

"Everything is meaningless" ~King Solomon
Apr 10, 2021
You're very brave. I hope this is definitely, without a doubt, 1000% what you want. I wish you a very very painless and peaceful journey my friend. I'm not sure what you believe about the after life so I wish you either an eternity of peaceful silence and rest or a journey of cleansing and spiritual healing for re-entrance into a new and better full filling life.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
Wishing you a peaceful transition and journey. No matter what you choose wishing you peace ☮️.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I got three random messages out of the blue and I feel like other people can sense it's my time too. It started with a guy that I met inside a psych hospital for my last attempt. He said "Haven't checked in on you in a bet how are you?" I didn't know what to say so I didn't open it, I feel bad because we bonded over our age and exs horro stories. My birth sister told me she loved me for the first time and added a huge heartfelt message that I can't help but feel indifferent to): The last was my best friends dad(practically my dad too) just checking in and saying hello. I really need to do my laundry too because I'm asking for my clothes to be donated to foster kids because I have cute trendy clothes that I know they probably don't get a lot of. Also hoping all the leftover school supplies I have can go to them as well. I took myself off the organ donor list a while back but I want to get back on even though I feel my organs cant be useful. I'm getting cremated anyway so anything salvageable I want to go to good use and others in need. Sorry for the blurbs of random thoughts.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I got three random messages out of the blue and I feel like other people can sense it's my time too. It started with a guy that I met inside a psych hospital for my last attempt. He said "Haven't checked in on you in a bet how are you?" I didn't know what to say so I didn't open it, I feel bad because we bonded over our age and exs horro stories. My birth sister told me she loved me for the first time and added a huge heartfelt message that I can't help but feel indifferent to): The last was my best friends dad(practically my dad too) just checking in and saying hello. I really need to do my laundry too because I'm asking for my clothes to be donated to foster kids because I have cute trendy clothes that I know they probably don't get a lot of. Also hoping all the leftover school supplies I have can go to them as well. I took myself off the organ donor list a while back but I want to get back on even though I feel my organs cant be useful. I'm getting cremated anyway so anything salvageable I want to go to good use and others in need. Sorry for the blurbs of random thoughts.
wow what a timing these messages!!! Sometimes it just feels like life is sending signals to us through these little things
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
Just got one more text out of the blue asking if I'm ok from one of my best guy friends back home. I feel torn on if I should add certain people to the knowledge of my passing. Referring mostly to the people who just texted me out of the blue. I feel they sense it's my time but they don't know it's my time. I remember awhile ago sitting in my car before my shift one day and saying aloud, "it's a weird day today" because something just felt off. After my shift I checked my socials and a old friend that I haven't talked to in months ended up committing earlier that morning. It does bring me comfort knowing that this is the best thing for me to do and it's almost "written in the stars" due to the fact others sense it too. I love the belief of fate and everything happens for a reason. I just hope my next life is non human and easy going.
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One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
Tues 6:45 pm- Not that it matters but I have unsubscribed from all my emails and cleaned up my mailbox. I purged all 'NSFW' photos from my phone because I doubt my friends want to see that when trying to salvage any last pictures/memories of me. My kitchen is a mess and I would really like to try and clean it up tonight but between that, the laundry I need to do and finally throwing away my exs things, I'm not sure I'll get to it.
I guess it didn't work out and you decided to remain in this world. Peace to you.
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
Wishing you peace whatever you decide to do.

Is the '2024-09' a use by label? September 2024? This means the SN is good for about 3 and a half years.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I guess it didn't work out and you decided to remain in this world. Peace to you.
Haven't taken it yet, my friend visited me on Thursday like I knew he always would, I didn't even answer his calls because I was asleep, he just came knocking. My landlord is coming in 20 minutes. I wanted to make it through these two things first so I wasn't caught:,) Still haven't written my notes but now that these two things are over(she came middle of writing this) I am going to write down what I would like done with my body and sticky note all of my possessions so my dad knows who gets what. My apartment is also very clean because I panic cleaned before she came so that's one more thing I wanted out of the way. I'm aiming for Sunday night now.
Wishing you peace whatever you decide to do.

Is the '2024-09' a use by label? September 2024? This means the SN is good for about 3 and a half years.
I just double checked the whole bottle and that's the only date it has on there, it's also next to a hourglass looking symbol so I have to assume it's good until then:)
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
Thank you so much for the kind words<3

I'm not going to lie, I'm slightly "hippyish" and don't really vibe with medicine of any kind. Also my bank account won't allow any other purchases right now:,) I'm planning on using the last of my weed to roll some joints to deal with anything uncomfortable but with my stomach of steel, I'm normally pretty good at keeping anything down. I'm planning on CTB in my apartment, I live alone(no pets or plants) and only have one friend in this state. Going to have to do it after Thursday night because he's been hanging out with me on his work weekends(Wed/Thurs).

Can't find the source at the moment, but I saw somewhere that weed can act as antiemeticnas well (preferably smoked or vaped). Hopefully this helps you worry about that part less!
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Feb 27, 2020
Can't find the source at the moment, but I saw somewhere that weed can act as antiemeticnas well (preferably smoked or vaped). Hopefully this helps you worry about that part less!
Weed increases heart rate too. So while it might serve as an AE it also might make some side effects of the SN worse.
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New Member
May 1, 2021
Wishing you peace ⭐❤️
In whatever you choose to do
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tired of it all
Mar 20, 2021
Good luck and I hope you find peace ❤ I appreciate you sharing your experience of your final days
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May 11, 2021
Wish you the best with whatever happens
Would be nice if you could write your experience here. I bought the same SN as you after seeing your other post. Would be nice to know what to expect. Hopefully it's a peaceful end
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
I just double checked the whole bottle and that's the only date it has on there, it's also next to a hourglass looking symbol so I have to assume it's good until then:)
Yes. Some people ask how long SN lasts so its good to get confirmation of that here.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
Can't find the source at the moment, but I saw somewhere that weed can act as antiemeticnas well (preferably smoked or vaped). Hopefully this helps you worry about that part less!
Thank you for that! Weed has always slowed me down and brought me down to earth since i'm normally hyperactive.
Weed increases heart rate too. So while it might serve as an AE it also might make some side effects of the SN worse.
It sounds horrible but my resting heart rate is normally 90-110 bpm. I wish I was lying but it's been that way since I was a kid:,) Whenever I smoke I can normally drop it down to 80-90 bpm but it's still ridiculously high. I have an apple watch so I'll try and update this thread the day of on my heart beat count after I take it:,)
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i need to cross a border that’s hard to define
Feb 19, 2021
wishing you a peaceful journey ahead and sending you love
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Apr 19, 2021
Dear sister,

I understand how you feel, I only wish you peace with whatever you decide but I can't hide my feelings...I will miss you for real, you're always in my thoughts. Don't mind me being so emotional :aw:
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I have made a rough draft of my notes I am going to leave, taking a nap now but when I awaken I will make a final draft thats readable and post it here:) -- I also cried a lot this morning because of all the accounting I had to do to be able to form the notes. It's becoming realer and I'm feeling both calm and anxious. I hope my requests are filled out, I really don't want to be remembered and if my notes are followed, I won't be. Also thank you for everyone commenting nice things, it's making all of this much easier knowing I'm not alone in this process<3
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Apr 19, 2021
have made a rough draft of my notes I am going to leave, taking a nap now but when I awaken I will make a final draft thats readable and post it here:) -- I also cried a lot this morning because of all the accounting I had to do to be able to form the notes. It's becoming realer and I'm feeling both calm and anxious. I hope my requests are filled out, I really don't want to be remembered and if my notes are followed, I won't be. Also thank you for everyone commenting nice things, it's making all of this much easier knowing I'm not alone in this process<3
Sending you many hugs
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
83E79FE8 8C03 46CB 9710 F99D75B5ACA1
I don't feel comfortable posting the 'why I did it' note I left to my father but here's my after death wishes. I texted him today a very short summary of it. Dick(rich) is the man who attacked me and my father took his side and blamed me, all he does is mooch off my father. I decided to not write notes to my ex, Leilani, or any other friend. They all had "13 reasons why" vibes(haven't seen the show but love the memes about it lol) and the ones I'm closest to know how I feel about them and why I want to die. I instead have decided to turn my Instagram account into my 'note'. I rewritten all my captions on my (still)archived photos with advice and I have created many stories that I will turn into highlights right before that include good and bad memories(not "I'm committing because" posts). I'm still torn on if I should give my friend Lilly my account information so she can delete my profile after awhile. This morning, I wrote on my facebook(that I have set to delete once someone tells fb of my passing) about my unhappiness with my father so my 'family' knows. Other than that, I think everything is good to go.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I hope you will find eternal peace. Have a pleasant journey. :hug: :heart:
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
Sun 9:09am - Getting less motivation to respond to people, I want peace and quiet in my final hours but I'm super panicked because today is supposed to be the day but I ate a bunch(like a fuck ton) of blueberries and oranges. They were dropped off by my sweet elderly neighbor and I forgot about the whole need to fast thing:/ I also made a pb&j to snack on as I rewrote my notes. I'm reading up on a bunch of forum posts seeing if anybody had some food earlier on in the day before taking it. I also was drinking a lot of water because I woke up this morning very dehydrated. I might have an eating disorder but fruits and vegetables are practically edible water with flavor and I can't help but binge them when someone presents me with them:,) I really feel ready to go tonight but I don't want to mess because I forgot the preparation needed when I woke up this morning.
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Oct 28, 2018
@nightnightnitrite I think at least 8 hour fast is required. If you are in doubt, you can do it at another time.
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Jan 15, 2021
Sun 9:09am - Getting less motivation to respond to people, I want peace and quiet in my final hours but I'm super panicked because today is supposed to be the day but I ate a bunch(like a fuck ton) of blueberries and oranges. They were dropped off by my sweet elderly neighbor and I forgot about the whole need to fast thing:/ I also made a pb&j to snack on as I rewrote my notes. I'm reading up on a bunch of forum posts seeing if anybody had some food earlier on in the day before taking it. I also was drinking a lot of water because I woke up this morning very dehydrated. I might have an eating disorder but fruits and vegetables are practically edible water with flavor and I can't help but binge them when someone presents me with them:,) I really feel ready to go tonight but I don't want to mess because I forgot the preparation needed when I woke up this morning.\
How much money you need for antimedics my friend .?


baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
@nightnightnitrite I think at least 8 hour fast is required. If you are in doubt, you can do it at another time.
Thank you! I think I will be good then if I stop eating now<3

How much money you need for antimedics my friend .?
I have no idea how much it even costs for them, I wasn't planning on taking it and was planning around them because I have no money to my name nor do I have a ride to the store): I have a lot of SN so I was planning on taking it till it stays down(if it decides to come back up)

Sun 10:31am: Packing some bowls and watching marvel movies as I play the waiting game, if reincarnation is real and I don't get to be a frog(no idea why I have an obsession with frogs), I want to come back as some sort of superhero:) E2433DA8 37BB 48CE A2BC 24023D147B62
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Dreadful damage, dreadful destiny
Feb 1, 2021
If this is still 100% what you want I wish you have a good day. Relax and enjoy yourself, if replying here is stressful don't be afraid to take a break and just enjoy your time watching marvel and anything else that makes you feel good.

You seem really sweet and I've enjoyed learning a little about you. If reincarnation is real I also like the idea of being a frog.

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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
Thank you for all the updates. You seem like such a wonderful and interesting person, I'm so sorry that life has brought you to where you are today, mentally and otherwise.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be counting down your last hours, I hope you find peace within yourself.

I wish you all the best no matter which way things go for you. :heart:
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"Everything is meaningless" ~King Solomon
Apr 10, 2021
You seem to have all your ducks in a row. I've noticed religious beliefs are bashed and shunned upon here by roughly 65% of the community, but that doesn't concern me or stop me from sharing what I believe (without bashing non-believer views.) I feel like all of these random visits and acts of kindness aren't coincidental; that's all I will say. I hope you find peace and happiness down whichever road you choose. Relax and enjoy the day. If you change your mind it's not cowardly or anything to be ashamed of. If you follow through we will definitely miss your presence here at SS. God speed my friend.
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Feb 27, 2021
I may be kind off point, but your hadnwriting style is kinda satysfying to watch. :hug:

I hope you will find your peace, mate

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