Sucks because it attracts pro-lifers though. Iirc there was a time when the majority of site traffic was from people searching for methods.
That may be true, but what aggravates me is the absolute hypocrisy.
1) By their own simplistic claims, this website
causes suicides to occur. No use arguing this point right now.
2) They claim to have conducted in-depth analyses of this website.
3) All of our publicly visible polls show an
overwhelming correlation between mass exposure of this website and crowds of new people signing up after effortlessly finding it.
4) BBC have to be aware of this blatant Streisand Effect after so many infamous examples (NY Times, Tantacrul, etc.).
5) Therefore, by their own logic, they are causing innumerable preventable fatalities, especially by writing multiple articles on the same subject.
6) The only conclusion I can draw is that they willingly have blood on their hands, while hypocritically claiming to be on a crusade to prevent suicides, for the sake of click-bait sensationalism.