It's unfair as to how everybody here doesn't get to enjoy life as much as society claims they enjoy life. I also believe that not everybody is meant to be happy but I feel bad for those people. Do you think that you would be happier if you were in a relationship which couldn't be ruined?
My childhood was awful but, at the same time, it was far, far better than adulthood. For me, it's better to have never been but I'd also prefer childhood over adulthood
I relate way too much aside from perhaps the physical pain part. I mean, I do get headaches everyday due to the mental pain caused by me being alive but I'm not if that's even significant enough to count as physical pain even though the headaches hurt like hell for me. Also, I'm surprised that I'm still alive too. I'm always perpetually stressed and I find it difficult to cope in this world. I think that I have to die soon by simply not being fit to survive in this world but, then again, I've seen some people here claim that they thought the same about their own lives yet they're shocked at still being alive. Maybe I'd be the same as well but I hope I don't. Either way, I hope you find peace soon
I'm sorry for how people have treated you. There's nothing wrong with being gay. People are just assholes
I understand life being evil but why this world? I thought that life alone was the sole cause of our issues. It's because we exist with consciousness that we have limitless potential to suffer and are forced to be under the whims of chance. This world without any sentient life would be okay, peaceful even. It's because if existence why people here suffer. Whenever I look at the night sky, I start to think about how peaceful space is. There's no suffering in space... no hunger, no thrist, no homelessness, no oppression, no rape, no wars and so on
I definitely have anhedonia and I think I have been for a long time. I don't know what caused it. Do you know how to get rid of anhedonia?
I relate. I'm sorry for your suffering and I hope you find peace soon