The ability to form attachments. I don't know what emotional intimacy feels like, though lots of people have said they feel close to me. And without that, I also don't feel a bunch of other social things like jealousy, loss, yearning of any kind, love, loyalty, patriotism, friendship, fondness, or benevolence. I'm not sadistic, I'm just creepily neutral. If I had a baby I'd probably feel as close to him/her as I would to anyone else's.
I used to hope it was just numbness or repression, or maybe autism, but I'm just not wired right. It's always been this way. I think something happened to me when I was really, really young—maybe before I started forming memories.
It probably sounds like a blessing—especially given how many people on here are suffering from not having been loved enough—but it's horrible. I don't know how to describe it. I'd give anything to be different.
My daughters. I have 2 of them, and I do anything for them, so for me the option of suicide is now gone.
I constantly think about death and longing for it. Can't even function now'adays. I'm fading away feeling that I'm a worse parent every day. But I need to be there for them even though all I want is to die. So for me there is only years and years of pain, shame, hate and anxiety waiting until my mind cracks.
I really admire the people on here who are staying alive for their children. You're fighting the good fight (or what have you).