Yes UK. It might be because of specifics to my situation but when I first noticed problems it was in 2019 and my GP didn't seem interested in helping me much. At the end of the year a nurse said I was siuffering from PTSD and to get help with it ASPS after surgery I was having. I spoke to mp GP, who sent me to talkworks who said I was suffering from Depression and Anxiety and referred me back to my GP. That was it until I tried to ctb last year. Then that is when I started to get help but even then it was one Therpaist (suicide and self harm) who referred me back to Talkworks who I told I was still struggling and was being mistreated in my new workplace too and I was struggling to handle it, so they passed me back to my GP who then referred me to the community wellbeing team and that is where all these referrals have all stemmed from this year.
So I think I understand what you mean by your GP gatekeeping. Sometimes it seems like someone else needs to push the GP into doing something and other times it doesn't seem to matter. I think with some of the appointments I am having, I'm seeing different people for the same help. But even one person I saw a couple of weeks ago asked about when I had my memory tested (because I told her keeping notes and reminders doesn't help because I still forget the minute I've acknowledged the reminder) and I said I have nbever had one done and she said she assumed from everything I had told her over our appointments, that I was speaking of my poor memory from the perspective of it being an acknowledged health problem. I said No, I'm trying to tell everyone because I seem to be ignored each time. I'm hoping someone will one day get me help that focuses purely on diagnosing what is causing that and she said she had just thought my GP would have dealt with it back in 2020 and she thinks that is how otehr people are treating me - like I have gone through all the 'formal diagnosis'. I reiterated to her again, that I have no 'formal diagnosis' of anything, I have simply been told in conversations by professionals that I have one thing or another and they have told me to get help, I'm trying to get the 'formal diagnosis' and no one is listening to me. I'm "screaming out" and getting so angry and frustrated because I've never had any tests done but I know I should have done by now.
So she has got back to a therpaist at the self harm centre to write to my GP saying to send me for a memory test. But It's down to my GP whether he does or not. I had confirmation they'd sent that letter a few days ago from the therapist over the phone and again she said that she thought I'd had all these things done.
Obviously, I don't know of the differences in our problems but maybe with you it is that they've 'dropped' you because they cannot see you ever being in a better position from them, and maybe with me there is a belief I just need help with getting decent work and the rest could be worked with aswell. I mean they do say they know I am still capable of performing well in work despite what is going on, so do you feel that you are at an absolute 'dead end' with everything yourself, in that you don't feel you could ever work again, or you function so badly you will always need help? If so, maybe it's because they only help people, like myself if they believe it is going to be easy for them. certainly most of the people I am dealing with keep saying they are only supposed to be 'short term' help. So I wonder if you can only go through the cycle once and then they just don't bother with you and you will have to pay for further help, and this is why they have dropped you.
I had to tell my mortgage lender I couldn't pay and so had to go through my finances with them. I don't really spend on things I don't need, so for example, I don't pay for netflix or anything like that. My mobile phone has 2 SIMs that I get free data and minutes each month so I don't have a monthly bill for that. I've only driven 4000 miles in a year so fuel costs are low.
But my expenses were still £1300 before I even thought about holidays and clothing. I think national minimum wage comes out at less than that. So single people on minimum wage just cannot live, which is a far cry from when I was growing up and only one parent needed to work to afford all the outgoings for the whole family.