I would never judge you for going. I wouldn't even judge rich people for going because it's food rescue as what isn't taken is tossed. If anyone should feel guilty it's corporations who create a surplus of food that contributes to obesity and food waste in a global warming crisis while others starve.
I don't understand why you and both judge ourselves more than anyone else.
Also, I ramble more than you!
no worries.
Thank you for taking the time to read this monster of a thread! It must of taken you forever, especially since my writing style is very TL;DR.
That used to be my dream goal but I got bad grades in high school and could never get into a standard university. I could start at junior college and transfer but I've dropped out every time. Also I'm getting old I'm almost 30. But I had a nurse who was 34 and just began his career in psych nursing so I guess it's not too late.
The problem with counseling is the system really doesn't help people. It's all based on money and insurance so the people who need help the most often don't get it. Also I'd be a mandatory reporter and would have to call the cops on people and incarcerate them. I share the same sentiments as
If I went back to school, it would be for developmental disability case management. Though I've considered becoming a peer support professional (which I can't enroll for classes in currently as you have to have two years psych hospital free to qualify), and am considering taking writing workshops and sharing my story to blogs, publications and podcasts. My efforts may fail but I'll never know if I don't try.
I'd slow your roll on that one. I'm just getting started and I'm far from recovering. It's still a possibility I never will despite my best efforts.
I appreciate the sentiment but this is so removed from the reality of my situation it's almost insensitive. We live in a world where we depend on goods and services to survive. Winter is coming. I have no boots or coat. I only have sandals and a pair of generic keds without laces. I don't have clothes for a proper interview. I'm sleeping on a mattress on a floor.
It isn't just stuff. It's essentials for living I tossed out and donated. And guess what? I only have 10k to my name. I'm unemployed, I am not receiving any benefits, and I racked up debt and fucked up my credit before attempting to ctb. So yeah, understandably I am stressed. I cannot afford to replace "just materials." My bills and debt alone are going to destroy my finances before even beginning to replace "just materials."
I just try to remind myself that even if it's self inflicted, it's ok to take charity because hopefully one day I can give back when I'm back on my feet.