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Feb 10, 2024
I'm not angry with you.

Therapy exists because people outsourced the hard parts of the relationship they have with others to someone they've never met who will never care about them. Literally they just care about the money. People don't want to be vulnerable so they pay someone so they don't have to. Like ive said before and I'll say it again somewhat sarcastically and without any personal experience. Hire a prostitute they'll likely be more discreet and you'll have a better chance of leaving with a happy ending. Or better yet find friends that actually give a shit. But that's going extinct.
That's a huge generalisation and certainly untrue at least in the UK because most MH workers are on a surprisingly low wage. The only one I've come across who didn't seem to care was a psychologist with the crisis team who was terrible, but she seems to have gone now. I think there must be a lot of burnout for people working in that field. I can only speak as I find and maybe it's more because I'm comparing them with all the people who've been in my life in the past, but apart from that psychologist, every single MH worker I've had contact have been very compassionate and caring. In fact they are the most caring people I've ever come across in my life by far. I didn't know people like that existed.
I'm not angry with you.

Therapy exists because people outsourced the hard parts of the relationship they have with others to someone they've never met who will never care about them. Literally they just care about the money. People don't want to be vulnerable so they pay someone so they don't have to. Like ive said before and I'll say it again somewhat sarcastically and without any personal experience. Hire a prostitute they'll likely be more discreet and you'll have a better chance of leaving with a happy ending. Or better yet find friends that actually give a shit. But that's going extinct.
Yeah well you said that sort of thing about my dad and had to retract because he was amazing and just gave too much to others, so just stop your bile.
I'm not too bad, thanks for asking. How are you ?

Did not mean for this to turn into a therapist/mh professional hating thread but oh well …
One of those people hating on MH workers did the same about doctors in general and was vile about my deceased father before apologising when I called them out so I wouldn't listen to them. That particular one is extremely toxic and harmful.
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Apr 18, 2023
That's a huge generalisation and certainly untrue at least in the UK because most MH workers are on a surprisingly low wage. The only one I've come across who didn't seem to care was a psychologist with the crisis team who was terrible, but she seems to have gone now. I think there must be a lot of burnout for people working in that field. I can only speak as I find and maybe it's more because I'm comparing them with all the people who've been in my life in the past, but apart from that psychologist, every single MH worker I've had contact have been very compassionate and caring. In fact they are the most caring people I've ever come across in my life by far. I didn't know people like that existed.
Really? Which part? The people not caring about people and outsourcing. Pretty sure that's true. Before therapists guess what people talked to each other. We just don't do that now. Now you *pay* someone to listen to you for an hour. Then leave. They are hookers but for your emotions. Ironically hookers also deal with emotions but they also offer other services. I did some googling where if being apart of this website doesn't put me on a list the Google search certainly will. Apparently the worldwide price of a prostitute is 260$ and therapy 110-200$ so not far off. I find the fact therapy needs to exist beyond extreme examples to be a horrible testament to humans.

At least if you go to a doctor they maybe do something. A therapist just sits there and maybe listens. Nothing constructive, no solutions, just an outlook to hear you talk. Shouldn't that be the minimum of what friendships and relationships are. Like what the hell are humans doing.
Yeah well you said that sort of thing about my dad and had to retract because he was amazing and just gave too much to others, so just stop your bile.
I go where the evidence leads me. Right now the evidence leads me to my conclusions. Met with evidence to the contrary ill go there.

That said I've known enough doctors and future doctors to populate a small town. So I think I have a good sample size. Especially given the international nature of where I've worked and studied.

Nurses? Well I've known probably a similar amount. Though psych ward specific nurses given the context I'll never be convinced it isn't about power. Treatment is an afterthought. Caring? Pft God no. Like I bet the proportion of psych nurses who are also domanintrixs and have trippy dom bdsm kinks is unbelievably outsized.

Also I don't want to repost the video but you can find videos in the UK of nurses etc literally torturing people in care facilities. Like straight up torture. No one gave a shit. It was even reported and no one cared. It took smuggled video footage going to the news before it was even investigated.

In the UK there was *20,000* reports of rape and sexual assault in mental health facilities in the UK in the last five years. Or 4,000 cases a year. Oh would you look at that. An absolutely horrific and disturbing amount. Weird like I said before outsized amount are sexual deviants. But yeah please tell me again how these people are so good.

Edit: I found what I think is the appropriate number of people who visit the psych ward in Britain. In 2021 that number was 141,000 or roughly 1 in every 7 psych ward patients are raped or sexually assaulted. In all of Britain the number of people who are raped or sexually assaulted every year is 85,000. And roughly 2%.

Then factor in you are monitored by a team 24/7. How the hell does it even happen once a year let alone 4,000 times. It's sickening.
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Feb 10, 2024
Really? Which part? The people not caring about people and outsourcing. Pretty sure that's true. Before therapists guess what people talked to each other. We just don't do that now. Now you *pay* someone to listen to you for an hour. Then leave. They are hookers but for your emotions. Ironically hookers also deal with emotions but they also offer other services. I did some googling where if being apart of this website doesn't put me on a list the Google search certainly will. Apparently the worldwide price of a prostitute is 260$ and therapy 110-200$ so not far off. I find the fact therapy needs to exist beyond extreme examples to be a horrible testament to humans.

At least if you go to a doctor they maybe do something. A therapist just sits there and maybe listens. Nothing constructive, no solutions, just an outlook to hear you talk. Shouldn't that be the minimum of what friendships and relationships are. Like what the hell are humans doing.

I go where the evidence leads me. Right now the evidence leads me to my conclusions. Met with evidence to the contrary ill go there.

That said I've known enough doctors and future doctors to populate a small town. So I think I have a good sample size. Especially given the international nature of where I've worked and studied.

Nurses? Well I've known probably a similar amount. Though psych ward specific nurses given the context I'll never be convinced it isn't about power. Treatment is an afterthought. Caring? Pft God no. Like I bet the proportion of psych nurses who are also domanintrixs and have trippy dom bdsm kinks is unbelievably outsized.

Also I don't want to repost the video but you can find videos in the UK of nurses etc literally torturing people in care facilities. Like straight up torture. No one gave a shit. It was even reported and no one cared. It took smuggled video footage going to the news before it was even investigated.

In the UK there was *20,000* reports of rape and sexual assault in mental health facilities in the UK in the last five years. Or 4,000 cases a year. Oh would you look at that. An absolutely horrific and disturbing amount. Weird like I said before outsized amount are sexual deviants. But yeah please tell me again how these people are so good.
I have never had anyone in my life who've cared about me like my MH workers. And you haven't known all those doctors and nurses, You've known trainees. Very different. And yet again I have to tell you (is it an inconvenience to your narrative?) - in the UK the people working in NHS mental health services are employed by the NHS, and are free to the uk population. So they work in a job, just like anyone else. The difference is that their job is difficult, skilled and sometimes dangerous and they don't earn much money.
I agree, there are some horrific reports about some psychiatric hospitals. Luckily very few people are sectioned because there is a huge shortage of beds.
But to state as you do that all doctors, nurses, and mental health workers in the UK are prostitutes and uncaring on the basis that you attended medical school for a few years and not to the end of the course is disgusting.
You upset me greatly last time with your taunts and denigration of my deceased father, a lovely man who gave so much to medicine as a doctor that he couldn't cope and attempted ctb multiple times as a result. What was it you said? "if you father was so amazing like you say, how come you are on here? He couldn't have been that great could he". You are a disgusting individual. You are toxic. Timedodie24 has been courageous and, unlike you, caring of others. How dare you try to attempt to dissuade her from seeking help. People like you are yet another reason why the public want this site shut down. If you want to do your own thread to vent your toxic opinions, go ahead. But don't destroy the future of other users who quite rightly want a chance to recover. And stop bleating about things you know nothing about just because you have some residual beef about being thrown off a medical course.
I'm sorry @timetodie24 . That vile creature brokeandbroken and I have hijacked your thread with our argument. Please please don't listen to him. He's just bitter because he was thrown off a medical course. I'm going to stop reading and taking part in posts on the suicide discussion board for now and I'm going to continue my own thread on the Sanctuary from now on, because I'm doing well (thanks to my very caring mental health teams @brokeandbroken) and I'm not jeopardising that for the sake of one nasty individual who thinks its ok to attack and badmouth the deceased loved parent of another sasu user (me). I'm still fine, healthy and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, and if you're worried in case I've been harmed by the system, feel free to pm me every so often to check (I would pm you to let you know but I don't want to be a nuisance). Keep going, stay strong and caring like you have been, and the EIP team are your best friends and your best way out of this right now, and don't let anyone tell you different. Very best wishes and good luck. It'll be ok. xxxx
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Aug 18, 2024
I'm not too bad, thanks for asking. How are you ?

Did not mean for this to turn into a therapist/mh professional hating thread but oh well …
From what you've mentioned - I do think you probably have psychosis, or something similar. I'm not an expert, just someone who has known many people who have had very similar thoughts to yours who were diagnosed with psychosis/schizophrenia/etc. They got treatment, they got better, and importantly no one suffered because they got better.

However, if I can just say, you're handling this situation with such grace. I know I probably can't convince you of anything mental health related, but maybe I can convince you that the world would not be better off without you based on how kind you come across in this thread, and with your intentions to ctb simply because you don't want other people to get hurt. Whether or not your reason for ctbing is rooted in reality is irrelevant when it comes down to the fact that you are worried about others to the point that you are willing to die to protect them. That is such a genuine kindness, such a sign of humanity. For that reason alone I hope you get better and have a beautiful life.

Also - this is such a shitty thread for people to hijack, lmao. Yeah, some MH workers aren't great. I've had many who did not do a good job. I also had many who did a GREAT job given the limited resources they had access to. We hate when suicidal people are treated like a monolith - why do the same to mental health professionals? There are some good, some bad. Hopefully we keep progressing to a future with increased quality of care.

Anyways, OP. I wish you the best, genuinely. I am so glad you're still keeping up with your mental health appointments, and I am also so sad to hear about the ways that mental health care has failed you in the past. It's so unfair how many people fall through the cracks. I really hope one day you'll be able to look back at this moment and see that even in such a tragic circumstance, you remained kind and empathetic. Many people couldn't say the same thing. Sending you so much love.
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Apr 14, 2023
I have never had anyone in my life who've cared about me like my MH workers. And you haven't known all those doctors and nurses, You've known trainees. Very different. And yet again I have to tell you (is it an inconvenience to your narrative?) - in the UK the people working in NHS mental health services are employed by the NHS, and are free to the uk population. So they work in a job, just like anyone else. The difference is that their job is difficult, skilled and sometimes dangerous and they don't earn much money.
I agree, there are some horrific reports about some psychiatric hospitals. Luckily very few people are sectioned because there is a huge shortage of beds.
But to state as you do that all doctors, nurses, and mental health workers in the UK are prostitutes and uncaring on the basis that you attended medical school for a few years and not to the end of the course is disgusting.
You upset me greatly last time with your taunts and denigration of my deceased father, a lovely man who gave so much to medicine as a doctor that he couldn't cope and attempted ctb multiple times as a result. What was it you said? "if you father was so amazing like you say, how come you are on here? He couldn't have been that great could he". You are a disgusting individual. You are toxic. Timedodie24 has been courageous and, unlike you, caring of others. How dare you try to attempt to dissuade her from seeking help. People like you are yet another reason why the public want this site shut down. If you want to do your own thread to vent your toxic opinions, go ahead. But don't destroy the future of other users who quite rightly want a chance to recover. And stop bleating about things you know nothing about just because you have some residual beef about being thrown off a medical course.
I'm sorry @timetodie24 . That vile creature brokeandbroken and I have hijacked your thread with our argument. Please please don't listen to him. He's just bitter because he was thrown off a medical course. I'm going to stop reading and taking part in posts on the suicide discussion board for now and I'm going to continue my own thread on the Sanctuary from now on, because I'm doing well (thanks to my very caring mental health teams @brokeandbroken) and I'm not jeopardising that for the sake of one nasty individual who thinks its ok to attack and badmouth the deceased loved parent of another sasu user (me). I'm still fine, healthy and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, and if you're worried in case I've been harmed by the system, feel free to pm me every so often to check (I would pm you to let you know but I don't want to be a nuisance). Keep going, stay strong and caring like you have been, and the EIP team are your best friends and your best way out of this right now, and don't let anyone tell you different. Very best wishes and good luck. It'll be ok. xxxx
Thank you for your kindness, understanding and support as always. I'm sorry for all the shit you got for commenting on my thread and that it was triggering stuff for you. That is absolutely vile what they said about your dad. i'm so sorry 😢. And i'm sorry that this thread has dragged that up again .
Sorry i don't have many words atm but thinking of you .
And thank you so much for all your empathy and compassion , even when more shits being thrown at you 🫂❤️
Take good care of yourself
From what you've mentioned - I do think you probably have psychosis, or something similar. I'm not an expert, just someone who has known many people who have had very similar thoughts to yours who were diagnosed with psychosis/schizophrenia/etc. They got treatment, they got better, and importantly no one suffered because they got better.

However, if I can just say, you're handling this situation with such grace. I know I probably can't convince you of anything mental health related, but maybe I can convince you that the world would not be better off without you based on how kind you come across in this thread, and with your intentions to ctb simply because you don't want other people to get hurt. Whether or not your reason for ctbing is rooted in reality is irrelevant when it comes down to the fact that you are worried about others to the point that you are willing to die to protect them. That is such a genuine kindness, such a sign of humanity. For that reason alone I hope you get better and have a beautiful life.

Also - this is such a shitty thread for people to hijack, lmao. Yeah, some MH workers aren't great. I've had many who did not do a good job. I also had many who did a GREAT job given the limited resources they had access to. We hate when suicidal people are treated like a monolith - why do the same to mental health professionals? There are some good, some bad. Hopefully we keep progressing to a future with increased quality of care.

Anyways, OP. I wish you the best, genuinely. I am so glad you're still keeping up with your mental health appointments, and I am also so sad to hear about the ways that mental health care has failed you in the past. It's so unfair how many people fall through the cracks. I really hope one day you'll be able to look back at this moment and see that even in such a tragic circumstance, you remained kind and empathetic. Many people couldn't say the same thing. Sending you so much love.
thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful response. I really appreciate it and your well wishes ❤️

Yes far too many people are here have very extreme black and white views. I get that people are ( understandably) angry at the world and people who let them down. But yeah no excuse to attack people or tell others how they should feel, what they should do etc.
All professionals have the capacity to harm or to help, yes too many go in for the wrong reasons but many also dedicate themselves to helping people as much as possible in terrible healthcare systems. Humans are so complicated so you can't shove people into boxes like that.
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Apr 18, 2023
I have never had anyone in my life who've cared about me like my MH workers. And you haven't known all those doctors and nurses, You've known trainees. Very different. And yet again I have to tell you (is it an inconvenience to your narrative?) - in the UK the people working in NHS mental health services are employed by the NHS, and are free to the uk population. So they work in a job, just like anyone else. The difference is that their job is difficult, skilled and sometimes dangerous and they don't earn much money.
I agree, there are some horrific reports about some psychiatric hospitals. Luckily very few people are sectioned because there is a huge shortage of beds.
But to state as you do that all doctors, nurses, and mental health workers in the UK are prostitutes and uncaring on the basis that you attended medical school for a few years and not to the end of the course is disgusting.
You upset me greatly last time with your taunts and denigration of my deceased father, a lovely man who gave so much to medicine as a doctor that he couldn't cope and attempted ctb multiple times as a result. What was it you said? "if you father was so amazing like you say, how come you are on here? He couldn't have been that great could he". You are a disgusting individual. You are toxic. Timedodie24 has been courageous and, unlike you, caring of others. How dare you try to attempt to dissuade her from seeking help. People like you are yet another reason why the public want this site shut down. If you want to do your own thread to vent your toxic opinions, go ahead. But don't destroy the future of other users who quite rightly want a chance to recover. And stop bleating about things you know nothing about just because you have some residual beef about being thrown off a medical course.
I'm sorry @timetodie24 . That vile creature brokeandbroken and I have hijacked your thread with our argument. Please please don't listen to him. He's just bitter because he was thrown off a medical course. I'm going to stop reading and taking part in posts on the suicide discussion board for now and I'm going to continue my own thread on the Sanctuary from now on, because I'm doing well (thanks to my very caring mental health teams @brokeandbroken) and I'm not jeopardising that for the sake of one nasty individual who thinks its ok to attack and badmouth the deceased loved parent of another sasu user (me). I'm still fine, healthy and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, and if you're worried in case I've been harmed by the system, feel free to pm me every so often to check (I would pm you to let you know but I don't want to be a nuisance). Keep going, stay strong and caring like you have been, and the EIP team are your best friends and your best way out of this right now, and don't let anyone tell you different. Very best wishes and good luck. It'll be ok. xxxx
Except I also worked under many doctors. Also people don't change. Going from "trainee" to doctor changes nothing. They are still the same person.

I never said doctors or nurses were prostitutes. I said therapists are prostitutes for your emotions. Which they essentially are.

You call me vile yet I never attacked you. In fact you've attacked me far more. Yet you called me disgusting? I apologized what I said about their dad. This has nothing to do with it. Literally nothing. 1 in 7 people being raped or sexually assaulted when things are almost entirely on video and there's a team looking after you. The number is 6-7x the rate of the general population in Britain.

Also how dare you say I'm uncaring. You don't know me and you absolutely don't know what I've seen and been through. I've relayed my experiences and what the numbers says. You seem to take issue with what I say about the medical profession. Yet I've worked in it, I've studied it, I've been a part of it, I've been up close and personal in it, I've suffered because of it, and I've sought treatment from it. I know my personal experiences with it and frankly they are greater then yours. You want to argue content go for it. But don't personally insult me because you can't handle the truth. The truth is in the UK what is happening is vile and disgusting. Yet I'm attacked because I bring it up? Fuck you for trying to prevent needed change.
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Apr 14, 2023
Could this thread be locked by a mod please ? Not sure who to tag.

Just getting derailed, strayed far from my original posts and arguments going to be upsetting people.


Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020

Not helpful and very rude towards @timetodie24 .
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