

:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
My mom tells everyone that I'm cured somehow. Maybe cause I'm not as thin as I used to be.. Everytime I have a panic attack she thinks I'm just acting so I can be lazy.. I hear it often that I'm starting to think she's right. I really need to get out..
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Mar 31, 2021
My siblings don't give a rat's ass about me, they don't even care to ask about me, they are willfully oblivious when it comes to my suffering, and even when it comes to who I am, as a human being. They are absorbed in other people, with far more privilege and far less problems (yet far more vocal complaints), and seem to have some type of grudge against me with unknown origins. Or at least, that's how they have come across towards me during various events, or when I have been around them for extended periods of time. They were absolutely put off by my presence and the ways in which I tried to cope with things unimaginable to them.
Which is odd, because if anyone should have some type of resentment against family members, it should be me, above all others.

Let me put it into perspective for you.
If I was a dog-barren, beaten, and shaking on the street for a good decade-and their SO or best friend were so much as "chilly", they would have me turned into a fur coat on the spot.
I am nothing to them, I am a non-person, an embarrassment, and they act as if it's my fault.
I am the freak, I am the burden.
If I so much as broach the subject of my circumstances, even in an indirect way, I will be met with silence (or worse).
So I don't bother most of the time, or at all. (I've learned that only bad things come of it.) For the younger of them, I have had to walk on eggshells or not interact at all, besides generously, else I risk being called ugly for the millionth time. There were many times I did not speak up or argue with them, later in life, because of that imbedded fear of having my appearance and worth attacked. A low blow that I would not indulge in personally. Especially in a case such as mine, where there is underlying truth to that sort of insult.

They don't know how interesting of a person I am, or could be, given the opportunities and predominantly unfettered bodies they have been given..and they never will (know me.)
We could have so much in common or worth sharing with one another, but no one wants to meet me halfway, and to ask me to be the one to extend every kindness, is asking a lot of someone who was made to fear even being seen. I have learned that the only way for me to avoid excess trauma, is to hide and become a ghost.
In this way, it will be very easy for them to go about their business when I'm dead. Nothing much will change.

It's a shame, because despite my necessary isolation and hatred/mixed feelings, I still try to know who they are, even if it's only through my mother, at this age (we were close as young children, but not since).
They don't care if I'm suicidal or why, they don't care if I'm happy or sad, all they care about is being better than me, and stealing the crumbs out of my mouth, whilst having their other hand resting on the buffet table. My mother also gives a thousand more shits about them, than me, even though they wave her off the majority of the time. They are prizes to be coveted and won, I am not.

My parents..well my father is extremely antagonistic when it comes to the subject, I have given up all hope when it comes to him, he complains about only being "used" for money when in actuality, he makes it a pain in the ass to get even the bare minimum of a stable, healthy home environment, and even calls people all types of names when the bare necessities are asked for. He doesn't offer any type of emotional support, he offers the exact opposite, so he only has himself to blame for his type of worth to the family. Plus, he's the parent, if he didn't want kids, or if he wanted perfect children that require nothing, then he shouldn't have procreated. (Same for my mother).

My father has literally mimicked me when I've cried, and enjoys frustrating me to the point of stuttering, he tattles on me to my mother as if I'm his sibling or something, he threatens the ambulance when I so much as cry, yet he is destructive and loud every single day and night. He is obviously not happy with his own life. I understand bitterness and resentment towards people that have more, especially when it's mostly due to things outside of our control, but that's not the case for me, in relation to him. I am destroyed and suffering, I have succeeded in absolutely nothing and I'm too old for my life to be salvageable.
He has even described me as a person who doesn't exist, such that he justifies not providing for me to the level he would be required to if I were living a "normal" life.
Yet he still treats me worse than any other person relative to him, it makes absolutely no sense besides the fact that I am an easy target and he likes to kick a dead horse.
I am the kindest to him overall, despite fights where I was rightfully pissed, I have nothing that would make anyone jealous or feel bad about themselves..I'm the type of person who walks into a room and makes everyone else feel instantly superior. So where his vitriol toward me, in particular, is coming from, I have no fucking idea.
I'm sick of him, I will not share my suicidality, or much else, with him ever again. I just avoid him now-as much as humanly possible. He has already asked me why I "haven't done it yet" as if I'm bluffing, despite the insane amount of evidence to the contrary. If nothing else, it should be clear to my parents, that I am a fucking miserable and desperate human being who has lost all their youthful years to a torturous situation.

My mother has been pretty terrible to me regarding my predicament, as well. Some
of the memories of how dismissive and blaming she was toward me, still haunt me at night. And at the time of those moments, I was a blubbering mess.
Now, looking back, I wish I had socked her in the face. (And done a lot worse to my father)
I know she lies to me about various things-because she doesn't like my reactions to hurtful news/subject matter. She doesn't let me feel and cry, without giving me a cold, hard stare, refusing to reply or comment on my endless lament, she has also threatened abandonment and cursed me out multiple times, but I'm sure she would deny it, as she has to my face.
She twists facts and alters the past so that she can avoid being frustrated with my response to the truth.
I don't trust her, she goes back and forth, she constantly pulls the rug out from under me and wavers in her support or "type" of support. When something upsets me, her answer is to rub it in my face further, to raise her voice and get mean or crazy herself.
Even well off people who cause me pain and excess torture, she makes sure I know she likes these people and will defend those who don't need to be defended, against her most unfortunate child.
I think there is a part of her that is glad her daughter can't outshine her, both her and my father take advantage of the fact that I can barely function, that I'm ugly and broken and reluctantly dependent.
The only reasoning to the contrary is that they are still ashamed of me, angry that they have to avoid the topic of one of their children in conversations (to which I say, boo fucking hoo, that's hardly something to whine about and censure me for.)

The subject of 'me' is a humiliating one.
I'm the scapegoat, I am the blame doll, I wonder what they will do with themselves when I'm gone. Probably still blame my dusty cremains, one way or another. (And it will be no different with my extended family, they will likely chalk me down as "mentally ill" and call it a day, absolving themselves of any guilt.)

I have begged so many times for certain wishes to be respected, and my mother has promised to respect them, but I can hardly believe her when even the requests I make while alive, are ignored for over a year (of me asking nearly every other day). She makes vows and sees how much distress certain things cause me, yet still presents the "oopsie" face when I confront her for continuing to engage in certain actions that directly shame and mortify me. She gets tired of my constant begging and pleading, yet won't just do what's necessary to lessen my pain. Requests I have every right to see met.

This might sound strange, after everything I just stated, but I will give my mother credit that she's better than anyone else is about the topic-AT TIMES-but even that took YEARS of exhaustive explanations of my waking nightmare, things that should not have to be explained AT ALL..and to make such little progress, culminating in but a fraction of what I would need to feel like I had a true, understanding confidant. Well, it's all pretty maddening.
The best I've gotten out of her is some reassurance that I will not be sent to the hospital every time I say I want to be dead (I can't say the same about anyone else in this disengaged family), she at least has come to the realization that that type of thing does me more harm than good, no good at all in fact.
She would probably be a good mother if she had an easy child who was more blessed genetically (and thus having more agreeable interactions with society and comfort in their own skin), but it's not my fault she decided to roll the dice with a human life, and got snake eyes.
The times where she is pleasant to be around, are the times I keep my mouth shut and internalize my constant worries and torment. And I just cannot do that any longer, even sporadically.
I'm so fucking tired.

Maybe at one point in time, I would have fought to exist, just out of spite for the lack of care I get from others, and the constant occurrence of me pouring out my woes to a brick wall..but not anymore, I'm done. This "life" is simply not worth living, I had a lot of ambition, endless dreams-once upon a time, and I've had to slowly grieve the permanent loss of it all. I will continue to grieve myself, time lost, who I could have been, what I could have achieved, even possible better relationships with the people I grew up with..but it is all for not. Now these grievances only serve their purpose in winding me down, on my path to the end.
I totally get this, other than the dad stuff ( mine was a complete bastard), I've been gaslighted so many times by my family, told I'm imagining etc. When I took my dad to court for abusing me, his barrister said I was the family scapegoat. It isn't much but to have outside people seeing what they've done to me has eased my feelings that I'm the irrational one who, because I'm suicidal, sees things that aren't there. I wonder who's fault it'll be once I'm gone?! Just wish I could ctb sooner rather than later
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
My parents and my brother know this, they have seen me suffer for years, despair of pain, cry tears of blood, they have even witnessed my suicide attempt, and my self-harming acts but nothing. The only thing they said to me was: "Don't you think about us?Why Do you want to thin our lives?stay still and good, we do not want to have problems. You will bring us shame and we will have to deal with the police etc ... We cannot allow you to kill yourself because then the blame goes to us." This only adds to my anger and hatred towards me. During my bouts of depression they behaved aggressively and impatiently, beating me up, yelling at me bad things "Go to hell", telling me everything bad. I think my family is incapable of loving, they don't know what it means to love, share, hug and show affection, care, sacrifice themselves.They showed all the worst in the moments where i was weak, fragile and needy for help and their love.They are arid people sentimentally, and I feel uncomfortable and profoundly alone with them, I would not have wanted them to be my family, I do not feel them as such.I'm nothing for them and if I die they will certainly not miss me, in fact they will probably clear their conscience with others saying that I was depressed, that I ruined their lives. Their reaction to my suicide attempts shocked me. it can matter less. Thinking about this makes me want to hurt myself so much, to destroy myself totally.I feel worthless and most of my problems are created by this shitty family that I came into the world in.
My parents and my brother know this, they have seen me suffer for years, despair of pain, cry tears of blood, they have even witnessed my suicide attempt, and my self-harming acts but nothing. The only thing they said to me was: "Don't you think about us?Why Do you want to thin our lives?stay still and good, we do not want to have problems. You will bring us shame and we will have to deal with the police etc ... We cannot allow you to kill yourself because then the blame goes to us." This only adds to my anger and hatred towards me. During my bouts of depression they behaved aggressively and impatiently, beating me up, yelling at me bad things "Go to hell", telling me everything bad. I think my family is incapable of loving, they don't know what it means to love, share, hug and show affection, care, sacrifice themselves.They showed all the worst in the moments where i was weak, fragile and needy for help and their love.They are arid people sentimentally, and I feel uncomfortable and profoundly alone with them, I would not have wanted them to be my family, I do not feel them as such.I'm nothing for them and if I die they will certainly not miss me, in fact they will probably clear their conscience with others saying that I was depressed, that I ruined their lives. Their reaction to my suicide attempts shocked me. it can matter less. Thinking about this makes me want to hurt myself so much, to destroy myself totally.I feel worthless and most of my problems are created by this shitty family that I came into the world in.
*why do you want to ruin our lives?
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May 5, 2021
Hell yeah, I've told my parents, especially my dad, several times. Mom and siblings get off easy since they just break down crying when I talk about suicide. I don't talk about it regularly at all and always lie and say that I'm "improving", "stable" or "accepting" if anything comes up. My heart is 95% stone at this point but I believe my family is what keeps me from killing myself (along with not having a private and convenient anchor point for the rope).
I'm sorry to hear that, I know some people like that, it's really hard when you feel like you're trying to be vulnerable with someone and it's like they don't care in the slightest... You're friend sounds like an amazing person, and I hope they're resting peacefully.. (sorry this was meant for the OG, but I'm glad that you're family is giving you that support).. I told my mom one time in the past that I was sucidal and her response was to take me out of school for three months and put me in a psyward with therapy so that I couldn't "hurt myself and others". There, they had this "play room" with styrofoam cubes where they would sedate kids who "misbehaved" or "needed to take a break". We also had top notch counselors and medical staff who took my blood and made me take pills every day. They told me that if I didn't get better I would "Stay there forever." So, as a 14 year-old, and even now 3 years later that sent a clear message of - Don't you ever talk about it again, or we will strip away every last piece of the rights and dignity you have left.
I'm pretty sure I've been feeling this way for a while, but I'd have to be stupid if I were to make that mistake twice...
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I keep my thoughts to myself mostly, as I would rather just deal with it on my own. If I started talking to my family I would always be watched and I might be forced down the medication/therapy route. They do know I suffer because I have been dealing with physical health problems but I try to keep a facade that I'm okay with it, I may appear a bit miserable but thats it.
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May 27, 2020
No. I do not feel safe telling my parents, and especially my mum. She has never really respected my boundaries or privacy on the basic level, so I do not trust her knowing about my suicidal thoughts, and if I call her out for doing this it usually results in her being agitated or turning slightly aggressive. Even if this was not an issue I would not tell many if any at all anyway.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Everyone knows how I am. Been this way to some degree ever since I was a teenager, so, I am pretty sure they see it as "normal" by now. Pretty sure if I DID do it, they would not be surprised. Saddened, very much so. But not at all surprised.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Those stupid bitches are dead
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A pointless life had in a pointless world
Mar 11, 2019
My entire family has contributed to my condition.

It's easier, and preferable to define me as a weirdo or retard than to look at their own behaviour and acknowledge their part into the development of who I am as a person.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
My entire family has contributed to my condition.

It's easier, and preferable to define me as a weirdo or retard than to look at their own behaviour and acknowledge their part into the development of who I am as a person.
I totally feel you!


Nov 4, 2020
Despite all the wrong my dad did to me l still really miss him, my mother l couldn't care less about,and my Traitor of a younger sister deserves nothing less than being impaled on a 50ft long rusty metal pike and left to rot!
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Aug 18, 2020
My dad does not take me serious. He will say noone could have expected it despite the fact I've told him about my suicidality a thousand times. My mom knows I blame her for my illness due to her absuse I often don't talk with her about my suicide. I don't want to scare her but they won't be the reasons why I won't do it. My sister does not understand how you can give away a precious life. She might be the one who could save me financially but I don't want to beg.
My friends truely understand and accept me. I love them. They are the only people I feel guilty to leave.
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Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
May 6, 2021
My mom knows, she cares but doesn't really know what to do. I love my mom but something I've never liked from her is how passive she is, a good listener for sure but her silence can be really bothersome, I don't know how to interpret it; mood becomes depressing and uncomfortable.

My aunt also knows since she's been like a second mother for all my life, doesn't say much either but tells me she loves me and offers some kind words. Other close relatives know cause mom told them with the excuse they should "be aware of it" but a) don't seem to understand it, b) just say some really basic stuff or c) avoid it entirely.

Overall, I prefer to not talk about my issues or be very vague about them, opt to trust them to some close friends cause they understand me better.​

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