- Jun 25, 2023
- 31
Ever since I got my ear sensitivity over 2 years ago my life changed completely although my ear sensitivity at first was severe to the point where speaking would hurt my ears now I am able to do quite a lot of things which is good Although I would never be able to go bowling or go to a movie theater and when I get my haircut it has to be done with scissors things like that and I can never use headphones again either But at least I still had the one joy in my life video games but last year when I got tendonitis in my right wrist I wasn't able to game anymore and I've had it for over a year and it's still isn't going away and I now have tendonitis thats in my left wrist as well the 1 thing in my life I actually cared about and enjoyed video games, I can't do anymore and I can never have a normal life or job because of my ears and now I can't even do my only hobby I ever had in my whole life I don't know what to do I feel like my life is basically ruined and I don't even know if this tendonitis will ever heal to the point where I can play again considering it's been a year and doesn't really seem to be getting any better now and in case you're wondering yes I am seeing a physiotherapist And there's no other hobbies that interest me because I also have AD HD so I need something that's very stimulating to keep me entertained video games were perfect because they are highly stimulating but anything else is either not stimulating enough or it's too loud And it's not that :oh I just want to die because i can't play games" It's my life essentially being ruined because of my ears I'll always have to live a quiet indoor life and the only thing I loved video games is taken away from me I have no friends and my only friends I did have were online friends and that's the only way I was able to make friends was online playing games so now I can't even socialize in the one way I was able to, Although I always was and still am extremely grateful that my ear sensitivity has gotten so much better than when it first started i'd still wish I didn't have any ear sensitivity, and my wrist problems that inhibit me from my only hobby I've ever had