
May 5, 2021
Just got one more text out of the blue asking if I'm ok from one of my best guy friends back home. I feel torn on if I should add certain people to the knowledge of my passing. Referring mostly to the people who just texted me out of the blue. I feel they sense it's my time but they don't know it's my time. I remember awhile ago sitting in my car before my shift one day and saying aloud, "it's a weird day today" because something just felt off. After my shift I checked my socials and a old friend that I haven't talked to in months ended up committing earlier that morning. It does bring me comfort knowing that this is the best thing for me to do and it's almost "written in the stars" due to the fact others sense it too. I love the belief of fate and everything happens for a reason. I just hope my next life is non human and easy going.
One of the biggest signs I've had in my life was when my grandma died. I always used to type documents about what I wished my life could be if I could restart or what was after death. They were always labeled 2, which just stood for whatever comes after this life. I was listening to a top 50 songs of the year list when I got a text that she died. I was a minute into a song I hadn't heard before and noticed the title was I Shall Love 2 and then I saw the text saying she was dead. Whatever's next will be better, and since then there have been a few other huge incidents like that which only reaffirm that.
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Aug 17, 2020
Man.... I don't even know what to say, but I've been reading your posts and I know you're close.... I just really hope you find peace and rest well friend :hug:
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trying my best
May 2, 2021
I hope you find peace in whatever decision you make. good luck xx
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Dead Meat

Dead Meat

Oct 10, 2018
@nightnightnitrite I'm going to miss you and know you're such a compassionate and wonderful Person. You're very kind hearted and a beautiful soul. I wish you a very peaceful and comfortable exit. May you find peace and tranquility. I'm sending you lots of Love and Blessings. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Apr 19, 2021
love you sister... hope you find peace wherever you go <3
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Dec 20, 2020
u seem like an amzing person, am sorry life has pushed u in this direction

it sounds like ur pretty cert of ur decision and have made lots of plans, so i wish u the best if u r goin to proceed

sending positive vibes ur way... u r in my thoughts, seeing all those pics makes things so much more realer ya know. how r u u feeling emotionally atm? best wishes xoxox
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Apr 19, 2021
Wish you a safe journey my sister
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M Berry M

M Berry M

Slutty and suicidal
May 9, 2021
rest in peace my friend
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Mar 28, 2021
Rest in peace, @nightnightnitrite

I didn't know you personally but from your posts, you seemed like a genuinely kind and very likeable person, with a good sense of humour and great taste in superhero movies. I am so sorry life brought you to this point - you didn't deserve this. If reincarnation is real I hope you come back as a frog like you wanted, or a superhero. Or a superhero frog!

Otherwise, I truly hope you are at eternal peace now :heart:
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Apr 29, 2021
Rest in paradise @nightnightnitrite
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
Hey guys, I'm unfortunately still here. This wasn't something I was comfortable saying beforehand but I am currently 7 months pregnant and I'm having some doubts. They have started to move around a lot more and I have been feeling some guilt. I don't consider a child alive until they are born but on my last attempt back in November is when I found out I was around 4 weeks pregnant and when I decided I would try to do better in my life. Since then I went back to college but got kicked out due to money, lost my car and things became 10 times harder. I still don't want to live sometimes and the bottle of SN lingers on my mind everyday but I don't know what to do. If I were to take it, I would let you all know when I did and give you updates until I passed. I'm sorry to do this and it feels sort of attention seeking but I had full intentions on taking it that day. E9326B3D A95C 4CEA B5DF 3A6A1F32ED35
--I'm also currently going through all your messages and I want to say thank you all for being so nice to me. I appreciate every single one of you who messaged me and responded to me. I'll most likely respond to it all tomorrow or later tonight.
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Oct 28, 2018
@nightnightnitrite I am so glad to see you again :hug: This is not attention seeking. You are not the only one who had last minute doubts and you have a very good reason to. Nobody is pushing you and you are not obligated to anyone.

Sorry if I sound egoistic. You have my support so feel free to chat with me. I hope your situation will change for the better sweetheart.
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Feb 18, 2021
cheering for you no matter what!
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
I can see from your picture and the way that you're gently holding your womb that you appear proud of your unborn babies even if you're too depressed to realise that. You even made the effort to dress up for the selfie. Otherwise, why else would you post the picture?

At 7 months your babies are now old enough to experience pain and suffering and SN is a poison. You'll not only be poisoning yourself but also your unborn children. If they were still mere embryos it would be a whole different story.

I can understand why people would want to ctb, but don't take others down with you. I can't condone that. Can't you wait 2 more months and then put your babies up for adoption and then ctb if that's what you really want? There are plenty of childless couples out there who would love to adopt your children.

And who knows, once you've had your babies it might change your perspective and you might decide to choose life.

I'm sorry that you're in such a terrible place right now, but your post has upset me. Your pregnancy is too late-term to be making such drastic life and death decisions.

There's a good reason that you're in doubt and feel guilt.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
They're not x
And yet she's 7 months along and she can feel the babies kicking?

I guess she can feel movement in her womb because aliens came and implanted their alien spawn in her uterus against her will. That must be it.


low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I can see from your picture and the way that you're gently holding your womb that you appear proud of your unborn babies even if you're too depressed to realise that. You even made the effort to dress up for the selfie. Otherwise, why else would you post the picture?

At 7 months your babies are now old enough to experience pain and suffering and SN is a poison. You'll not only be poisoning yourself but also your unborn children. If they were still mere embryos it would be a whole different story.

I can understand why people would want to ctb, but don't take others down with you. I can't condone that. You could wait 2 more months and then put your babies up for adoption and then ctb if that's what you really want. There are plenty of childless couples out there who would love to adopt your children.

And who knows, once you've had your babies it might change your perspective and you might decide to choose life.

I'm sorry that you're in such a terrible place right now, but your post has upset me. Your pregnancy is too late-term to be making such drastic life and death decisions.

There's a good reason that you're in doubt and feel guilt.
It's her decision whether she's with child or not...don't try to guilt her into having it/living (with it) if she isn't ready for a child...won't make her feelings about her whole situation any better.
Hope you're alright @nightnightnitrite!
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Jan 22, 2021
And yet she's 7 months along and she can feel the babies kicking?

I guess she can feel movement in her womb because aliens came and implanted their alien spawn in her uterus against her will. That must be it.
Yet in the eyes of the world and the law it's not. Its part of her and if it can't live without her it's not a baby
Stop with your pro birth bullshit!!
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I can see from your picture and the way that you're gently holding your womb that you appear proud of your unborn babies even if you're too depressed to realise that. You even made the effort to dress up for the selfie. Otherwise, why else would you post the picture?

At 7 months your babies are now old enough to experience pain and suffering and SN is a poison. You'll not only be poisoning yourself but also your unborn children. If they were still mere embryos it would be a whole different story.

I can understand why people would want to ctb, but don't take others down with you. I can't condone that. You could wait 2 more months and then put your babies up for adoption and then ctb if that's what you really want. There are plenty of childless couples out there who would love to adopt your children.

And who knows, once you've had your babies it might change your perspective and you might decide to choose life.

I'm sorry that you're in such a terrible place right now, but your post has upset me. Your pregnancy is too late-term to be making such drastic life and death decisions.

There's a good reason that you're in doubt and feel guilt.
The main reason I didn't want to say anything:,) I'm not going to lie, I didn't read it all but I skimmed it because I've been sent multiple hate messages for this before and I have no energy for it. To be fair, I shouldn't have given an update or came back here so it's kind of my fault... However, I am not one for touching my stomach, I haven't dressed up before this picture or since this picture, I haven't been to the doctors for 5 months, I haven't even bought one item for them and I feel absolutely no connection to them. I feel guilty and full of regret for putting my happiness on something that doesn't exist completely yet and telling my couple of friends who are now expecting it. Ultimately if this child were to come out now it wouldn't survive without me or medical intervention. It'd be different if I gave birth with the child being full term and nobody can change my opinion on that. This post is an example of one of my reasons for wanting to CTB, telling others what to with their body or life has always been a main contributor to me wanting to CTB. "Suicide is selfish", "Work until you die for a living", "abortion is selfish" all has a similar energy to me. Also as a child who was adopted, it's not all that. The possibility of my child being adopted vs. suffering in foster care isn't high either, out of all 11 siblings on my birth mother's side, I was the only one adopted with the rest being abused sexually, physically, mentally and emotionally. It's more selfish bringing a child into the world with absolutely nothing and right now my living situation, food intake, money problems is just that, nothing.
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Jan 22, 2021
It wasn't worth your time honey. Everything you said here's right. I don't envy your situation. Take care x
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Yet in the eyes of the world and the law it's not. Its part of her and if it can't live without her it's not a baby
Stop with your pro birth bullshit!!
Read my post again. I said if they were just embryos it would be a whole different story.

There's a reason why abortions don't get carried out late term. In certain parts of the world a murderer of a pregnant woman could get charged with both the murder of the mother and her unborn child (NOT EMBRYO!!!)

I know someone who prematurely gave birth to a 7-month old baby and guess what, the baby was alive! In critical condition, but alive. He survived and is now a perfectly healthy boy.

I'm pro-choice when the pregnancy is early term but to let a pregnancy progress to this point is just plain irresponsible. Good luck with her finding a doctor who'll terminate a late stage pregnancy. I guess she'll just have to terminate herself and her pregnancy by taking SN, which I also won't tell her to do because I don't encourage people to ctb.

You couldn't even give me a satisfactory answer as to why you think these 7-MONTH OLD!!! babies are dead. I've put you on ignore because there's no use arguing with fools.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
Read my post again. I said if they were just embryos it would be a whole different story.

There's a reason why abortions don't get carried out late term. In certain parts of the world a murderer of a pregnant woman could get charged with both the murder of the mother and her unborn child (NOT EMBRYO!

I know someone who prematurely gave birth to a 7 month old baby and guess what, the baby was alive! In critical condition, but alive. He survived and is now a perfectly healthy boy.

I'm pro-choice when the pregnancy is early term but to let a pregnancy progress to this point is just plain irresponsible .Good luck with her finding a doctor who'll terminate a late stage pregnancy.

You couldn't even give me satisfactory answer as to why you think these babies are dead. I've put you on ignore because there's no use arguing with fools like you.
Please no insulting or hostile words. It's ok to have an opinion but not okay to be mean. Also this isn't something I'd like to have a debate on, I was simply giving and update on where I stand with CTB. If you started your own post to have a debate or talk about why you think that, that'd be an okay place to have this discussion but please not on mine<3
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Jan 22, 2021
Sorry x
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Oct 28, 2018
@hotelbeneathground I don't find anything amusing here. Do you?
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May 26, 2021
I'm sorry there have been so many hateful messages directed towards you when you are clearly at your most vulnerable. I don't know what your situation is financially, but I hope you'll be able to see a doctor and discuss your options soon.

To be honest, I wouldn't be overly concerned with anybody else's opinions here since pregnancy is so stigmatized. It's very easy for them to talk over you and try to push what's right and wrong, when at the end of the day, you're the pregnant one and they're not.

Take care x
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
I am sorry you are in this situation...

I can't imagine how complex and difficult the decision to ctb is for you, especially given the pregnancy. I'm having so many conundrums in my head about my suicide even though my babies are already born, they're also cats and the chances that their lives will still be good without me are pretty high. It must be incredibly tough to be making a decision for two...

I'm also sorry that you are receiving so many hateful messages from people who are clearly know-it-alls... It is so easy to be morally uplifted when all you do is give unsolicited advice instead of offering actual support and help. I hope you're able not to let these messages get to you.

Despite how difficult this is, I hope you'll be able to make a decision that will bring peace to your mind.
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i need to cross a border that’s hard to define
Feb 19, 2021
your body, your choice. i wish everybody could understand this basic concept. i wish you strength in your journey, whatever route you find yourself on next. idk how anybody can be on a forum like this and judge so harshly, we are all in unique struggles. having a bit of empathy isn't so hard! you're not helping anybody going on their thread and offering nothing but judgement
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Jan 30, 2021
I thought you were gone. I am glad you are not. All the best
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