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Aug 5, 2018
-unpopular opinion.
People say shit like it'll make you calmer etc... Let´s be real here. Meditation is today's form of a new age prayer.
People used to pray and follow religion in the past , these days they think it's bullshit. They'll say the same about meditation and new age in a hundred years.
It's that simple-and no scientific studies are not all positive and hippie, there are actually dozens of studies which show the negative effects of it(and by the way those studies are not sponsored by the biggest new age cooperations!!!!!!something you should all think about!). Not to mention the fact that it's a billion dollar industry which seeks to drown out everything negative about it. I mean would you believe a climate study from Exxon Mobile? Hell no, you wouldn't.
Do you really think the world will be a better place if we all just think positive and ignore our problems? Instead of taking action?
There is a reason the elite want us to be docile, all-loving sheep. It prevents us from standing up to them. The truth is there is no good or evil in this world. Only doers or non-doers.

Also been a while since I posted something but I really had to let this out since the internet is full of that hippie crap. I mean it's fucking everywhere. It's like cancer. I guess it's just like someone once said: Religion/Faith is the opium of the people and people just can't let go of that shit.
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Sep 21, 2019
I also came to this conclusion, I tried that meditation mindfulness thing though...

The purpose of meditation as I understand it is to enjoy being dead while still alive, that's like a consensus with SI for latent suicidal people lol.
It never worked anyways. And also it's the most downright attempt to get people to "enjoy" their problems. It's like the thing to use when you realize that your "board of wishes" or "law of attraction" or whatever doesn't magically work after all.

I imagine a board of billionaires devising new ways of keeping their slaves obedient, and one of them says "Oh for fuck's sake! just tell them to stop thinking!" Then mindfulness videos pop up on youtube: "I stopped thinking completely! and it's soo coool!"
fucking tragedy
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Feb 28, 2019
Yes it reminds me of tiny living/ minimilist lifestyle. What should be about letting go of useless material stuff and valuing the little things just turns into a fashion statement and spending $200,000 on a shitty box. Also maybe its just me but there seems to be a current of "hey poor people just make do with less and less its so trendy!!!" To it.
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Mar 17, 2018
I'd suggest you kick it down a notch with the conspiracy thinking.
Just like anything else, meditation effects different people differently.
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Jul 19, 2020
This has never really worked for me, but it does seem to work for others. I think everyone is entitled to pursue a course of action that makes their life a little bit better, especially if it doesn't hurt anyone else.

And I believe it was Karl Marx who said that quote. "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It's that simple-and no scientific studies are not all positive and hippie, there are actually dozens of studies which show the negative effects of it(and by the way those studies are not sponsored by the biggest new age cooperations!!!!!!something you should all think about!). Not to mention the fact that it's a billion dollar industry which seeks to drown out everything negative about it. I mean would you believe a climate study from Exxon Mobile? Hell no, you wouldn't...There is a reason the elite want us to be docile, all-loving sheep. It prevents us from standing up to them.

I don't disagree with this. I actually want to believe it. However, I am not a docile sheep, so I don't believe the things I want to be true. Can you provide evidence of your claims about studies on meditation and who funds them, both those that support it and those that show the negative effects?


Feb 4, 2020
I'd suggest you kick it down a notch with the conspiracy thinking.
Just like anything else, meditation effects different people differently.

Exactly this.

There have been a wealth of studies which have shown meditation can have health benefits. Note that the studies (and I) am referring to meditation as the basic activity, as in sitting or laying down undisturbed, eyes closed, focusing on breath, music, counting or something similar. I'm not disagreeing that a lot of the other hype, courses and products around meditation might not be overrated or opportunistic money grabs. But that goes for anything really.

Like most things, different people may experience differing levels of success, and some people just won't be suited to it at all. Some studies may reflect this and show no benefits of meditation for certain individuals or particular clinical populations. I would however find it very unlikely that studies had shown any statistically significant negative effects of meditation, as in making someone significantly worse. That kind of comment, and the majority of your post, is definitely paranoid conspiracy theory territory.
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May 8, 2020
There is evil in the world.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I'd guess that it mainly works well for people who don't have any significant problems and it probably works as a placebo. I personally found mindfulness meditation(spent a year) mostly a waste of time and found it harmful because it exacerbated my dissociative symptoms for the most part. I did however try loving-kindness meditation a few times and found it slightly useful so that's something.

I agree that people need to stop peddling everything as a cure though especially to people who are traumatized. It's the same as when "normal" people constantly promote psychology as a positive influence for mental issues when it couldn't be farther from the truth.
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
I tried one of those mindfulness courses. It was unfortunately quite infantilising. I do believe, though, that we overthink and overcomplicate everything. Intelligence is a curse. The smarter you are the more likely you will experience depression. I truly envy companion animals like cats and dogs. They simply are, and don't fret about it. They've achieved nirvana simply by being. They don't have the capacity to get as neurotic about it all as we do.
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or Abi for short
Jun 24, 2020
Unfortunately I have way too much personal experience with the kind of new age toxic positivity you're talking about. The way I grew up it was like a being in a cult that I've had to deprogram myself from. Too much weirdness to go through in one post but most of it centered around learning to "manifest" your ideal life and health just with your thoughts.

My parents were deep into a something called The Avatar Course (unfortunately very much not like the movie) started by a man named Harry Palmer. He was a former scientologist and the course was essentially new age scientology-lite. They spent tens of thousands of dollars on multiple courses, but it was ok because it was an investment that had unlimited returns because of all the awesome things they would be able to manifest. The main thing I got from the one time I attended was years of feeling even more broken than I already was. I remember there was one exercise where you had to sit in front of another person and go through a series of positive affirmations until you believed them all. I was the only person there who never got past the first one which was something like "I love myself." By the end of the day I was crying and felt so much worse about myself. Last I heard, those courses are still happening around the world.

My parents were also deep into spiritual teachings that were channeled, especially those of Esther Hicks (channels a group of entities who call themselves Abraham), Darryl Anka (channels an extraterrestrial called Bashar), and Neil Donald Walsh (channeled God). So much wierdness. Makes me want to make a separate post to see if there are others on here who went through anything like it. It was so isolating.

It ended up warping my mind and lead me to make so many mistakes in life that aren't fixable. I was always afraid of ridiculous things like if I took action on anything, without a positive attitude about it, it wouldn't work out. Teaching your child those kinds of things is one sure way to make sure they turn out mentally ill. My mom still tries to gently tell me I could make my life better if I would just use the right "techniques" that she is 100% certain are "scientifically proven."

With that said though, there legitimate studies showing that meditation can change your brain if it's done right. BUT that doesn't mean its for everyone. I know I don't care for it too much because of the trauma I went through.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
My two cents on this is yes, I think a lot of the hippie stuff, toxic positivity crap is mostly junk as it's just stuff for people to feel good about themselves and delude themselves that the world is a great place, while there are more people suffering. As for meditation, it can be helpful and what helps even more is self-awareness and introspection into things. I do believe that if more people exercised introspection on themselves, question the world around them, and have more self-awareness, we would certainly go a long way, better than where we are today.
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Jul 26, 2020
Meditation is good and i would it do more often or even daily if my knees wouldnt hurt so much while doing it. Just ignore the spirituality/religion that is associated with it.
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Feb 4, 2020
Meditation is good and i would it do more often or even daily if my knees wouldnt hurt so much while doing it. Just ignore the spirituality/religion that is associated with it.

The actual positioning isn't the crucial part of it. You can do it seated in a chair or lying down if preferred.
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Mar 31, 2020
I disagree. I have serious mental health issues due to past trauma, and I meditate almost daily. I've been meditating for almost 4 years now. I used to meditate for 40 minutes/day, but now I aim for 15-30 minutes a day in order to sustain the habit. I find great solace, peace, and healing in my meditative practice. I notice a huge difference in my stress levels, my anxiety, and my ability to regulate my emotions on days when I meditate. I used to have obsessive thoughts, thought loops, and "critical inner voices" that would loop in my head constantly. Those are nearly gone now, and when I do experience them, I'm able to recognize them in the moment and "detach" from them until they pass instead of getting sucked into the spiral. I also sleep better as well.

Occasionally, I skip a day, and I can feel the pent up tension "stuck" inside. I couldn't imagine abandoning my meditative practice, honestly. I've been able to rescue myself from intense, hours-long bouts of suicidal despair, anguish, and anxiety with a meditation session. It may sound "too good to be true" on paper, but here's the thing: Like any practice, it takes time to reap the benefits of your efforts. It takes consistent effort meditating for a few months before you really start to recognize the effects. Most people don't have the patience or the wherewithal to sit there each day, seemingly "doing nothing", but you have to before meditation really begins to bear fruit in a really noticeable way.

Also, meditation isn't about trying to be happy. It's about focusing on the breath and allowing your moment-to-moment thoughts to simply pass without identifying with them, arguing with them, or reacting to them, thus cultivating a state of acceptance.

I can tell you from my own experience: it's not bullshit. Perhaps for you, it is. And, that's fine. But, to write off the entire concept is very ignorant, imo. If you can stick to it consistently enough to work through the awkward beginning stage, I believe that meditation can enhance a person's life in some notable and unexpected ways. If you can't or don't want to, then yes, you may find that meditation isn't a useful practice for you. It's not for everyone because everyone is different.

But, I can say for myself that it's been life-changing and has offered me an access door to inner peace and calm that I'd have never experienced otherwise.

Speak for yourself
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Jun 1, 2020
Well, the first thing is that New Age is mostly nonsense but it doesn't deserve to be incorporated with meditation. There is a difference between saying "essential oils make your life better because of natural healing energy liquid" and "meditation makes your life better because it's serene". It's like one of those Zen Gardens, people will say it makes their life better, and they're right (important: their life, not everyone who has a Zen Garden), but not because Zen Gardens have secret healing ability. It's because it makes them calm and happy. Such can be said about meditation, there's no secret to it, it's just calming to the people who practice it. Most of New Age on the other hand is making grossly unscientific claims about conditions and asserting everyone will benefit from it. Meditation is not like that, it is merely a hobby some people like more than others.
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Nov 7, 2019
Meditation helps me to calm my mind but I feel suicidal anyway so it's like a distraction from suicidal thoughts.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
-unpopular opinion.
People say shit like it'll make you calmer etc... Let´s be real here. Meditation is today's form of a new age prayer.

This is bs. Meditation is used for thousands of years, New Age term dates back to the 19th century.
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Apr 16, 2020
Nah I disagree. Meditation is key. It calms your mind
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I'd suggest you kick it down a notch with the conspiracy thinking.
Just like anything else, meditation effects different people differently.
I'm also not into the conspiracy crap. I find that mindful meditation helps me deal with my social anxiety disorder. It's the only way I can function in day to day life. The everything is horrible ideology some have on here makes me uncomfortable. Most things affect different individuals in different ways.

Exactly this.

There have been a wealth of studies which have shown meditation can have health benefits. Note that the studies (and I) am referring to meditation as the basic activity, as in sitting or laying down undisturbed, eyes closed, focusing on breath, music, counting or something similar. I'm not disagreeing that a lot of the other hype, courses and products around meditation might not be overrated or opportunistic money grabs. But that goes for anything really.

Like most things, different people may experience differing levels of success, and some people just won't be suited to it at all. Some studies may reflect this and show no benefits of meditation for certain individuals or particular clinical populations. I would however find it very unlikely that studies had shown any statistically significant negative effects of meditation, as in making someone significantly worse. That kind of comment, and the majority of your post, is definitely paranoid conspiracy theory territory.
Umm, did someone only just discover how to bold and underline? No wait, this is how you always post. Sigh. Good points though. The op never actually linked us to any studies for verification. Just because I SAY I have a Lamborghini doesn't mean you should let me take you for a ride.
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Feb 5, 2020
I personally enjoy meditation because for me, it's like tripping without drugs. All I have to do is close my eyes and focus and immediately the visual noise appears and then quickly comes the alternating shapes and phosphenes which then turn into actual objects and faces. This is where the auditory hallucinations come in as well as detailed scenes. The first time I got to this point from meditation, I saw Dan Conner (Roseanne) walk into their living room. Not sure why my mind went there lol. I sometimes get distracted because I'll hear someone knocking or coming into the room and I'll open my eyes to check if they actually did. At some point, physical sensations begin. They can be downright euphoric. It's usually falling sensations or being lifted into the air, roller coaster type sensations. It's pretty much exactly like hypnagogia, except you're more aware. Many people have hypnagogic hallucinations when falling asleep. When I do this with the intention of sleeping afterward, it takes me straight into a more vivid, lucid dream while still experiencing all the pleasurable sensations. I have some weird brain things going on though, so I don't know how many people have this same experience. I've read somewhere that this tends to only happen with experienced meditators, but I am definitely not that.
Of course, I'm not sure if what I do is truly meditation. I don't focus on breathing. I only focus on the back of my eye lids. It's definitely not any kind of spiritual, transcendental experience for me. It's merely hallucinating, without any kind of new age influence (or drugs).
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
When I meditate I always see an eye looking back at me. Just a calm unemotional eye.
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Lucid Dreamer
May 30, 2019
Meditation is highly individualized. Not everybody will react the same to it, so your perspective is reasonable in finding it and other New Age stuff bunk.

I always used meditation not for calming purposes (yoga does that more effectively for me imho), but for me it's a preparation for absolute nothingness. I have hopes for an afterlife, but if my consciousness bleeds into nothingness, I don't want to be afraid or rage against it, I want to accept it. Same with sensory deprivation tanks. It looks like bullshit to me imho and some people have been personally changed by it, but for me it's the ultimate form of experiencing nothingness. Expensive though, but I want to try it.


Jun 29, 2020
I like woo-woo stuff. It's one of my guilty pleasures. I think there is some merit in new age thinking, mostly due to the placebo effect. And the law of assumption works by assuming the state you want to accomplish, so you internalize and behave as if you already achieved something. In that case, it can boost your confidence and/or work ethic which directly leads to results.

There is a lot of grifting in the industry though. There are a couple of very good videos by James Jani discussing this aspect. It's definitely a problem of people taking this concept and profiting off of people experiencing misfortune.

As for meditation - guided meditation and hypnosis help me fall asleep. I also use yoga nidra midday to get a non sleep rest session in to boost my energy when I get tired but need to keep doing homework.

There is no cure for mental issues, for laziness or bad habits. But slow and steady incremental changes to behaviour can improve your condition.
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Dec 16, 2020
I do not believe in the law of attraction "wish boards"...then when it doesn't happen they always have the answer how you were not in a "good place".
Oh please. So if you are 100% positive and something goes wrong - it is your fault. I am speaking from experience, I have been 100% positive and SHIT CAME, so it was my fault?? I totally don't buy into this anymore. It's been a huge disappointment for me. Esther Hicks...yeah really....I thought 100% positivity somehow shields me from problems and that bad people are not on my "vibration" and that nothing bad will happen to me as I am not vibrating that. I guess it was CONTRAST then! God, nothing makes sense. Its just a philosophy loop. Everything will be fine cuz youre on that vibration but then, shit will happen because you're incompetent or it is contrast. It really makes no sense. But is a great "philosophy" to sell.
Fake it until you make it? But what if you don't make it? Stupid! Then I guess you're not doing it well enough!
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Feb 6, 2021
Oh please. So if you are 100% positive and something goes wrong - it is your fault. I am speaking from experience, I have been 100% positive and SHIT CAME, so it was my fault?? ... I thought 100% positivity somehow shields me from problems and that bad people are not on my "vibration" and that nothing bad will happen to me as I am not vibrating that.
I never quite understood this "negative things come from negative thinking, because you attarct them" etc., like what about literal babies that get abused? Did they also have too many negative thouhgts or what? What about animals? Also it's totally unfair because it's almost victim blaming, of course if you're in a bad situation you're going to be a lot more likely to think negatively, it's just how it is. If you get treated like shit or have a terrible life negative thoughts are bound to come along with it. But by their logic that would just mean you get more and more shit because you've been through shit, while people who had carefree lives and little reason to think negatively are apparently rewarded.
It also funnily enough conflicts with the "if bad things happen to you, good things will also happen" like the yin and yang kind of thing, what goes up must come down etc. that usually gets thrown around a lot.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of rhetoric is clearly bullshit, but unfortunately not quite uncommon. The only way I can see it work is for people with smaller problems maybe, because I guess it might lead them to stay more positive and motivated to do something.
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Dec 16, 2020
I never quite understood this "negative things come from negative thinking, because you attarct them" etc., like what about literal babies that get abused? Did they also have too many negative thouhgts or what? What about animals? Also it's totally unfair because it's almost victim blaming, of course if you're in a bad situation you're going to be a lot more likely to think negatively, it's just how it is. If you get treated like shit or have a terrible life negative thoughts are bound to come along with it. But by their logic that would just mean you get more and more shit because you've been through shit, while people who had carefree lives and little reason to think negatively are apparently rewarded.
It also funnily enough conflicts with the "if bad things happen to you, good things will also happen" like the yin and yang kind of thing, what goes up must come down etc. that usually gets thrown around a lot.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of rhetoric is clearly bullshit, but unfortunately not quite uncommon. The only way I can see it work is for people with smaller problems maybe, because I guess it might lead them to stay more positive and motivated to do something.
The funny thing is they do not claim that "bad" things wouldn't happen, it's a part of a "contrast" and then you'll have to think pink and it will all be solved. If it's not, it's your fault.

but then again it is somehow in contradiction with the claim that you hve to be on "the right vibration" for something to manifest but yet that "right vibration" doesn't prevent shit or "contrast" manifesting to you??!! But all in all CONTRAST WILL BE SOLVED THROUGH THINK PINK METHOD.

What if due to contrast you end up in a wheelchair. Then you'll have to be on "the right vibration" to get out of it... if not, it's your fault clearly...

It's just bullshit rethoric...
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
Read Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy. Don't bother with new age "gurus" and don't spend money on anyone.
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
Yeah I did and I think it's bullshit (Joseph Murphy)
If you really tried it and didn't see your fruits, alright. I don't think it's bullshit, but I cannot try to go through with it. I cannot try anything anymore

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