I want to die, to be dead to not exist forever. I believe after Death I will not exist forever. that's what i want. However the problem with trying to kill yourself without assistance is higher risk of failure and remaining alive with brain damage.
most suicide attempts fail. i think it's 29 attempts per suicide . I've seen many fail here. i've heard of many their si calling the hospital after N or sn ingestion. I don't know about most people but i';m not in perfect control of my brain. I or part of my brain says i want to need to work on my suicide method and plan or do some task and i end up watching dumb youtube videos that have nothing to do with my goals or problems.
suicide is very difficult and they've made it much more difficult by making assisted suicide , nembutal , suicide kits etc crimes.
There are many reasons i want to die. To avoid future pain. to avoid old age. there is no objective reason for me to live. there is no objective purpose to life or objective reason to want to live imo . I was brought here against my will witout my consent. imo life is an imposition / torture / slavery / prison / opression / old age / diseases / problems / threat of unbearable pain and many more horrible things.
I don't know it seem Mark Twain thinks that death is non-existence and that non-existence is not bad.
Smart guy. lived in the 1800's and knew he was dead for billions of years non-existent without all the science to back all that up in the next 150 years. Darwin also , Zapphe , mainlander , Shopenhaur, Thomas ligotti, and another philosohper who shot himself Carlo Michelstaedter was great, i agree with these . Also efil blaise .
part of my brain sees the logic of non-existence. in non-existence all my problems are solved and I can't have any problems ever, I can't suffer unbearable pain never, never suffer , never have to do anything. However in horrible life and this evil world there are 1000's of horrible things i hate like old age , cancer , diseases, oppression, suicide prohibition , lies , having to work , chores , responsibilities, having to deal with humans, problems , suffering, ticks, accidents , stroke , kidnapping torture, brain damage, chores, taking out trash , many more..... in non-existence i would be free from all those hells and that hell which is life. I don't think any of the supposed "good" or "fun" crap things are worth the worst torture imaginable nor even all that work i have to do every day for no reason no purpose. all those "fun:" things imo are just addictions.
And also it's not like any one has a choice because every human will die. you can't choose not to die because everyone will die sooner or later and imo not exist forever. i could choose to stay alive for a while longer and suffer and then die anyway whether i kill myself or not i will die anyway. And after death i won't remember anything that happened