

Dec 10, 2021
Video showing the last moments of an old man that chose to take nembutal to die, it's from a documentary on assisted suicide.
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Mar 25, 2022
his snores are haunting to be honest

also at 6:25 he has no pillow around his neck but then at 6:37 there is, did they cut some time in the edit
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Dec 20, 2020
in US they provided a free collective suicide program in 2020 so we are taking positive steps. It was called Covid 19 denial
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Time to do more enjoyable things _____Goodbye_____
Mar 22, 2022
Video showing VAD with Lifecircle Switzerland.

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Jan 14, 2022
him wanting a water and being rejected is so sad :(((
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Dec 29, 2021
this doesnt seem as peaceful as id believed Nembutal would be... seems he has trouble breathing and wants water.
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Apr 9, 2022
Maybe it's just me but I don't find this too disturbing. He seems to have slight respiratory distress but it's very short duration. Really wish I had access to this method.
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Apr 19, 2022
I wish people from US could go to Dignitas. Do they allow SN as an option?
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Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Mar 23, 2022
This makes me wonder if I'll make noises with SN. I'm scared that neighbors will hear me either breathing heavily (snoring like in this video) or what if I involuntarily yell or something when I'm passed out. It would be a nightmare to pass out from SN only to wake up being wheeled on a stretcher to the Emergency Room.
Concerning the video, the labored breathing is normal and is called, "Death Rattle". It means the body is shutting down.
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Apr 19, 2022
This makes me wonder if I'll make noises with SN. I'm scared that neighbors will hear me either breathing heavily (snoring like in this video) or what if I involuntarily yell or something when I'm passed out. It would be a nightmare to pass out from SN only to wake up being wheeled on a stretcher to the Emergency Room.
Concerning the video, the labored breathing is normal and is called, "Death Rattle". It means the body is shutting down.
I plan to go to a deserted field or the woods at midnight when I am ready to go so this will be a non issue for me, unless for some bizarre reason someone is walking in the woods or on the field at that hour. With my luck, it could happen.
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Apr 17, 2022
Here is the whole Documentary
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Rest in peace. N sounds like the best way to ctb in my opinion, we all deserve the option of a peaceful death.
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Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Mar 23, 2022
I plan to go to a deserted field or the woods at midnight when I am ready to go so this will be a non issue for me, unless for some bizarre reason someone is walking in the woods or on the field at that hour. With my luck, it could happen.
I was thinking the woods too. Early in the morning just as the sun rises. That's the other option if I don't do it in my apartment. I have quite a walk to get to the woods, about 2 miles and a half so it would be a time of reflection naturally. Now he's my fear about that. What if my SN doesn't work for whatever reason and I wake up with a BAD headache, thirst etc. and have to walk all the way home. I don't know which to do. Doing it in the woods out in the open air with nature appeals to me, while the apartment is a little more boxed in. Maybe in the coming days I'll take a walk and scout out a place in the woods to ctb so I know exactly where I would go. I'm thinking of dying mid May.
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I just want to be myself again
Dec 15, 2021
I was thinking the woods too. Early in the morning just as the sun rises. That's the other option if I don't do it in my apartment. I have quite a walk to get to the woods, about 2 miles and a half so it would be a time of reflection naturally. Now he's my fear about that. What if my SN doesn't work for whatever reason and I wake up with a BAD headache, thirst etc. and have to walk all the way home. I don't know which to do. Doing it in the woods out in the open air with nature appeals to me, while the apartment is a little more boxed in. Maybe in the coming days I'll take a walk and scout out a place in the woods to ctb so I know exactly where I would go. I'm thinking of dying mid May.
Wizard Of Oz GIF
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Apr 5, 2020
I wish people from US could go to Dignitas. Do they allow SN as an option?
I'm not certain but I don't think they do, I think they stick to their regimen of nembutal.
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Feb 27, 2021
Maybe it's just me but I don't find this too disturbing. He seems to have slight respiratory distress but it's very short duration. Really wish I had access to this method.
it is better than rotting day by day and when you finally are dying someone brings you back to suffer some more.

dying of old age is terrifying to me. i'd rather go like this.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
That didn't look too pleasant. :(

Actually that sounded scary. Why did he do that for? Old age or because of mental illness or another illness?

And it's only that much he drank?
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
this doesnt seem as peaceful as id believed Nembutal would be... seems he has trouble breathing and wants water.
The assholes should've given him some water
I wish people from US could go to Dignitas. Do they allow SN as an option?
I plan to go to a deserted field or the woods at midnight when I am ready to go so this will be a non issue for me, unless for some bizarre reason someone is walking in the woods or on the field at that hour. With my luck, it could happen.
Take a cool bottle of water
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Jun 5, 2020
Dignitas have only N option, but tried, in past, Helium Exit bag on 4 people (French persons), in protestation against new laws, which the pro-lifes wanted to impose on doctors, to prevent them from prescribing N.

When the Swiss people saw that the helium method was not as peaceful as N, the people voted, by referendum (named "votation populaire", a draft to direct democracy), the repeal of these new laws. The only change is the fact that we must see a once a doctor in Switzerland (who is part of an association for assisted suicide), to obtain the green light to return once again to Switzerland to be able to die in peace, with N. In past, only one visit to a doctor permit peaceful die with N.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I can't believe some of the moaners here, complaining about this man's death. I watched the whole documentary leading up to that event and It was a more peaceful passing than anyone could hope to accomplish. There is always going to be slight discomfort, but it didn't look like he suffered for any great length of time. Try throwing yourself in front of a train and see how that is comparatively. Humans are unbelievable, sometimes.
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Jun 5, 2020
Switzerland has a very big disadvantage, especially for foreigners, (in addition of 10000 Swiss Francs coast) who have no one in Switzerland, suicide assistance associations require having someone, often a loved one, to accompany the person who has been able to obtain the green light. , to be assisted in suicide. Only then, when a foreigner has no one to accompany him to Switzerland, this person cannot die, despite having obtained the green light from the doctors to be able to die in peace!

Why have a companion? So that this person certifies, with the police investigations, that the deceased person wanted to commit suicide, and that the association only provided him with the help for that, without selfish reason, such as an inheritance for example.

For people who do not have an accompaniment, Exit International offers to send someone, against $1000 (with additional costs, such as travel, hotel...), but Exit Internationale imposes to have , at least 50 years old to join and be able to benefit from this service!

Those under 50 are left abandoned! Apparently Exit International had been criminally sentenced, in Australia, for having been complicit in several suicides of young people (in particular because of its forum and the PPH), apparently in good health, Australia being an extremely conservative, far-right country , apart from a State which nevertheless legalized euthanasia in the face of the scandals of people who died in atrocious suffering.

I pity the young handicapped, the young sick, and also the young people in psychic suffering without solutions who ask to die in peace, without suffering, the pro-lifers are torturers!

People who live in Switzerland can benefit from local assisted suicide associations (Exit Suisse Romande for the French-speaking cantons, and Exit Suisse Alemanique for the German-speaking cantons), membership in these associations generally costs 15 Swiss francs each year, and assisted suicide is totally free and volunteers from associations can be companions during assisted suicide and for police investigations afterwards. Only urgent assisted suicide costs 400 Swiss francs, a price asked recently in the face of the influx of applicants and the insufficient number of volunteers to try to ensure that each assisted suicide is done on a longer term, so more peaceful.
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
I can't believe some of the moaners here, complaining about this man's death. I watched the whole documentary leading up to that event and It was a more peaceful passing than anyone could hope to accomplish. There is always going to be slight discomfort, but it didn't look like he suffered for any great length of time. Try throwing yourself in front of a train and see how that is comparatively. Humans are unbelievable, sometimes.
Agreed, it is too bad they didnt allow him a sip of water but I'm sure it I'd their protocol.
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Jun 5, 2020
That didn't look too pleasant. :(

Actually that sounded scary. Why did he do that for? Old age or because of mental illness or another illness?

And it's only that much he drank?
Nothing is perfectly peaceful indeed. But N is the best way to die. So much so that this solution is also used in some countries that apply the death penalty. Maybe it's not so peaceful, because N is used orally by Dignitas, it tastes bitter, maybe with nausea, despite the anti-emetic medicine taken two hours before, which helps in the dilation of the stomach for a better grip. N can be mixed with fruit juice, chocolate... Apparently Dignitas allows people who have drunk N to be able to eat chocolate in order to be able to sleep and die in the most peaceful way possible.

There is another association in Switzerland, Life Circle, which allows its patients to be injected N, by a catheter, it is up to the person to open the tap, when they want to die, to respect the principle of suicide assisted, otherwise it is euthanasia, prohibited in Switzerland. Euthanasia is the principle that a doctor or anyone else "kills" the person at their request, usually by injecting N themselves.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Agreed, it is too bad they didnt allow him a sip of water but I'm sure it I'd their protocol.
When I first saw this vid a couple years back I wondered why he wasn't allowed the water. After looking into it, it seems they denied water because its a choke hazard. (I mean why would they deny him water for no apparent reason anyeay? They're not cruel people). Sure, he's about to die but letting him die, choking with water in his lungs would be considered unethical. It might also impact the post mortem. They have to follow guidelines for this to be able to exist. Similarly if he asked to get up and dance they'd deny him that too. Not out of senseless cruelty but out of a responsibility.

His name is Mr Peter Smedley. Owner of the condiment empire Smedleys. He chose to die due to a progressive disease that in his own words "is an ugly affair". This video was from a documentary on assisted dying which was hosted by the writer Terry Pratchet who was diagnosed with a neurological disease himself and has since passed. Respect to both of them is due for sharing this and pulling it into the spotlight. Mr Smedley had personal concerns about it (impacting his family and business) but still went ahead for the greater good.

The small amount of liquid is because its doctor prescribwd nembutal and not the 200ml vetinary nembutal many have to resort to.

The snoring and stuff isn't horrific and doesn't signify significant suffering. N takes effect quickly and is probably a bit overwhelming in the moment but SN is going to be much less peaceful than what we saw in this video. Assisted suicide organisations wouldn't be able to use it as far as I'm aware. They have the most peaceful method we know of available. Choosing a lesser method would make no sense.
Nothing is perfectly peaceful indeed. But N is the best way to die. So much so that this solution is also used in some countries that apply the death penalty. Maybe it's not so peaceful, because N is used orally by Dignitas, it tastes bitter, maybe with nausea, despite the anti-emetic medicine taken two hours before, which helps in the dilation of the stomach for a better grip. N can be mixed with fruit juice, chocolate... Apparently Dignitas allows people who have drunk N to be able to eat chocolate in order to be able to sleep and die in the most peaceful way possible.

There is another association in Switzerland, Life Circle, which allows its patients to be injected N, by a catheter, it is up to the person to open the tap, when they want to die, to respect the principle of suicide assisted, otherwise it is euthanasia, prohibited in Switzerland. Euthanasia is the principle that a doctor or anyone else "kills" the person at their request, usually by injecting N themselves.

God that would be an ideal option. IV would be an even quicker experience and more certain to end the process quickly for those with you. I learned there's a significant necrosis of skin if any barbiturate escapes the vein and end up intramuscular or whatever. It adds further complications to attempting to inject vetinary N. I had hoped this would be an option but the sheer volume v the speed of onset presents significant challenge. That's something foe discussion in a separate thread though.
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
When I first saw this vid a couple years back I wondered why he wasn't allowed the water. After looking into it, it seems they denied water because its a choke hazard. (I mean why would they deny him water for no apparent reason anyeay? They're not cruel people). Sure, he's about to die but letting him die, choking with water in his lungs would be considered unethical. It might also impact the post mortem. They have to follow guidelines for this to be able to exist. Similarly if he asked to get up and dance they'd deny him that too. Not out of senseless cruelty but out of a responsibility.

His name is Mr Peter Smedley. Owner of the condiment empire Smedleys. He chose to die due to a progressive disease that in his own words "is an ugly affair". This video was from a documentary on assisted dying which was hosted by the writer Terry Pratchet who was diagnosed with a neurological disease himself and has since passed. Respect to both of them is due for sharing this and pulling it into the spotlight. Mr Smedley had personal concerns about it (impacting his family and business) but still went ahead for the greater good.

The small amount of liquid is because its doctor prescribwd nembutal and not the 200ml vetinary nembutal many have to resort to.

The snoring and stuff isn't horrific and doesn't signify significant suffering. N takes effect quickly and is probably a bit overwhelming in the moment but SN is going to be much less peaceful than what we saw in this video. Assisted suicide organisations wouldn't be able to use it as far as I'm aware. They have the most peaceful method we know of available. Choosing a lesser method would make no sense.

God that would be an ideal option. IV would be an even quicker experience and more certain to end the process quickly for those with you. I learned there's a significant necrosis of skin if any barbiturate escapes the vein and end up intramuscular or whatever. It adds further complications to attempting to inject vetinary N. I had hoped this would be an option but the sheer volume v the speed of onset presents significant challenge. That's something foe discussion in a separate thread though.
Yes, again I'm sure just protocol on the water. Just sad to see. He didnt seem to suffer but wonder what was cut.

I would have wanted IV route for sure.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
I was thinking the woods too. Early in the morning just as the sun rises. That's the other option if I don't do it in my apartment. I have quite a walk to get to the woods, about 2 miles and a half so it would be a time of reflection naturally. Now he's my fear about that. What if my SN doesn't work for whatever reason and I wake up with a BAD headache, thirst etc. and have to walk all the way home. I don't know which to do. Doing it in the woods out in the open air with nature appeals to me, while the apartment is a little more boxed in. Maybe in the coming days I'll take a walk and scout out a place in the woods to ctb so I know exactly where I would go. I'm thinking of dying mid May.
You don't think DD will work? Take a tent. I'm going in a tent. That way if something happens to go wrong at least I'll be protected from the elements and bugs. Also I will be taking at least a gallon of water and some bread with me. 1. So when people see me going into the woods behind my neighborhood feel like it's going to make it look less guess you maybe they'll think I'm just going camping and having a picnic. B. If I happen to fail (I wont) I will have food and water.
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Apr 5, 2020
Dignitas have only N option, but tried, in past, Helium Exit bag on 4 people (French persons), in protestation against new laws, which the pro-lifes wanted to impose on doctors, to prevent them from prescribing N.

When the Swiss people saw that the helium method was not as peaceful as N, the people voted, by referendum (named "votation populaire", a draft to direct democracy), the repeal of these new laws. The only change is the fact that we must see a once a doctor in Switzerland (who is part of an association for assisted suicide), to obtain the green light to return once again to Switzerland to be able to die in peace, with N. In past, only one visit to a doctor permit peaceful die with N.
Wtf, helium isn't peaceful? Why not? I would expect it to be even more peaceful than N
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Wtf, helium isn't peaceful? Why not? I would expect it to be even more peaceful than N
Think its had some issues. Probably relatively peaceful when it works out but errors can occur. A lot od the issue is with how it's perceived though. People on the outside judge peaceful by the way it looks. Nobody knows what's going on inside. Could appear totally peacedul but hellish to experience and visa versa. It's hard to get proper clean helium now too. It's all diluted to stop people using it to ctb.
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Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Mar 23, 2022
You don't think DD will work? Take a tent. I'm going in a tent. That way if something happens to go wrong at least I'll be protected from the elements and bugs. Also I will be taking at least a gallon of water and some bread with me. 1. So when people see me going into the woods behind my neighborhood feel like it's going to make it look less guess you maybe they'll think I'm just going camping and having a picnic. B. If I happen to fail (I wont) I will have food and water.
No, I do think DD will work. Just going through the general anxiety of what-ifs. That's a good idea to bring bread and water so maybe I'll bring some water with me if I do in fact do it in the woods.

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