

A day in the life
Jan 8, 2021
People just don't see our side of things. They don't allow themselves to have prospective on the issue because society is so against suicide. People think there's a solution to most problems and that things will look up. It's very black and white indeed. Not everyone's situation gets better and there isn't always a solution.

The world and laws of reality work a certain way. Ever notice how most good things are to good to actually happen and completely unrealistic?

Bad things just seem to be the norm for some people, but again it really depends on the circumstances. Most people in the U.S and U.K will be born of average intelligence in a household that makes about 50k a year. Theres a good chance they will have maybe one or two siblings. And about a 50% chance their parents will divorce and for most of them, that's the worst thing that will ever happen to them.

But for people born with serious issues, abusive parents or low income; a chain reaction of terrible things happen most of their life.
I'm retarded and get bullied and or fired at every job I take. My parents expect me to live on my own soon and Idk what to do, because it can take years to get disability. I also have mood issues and a metabolic condition called pcos. The discomfort can leave me bed ridden and the weight issues are unbearable. Oh BTW there's no fucking cure.

For my mood issues, I've been to countless abusive psych wards and have taken meds with awful side effects. In elementary school I was bullied by the nun and principal for drawing in class. I was told things would get better after my last suicide attempt, but I got abused and fired over and over at different jobs.

The only thing I'm capable of is art/design and there's no way to make a steady income off of that. Art only reminds me of trauma and how what I went through because of it was for nothing.
My circumstances are permanent and things would have gotten better if they were going to. I did think about my friends and the people I care about, and that's why I stayed for this long.

I spared their feelings for a long time. Besides most people outside my immediate friend group don't have time to talk anyways. And a large number of people would rather never talk to people like us again than listen to our "negativity".

So if most people want nothing to do with us anyway, then who's it really hurting to CTB? Thinking about it logically, when I do this, it will benefit me because it's just going to be over. Other people will be sad, but they'll get over it. There's more harm in living than dying.

I'm really sorry to hear all of this. My words aren't empty either. I'm all teared up reading this, and it's gotten me emotional.

You started this entire response by saying "people just don't see our side of things." And you are right- most people don't. But the key word is "most." I see your side of things, and so does most people on this website. So you aren't fully alone (for whatever that's worth to you).

people born with serious issues, abusive parents or low income; a chain reaction of terrible things happen most of their life

Again, you are right. A lot of people are born at a disadvantage in life, and a lot of their problems (which are genuine) will not be noticed or accepted by society. This is why so many people make it their life journey to fight for certain rights, or to teach people about their causes. They do it because they know society will be hurting people in the future if somebody doesn't make a change. In other words, they are sacrificing their life with the mission to bring awareness to help others in the future. The world is far from black and white, but many people oversimplify life (like maybe your aunt it sounds?)

Think about how much better a lot of our lives would be if mental health was properly addressed 50 years ago? Or even 20 years ago. The world doesn't change unless people change it. It's really fucking cliche but the quote "be the change you want to see" is very accurate.

So if most people want nothing to do with us anyway, then who's it really hurting to CTB? Thinking about it logically, when I do this, it will benefit me because it's just going to be over. Other people will be sad, but they'll get over it. There's more harm in living than dying.

I can empathize with these thoughts. I think them often. I would be careful assuming how others will feel about your death. Of course, you may be correct and that they will "get over it." But at the same time, you don't actually know. So tread lightly with your assumptions, the same way you would want someone to tread lightly with their assumptions about you. Most of us on this site know very damn well what it is like to be misunderstood, and it's usually a result of people making assumptions about us. So we should not imitate the exact behavior that put us here in the first place.

Btw, I love your photo. The Shining is one of my fav movies and books <3
Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
I'm really sorry to hear all of this. My words aren't empty either. I'm all teared up reading this, and it's gotten me emotional.

You started this entire response by saying "people just don't see our side of things." And you are right- most people don't. But the key word is "most." I see your side of things, and so does most people on this website. So you aren't fully alone (for whatever that's worth to you).

Again, you are right. A lot of people are born at a disadvantage in life, and a lot of their problems (which are genuine) will not be noticed or accepted by society. This is why so many people make it their life journey to fight for certain rights, or to teach people about their causes. They do it because they know society will be hurting people in the future if somebody doesn't make a change. In other words, they are sacrificing their life with the mission to bring awareness to help others in the future. The world is far from black and white, but many people oversimplify life (like maybe your aunt it sounds?)

Think about how much better a lot of our lives would be if mental health was properly addressed 50 years ago? Or even 20 years ago. The world doesn't change unless people change it. It's really fucking cliche but the quote "be the change you want to see" is very accurate.

I can empathize with these thoughts. I think them often. I would be careful assuming how others will feel about your death. Of course, you may be correct and that they will "get over it." But at the same time, you don't actually know. So tread lightly with your assumptions, the same way you would want someone to tread lightly with their assumptions about you. Most of us on this site know very damn well what it is like to be misunderstood, and it's usually a result of people making assumptions about us. So we should not imitate the exact behavior that put us here in the first place.

Btw, I love your photo. The Shining is one of my fav movies and books <3
It's from 6th sense.


A day in the life
Jan 8, 2021
It's from 6th sense

Of course! I totally mixed it up with the Shining lol. The girl in the photo was poisoned by the mom with her lunch (I think it was soup?) Thanks for correcting me XD
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Of course! I totally mixed it up with the Shining lol. The girl in the photo was poisoned by the mom with her lunch (I think it was soup?) Thanks for correcting me XD
Yeah I can relate to Kira because life is pretty much poison itself and my parents made the choice to send me to back to abusive psychwards fully KNOWING that they were awful to me.

They also made me take medicine that screwed with me. I've been on meds since I was 6. Some caused nightmare disorder, which I delt with for 5.5 years. And others made me gain weight. One even made me throw up every night and my parents didnt listen when i said I thought it was the med. Then my doctor found that two of my meds were interacting. Then my air headed parents listened...
You can do and say things that can be perceived as selfish, doesnt mean it is. Its all about your perspective on it.

If your aunt wants you to suffer for the next 10, 20, 30 years so she doesnt have to.... I say thats selfish.
Yeah that's people's mindset. Only thinking about themselves. Of course they want me to stay, they don't have to suffer like I do for it. I'm not even staying for myself anymore. I'm staying for other people. But most people would rather never talk to me again than hear about how tortured I feel existing.

So yeah, I think I've earned the right to be a little bit "selfish" this time around. It's MY turn to be spared. I went through hell all my life and stayed despite wanting to end things for over 10 years now.

And people are still wanting me to continue and do it happily. I'm just done talking to people outside of SS because they are impossible. I'm going to shut down and then when people start to WISH I would talk to someone, I'll laugh in their face.
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Burning up in speed
Dec 8, 2023
As @Rob1984 said, it's a very complex issue. As I always tried to seek help - and still do though I believe I'm screwed anyway - I came to the point of telling my mother I was having this kind of thoughts. At that point I just wanted to be honest.
The first time I told her she managed not to freak out and told me I did the right thing, the second time she said "Tell me when you're planning so we can do it together".
She then told me that she wouldn't survive my passing should I decide to off myself.
She never used the word "selfish" but she once said that it would be "infamous".
I am tormented by the sense of guilt because, as I said in other posts, I love her very deeply. If it wasn't for her, my decision would be much easier to take.
She has her point - how can you expect someone that loves you to accept the fact that you want your life to end?
But, on the other hand, it's not my fault if I seem to be unable to cope with life. I didn't choose neither depression nor the issues that are fueling it.
So I think it's very rare for a parent/relative to understand and accept the loss of a loved one in such circumstances.

If you feel like, watch this video:


Dec 19, 2023
Interesting Thread. My mother as well Always says, that I would be a coward when I CTB and that it would be egoistic to do so.

How is fighting against the survival instinct any cowardly? That's ridiculous, there isnt anything harder than that!

It might selfish, that depends on the situation. When you have responsibility for someone like own children in younger age, it definitely IS selfish and not a nice move tbh... Same goes for pets, you need to find someone to Care for them prior.

In my case, I know that my death will destroy my mothers life. So there is some kind of indirect responsibility, but she forced me into this life. My life took a bad turn and it is me who has to deal with that. And she has to accept when I don't want to continue.
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Reasonless, well it stands to reason...
Aug 1, 2022
I don't think the platitudes of your Aunt should factor into your decision. If you want to pass, then you are justified in doing so. If you want to stay, then stay. Probably best not to discuss potential suicides with people though, someone is always bound to call the police or something equally unpleasant.
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Jul 8, 2023
You have continue to live and suffer, because if you don't, other people will have to continue to live and suffer.


F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Hint: your aunt is the selfish one. "Live solely for me so I don't have experience pain". Fuck. That.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I've never understood the whole entire "suicide is selfish" mentality. People act as though deciding to have children is the is selfless act, meanwhile when someone decides that they don't want to live anymore they are told they are selfish. Along with that, they will also use incredibly selfish reasoning, such as talking about how you shouldn't be allowed to ctb because they don't like it and it will make them feel bad, in order to support their views. I find it really aggravating. Nobody consents to being born, nobody asked to exist, thus people should be allowed to end it if they want to. Suicide is no more selfish than forcing people to live even if they don't want to. Hell, it may even be less selfish in certain cases.


I check notifications once per week
Dec 31, 2023
Some people especially older generations are more prone to the hivemind mentality. Like b*tch, you grew up with the family unit and a community. Everyone these days has divorced parents and either 0 friends or a small amount of them IF they're lucky. World is a different place now. We live in a generation where nobody except the top 20% will be able to own their own house! Forget that. It's selfish to stay alive, it's selfish to die. You're f*cked either way. Excuse my casual profanity please I'm just fired up when I hear older people say that suicide is selfish.

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