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Aug 26, 2021
It´s sad to see that other people enjoy life. At least to me. I´m narcissistic.

The second paragraph is easy to answer to. Laughing, their gazes, the social connections they have, how they aren´t aimless and depressed, but focused on their petty struggles for survival and ascension.
I'm living proof that you can have laughter, social connections, and struggle to survive in basic ways and still be depressed and aimless. I'm not sure that what you're looking at proves that they are or aren't.

Sounds like you're making the basic mistake of assuming only you have profound thoughts and that others don't, just because you can't observe what's in other people's minds and hearts by looking at them.
I don't think I have profound thoughts.

Also, why did you reply to this post and not the one I directed at you?
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Apr 25, 2022
I've had an awesome life… smarts, looks, friends, career, etc. It wasn't until I was 30 that my health turned to shit. My doctors offered up drugs, and I was naive. All the meds ended out making things worse. Now my bad health has been made worse by those decisions between my doctors and me.

I have made it a point to educate my children so they know any drugs, prescribed or not, can fuck you up. When I die I hope to hell my kids don't make the same mistakes I did. I'm so glad I haven't made things worse by gambling/spending my hard earned money away on drugs, bad choices, etc.

My children are awesome. If they make even slightly better choices than I have over my lifetime, they will lead great lives. I've made sure they will inherit enough money, that along with all I've taught them, they will have HUGE advantages over most others.

This I'm proud of.


Jul 29, 2021
humans are happy digging in shit and making a living out of it say all you need to know about the human condition that we can tolerate and even thrive in shit

The hard life of India's illegal sewer cleaners
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May 1, 2022
Some people probably are, ye. However, if your blessed with money and looks, I'm finding it hard to believe you aren't enjoying life to some extent. I guess I personally make that assumption because I'm unhappy lacking the latter.
Looks are subjective, surely? As for money, well I have enough of that (also told I'm good looking) and yet?
In fact, I think there was a social study that showed that affluent people were most prone to suicide (I'd have to go and search that again, mind you). Alain De Botton did a piece on how the most developed, wealthy societies suffer the highest suicide rates. Although, that said, isn't Russia the worst for it?

But getting back to looks and money, I'd say Heath Ledger was fairly decent looking, he certainly wasn't poor. Robin Williams? River Phoenix and so on. Just examples. I think it has more to do with your mind and so on. If it's looks and money, then it's external I think.

I don't think it's down to money and looks. Unless, that is, that's how the individual sees it, in which case who am I to say.
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Secretary of something
Mar 11, 2020
It sounds so painful and devastating what you are going through. I'm sorry that you are suffering so much. I wish you the best whatever you decide to do.
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Jul 11, 2021
This will sound mean, though it's not at all intended that way.

From your posts, it's unclear that you have experienced enough of this world to support your conclusion. The fact that people in very difficult life situations/environments nevertheless strive to live, improve their lives, and appreciate whatever good moments appear in life, which may be few and far between, suggest your statements are completely wrong as a general matter (conceding of course that there are some individuals for whom life can only be bad and get worse).
My comment expressly mentioned that my impression is based on what is revealed in her comments, not her life experience, which I obviously don't know. But the comments all seem very generic and do not reveal any life experiences to suggest any underlying knowledge to support the conclusions in the OP.

This is of course subjective. For the overwhelming number of people, even those in bleak circumstances, life most certainly is worth it. We see that every day, and to question others' choice to live borders on tremendous arrogance.

So the original post, as a matter of empirics that we can observe, is pure nonsense. It's much more likely OP is delusional, not the overwhelming proportion of people who want to live.

It's interesting your use of the word arrogance to refer to an user and delusional to another. However, did you really put some thinking into the matter or are you simply being mean to the others?

The idea that reality is inherently bad and there's something to "delude" us into living in this world isn't new and have been explored into philosophy and science. One interesting read on the topic is this article: https://www.nature.com/articles/460684c.pdf

The author discusses the hypothesis that self-awareness and inter-subjectivity could become an evolutionary barrier, requiring some form of delusion mechanisms to go beyond it.


Sanctioned Suicide is well worth a mass
Jan 10, 2022
I don't know how the Nuerotypicals manage so well
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Meaningless struggle
Dec 30, 2021
Anyone on harsh conditions who praises life is deluded as fuck, because there's no way some can be happy when they realize they're in an insignificant cycle of suffering
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
Life is the only game in town. Some people prefer playing to playing nothing at all


Meaningless struggle
Dec 30, 2021
We support your choice either way. I've always understood suicide and felt fascinated by it. But the arguments some mortalists and pessimists make are just completely deranged. The sad truth is that most people are sufficiently happy. If you try to think otherwise, that's a fragile cope you have going on. It suffices just a quick look around to observe how people around you don't want to die and are better off than you. The average user of this site is having a much worse life experience than the average. It's common sense.

Who did you kill there? Certainly something to be ashamed of, not gonna beat around the bush.
Pretty sure my life experience isnt any worse than those starving in Africa, beggars rotting on the street or Indians working night and day at 50° to get a glass of water, even if they want to live and I don't.
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Dec 30, 2021
I can personally never understand those who want to live, to me it does not make that much sense to want to exist in a world where there is so much suffering and where things can easily get so much worse. Life is very cruel and unfair, it is a completely unnecessary and pointless experience. To me, non existence will always be preferable to any kind of life, as for me life itself is the problem. When we are dead, nothing can hurt us, there is no more us, there is simply nothing and nothingness is what I want.

I feel like if there is anything positive in life, it will eventually just lead to more pain when that thing is lost. Having hope will just mean we will suffer more. This is why life is only suffering, to feel positive about life is delusional, as life itself is very depressing. I could never want to live in a world where so much pain exists. All that humans have to look forward to is old age and then they will just die eventually. Our only true purpose as humans is to die. Why try to force people to live in a world where we suffer for the sake of it. It is cruel.

I feel like if there was an option to completely disappear and erase our existence completely, most people would probably take it. So many people seem to be trapped in such unsatisfying lives, you hear of people complaining all the time, being stressed and yet people still carry on with their lives. This could be because it is what they are used to, they fear death, ctb is so difficult and they feel a need to stay alive for others. From what I hear and read, life generally does not seem to be a positive experience for people.

I could never want to live no matter what, that would be impossible for me. I can find something wrong with nearly everything. I just want the peace that death brings and to forget about this life. Every day I have the same thoughts about how pointless everything is. I exist only to suffer.
I don't know why you haven't CTB already. You seem like a very kind and sweet person. It's sad you have to go through so much suffering in this life.
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May 2, 2022
I don't know why they can't just make euthanasia legal. I think so many people would take that option it would be shocking.
And it would help the planet too. There are way to many people. I would gladly give up my spot if it was painless and considered normal so my family wouldn't be traumatized
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I don't know why you haven't CTB already. You seem like a very kind and sweet person. It's sad you have to go through so much suffering in this life.
For me personally ctb is very difficult. There is the lack of peaceful exit and the fear of failure. That is the only reason as to why I am still here. There is nothing here for me in this world. More than anything I wish that it was easier to leave. Thank you and I wish you the best.
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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
You're making the same fallacy that pro-lifers make when they think anyone who is suicidal must be delusional. If you can't understand another person's wishes, it's a sign that you're out of touch.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
How do you know they're not putting it on? I'm not saying they are and you could be right, they could be well happy, by the way, but how do you know that's all how they're really feeling?
I mean, you're right, part of it is pretending but not everyone is on a suicide forum, right? For me it's quite evident when talking to people that they have an easier time with life than me, almost always. There's the odd person that has a more miserable, lonely look and demeanor.

Most people are finding their life valuable enough to try to evade death and sustain themselves with work.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Idk if everyone who actually wants to live should be considered crazy, crazy lucky maybe, but when they are lucky then it's no wonder they'd want to live.
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
Most people in the world are delusional to some extent. Delusion is quite necessary for most people to be happy in life the evidence suggests. They are free to be as delusional as they like. But society needs to stop making anti suicide laws based on people's delusions and unverified beliefs with zero evidence to back them up. Any beliefs that have no evidence are personal and have no business influencing laws or policies of any kind.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I can personally never understand those who want to live, to me it does not make that much sense to want to exist in a world where there is so much suffering and where things can easily get so much worse. Life is very cruel and unfair, it is a completely unnecessary and pointless experience. To me, non existence will always be preferable to any kind of life, as for me life itself is the problem. When we are dead, nothing can hurt us, there is no more us, there is simply nothing and nothingness is what I want.

I feel like if there is anything positive in life, it will eventually just lead to more pain when that thing is lost. Having hope will just mean we will suffer more. This is why life is only suffering, to feel positive about life is delusional, as life itself is very depressing. I could never want to live in a world where so much pain exists. All that humans have to look forward to is old age and then they will just die eventually. Our only true purpose as humans is to die. Why try to force people to live in a world where we suffer for the sake of it. It is cruel.

I feel like if there was an option to completely disappear and erase our existence completely, most people would probably take it. So many people seem to be trapped in such unsatisfying lives, you hear of people complaining all the time, being stressed and yet people still carry on with their lives. This could be because it is what they are used to, they fear death, ctb is so difficult and they feel a need to stay alive for others. From what I hear and read, life generally does not seem to be a positive experience for people.

I could never want to live no matter what, that would be impossible for me. I can find something wrong with nearly everything. I just want the peace that death brings and to forget about this life. Every day I have the same thoughts about how pointless everything is. I exist only to suffer.
To add to my post, But it is true that life is suffering. The point of living seems to be to suffer as much as possible. Anyone can look at the world and think about how much pain exists. It is an objective fact that this life is awful. People are suffering every day, there are so many health conditions that exist, and even for those who want to live for some reason, things could get much worse for them and anyone could become suicidal. The reality is that this world is a horrible place and being satisfied with life and wanting to live does not make much sense to me. There is nothing to be happy about. I have so much dread for the future. I just wish that I was gone.
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Nov 13, 2020
I don't know what non suicidal people see in this world that makes them go on.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
For what reason do i have to work so hard just to exist at level 3/10 suffering just waiting for level 10/10 pain and suffering as in homelessness ,accident, cancer or a stroke etc?. Every animal including a human is a constant slave to hunger , thirst, sex, love, other addictions and desires and needs just waiting for extreme torture to get them as in homelessness, accident, cancer, disease, old age, stroke, dementia, parasites etc etc, 1000 more hells

450 million years ago DNA evolution invented a brain and nervous system that can feel extreme pain. Humans being evil have used this to torture other humans with some like the scaphism torture, brass bull, cutting off fingers , tongues, and Gouging out eyes, skinning alive etc.

i am pro-choice. Or well it doesn't matter what someone else does if they want to live to 90 and be demented, enjoy dementia , stroke ,immobility that should be up to them if they enjoy dementia , pain, suffering etc. i can't stand pain , suffering and see no reason to accept any kind of pain, suffering or even discomfort,stress, worry for what purpose should i ? there is none. Or if they want to have 5 children that is none of my business. imo those children will suffer throughout their lives especially when old. What someone else does in their own life won't affect my problems so.

imo Life is the worst function in the universe . For the last 450 million years life has tortured every animal including humans throughout their lives. Every animal has to work constantly to find food , water, shelter or Life will torture that animal with the pain of hunger , cold, thirst etc. Look at that coyote out in the cold : it's hungry , cold , full of ticks , parasites . At any moment an injury would leave it defenseless and it will be eaten alive by other animals slowly to death. this is the way most animals die they get sick or injured and then other animals eat them alive.
Most humans end up old in nursing homes, demented, immobile and in pain.

Humans now with tech have supermarkets but still always hungry. How many hundreds of tasks do i have to do just to constantly feed these monstrous cells that they call a human body? Work to buy food, check inventory, drive to grocery store ( fix car), grocery shop, cook , wash dishes , clean up, trash etc etc just for one damn need for what purpose . yeah and i get the temporary animal pleasure of eating while the unbearable torture of a stroke, cancer , homelessness is thousands of times worse than the stupid pleasure of "me" feeding my face just exactly like a damn pig. This is just one problem and i could go on about this and thousands of other hells and problems for 1000's of pages.

We've seen the many stories here how people are suffering with unbearable pain, cancer etc. 1 million people commit suicide every year world wide. 20x that number attempt suicide.

This website is the only place in the world that anyone is even allowed to question the constant mantra "Life is good . Death is bad".

i just wish some of my ancestors had read any of the anti-natalist or efilist philosophy then i might not have been born and wouldn't have suffered so much, and now wouldn't be in hell like i am having to kill myself and hope i don't remain alive with brain damage a brutal trap.

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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Humans run on biological instincts, which have been honed over millions of years to ensure an organism's survival and self replication. That's all there is to it. Any other explanation is just something the human mind and society has conjured up after the fact to justify continuing to play the game of life. There's no point in discussing these things with people who don't see it. It's the blind leading the blind. I'm weary of the lies that the world runs on. By continuing to believe in delusions, the reality of suffering continues.
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May 2, 2022
I don't know what non suicidal people see in this world that makes them go on.
Myself, I think my brain is just broken and can't stop worrying and feeling sad about too many things. I assume that normals don't have these feelings very strongly
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May 5, 2022
Idk I think people who don't have any illnesses (mental or physical) are usually content with life. At least that's what I see. Could be wrong.
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Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Mar 23, 2022
Very delusional.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
Well to be fair although my life was shit since puberty it was okay beside the terrorist/bullies. I was still innocent and had interest and wasn't scared to leave the house I also had some friends and was much more sociable I would go out to clubs and parties some humans were okay despite my skin condition some exploited it to let me know my place. But after those men I didn't want to deal with people anymore and became so vulnerable and weakened. I'm beyond traumatized and wide awake all humans are a threat now

I can see their point of view as they are always around people and are experiencing it's a distraction from the chaos we lonely people can't avoid watching the weak be eaten in nature I hate seeing it. It reminds me of my situation


Jun 14, 2019
I do feel you're ultimately right. In the grand scheme I really think you're right.
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Mar 26, 2021
The world is infested with evil and ruled by evil. The good die young while evil pieces of human shit live long, comfortable lives.
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Jul 29, 2021
The world is infested with evil and ruled by evil. The good die young while evil pieces of human shit live long, comfortable lives.
like the queen of england
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Snuffing the Light Out
Nov 6, 2021
This is basically how I feel. It's why I struggle so much with recovery and healing - I realized that coping methods are basically just distractions, for me, and that nothing can truly undo the rot that has been so thoroughly woven into the core of our world.

Even if I learned to somehow like myself, and my life, I would have to turn away from my inevitable future struggles, and the suffering of the world, and I just can't do it. Good times fade. Even the kind will someday be put to rest. Life itself is atrophy.


Dec 6, 2021
I largely agree with the sentiment but I think it's a bit of a short-sighted and not a very nuanced take either. To try to understand why people want to live or keep going you have to look at humans themselves, not the world in which we live in.

And at it's most fundamental if a brain is sending enough "feel-good" signals that's enough to keep someone going most of the time. If I wasn't physically and mentally ill, had more belief in myself and had good relationships I wouldn't be here. The pain of a billion invisible voices isn't as loud and clear as having a decent life directly surrounding you and it makes plenty of sense. I think the real delusion is being OK with the state of the world. Being OK with how we treat each other, just accepting the state of the world and the status quo as fine when we are still majorly just slaves for the meat grinder of a few very greedy and powerful people.
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