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Oct 28, 2019
Thank you for responding.

The video is an example of EPS from taking Meto...Unfortunately...
I have access to both the Meto and the Domperidone...and can try doing the regimen, instead of the stat dose and just HOPE for the best!

I do NOT understand what you could possibly mean by not feeling okay about my direction and tone.
This IS a suicide site...after all.

As far as Impulsive...I've only been planning this for OVER a year now.
So, NO, it is by NO means impulsive.

Anxiety...somewhat yes...however, this is REALLY because my fiance' and I are CTB together...so it CANNOT go wrong!

We have quite a bit of options that will be used together...and a backup of SN...just in case everything else doesn't do the trick.
We were just wanting , hopefully, for 1 more FATAL option to complete the transition.

Does this help answer your question?
Keep in mind that we are fortunate to have @Quarky00 posting here, as he is very knowledgeable.
He is just trying to ensure that everything is being done for the right reasons, etc....
I just have to be his PR department, since he doesn't perhaps word it quite perfectly....... :sunglasses:
(he's a librarian, you'll have to forgive him)

We support you in whatever you wish for.....
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
@enjolras I see you edited your comment. So taking domperidone on a regimen, say 72h+ combined with a 20mg stat an hour beforehand would be adviced as opposed to an oral domperidone stat?

Also, excuse my ignorance, but can you take an oral drug sublingually by just putting it under your tongue? – I suppose not, but worth asking the question.


Oct 28, 2019
Wait, are you saying EPS, diskynesia and aksthisia can be stopped by propranolol?
That appears to be what he's saying, although keep in mind it's not a trivial thing to source (certainly quite do-able, but not trivial), and those symptoms aren't common....


velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
That appears to be what he's saying, although keep in mind it's not a trivial thing to source (certainly quite do-able, but not trivial), and those symptoms aren't common....
I ask because I have propranolol (a shitload of it). But I would need a source for that, since propranolol and dyphenhydramine are two very different things, aren't they?
I will research this tonight. A quick Google result shows he didn't pull it out of his ass, it has indeed been studied and shown to work—at least for TDK.
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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

Scars Beneath the Skin
Jan 5, 2020
This was me. It was confirmed to me, in written form (email), by the main doctor who was in charge of Exit ADMD for many years, as their default procedure

This is visually confirmed here, where it is dispatched "on? the tongue". The assistant then announces that N will take place 10-15 minutes after (the AE takes effect)

Exit ADMD is the organisation that acts for the western french part of Switzerland, at home or at the hospital, for swiss residents only (foreigners are not taken care of, contrary to the other organisations in other parts of CH). There are 2-3 documentaries around their activities where Dr Sobel appears. This is another one

(on this one, 2 "pills"are given ...I don't know if sublingual exists in 5mg, then make the deduction)

The last one, I cannot embed sorry


To note, 15 minutes is shorter than the typical 40-45 minutes prior generally told for oral Meto

This study indicates that Domperidone oral is very not optimal regarding bioavailability and that the sublingual form is superior
That *might* explain the low 10mg dose, and also not long before

Maybe practical for those who fear to not support the final ordeal emotionally...


Oct 28, 2019
Could you clarify which parts are your new posting vs which parts are existing quotes ?
It seems a little jumbled together......
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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

Scars Beneath the Skin
Jan 5, 2020
This was me. It was confirmed to me, in written form (email), by the main doctor who was in charge of Exit ADMD for many years, as their default procedure

This is visually confirmed here, where it is dispatched "on? the tongue". The assistant then announces that N will take place 10-15 minutes after (the AE takes effect)

Exit ADMD is the organisation that acts for the western french part of Switzerland, at home or at the hospital, for swiss residents only (foreigners are not taken care of, contrary to the other organisations in other parts of CH). There are 2-3 documentaries around their activities where Dr Sobel appears. This is another one

(on this one, 2 "pills"are given ...I don't know if sublingual exists in 5mg, then make the deduction)

The last one, I cannot embed sorry


To note, 15 minutes is shorter than the typical 40-45 minutes prior generally told for oral Meto

This study indicates that Domperidone oral is very not optimal regarding bioavailability and that the sublingual form is superior
That *might* explain the low 10mg dose, and also not long before

Maybe practical for those who fear to not support the final ordeal emotionally...

Thank you so much for your very informative response. I really appreciate it!

As for the last statement...about the emotional part....
Yes, it IS or WILL BE...I should say, BECAUSE...

My fiance' and I are CTB together... And it MUST not fail!
We have many methods, many of which are combined of course, but, we want to be ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that no one can RESCUE us.
If we were "rescued"...that would force us to remain in Hell.
Is that you in the video ? I'm confused.

I've overdosed on heroin (accidentally) three times and I literally just stopped breathing. Unfortunately, I got brought back to life each time (Narcan, mouth to mouth). No pain. I just felt really wonderful from a fat shot of H, then next thing I wake up on floor not remembering shit. So they tell me, oh your lips turned blue and you stopped breathing, unresponsive. So I gave you Narcan, mouth to mouth blah blah. Fucking asses . Wish they didn't bring me back..anyways, it's quite painless as I said, felt like I just blacked out. My ex died from heroin OD Christmas Eve so yes it's possible. I'm ready to go join him.

Thank you so much for the response.

First of all, No that is NOT me in the video...thank god!

As for your second part about the OD on H...Could you tell me, by chance how much you took and how it was administered?
The reason I ask is because I have read that H alone, rarely causes fatal OD.
Therefore, our plan, (my fiance' and I are CTB together, btw) goes something like this:
We have access to 8 grams of H (were going to plug or intramuscular)...due to the following:
Added to the H, (MUST take Meto before hand of course), quite a few of different kinds of bottles of Benzos, each, Lots and lots of alcohol.
Then...just in case either of us woke up...have prepared alot of SN.

Do you have any input or advice?
Do you think this will work?
There have been quite few reports of drowsiness and falling asleep by members while testing meto . It did not last (only for first dose) . Tolerance develops . So that PPH guidance is a bit off . People stopped only when they felt 'extremely weird' . Severe drowsiness could help when SN kicks in , that's more probable with stat (otherwise- tolerance) .

* Safe procedure is to try 5mg , and if all is well -- 10mg after 8h ... 5mg is little (to cause serious EPS) and tolerance develops .

Even though this information on Meto is very interesting, it is yet quite disturbing. Due to the following reasons: (can this even be done?)

My method, (SN being the last resort...but made and on the ready), consists of having access to 4 grams of H (plugging or intramuscular), an INSANE amount of different Benzos, and VERY MUCH alcohol. If I were to wake up...then the SN is ready. There are other last resorts...but very messy.
Could you clarify which parts are your new posting vs which parts are existing quotes ?
It seems a little jumbled together......

You're NOT joking!
I will have to sort through them all. It is VERY frustrating!
I will try to get back to you on these.
Ok, and do you know if it affected their ability to carry out the regimen ?

This is the KEY question!

I have noted already on this thread, what my plans are...using , hopefully, 4 grams of H, an INSANE amount of Benzos, and VERY MUCH alcohol.
However, if I wake up, I will have quite a few cups ready of SN.
I HAVE to make sure that whichever anti-emetic is going to help us transition out of here, is what we NEED!
(OH...btw...I say "We" because my fiance' and I are CTB together...and we MUST be able to perform the tasks at hand...so as to NOT be rescued.)
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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

Scars Beneath the Skin
Jan 5, 2020
Could you clarify which parts are your new posting vs which parts are existing quotes ?
It seems a little jumbled together......

Here's what I can figure about the posts.
My god...so confusing!

Anyway...Here goes the links to MY posts:

https://sanctioned-suicide.net/thre...ling-a-druc-overdose-not-sn.36301/post-674027 (this one concerns the thread somewhat)

Hope this helps.
Do not take the info only from the PPH (Peaceful Pill Handbook), as "the Bible".
Do not take STAN"S guide as "gospel" either. (After all, Stan was just a Member, like all of us. His own regimen did not even consist of Meto or Domperidone! He was not a doctor or a chemist or scientist, after all.)

And EVERYTHING it seems on the internet, or even on this site, is Completely up in the air about which is better, and for what reason.

I need someone that knows something about the Domperidone, from personal experience, and not from what you've read, please.

My plan is to OD on many different drugs and therefore, MUST take the right anti-emetic.

To be clear, I am NOT using SN!

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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
Wait, are you saying EPS, diskynesia and aksthisia can be stopped by propranolol?

Yes, can be stopped:

1) Tardive diskynesia

Forty-seven patients were analyzed, mean age 63 years. Neuroleptics were discontinued in all patients and duration of TD at the time propranolol was initiated 17 months. Mean severity of TD, based on a 0-3 scale (0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe) was 2.2. Mean response, based on a 0-3 scale (0 = no response, 1 = mild response, 2 = moderate response, 3 = complete or near-complete response) was 1.4. Propranolol resulted in improvement in 64% and 77% of those had a moderate to complete or near-complete response. Mean daily dose was 69 mg and duration of therapy 14 months. Three patients stopped the propranolol due to adverse effects: hypotension (2), nightmares (1). Severity of TD and duration of propranolol therapy were associated with response.

Low dose propranolol appears to be well tolerated and effective in treating TD. A prospective randomized trial is warranted."

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27622970

2) EPS


3) Neuroleptic-induced akathisia:

"Motor restlessness has been proposed as the possible result of an imbalance between the central dopaminergic and β2-adrenergic systems. The improvement in akathisia from propranolol could thus be due to the β2 blocking property of propranolol.3 A blinded study has shown propranolol to be more efficacious than lorazepam in neuroleptic-induced akathisia.3 Furthermore, the low doses of propranolol used to treat akathisia do not significantly affect blood pressure.3 Presently, there is no definitive treatment of akathisia. Some other alternatives to propranolol in the treatment of akathisia include anticholinergic medications,4 benzodiazepines, or a reduction in the dose of neuroleptics.

Propranolol could be a safe and efficacious treatment for neuroleptic-induced akathisia. However, studies representing larger patient populations and other neuroleptic medications are needed to corroborate these findings."

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1192441/

4) Metoclopramide-induced akathisia:

The side effects, which may be caused by the interaction of metoclopramide with dopamine receptors, can be quite troublesome. They include akathisia, dystonic reactions (age related), sedation, and diarrhea. Benzodiazepines such as lorazepam and β-blockers such as propranolol can prevent or reverse the akathisia, and diphenhydramine or benztropine can prevent or reverse the dystonias.

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/metoclopramide
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Dec 17, 2019
I do NOT understand what you could possibly mean by not feeling okay about my direction and tone.

You asked about EPS before , and posted that video before ...


You were given an answer there about a month ago :

have you done a test with meto to see how you react?

I don't doubt your will or determination to ctb but you are writing "pronto!" , "help!!!" , capital letters , etc . Most of your posts share similar tone and you're very anxious , confused , and worried about the ctb plan , which is not clear to you (you wrote similarly yourself) . I read your story and that's understandable . I'm not criticizing . You seems to be extremely fearful about certain aspects of ctb , and little can calm you down ..
I need someone that knows something about the Domperidone, from personal experience, and not from what you've read, please.
I took domperidone & meto , what do you want to know that HAD NOT BEEN SAID BEFORE ? (Lovely capital letters:)

These are prokintetic AEs which significacnly reduce chances of systematic vomiting reponse with little side effects overall , nothing can be guaranteed as it's individual , tolerance is built and testing should be done prior , check contradindication to existing meds , domperidone IS safer than meto and AS effective , can use stat dosage , bigger instant doses increase EPS risk though it is still extremely low - especially with domperidone , and that video is NOT an example . Even a doctor can't tell you what WILL happen EXACTLY ... Test it ... That's it . There's not much more to it .

Sanctioned Suicide – Domperidone Research :
I've now taken 4 doses of 20mg at 8 hour intervals and haven't noticed side effects
(But that doesn't make it okay for everyone.)

Is it "capable of handling drug overdose" ? Same SN answer applies:

  • Many used SN fatally without AE
  • Many vomited even with AE
Success / vomiting varies, so there is no definitive answer.

You are anxious and looking for certainty (regarding H-Benzo without vomiting) -- that cannot be supplied here . People have taken AE and opioids and vomited .
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Dead are useless if not to love the living more
Feb 13, 2020
@enjolras I see you edited your comment. So taking domperidone on a regimen, say 72h+ combined with a 20mg stat an hour beforehand would be adviced as opposed to an oral domperidone stat?

Never ever meant to say that! My words were passed over the arabic phone (around here, it's an expression that means a conversation was distorded 10 times in a row). I'll get back later
(I edit my posts frequently to improve my english or refine my intent from the first draft. I should lose the habit, sorry)
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Dead are useless if not to love the living more
Feb 13, 2020
There have been quite few reports of drowsiness and falling asleep by members while testing meto . It did not last (only for first dose) . Tolerance develops . So that PPH guidance is a bit off . People stopped only when they felt 'extremely weird' . Severe drowsiness could help when SN kicks in , that's more probable with stat (otherwise- tolerance) .

* Safe procedure is to try 5mg , and if all is well -- 10mg after 8h ... 5mg is little (to cause serious EPS) and tolerance develops .

Found out the guidance originates from the FDA

05C70DD4 773C 4C9D AED3 A5D29BC8C870

A1DCDFD8 BF7A 40DB 8C12 E022DA0AC480

D53F5B7E C85D 4B7D 875C 71388DAD95B1

Ok, and do you know if it affected their ability to carry out the regimen ?

Can't find back the thread. No, it was only at annoyance level
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