

Black Hole
Jul 21, 2023
"Lower" is a problematic term... just stuff threatening my agency, making me drawn to someone in ways I can not master or transcend.

And wow okay. That probably has something to do with it :) Sexual abuse maybe?
No no I've never done anything in the same universe as Sexual Abuse. Hell, I've never had a girlfriend (mostly by choice). Also I didn't mean to hijack this thread, sorry.


Jun 27, 2023
It seems we have a very different perception of what is extreme porn, and what is right or wrong. And you definitely seem like the type of guy to study porn hub statistics and trends.. That's wild. It's hard to take this seriously. As I read your replies I could not help but read it in the voice of that one perverted purple haired kid from My Hero Academia because that's the type of character you come across as. A guy who will find ANY reason to justify his warped and perverted views.

I know that pornhub statistics even exist only because of the subreddit r/DataIsBeautiful which is focused on data and pleasant visualizations of it. It gets posted every year there. Either way, knowledge is power?

Goddamn you weren't being kind with that comparison. I just watched a compilation of that anime character and he's a harasser and abuser.

What could it possibly be???

Researchers from Radford University in Virginia have compared the childhood abuse history of 50 convicted US serial killers classified as 'lust killers' against the rates of childhood abuse reported in the general population. Their results indicate considerably higher levels of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse in the serial killer study group.

You could also blame alcohol in the same vein of your logic. Many killers are intoxicated when murdering.

A series of 100 murderers was examined to discern patterns of substance abuse and intoxication in relation to homicidal events. More than half of the study subjects were found to be actively abusing drugs at the time of their crime, and almost half were intoxicated. Alcohol was the drug most often abused.

Again, correlation is NOT causation.

No offense.. but what the fuck. It really does not take a rocket scientist to imagine how a condom is put onto a penis if you see it being put onto a banana... I never even had that in depth of a sex ed class. I never saw a demonstration of a condom and a banana and I STILL figured out how to put on a condom. And no I am not a rocket scientist, just an average guy with common sense. Do you want your sex ed teacher to whip out his penis and demonstrate in front of the class? If they show someone putting a condom on a banana it really does not take that much more imagination or instruction other than swapping the banana with one's penis. Let's be honest.

Penises aren't bananas. Bananas don't have foreskin much less excessive foreskin. TMI, but it wasn't trivial for me to learn and google did not help.
No I don't want a teach to whip their dick out, I never said that.

Porn tricks your easily manipulated mind into believing it's having sex. Trick your visual, auditory, and tactile senses and your brain cannot determine what is real and what it fake. There's plenty of men out there who are chronically addicted to porn and it literally makes their sex life harder. Guys who watch too much porn, need porn to get hard, they can't even just have normal sex with a real woman after watching too much. It really fucks up a mans mind.

Yes and MMORPGs and other games are literal skinner boxes that trick your mind into playing them because number go up give dopamine. But in moderation, MMORPGs are fine. Suspension of reality isn't necessarily bad.

And the body definitely knows that porn isn't sex, your claim isn't even true!

We have people, for example, who come into our lab and interact with partners while we monitor their brains to try and understand how those brain responses with a partner are different from viewing pornography or masturbating, if they are.

One of the first big findings was a lack of activity. Curie activity, sometimes called the biomarker of addiction, is commonly found in substance addiction. It basically means your brain orients more strongly to the substance or behavior to which you're addicted than other stimuli that we're presenting you within the laboratory.

You can also get addicted to video games and you can also get addicted to sex. Porn is just being demonized here.

I agree that sexual repression isn't ideal, making it such a taboo topic where teens are never informed of safe sex leads to things like the spread of STDs and unplanned pregnancies. But the ideal thing to do is properly inform the public about safe sex and how to prevent those things from happening. Porn does not do any of that. Damn near ever single video on the popular page is some guy raw dogging and creaming tf outta someone. Which is the exact opposite of slowing the spread of STDS and/or unplanned pregnancies lmao.

Sex education can be more than just safe sex and STDs and preventing unwanted pregnancies.

You are right about the creampie stuff though. In Brazil all porn studios are required by law to have their male actors wear condoms, funny enough.
But with sex education, understanding that the women in porn having raw sex are constantly tested for STDs and are on birth control is also relevant.

That is also the opinion of 99% of men on this earth (you being the bottom 1%). Any guy who gets off to another girl getting railed or gets off to THEIR girl getting railed is quite literally the definition of a cuck. So not only is it an opinion, it is a fact. There are a few pitiful guys who have done this and you can see that their woman has zero respect for them and that all the other guys have lost respect for them as well. Getting off to another man piping a girl is not something to be proud of. You said "don't shame me" I will 100% shame you what the hell. I guess you haven't gotten bullied enough or ever been held accountable in your life, but no there are 100% things in this would that deserve to be shamed. Fuck outta here.

Thanks for calling me the bottom 1%. I didn't even admit to liking the fetish at all.

I feel like you're coming from a very narrow perspective of monogamous relationships. What about open relationships? What about swinger culture? Do these kinds of couples not respect each other? If both (or all) parties are happy, and no one is getting hurt, I don't see why shame sex lives at all.

As an atheist this is hilarious. I don't believe in that religious bs for a second. My viewpoints come from myself learning about and reading books on psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, history and things of that sort.

My dad was an atheist and would hate the idea of me kissing another guy, despite having no Bible to back him up. Religious affiliation doesn't necessarily correlate with conservative/liberal values regarding sex 🤷

Sex is great, I love sex. I believe those in a committed relationship should be able to have all the sex they want, obviously.. that goes without saying.

Interesting wording. Any issues with non-comittal sex?

Have you noticed the rise of shemale porn? That is a direct result of excessive porn consumption leading to greater extremes.
The role of the porn in your life matters, I suppose. But that it can have those effects you denounced so off-handedly was to my mind beyond dispute. Those pornhub statistics prove little. PornHub is not known as a porn site catering to extremes and the biggest waggers are teens who have yet to go down the rabbit hole.


Call me a liberal, but cisgender people are allowed to fantasize about sex with transgender people? There's nothing extreme in a gender identity? WHAT?

If you brought up the fetishization that trans women face because of porn that also clashes with with their societal acceptance, sure. Like the republican politicians getting caught being horny on main on twitter. But no. More variety in bodies and expressions of gender and sexuality in porn is not a bad thing.
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Jun 12, 2023
I know that pornhub statistics even exist only because of the subreddit r/DataIsBeautiful which is focused on data and pleasant visualizations of it.
Okay my apologies lol.

Again, correlation is NOT causation.
You continue to repeat this sentence. To which I have already said in some cases it's true, but there's definitely more to it in this case.
Furthermore, you didn't acknowledge the direct quotes, so I will repeat one of them for you. Ted Bundy said word for word, "I've lived in prison for a long time now and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me and without exception, every one of them was … deeply influenced and consumed by an addiction to pornography."

Now I never said this was the only variable involved with their actions (of course you brought up some valid points like alcohol and sexual abuse which are most certainly direct variables and contributors), but it's kinda crazy how every single one of them happened to have this in common as well.

Really what it is that I disdain is hedonism. And things like porn, alcohol, video games, things of that nature all fall into that category. Just mindless things meant to spike your dopamine. I'll get more into why that's bad in a second...

You can also get addicted to video games and you can also get addicted to sex. Porn is just being demonized here.
You also mentioned video games and yes I agree you can get addicted to that. I'd say demonizing is a bit of a strong word but sure we can go with that. And yeah for the record I don't believe video games are as bad, but video game addiction (same as porn addiction) causes instant gratification. It causes spikes in dopamine (the brains pleasure chemical, basically) and if you overload your brains dopamine receptors with things like video games, porn, etc, all of the time, it can literally damage your dopamine receptors inside of your brain. If you do it enough then it can cause permanent damage. Meaning that even if there is dopamine present, your brain will not be able to detect it. They did a study on rats by blocking their dopamine receptors, and the rats willingly tried to starve themselves to death. Imagine what happens when that happens to you. Additionally, even if you're lucky enough to not permanently damage your dopamine receptors, your body needs to remain at homeostasis. Meaning that after a large dopamine spike, your dopamine levels will absolutely plummet which leads to severe depression. So according to studies on neuroscience and the chemicals in our brain, in many ways, living hedonistically like you are promoting literally causes depression and suicidal thoughts. But hey if that's what you're into I guess I can't stop you.

Penises aren't bananas. Bananas don't have foreskin much less excessive foreskin. TMI, but it wasn't trivial for me to learn and google did not help.
No I don't want a teach to whip their dick out, I never said that.
Okay you are right about that. A banana is not the perfect representation. I wouldn't have to worry about that specifically, but I guess if they really wanted to, they could give a brief description on how to go about it in sex ed. Other than that, not much else is needed with common sense.
While I do believe more people would use condoms if they were educated on how to use them in sex ed class... that does not mean there needs to be a video demonstration in school. And okay my bad you did not say what I said you did about the sex ed teacher whipping out his salami and doing a demonstration. But I was kinda just joking, but to be fair if there is not a physical demonstration on a real man's salami then I don't know what more you'd like to show to these high school students. A video? Like I said that's just not it man. It's unnecessary and doing too much.

Sex education can be more than just safe sex and STDs and preventing unwanted pregnancies.

You are right about the creampie stuff though. In Brazil all porn studios are required by law to have their male actors wear condoms, funny enough.
But with sex education, understanding that the women in porn having raw sex are constantly tested for STDs and are on birth control is also relevant.
Hmm, I never knew that about the brazil porn studios. You learn something new everyday lmao.

Preventing STD's and unplanned pregnancies should definitely be the most important things taught in sex education. You recommended that students should be taught on how women in porn are tested on STDs and are on birth control... but it's literally illegal for porn sites to even show pornography to people under the age of 18, so it's incredibly unlikely that public schools would even consider going over things like pornography in their curriculum.

But I see where you are coming from though. Even if it's illegal, the majority of highschoolers probably watch it anyways.

I feel like you're coming from a very narrow perspective of monogamous relationships. What about open relationships? What about swinger culture? Do these kinds of couples not respect each other? If both (or all) parties are happy, and no one is getting hurt, I don't see why shame sex lives at all.
Okay I made a false assumption, my fault. You just really seemed like you'd be into that stuff based on the way you've been talking.

But in regards to monogamous relationships, yes I am definitely against them especially if they're a parent. A child needs a father and a mother. This is undoubtably true and widely common knowledge among sociologists. There are an infinite amount of articles and studies to back this up. If you think kids are better off growing up with parents in a polyamorous relationship, then you've gotta be on the spectrum as a psychopath. When you bring kids into the picture, they deserve unconditional love from 2 parents. Not 3 "parents" who spend all their time chasing dopamine like a bunch of addicts.

Even without the kids in the picture, if you truly allow yourself to be in a polyamorous relationship, it's hard to say that you have any respect for yourself.

Polyamory is heavily glorified, but this video kinda shows the reality of what it is...
Click here: Open Relationship by MillenniaThinker

My dad was an atheist and would hate the idea of me kissing another guy, despite having no Bible to back him up. Religious affiliation doesn't necessarily correlate with conservative/liberal values regarding sex 🤷
Oh wow that's pretty cool, I didn't know your dad was atheist, interesting.

But yeah for sure, religious affiliation definitely does not always correlate with conservative vs liberal viewpoints on sex. That was exactly my point. Just like your dad is atheist and happens to have conservative views on sex, I am also similar. Which is crazy because on average it's vise versa. But our science has been developing so rapidly recently that more and more educated people have been becoming Atheist. Then more people started living with their liberal values in regards to sex (due to a lack of religious bias), but the critical thinking atheists are starting to see the drawbacks to society due to those values and despite not having a religious bias to support conservative views, they support conservative views on sex due to the effects on society.

Now getting back on topic, similarly to your father, if I had a son I'd obviously prefer he was straight. However, if he was gay and there was absolutely no changing that then I'd still 100% love him as a person. So I'm not some conservative extremist in regards to my views on sex. Now when it comes to being transgender, I do despise that stuff for a large number of reasons, and we could debate that all day on why it's not right, but it also depends on the context of the situation (transgender porn, transgenders competing in sports, transgenders in bathrooms, etc.), that's a whole other conversation.

Interesting wording. Any issues with non-comittal sex?
For clarification, by "committed relationship" I meant a couple in a monogamous relationship. And yes, I think sex between 2 people who are in a serious relationship is 100% natural and healthy.

My problem is not sex between 2 consenting adults in a monogamous relationship. My problem is people trying to normalize cuck behavior of someone watching 2 other people having sex and getting off to it (aka porn). There is a big difference between real sex with a woman you love, and spanking your monkey to some pixels on a screen. I mentioned earlier that our simple brains cannot distinguish between the 2 and you seemed to have a problem with that, you're thinking about it the wrong way. Our conscious mind can, but our subconscious mind cannot. I mean if you can masterbate and watch porn and get yourself to cum.. your brain 100% thought it was having sex. There's no argument there. That's why you came in the first place, if your simple brain knew it wasn't actually having sex then you wouldn't get a boner from just simply looking at women on your phone. You wouldn't get arroused in the first place. Like I said, the "animalistic" side of your brain (for lack of a better term) does not know how to distinguish between real sex, and the artificial alteration of your touch, visual, and auditory senses. There's a huge difference between porn and real sex and you're trying to not only convince yourself, but others as well that there's nothing wrong with it. Desensitization to this porn bs has just been one of the major factors the downfall of our society in the West (of which there are many other factors).

And expanding on my points about polyamory, it's been increasing rapidly in our society these past few years alone. Our media is filled with terrible role models that are fucking with the minds of some young men, and apparently you too.. no offense. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that the desensitization to porn is something that may have contributed to increases in open relationships / polyamory.

I dare you to watch this youtube video. Shits funny as fuck, but also just sad. It's about Adam22 who let his wife get piped by another man. Whole video is just him coping and towards the end of the video he sounds like he's holding back tears.
Click here: Adam22 REGRETS Letting His Wife BANG A Black Dude by Mori
+ another short on simp22- i mean adam22 right here from JustPearlyThings
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May 20, 2023
And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that the desensitization to porn is something that may have contributed to increases in open relationships / polyamory.
I always assumed that openness and acceptance for and towards polyamory had to do with cultural shifts or religious shifts and the acceptance of it on social media and education about it although I have not met a polyamourous couple in real life or online in order to get insight or ask questions

in some cultures and religions it is normal to have more than one wife for example Mormonism (although the polyamorous relationships in Mormonism and many other religions are a deep rabbit hole with many forms of abuse) but many cannot say they have more than one spouse because they legally cannot have more than one spouse

also Polyamory is not always about sex (or rather isn't about sex at all from what I've gathered/read) although I've seen many people get wanting to have "fun times" with multiple people and having an excuse to cheat/breakup with their partner without cheating/breaking with them confused with Polyamory I see this on a specific "reality" show but I can't remember the name but it's on TLC

I am not into polyamory but I find it interesting to observe and I think it's kind of endearing that someone can have the time and capacity to share love / be in love with more than one person


🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Women are scary too in public restrooms.

-former janitor
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Jul 16, 2023

Shemale porn is not for cis people but heterosexuals who got bored by hetero porn.
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May 20, 2023
Women are scary too in public restrooms.

-former janitor
I can confirm this because during my years in middle school and highschool women's restrooms were terrifying except for 1

but the wall gossip notes were entertaining I don't know if people write or carve on bathroom stalls anymore but it's like a modern recreation of a prehistoric wall painting

and I wouldn't wish the chore of cleaning a women's or men's restroom especially in a public school on anyone
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Jun 12, 2023
I always assumed that openness and acceptance for and towards polyamory had to do with cultural shifts or religious shifts and the acceptance of it on social media and education about it although I have not met a polyamourous couple in real life or online in order to get insight or ask questions

in some cultures and religions it is normal to have more than one wife for example Mormonism (although the polyamorous relationships in Mormonism and many other religions are a deep rabbit hole with many forms of abuse) but many cannot say they have more than one spouse because they legally cannot have more than one spouse

also Polyamory is not always about sex (or rather isn't about sex at all from what I've gathered/read) although I've seen many people get wanting to have "fun times" with multiple people and having an excuse to cheat/breakup with their partner without cheating/breaking with them confused with Polyamory I see this on a specific "reality" show but I can't remember the name but it's on TLC

I am not into polyamory but I find it interesting to observe and I think it's kind of endearing that someone can have the time and capacity to share love / be in love with more than one person
Well that's certainly an interesting take. But you must be childishly naive to believe it's not about sex and satisfying one's hedonistic thoughts. Sex is inherently a part of human nature and to blindly turn your head away from that fact is to be delusional & ignorant. Having sex with other people is 100% the main factor in why people enter polyamorous relationships. But trying to convince yourself polyamory is okay is just such an immature, hedonistic, and animalistic way of thinking.. and it's not really optimal for society, or their children, who are the future of our society.

You brought up how in some cultures it is normal, but even if that were true that certainly does not make it okay. I could obviously apply that same exact logic to many other things, and it would make your argument look really bad...
But moving on, you brought up how in some religions like Mormonism, some of them have multiple wives, but that has actually been outlawed by the church. And even if Mormonism did condone that behavior, (which they do not) that would not make it okay in any way shape or form. Mormons are notoriously extreme in their religious beliefs and are truly sucked into it. They question other religions, yet fail to truly question their own beliefs, it's like an echo chamber and it's incredibly hard to take religious extremists seriously. Whoever made that up only did so to satisfy their own selfish desires. If you have ever read the 10 commandments in the bible, the 7th commandment says "Thou shalt not commit adultery." You see, men and women make promises to each other when they are married. These promises are important, and breaking them causes deep sadness. And according to the definition of marriage, a marriage is the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman). So unless we want to completely change the commandments in the bible and the definitions of english words, literally their own religious text contradicts that perverted ideology. You claim that it's a norm, (although that is literally false), but like I said, they do not condone open relationships or polyamorous relationships as that has been outlawed by the church like I mentioned earlier. And anyone who allows their partner to sleep with others has no backbone or self respect. You'll notice that 99.99% of people don't respect cucks who partake in that behavior either. Imagine a man watching another guy fuck his wife, that could never be me, I don't care how much I get paid, the lack of desensitization and self hate required to enjoy that is beyond me.

You could also bring up how that happens sometimes in Islamic countries where men have multiple wives. But that is FAR from the norm. It is ONLY acceptable under very specific rules and conditions and the man must be able to provide all of his wives and their kids with equal support financially (which most men cannot do). Yet when a man does get multiple wives, many times it is not under the consent of the first wife, many times one get's more support financially, and many times one gets much more love sexually. A man cannot give his full attention to any of them, so they all live in their own jealousy, envy, and hatred of each other. Like I said earlier, anyone who supports this only does so to satisfy their own selfish desires. Anyone forced into it often does not consent but has no other option (even in America that's how most of them start, and they try to convince to themselves that they like it). Also, for many societal and psychological reasons, this is largely looked down upon by the vast majority of Muslims. So no, your claims that this is normal is simply incorrect.

And by the way, thanks for being so respectful in your comment, I tried to be as objective as possible so do not take any of this the wrong way. I think it's great that you are open to new ideas and learning about different things, but respectfully, I do not believe for a second that normalizing this would be a net positive to society.
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May 20, 2023
But trying to convince yourself polyamory is okay is just such an immature, hedonistic, and animalistic way of thinking.. and it's not really optimal for society, or their children, who are the future of our society.
I did not say it was right or wrong

I don't have a stance on it since it personally doesn't have a negative or positive affect in my life

I just found it interesting to research and observe because I do not understand polyamory and because of my interest in anthropology/cultural anthropology

You brought up how in some cultures it is normal, but even if that were true that certainly does not make it okay.

I did not say or imply that it was okay especially since most versions of polyamory that I've observed in religious contexts and in cults are usually abusive and exploitative

I was just bringing up an example of it I've seen or observed in a religious context that is normal for some people / in some cultures

and it would make your argument look really bad...

I am not being argumentative or arguing for or against polyamory since it has no impact on me or my personal life I am just an observer

I was stating what I've personally seen, assumed, learned, read, and am curious about without thinking of or considering pornography as in influence in the topic or concept of Polyamory or various non-monogamous relationships

I am sorry that my own experiences and research looked like an argument to you

and I was not aware that everyone had to have a stance on everything that isn't personally affecting them I always try to look at everything from both sides so I just state my observations and personal experiences rather than opinions but thank you for your response


Jun 12, 2023
and I was not aware that everyone had to have a stance on everything that isn't personally affecting them I always try to look at everything from both sides so I just state my observations and personal experiences rather than opinions but thank you for your response
You see, that sounds like a pretty based take I'm ngl. And no you do not have to have a stance on everything you're 100% correct. But once kids get involved, it just feels wrong to ignore things like this. Maybe if they have an open relationship on their own, with no kids then whatever.. like you said it does not effect your life so who cares? The problem I and many others have is that our media tries to destigmatize and normalize this behavior. I don't care what people do on an individual level, but I'd rather not support those who spread viewpoints that fuck up our society any more than it already is.
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May 20, 2023
But once kids get involved, it just feels wrong to ignore things like this.
I did not think about that although I have seen a viral video about a polygamous couple I think it was about 4 or 5 people or less and they planned on raising kids

which I did find a bit concerning because of the characters in the video she did not seem serious or to have an knowledge about polyamory when I observed her in the video it seems like she just did it for fun but I will never know since I do not personally know the person

and because I personally would not understand how parenting would work in an environment like that and how responsibilities would be shared amongst them

and worries about the child/children being able to form stable relationships with both their parents and their future relationships that they choose to persue based on what they observed within their own household

and I would be worried about the children being bullied because the specific channel that made the video labels the videos about various people and relationships that are out of the norm or different as educational although you can see that they are made to mock them and are heavily edited like reality television and probably scripted too

but also because to most people it is not normal to have 4 dad's and 1 mom or whatever other combination

I am curious will definitely look into this and how the dynamics would be since in some polygamous relationships some people have a primary partner that they live with (kind of a foundation of sorts) and then their other partners and typically do not have children but in this specific video she did not have a primary partner and everyone of her partners lived with her

(also I think one of the partners got arrested I will have to look for updates)
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drugged up doll
Jun 1, 2023
tbh, aS a TrAns peRsOn, cis people scare me. men and women. then again i've been abused by other trans people too. so i guess it doesn't matter. i don't believe any group is ontologically evil other than like. nazis/bigots/cops/billionaires. but, trans people are in the midst of genocide by attrition. people fucking hate us for no real reason. let alone being an autistic bpd polyam kinky tran. its hard to exist when so many people want you dead, including yourself.

edit: oof im reading more of this thread and like goddamn. i guess being suicidal doesn't preclude being a puritanical bigot.
Yes correlation is certainly not causation in every single scenario, BUT in this case it is certainly linked as over 95% of serial murderers had a hard-core porn addiction AND those serial murderers openly admitted themselves that their porn addiction contributed towards their twisted views. They gradually need more dark and twisted fantasies to satisfy themselves. "Bundy claimed his addiction to pornography fed the monster inside him as his porn consumption began taking on a darker and harder edge." And he himself also said, "like an addiction, you keep craving something harder, which gives you a greater sense of excitement until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far..." which lead him to do other things to satisfy his sexual needs... once in prison, AGAIN he said, "I've lived in prison for a long time now and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me and without exception, every one of them was … deeply influenced and consumed by an addiction to pornography." hmmmmmm. There seems to be a common denominator here.. What could it possibly be???? (sarcasm)

No offense.. but what the fuck. It really does not take a rocket scientist to imagine how a condom is put onto a penis if you see it being put onto a banana... I never even had that in depth of a sex ed class. I never saw a demonstration of a condom and a banana and I STILL figured out how to put on a condom. And no I am not a rocket scientist, just an average guy with common sense. Do you want your sex ed teacher to whip out his penis and demonstrate in front of the class? If they show someone putting a condom on a banana it really does not take that much more imagination or instruction other than swapping the banana with one's penis. Let's be honest.

Yeah, and it's good we're having this conversation. Sex and porn are 2 DIFFERENT things. Even you said so yourself earlier.. it's important we remember that. Porn tricks your easily manipulated mind into believing it's having sex. Trick your visual, auditory, and tactile senses and your brain cannot determine what is real and what it fake. There's plenty of men out there who are chronically addicted to porn and it literally makes their sex life harder. Guys who watch too much porn, need porn to get hard, they can't even just have normal sex with a real woman after watching too much. It really fucks up a mans mind.

I agree that sexual repression isn't ideal, making it such a taboo topic where teens are never informed of safe sex leads to things like the spread of STDs and unplanned pregnancies. But the ideal thing to do is properly inform the public about safe sex and how to prevent those things from happening. Porn does not do any of that. Damn near ever single video on the popular page is some guy raw dogging and creaming tf outta someone. Which is the exact opposite of slowing the spread of STDS and/or unplanned pregnancies lmao.

That is my opinion, I'm sorry if I did not make that 100% clear!

That is also the opinion of 99% of men on this earth (you being the bottom 1%). Any guy who gets off to another girl getting railed or gets off to THEIR girl getting railed is quite literally the definition of a cuck. So not only is it an opinion, it is a fact. There are a few pitiful guys who have done this and you can see that their woman has zero respect for them and that all the other guys have lost respect for them as well. Getting off to another man piping a girl is not something to be proud of. You said "don't shame me" I will 100% shame you what the hell. I guess you haven't gotten bullied enough or ever been held accountable in your life, but no there are 100% things in this would that deserve to be shamed. Fuck outta here.

As an atheist this is hilarious. I don't believe in that religious bs for a second. My viewpoints come from myself learning about and reading books on psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, history and things of that sort.

I never said sex was unhuman. You're twisting the words. I said porn was unnatural.

Sex is great, I love sex. I believe those in a committed relationship should be able to have all the sex they want, obviously.. that goes without saying.

Porn on the other hand makes you THINK you are having sex. There is nothing natural about that. You're artificially manipulating your senses to trick your brain into thinking you're having sex.. when you are not. You watch the video of ANOTHER man raw dogging a girl, and imagining yourself in his position. This is not psychologically healthy behavior. It trains the minds of men to become cucks. Part of the reason there are so few real men these days. All these guys want to be controlled by their animalistic mind and remove their accountability required to actually improve their lives. It's disgusting and just sad.
im sorry this is just so fucking funny. also like. cuckoldry is a valid kink if everyone involved is consenting and having a good time. are you an alpha male too?
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
As a man who has nothing against men I am of the belief that we should honest KAM.

But seriously tho I apologize for those weird fucks.


drugged up doll
Jun 1, 2023
I always assumed that openness and acceptance for and towards polyamory had to do with cultural shifts or religious shifts and the acceptance of it on social media and education about it although I have not met a polyamourous couple in real life or online in order to get insight or ask questions

in some cultures and religions it is normal to have more than one wife for example Mormonism (although the polyamorous relationships in Mormonism and many other religions are a deep rabbit hole with many forms of abuse) but many cannot say they have more than one spouse because they legally cannot have more than one spouse

also Polyamory is not always about sex (or rather isn't about sex at all from what I've gathered/read) although I've seen many people get wanting to have "fun times" with multiple people and having an excuse to cheat/breakup with their partner without cheating/breaking with them confused with Polyamory I see this on a specific "reality" show but I can't remember the name but it's on TLC

I am not into polyamory but I find it interesting to observe and I think it's kind of endearing that someone can have the time and capacity to share love / be in love with more than one person
i've been polyam since i was like 16 AMA


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021

Shemale porn is not for cis people but heterosexuals who got bored by hetero porn.

Pls b mindfl of ur wordng whn u r in cmmunty tht incldes trns ppl
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Jun 19, 2022
I don't really have a terribly large amount to contribute to this conversation, but I do want to say that as a guy, I totally agree that almost all of us are perverted, sex obsessed monsters. It's part of the reason I hate being a guy, because even though I don't want to ever hurt anyone in terms of a relationship, the "two personality" idea is unfortunately true with me. I've never dreamed of doing something awful to a woman, but my high sexuality definitely causes me to be blind and think of women in sexual ways until finishing. Afterwards, it's extreme shame and a loop of hating myself for letting my hormones control me and make me think of sexual stuff so frequently, despite having never done anything hurtful towards women.
TL;DR: I agree with this post completely and hate my existence as a man every day I wake up.
I am sorry. You shouldn't feel this way, and I hope there haven't been people in your life who have convinced you to hate yourself because of the way you were born (as a man). You shouldn't hate yourself or condemn yourself as a monster, you haven't hurt anybody. Even when you are imagining women in your head you aren't hurting anybody because it's all in your head. It's difficult to get out of these negative loops of thought, it just keeps feeding into itself. I have faith in you though.. I do
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May 20, 2018
I am sorry. You shouldn't feel this way, and I hope there haven't been people in your life who have convinced you to hate yourself because of the way you were born (as a man). You shouldn't hate yourself or condemn yourself as a monster, you haven't hurt anybody. Even when you are imagining women in your head you aren't hurting anybody because it's all in your head. It's difficult to get out of these negative loops of thought, it just keeps feeding into itself. I have faith in you though.. I do
I also have a lot of self-loathing because it is clear that men are generally viewed as disgusting, expendable monsters even though many of us are gentle and harmless. I get it though, if someone has a lot of bad experiences with men then how could that not affect their perception. Even I am more likely to feel some tension if I see a random man in public vs. a woman, and nothing bad ever happened to me. No solutions, just pain for everyone yay.
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Jun 12, 2023
tbh, aS a TrAns peRsOn, cis people scare me.
99% of humans on earth scare you, simply for living life with default settings? lmao

Look I'm joking, idgaf if you wanna call yourself a boy or a girl. I'll sleep just fine at night regardless of if you have gender dysphoria (are gullible enough to be convinced that you're trans), and decide to get irreversible surgery (mutilate your genitals), that's your body, your life, your choice...

My main issue is the LGBTQABCDEFGHAIJLKMNOP community being so heavily pushed along with all the other things they do like march in the streets and tell everyone they're coming for their kids. Not to mention woke people trying to promote homosexuality in children's shows like Blue's Clues. Maybe this is a controversial take (sarcasm), but I don't think sex should be something that kids think about. Leave the kids alone. And I know not all of them get off to messing with kids, but the movement as a whole generally comes across as degenerate and perverted.

Like I said in an earlier post, this trans topic is a whole other conversation, I could bring up the situation with Lia Thomas and how our society somehow allowed a naked man to go into the woman's locker rooms with the other female swimmers without their previous knowledge or consent. Not to mention he actually competed against these women and easily got first place against these women who trained their whole lives. Imagine a man against a woman in MMA, you gotta be delusional and psychopathic to try and convince others that's fair.
And this sounds crazy, but what about the child who identified as a cat in school? This teacher asked her a question and she straight up just meowed. Guess who got in trouble? Not the kid, the teacher (who rightfully got frustrated that her student was not participating). Delusion is spreading in this country, there's no way you actually think that's right do you?
What about biological men who identify as women who go into women's public restrooms? By your logic, anyone who's a man wearing a wig can freely walk into any womens restrooms. You say you're scared of "cis people" but if anything I'm scared for the safety of real women.

this is just so fucking funny.
I know it's hilarious. Delusional boys think they are girls and delusional girls think they are boys and try to convince the world to live in their delusion while shitting on anyone else who tries to speak common sense. What a funny world we live in. Hilarious how even someone who's a TrAns peRsOn can't even defend this delusion.

I mean honestly, what do you think a woman is? Woke people, when asked this question try to say, "Oh, only a woman can say what a woman is."
But I don't have to be a cow to know what a cow is...

It's not that their logic makes no sense, it's that their logic is just nonexistent.

cuckoldry is a valid kink if everyone involved is consenting and having a good time.
You didn't even bring up any counter arguments for raising kids in a polyamorous relationship bc you know that shits wack. Even ppl in one know it is too, but it still happens bc those types of people don't tend to care about their life or their children's lives either, they're just dopamine addicts.

being a cuck is 100% a kink, a kink that no one respects, (at least not anyone with self respect). Kinda says a lot about you.

are you an alpha male too?
Just a man with common sense.
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drugged up doll
Jun 1, 2023
99% of humans on earth scare you, simply for living life with default settings? lmao

Look I'm joking, idgaf if you wanna call yourself a boy or a girl. I'll sleep just fine at night regardless of if you have gender dysphoria (are gullible enough to be convinced that you're trans), and decide to get irreversible surgery (mutilate your genitals), that's your body, your life, your choice...

My main issue is the LGBTQABCDEFGHAIJLKMNOP community being so heavily pushed along with all the other things they do like march in the streets and tell everyone they're coming for their kids. Not to mention woke people trying to promote homosexuality in children's shows like Blue's Clues. Maybe this is a controversial take (sarcasm), but I don't think sex should be something that kids think about. Leave the kids alone. And I know not all of them get off to messing with kids, but the movement as a whole generally comes across as degenerate and perverted.

Like I said in an earlier post, this trans topic is a whole other conversation, I could bring up the situation with Lia Thomas and how our society somehow allowed a naked man to go into the woman's locker rooms with the other female swimmers without their previous knowledge or consent. Not to mention he actually competed against these women and easily got first place against these women who trained their whole lives. Imagine a man against a woman in MMA, you gotta be delusional and psychopathic to try and convince others that's fair.
And this sounds crazy, but what about the child who identified as a cat in school? This teacher asked her a question and she straight up just meowed. Guess who got in trouble? Not the kid, the teacher (who rightfully got frustrated that her student was not participating). Delusion is spreading in this country, there's no way you actually think that's right do you?
What about biological men who identify as women who go into women's public restrooms? By your logic, anyone who's a man wearing a wig can freely walk into any womens restrooms. You say you're scared of "cis people" but if anything I'm scared for the safety of real women.

I know it's hilarious. Delusional boys think they are girls and delusional girls think they are boys and try to convince the world to live in their delusion while shitting on anyone else who tries to speak common sense. What a funny world we live in. Hilarious how even someone who's a TrAns peRsOn can't even defend this delusion.

I mean honestly, what do you think a woman is? Woke people, when asked this question try to say, "Oh, only a woman can say what a woman is."
But I don't have to be a cow to know what a cow is...

It's not that their logic makes no sense, it's that their logic is just nonexistent.

You didn't even bring up any counter arguments for raising kids in a polyamorous relationship bc you know that shits wack. Even ppl in one know it is too, but it still happens bc those types of people don't tend to care about their life or their children's lives either, they're just dopamine addicts.

being a cuck is 100% a kink, a kink that no one respects, (at least not anyone with self respect). Kinda says a lot about you.

Just a man with common sense.
i'm not arguing with a bigot. hope you're successful đź’—


May 20, 2023
i've been polyam since i was like 16 AMA
how do you make sure you're emotionally involved enough with each partner and make sure that all of them have a good amount of quality time with you also do they always have to know each other personally or to a small degree

for me personally it's hard to even do that in multiple friendships so I am curious as to how quality time works and how you make sure you treat all partners equally (I am sorry if it sounds like I am trying to make you speak on behalf of all poly people I am not I am just curious about your personal experiences being poly)

edit: to the mods and the original poster if they are looking I am sorry for derailing from the original thread I can move this elsewhere if that would be more appropriate
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Apr 10, 2023
just putting in a plug here. Feel free to ignore me. But we face so much challenges everyday fighting our own demons. Do we have to create the same demons (hate/loathe) in a forum of broken people just trying to help out one another?
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Jun 19, 2022
I also have a lot of self-loathing because it is clear that men are generally viewed as disgusting, expendable monsters even though many of us are gentle and harmless. I get it though, if someone has a lot of bad experiences with men then how could that not affect their perception. Even I am more likely to feel some tension if I see a random man in public vs. a woman, and nothing bad ever happened to me. No solutions, just pain for everyone yay.
You are right... there are a lot of aspects I have overlooked. I apologize.
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May 20, 2018
You are right... there are a lot of aspects I have overlooked. I apologize.
Oh no, I liked what you wrote, just sharing my experience is all. No need to apologize! I agree with the sentiment, just wish I could internalize it.
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Professor K

Professor K

your eyes vacant and stained
Feb 9, 2023
men scare me

was exploring a new porn website tonight and the amount of terrible boyfriends, complete assholes and disgusting human beings are being supported on the website and in the comments with disgusting things. most guys dont know where the line is crossed. some can balance their two personalities but honestly their two personalities change completely before and after they cum. men are disgusting and women are brainwashed into following along with everything they want. tricking themselves into thinking theyre doing it for themselves.
i almost fully restored my weight from anorexia so now i definitely have a body of a woman even though i dress like a tomboy still,
and now i keep getting catcalled, approached and touched by young adult men and old men.
makes me miss looking like a 14 year old pale malnourished androgynous lifeless being, so at least i wasn't one bit attractive or deemed fuckable.
can't imagine what other girls and women who look way prettier, curvier and wear ''revealing'' clothes go through...
  • Hugs
  • Aww..
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May 20, 2023
can't imagine what other girls and women who look way prettier, curvier and wear ''revealing'' clothes go through...
honestly it's pretty terrible because even when I wear normal clothes people think I am too revealing just die to how my body is or I assume they are too revealing and I've been sexually harassed before so now I like baggy clothes but even sometimes I'm worried about wearing those because sometimes even though they cover up or make everything less shapely I still feel or wonder if they are too revealing

and I feel bad for the small, slim, and petite women because I feel like they may have it even worse due to the existence of ephebophiles/pedophiles because if they catcalled people when I was in middle school I can only imagine how worse it is now because most of the people I grew up with do not look their age including me but are adults
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
99% of humans on earth scare you, simply for living life with default settings? lmao

Look I'm joking, idgaf if you wanna call yourself a boy or a girl. I'll sleep just fine at night regardless of if you have gender dysphoria (are gullible enough to be convinced that you're trans), and decide to get irreversible surgery (mutilate your genitals), that's your body, your life, your choice...

My main issue is the LGBTQABCDEFGHAIJLKMNOP community being so heavily pushed along with all the other things they do like march in the streets and tell everyone they're coming for their kids. Not to mention woke people trying to promote homosexuality in children's shows like Blue's Clues. Maybe this is a controversial take (sarcasm), but I don't think sex should be something that kids think about. Leave the kids alone. And I know not all of them get off to messing with kids, but the movement as a whole generally comes across as degenerate and perverted.

Like I said in an earlier post, this trans topic is a whole other conversation, I could bring up the situation with Lia Thomas and how our society somehow allowed a naked man to go into the woman's locker rooms with the other female swimmers without their previous knowledge or consent. Not to mention he actually competed against these women and easily got first place against these women who trained their whole lives. Imagine a man against a woman in MMA, you gotta be delusional and psychopathic to try and convince others that's fair.
And this sounds crazy, but what about the child who identified as a cat in school? This teacher asked her a question and she straight up just meowed. Guess who got in trouble? Not the kid, the teacher (who rightfully got frustrated that her student was not participating). Delusion is spreading in this country, there's no way you actually think that's right do you?
What about biological men who identify as women who go into women's public restrooms? By your logic, anyone who's a man wearing a wig can freely walk into any womens restrooms. You say you're scared of "cis people" but if anything I'm scared for the safety of real women.

I know it's hilarious. Delusional boys think they are girls and delusional girls think they are boys and try to convince the world to live in their delusion while shitting on anyone else who tries to speak common sense. What a funny world we live in. Hilarious how even someone who's a TrAns peRsOn can't even defend this delusion.

I mean honestly, what do you think a woman is? Woke people, when asked this question try to say, "Oh, only a woman can say what a woman is."
But I don't have to be a cow to know what a cow is...

It's not that their logic makes no sense, it's that their logic is just nonexistent.

You didn't even bring up any counter arguments for raising kids in a polyamorous relationship bc you know that shits wack. Even ppl in one know it is too, but it still happens bc those types of people don't tend to care about their life or their children's lives either, they're just dopamine addicts.

being a cuck is 100% a kink, a kink that no one respects, (at least not anyone with self respect). Kinda says a lot about you.

Just a man with common sense.

= clear tht u hve 0 undrstandng hw gnuine transgendrism wrks & wld Ncourge u 2 lk furthr thn Mtt Walsh fr ur infrmatn


:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
EverythingI wanted to say has alreadf been said here so I'll just put this here.

It's safer to fear men as a whole than to give one of them a chance to hurt/kill you.

This is from a thread called: "Why do women cross the street when they see me (a guy) on the sidewalk?"

Sure this fear can be taken to the extreme (I'm guilty of this) but most of the time if you're a woman, you always have to be on guard. I know some who have this but still got to have normal loving relationships.
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suicidal anorexic
Apr 9, 2023
i almost fully restored my weight from anorexia so now i definitely have a body of a woman even though i dress like a tomboy still,
and now i keep getting catcalled, approached and touched by young adult men and old men.
makes me miss looking like a 14 year old pale malnourished androgynous lifeless being, so at least i wasn't one bit attractive or deemed fuckable.
can't imagine what other girls and women who look way prettier, curvier and wear ''revealing'' clothes go through...
men are disgusting, dont go back into your old habits because they will do it either way honestly.
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Sep 21, 2020
If I were suddenly transplanted into a female body after having lived as a male, I'd never wear revealing clothes outside of private parties with friends. The notion that "it's more comfortable" is, in the large majority of cases, obviously total BS. Kind of like how some women say they go to nightclubs because they "just like dancing" (show me a nightclub that has ever been women only aside from the ones for lesbians - it doesn't exist bc women actually go for the male attn at a minimum). But that's not why I'd restrict wearing revealing / purposely objectifying/sexualizing clothing in public. Nor is the possibility that it might increase the risk of sexual assault (assuming it even does). I'd dress modestly in public because I wouldn't want to contribute to the ongoing low-intensity mental abuse that revealing clothes inflict on a certain subclass of (sub)men. It's a living nightmare for them and they are probably the least likely to sexually assault someone, so I'd just feel bad for them and stay modest.
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