people are, the more likely it is that they are atheist. That's a fact. But as I said, I understand your perspective, having Trump in the white house must be terrible and scary. Especially if you consider the relations to white supremacy groups and his hateful rhetoric. But I also know that the whole anti-establishment mindset played a huge role in his election and people simply didn't want to elect someone who represents the elite, like Hillary Clinton - without realizing that he is the elite and he is basically the swamp which he promised to drain. They trusted a conman and it backfired badly. So yeah, are the people who voted for him smart? I don't know.
But things aren't as bad as you think. As I said before, when all the old people died, society will look different. It probably would look different already if you lowered the voting age to 16 years. Look at the European election: the green party was overwhelmingly popular in many countries. And young people played a huge role in this election.
I personally don't believe in these apocalyptic nuclear scenarios. I don't think there will be another nuclear war but if we ever develop a Superintelligence like Skynet and they would wipe us from the planet, well - too bad. Sucks, I guess, right? I couldn't judge them.

You do know, that you can release evidence gathered from the flawless scientific method that reveals the truth but only gives you a small glimpse of what is going on? You underestimate the art of BSing people. The public opinion of the LGBT community increased in the last 20 years? LMAO. Yeah, because most of the people who see these LGBT members as fucking abominations who should be sent to concentration camps are too cowardly to admit it to other people... Because they don't want to lose their job, get harassed etc... So these people are just being pushed into underground organizations/secret societies. Living standards are lowering in many countries while in some countries, the living standards are rising. You know why? Outsourcing... Because the rich and the wealthy figured out, they can get better slaves from countries outside of their own countries... Because people who live in complete shitholes will be happy with any kind of improvement... And for example, minimum wage in a country like India can get you a much better life than minimum wage in the USA. Because not all countries have the same cost of living... The education level is decreasing all over the world because most of it is propaganda nowadays. So even though we have the internet, people are still just an uneducated as in the past. Saying conflicts and wars have been decreasing as well is just absurd even if you are only talking about conventional warfare... Have you taken a good look out of the Western world lately? And how the fuck does anyone know if scientists used the scientific method to discover truths? Were you watching these scientists 24/7 to make sure, they did everything properly? Who is watching these people? The people who are funding their monkey asses, that is who... And the people with that kind of $$$ have agendas... And their agenda is not the enlighten the entire world with the truth and nothing but the truth. No wonder, the ruling families on this Earth is getting away with all this shit... It's child play when there are people like you.

I agree, a lot of people think negatively of LGBT people. But then again, the majority of these people are simply old and grew up with conservative values. Give it some time. In the last 20 years, the public opinion of homosexuality changed drastically:

We are on a good path. I don't think we live in a romantic perfect planet, no. I explained it over and over again in this forum: this society fucking sucks. This world sucks. Humans suck. But are we improving? Objectively speaking: yes. Does it mean we both have no reason to suffer? No. Of course we suffer. But apparently we're a minority. Most people on this planet don't consider suicide and they will never have a reason to kill themselves. We're the losers in society. That's just how it is, let's face it. Life isn't fair and I agree with you, this place here fucking sucks and life isn't worth living. But nonetheless, I'd rather live in 2019 than in 1919. You know what I mean? Because back then, I would have died in a concentration camp. And we didn't have any awareness of transgender people. Like, we knew they existed but they weren't nearly as accepted by society and by the medical community as they are right now. Yeah, I will die on this hill: 2019 is better than all other years we had in the past. And I'm sure I can justify it when talking about this in a global scale.

Now, let me dump some facts before I end this post.

Increasing education levels:

Regarding wars:
Again, this is a slow process but concepts like the EU and the increasing globalization of the planet by the way favor peace. It's unlikely that there will be another incident like WWI and WWII. But ever since these wars stopped, the rate of wars and violence decreased drastically and if they happen, they don't happen in such a large scale anymore.

Wealth inequality:
Of course the wealth gap is increasing. Poverty is declining but the richest people are outpacing this by an extreme margin. As you can read here:

So I give you that, wealth inequality is a huge issue and it's gonna be even worse in the future with the upcoming automation of society and the replacement of humans in the workplace. This should be the priority right after climate change. I don't disagree with that. Like, you're talking to a socialist, don't worry.

Regarding your last point, to you understand how science works? Scientists are probably the least influential demographic group in society. Just look at climate change, nobody is listening to them, despite the fact that we know about this issue for decades. And they don't make any money researching facts which damage the reputation of billion-dollar oil and coal companies. They're usually the ones who bribe people for disinformation. And scientists surely aren't getting any of that.
These companies have an interest bribing and intimidating people.

I hope I addressed all of your points, I invested a lot of time responding to your post.
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Jun 30, 2018
First of all, before I respond to your post: we probably have a different viewpoint on this because I live in Europe and I assume you live in the US, right? So things are different over here in Europe, just to let you know. I heard bad stuff about the Christian community in the US but we don't have the same kind of batshit crazy religiosity over here in Europe. Things are more moderate and calm over here, you know what I mean?
Now to your point... no, of course there are Christian people. And Christian leaders and they try to influence society, the values and lawmaking with their religion. Look at the abortion laws that came into place just recently. That's definitely the result of a Christian ideology. I don't disagree with that. But things changed a lot. Again, we probably have a different viewpoint because you live in the US and I think it's a different experience over there but generally speaking, more people become atheist over time - even in the US. There are polls and studies that confirm this.

Again, it's a slow process because Christianity is rooted deeply into western society but change is happening. There are more atheists with every new generation. You can see this in the study I've just linked. The younger the people are, the more likely it is that they are atheist. That's a fact. But as I said, I understand your perspective, having Trump in the white house must be terrible and scary. Especially if you consider the relations to white supremacy groups and his hateful rhetoric. But I also know that the whole anti-establishment mindset played a huge role in his election and people simply didn't want to elect someone who represents the elite, like Hillary Clinton - without realizing that he is the elite and he is basically the swamp which he promised to drain. They trusted a conman and it backfired badly. So yeah, are the people who voted for him smart? I don't know.
But things aren't as bad as you think. As I said before, when all the old people died, society will look different. It probably would look different already if you lowered the voting age to 16 years. Look at the European election: the green party was overwhelmingly popular in many countries. And young people played a huge role in this election.
I personally don't believe in these apocalyptic nuclear scenarios. I don't think there will be another nuclear war but if we ever develop a Superintelligence like Skynet and they would whipe us from the planet, well - too bad. Sucks I guess, right? I couldn't judge them.

I agree, a lot of people think negatively of LGBT people. But then again, the majority of these people are simply old and grew up with conservative values. Give it some time. In the last 20 years, the public opinion of homosexuality changed drastically:

We are on a good path. I don't think we live in a romantic perfect planet, no. I explained it over and over again in this forum: this society fucking sucks. This world sucks. Humans suck. But are we improving? Objectively speaking: yes. Does it mean we both have no reason to suffer? No. Of course we suffer. But apparently we're a minority. Most people on this planet don't consider suicide and they will never have a reason to kill themselves. We're the losers in society. That's just how it is, let's face it. Life isn't fair and I agree with you, this place here fucking sucks and life isn't worth living. But nontheless, I'd rather live in 2019 than in 1919. You know what I mean? Because back then, I would have died in a concentration camp. And we didn't have any awareness of transgender people. Like, we knew they existed but they weren't nearly as accepted by society and by the medical community as they are right now. Yeah, I will die on this hill: 2019 is better than all other years we had in the past. And I'm sure I can justify this when talking about a global scale.

Now, let me dump some facts before I end this post.

Increasing education levels:

Regarding wars:
Again, this is a slow process but concepts like the EU and the increasing globalisation of the planet by the way favor peace. It's unlikely that there will be another incident like WWI and WWII. But ever since these wars stopped, the rate of wars and violence decreased drastically and if they happen, they don't happen in such a large scale anymore.

Wealth inequality:
Of course the wealth gap is increasing. Poverty is declining but the richest people are outpacing this by an extreme margin. As you can read here:

So I give you that, wealth inequality is a huge issue and it's gonna be even worse in the future with the upcoming automation of society and the replacement of humans in the workplace. This should be the priority right after climate change. I don't disagree with that. Like, you're talking to a socialist, don't worry.

Regarding your last point, to you understand how science works? Scientists are probably the least influential demographic group in society. Just look at climate change, nobody is listening to them, despite the fact that we know about this issue for decades. And they don't make any money researching facts that burden oil and coal companies. They're usually the ones who bribe people for disinformation. And scientists surely aren't getting any of that.
They have an interest bribing and intimidating people.

I hope I addressed all of your points, I invested a lot of time responding to your post.
Yes, you made a good point about me living in North America and you living in Europe. There are a lot of differences between these two parts of the world. I know because I lived in Germany for some years and visited Europe like 10000 times. And some countries in Europe, are really fucking awesome places to live even though they are essentially Republics and not Democracies. And some of the countries are almost Nazi free. But that is the present. It's not that hard to take a country that is Nazi free and turn most people into Nazis. I could do so easily by myself if I really wanted to. Fortunately, some countries in this world, have a ruling class who isn't 100% soulless so they share their table scraps with the people beneath them. But I'm talking about the whole world. A lot of people do take scientists very seriously. The only reason, many people aren't taking scientists who are warning people about climate change seriously is because there are massive amounts of money from corporations being poured into think tanks and similar organizations to convince people all over, these scientists are full of shit. If not, everyone would be taking climate change seriously today. Because humans of low intelligence have a habit of assuming someone with certain titles always express the truth. Like "scientists" or "doctors" or "professors" etc. And more world wars like WW II are definitely coming. And even where you live, is a war zone but all the battles are being fought in a way you can't see. Anyway, there is no point in turning this into a heated debate. I have nothing against you really and I'll be deed within the next year or two anyway so it's not a big deal if people here see the world as a better place. And you are a cool person for being pro choice. Have a nice day.
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Jun 8, 2019
Yeah, so many people in high positions committing horrible crimes on a daily basis but nobody bats a fucking eye. Some average Joe commits a horrible crime, people want him to roast in an electric chair after being ass raped 100000 times by Tyrone.

This here seems to get horribly derailed and off-topic, maybe a thread something along the lines of "Programmed to Die" would fit better?
But as it is, have you read about Troy Kell? He's on a DR, I think, but he had some interesting stuff to say about politics. Our cable has stuffed with U.S. Correctional soap operas. As a programming, not sure what effect is it supposed to have, but hey.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
I feel bad for the parents, I really do... but for someone to commit suicide is their choice and should not be deemed as murder
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Jun 30, 2018
All of these (nice list btw) are arguable.

I'm a transgender woman and I wouldn't say homophobic attitudes are becoming increasingly rare but less expressed in the open. The current fear they have isn't necessarily a good thing because things we experience in our generation can easily disappear because we're only experiencing a short time in the whole history of humankind. The horrendous disasters of humankind are literally less than a hundred years from us and that's terrifying to how shitty the world flops when it feels like it.
Driving these Nazi sociopaths underground is not a good thing. We should let them be free to reveal who they are to the world and then later, when the time is right.... Have them all arrested and sent to prison as criminals. Otherwise, they will master the art of being sneaky.
I feel bad for the parents, I really do... but for someone to commit suicide is their choice and should not be deemed as murder

I feel bad for the doctors who were actually trying to help people who CTBed as well because you know they will get a lot of flak... Not all doctors are pieces of shit who see themselves as gods or goddesses, just in it for the money and bribes. Just because they aren't smart enough to see that some people simply have no reason to continue living doesn't mean, they deserve to have pro suffering people try to crucify them... I feel bad for some of the parents but not all of them.
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
The society is to blame for everything - the elite simply use its stupidity, manipulate them. For example, this is not the elite does not accept transgender people - society does not accept them. Most of the society does not want the legalization of euthanasia. Most of society is categorically against the legalization of drugs. The elite should be able to make decisions that do not like the majority of the population.
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Jun 30, 2018
I feel bad for the parents, I really do... but for someone to commit suicide is their choice and should not be deemed as murder
The society is to blame for everything - the elite simply use its stupidity, manipulate them. For example, this is not the elite does not accept transgender people - society does not accept them. Most of the society does not want the legalization of euthanasia. Most of society is categorically against the legalization of drugs. The elite should be able to make decisions that do not like the majority of the population.
The elite are cool with drugs but only if they make workers more productive. One of the reasons, they despise heroin so much is because, heroin addicts are some of the least productive people in this world. LOL


Jul 22, 2018
@Severen you apparently have a strong grasp of reality. Your picture is kind of spooky and intimidating. I have a disagreement with your response to my post. I'm under the impression that people should neither be forgotten or gotten rid of and thus contrary of what I believe you imply. Everyone is fated to be under unique illusion(s) and until reason can disenchant the individual delusion(s). The most moral & ethical solution is the most acceptable because the creator or what we name nature is evil to construct this problem(s) humans face in life. Thus, all should be approached against nature by not being evil like nature. The act of going against nature is most divine and almighty then the creation.
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Jun 30, 2018
@Severen you apparently have a strong grasp of reality. Your picture is kind of spooky and intimidating. I have a disagreement with your response to my post. I'm under the impression that people should neither be forgotten or gotten rid of and thus contrary of what I believe you imply. Everyone is fated to be under unique illusion(s) and until reason can disenchant the individual delusion(s). The most moral & ethical solution is the most acceptable because the creator or what we name nature is evil to construct this problem(s) humans face in life. Thus, all should be approached against nature by not being evil like nature. The act of going against nature is most divine and almighty then the creation.

People like Nazis are usually too broken to be changed. Some of them are young, dumb and naive. People who grew up in isolated bubbles and then when they see the unknown, they get scared and then read Nazi literature and become fanatics. These people are just misguided human beings. But later on, they grow out of that shit as they learn more about the world. But a lot of them should just be imprisoned or executed because being a Nazi in life is all they can be. WW II was so bloody because it had to be...
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Jun 30, 2018
I'm sure, most people here are aware of how painful it is to lose a loved one. But would you keep that loved one alive to avoid pain if it meant, they would have to go through 10000 times more pain than you would have to go through? Which option would be more righteous and loving? And if Jesus was real but had no super powers, what would he do? Have you ever been put in a situation where you truly loved someone but your existence in their life was causing him or her more pain than happiness, so you decided to remove yourself from his or her life even though that would lead to you suffering until the end of your life or for all eternity? But still you decided to make such a sacrifice... How many soldiers found it so horrible and painful to die in battle because they would never see their loved ones again but sacrificed themselves anyway to save the lives or their squad or platoon or company or to help put an end to what they saw was pure evil that would eventually twist the planet into hell on Earth?
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018

Anyone following this ?

What are your thoughts
The medical community, and pharmaceutical companies need to be held accountable. There are 2 very revealing research claims re. the use of anti-depressants and their dangers on this site. Anyone interested check under my name. I would like to see a class action lawsuit in an attempt to divulge the truth and get justice for those who have been so severely damaged by greedy, arrogant manufacturers and their cadre of so-called 'mental health' medical professionals.
I'm sure, most people here are aware of how painful it is to lose a loved one. But would you keep that loved one alive to avoid pain if it meant, they would have to go through 10000 times more pain than you would have to go through? Which option would be more righteous and loving? And if Jesus was real but had no super powers, what would he do? Have you ever been put in a situation where you truly loved someone but your existence in their life was causing him or her more pain than happiness, so you decided to remove yourself from his or her life even though that would lead to you suffering until the end of your life or for all eternity? But still you decided to make such a sacrifice... How many soldiers found it so horrible and painful to die in battle because they would never see their loved ones again but sacrificed themselves anyway to save the lives or their squad or platoon or company or to help put an end to what they saw was pure evil that would eventually twist the planet into hell on Earth?
Agreed Severn, and my answer is no. I have lost too many family, and friends, to agonizingly painful disorders/disease.
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Jul 22, 2018
The medical community, and pharmaceutical companies need to be held accountable. There are 2 very revealing research claims re. the use of anti-depressants and their dangers on this site. Anyone interested check under my name. I would like to see a class action lawsuit in an attempt to divulge the truth and get justice for those who have been so severely damaged by greedy, arrogant manufacturers and their cadre of so-called 'mental health' medical professionals.

No class action lawsuit against anti-depressants will ever succeed in our lifetime. The strongest agenda in current society is cooperation between medical practitioners & judges and making the people who work awful jobs not equipped with the needed finances to have an enjoyable life; thus making them believe they have something medically wrong with them and take anti-depressants to become even more deluded from their reality. Many people understand this, while many people are too good nature to realize it and many refuse to acknowledge the truth when they realize it.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
No class action lawsuit against anti-depressants will ever succeed in our lifetime. The strongest agenda in current society is cooperation between medical practitioners & judges and making the people who work awful jobs not equipped with the needed finances to have an enjoyable life; thus making them believe they have something medically wrong with them and take anti-depressants to become even more deluded from their reality. Many people understand this, while many people are too good nature to realize it and many refuse to acknowledge the truth when they realize it.
Here, here...well put. There is however some interesting research, and the pharmaceuticals are being taken to task now, in Usa.
No reason that people here cannot follow suit.

There is more evidence than this...really.
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Jul 22, 2018
There is more evidence than this...really.

I read the research you linked and I've researched similar topics to this one on my own time in the past. We're both going to die without seeing repercussions of true nature against the persons & systems responsible. No amount of remedy will ever be dispersed to the victims.

Yes, you're right evidence exists and sadly it's easily dismissed in court as just opinion. The people with authority who support the current system are the ones who will use intellectual dishonesty and self-serving excuses in making a judge easily rule out any case that's brought to trial. No judge will be in favor of making the system be seen to the public as the cause for suicide & homicide in the current economic environment.

Nevertheless, I'm not implying a case of this nature shouldn't be brought to trial and in my opinion energy should be used to make such a case heard. Even if the verdict is a loss because sometimes failure resembles success and when the act has to come before a future generation can succeed. I'm speaking from the foreknowledge of going to court in the past and still trying to take the legal path in highlighting wrongs. I usually lay awake at night thinking what do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means. Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil or do you remain stead vastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil. In either case evil remains. In some cases I see one may commit evil to destroy the greater evil. Meaning I wonder if we're in an age similar to the past where people eventually had to riot/act out homicide and for real change. I see that as not happening but I wonder which is worse when thinking of all the people I've witnessed who suffered tremendously and unrighteously by the psychiatric & legal system.
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Dec 7, 2018
The spin the media have put on this is absolutely disgraceful and is just further proof of the disgusting lies they will tell to fit there agender
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Nov 27, 2018
Hahahaha might as well blame the society for murdering those people. If you want to blame something blame this world. If the world didnt provide them with the tools how can they die? If the world doesnt push them towards it why would they want to? I can stand these ignorance cunt. Willful ignorance deserve no pity. Omg the cringe. They deserve much much worse then what they have right now for all these lies and ignorance.


Jun 30, 2018
Hahahaha might as well blame the society for murdering those people. If you want to blame something blame this world. If the world didnt provide them with the tools how can they die? If the world doesnt push them towards it why would they want to? I can stand these ignorance cunt. Willful ignorance deserve no pity. Omg the cringe. They deserve much much worse then what they have right now for all these lies and ignorance.
Even if the world removes all the tools, they can use to CTB, they will just give up on life, anyway... Because this WORLD made them lose their will to live.
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Nov 27, 2018
Even if the world removes all the tools, they can use to CTB, they will just give up on life, anyway... Because this WORLD made them lose their will to live.

Precisely. Thats why they should blame themselves for creating this world that give people reasons to die. Calling people murderer wont lessen their sins. They should just own up to consequences of their own choice. I hate it when they talk as if they did nothing wrong.

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