There's no hard and fast rules, as you say, having a difficult childhood can take someone in any direction possible. It can turn someone into a monster, drug addict, bully, criminal or on the positive side, it can turn us into a lawyer to fight for those who can't defend themselves, a counsellor, artist, writer, accountant, and on and on it goes. I agree, humans are too complex and context is everything, including genetics. I think the environment we are born into determines most of how we become later in life. The theory of epigenetics makes sense and I have observed it in myself, and my family. I see it as if we are born with the potential to go in seemingly unlimited directions at birth. That potential is there, assuming we are born healthy, but who are parents are and their ability to parent, and the class we are born into, the neighbourhood, luck and chance, and our immediate influences, blah blah -- it all matters.
Those roads begin to close off fairly quickly because we don't choose any of it until we're fairly formed in who we are. The older i get I realize how little I can change, but I attribute it to my parents and what did or did not provide me. This is a deep topic. I feel like I could go on and on, but I'll stop myself. Ultimately it doesn't matter. All that matters is this, that somehow I wound up here and it's just not at all how I pictured things.
There have been several times in the past few years when I thought that maybe we are living in a simulation. It sure seems like it at times. And i say that because a few things happened that they honestly seemed to have occurred as though someone or some thing was trying to see how far they can push me before I completely give. It's felt like i am a guinea pig in an elaborate study, and the study to see what it takes to break a persons spirit. Have you ever felt like you were doing everything right, doing your best, being a good person, working hard, and everything seemed to be working and then something happens that is so unlikely, and more than once, that it honestly feels intentional by something that you have no control over?
Anyway, that's a little of what I have been feeling and experiencing. I'm not religious. Actually, the other thought was that if there is a god, he really hates for some reason. That thing they call god, if it is true, it hates me. Especially, because i see a lot of not so great people who seemingly are rewarded and they're not even trying. There's something strange that doesn't up for me. I'm not attributing anything to any god-like scenario but I do genuinely think that people who are sensitive and compassionate, empathetic, etc., find life more challenging and they have fewer options. Certainly, there's a way to be content in this world or everyone, but the structure of their life has to be decided by them. In other words, if such people don't have the luxury to choose the way they live, then it's a far more difficult road compared to someone who is more detached and indifferent, sees the world in black and white. Life is much easier if you're dumb. Let's be honest. I envy someone who is seemingly happy no matter what their life looks like. I'm just not wired that way. It's not who I am.